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riders of the purple sage-第49部分

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d Bells; since their return; had been locked in this hall; and now they stamped on the stone floor。

Lassiter released Jane and like a dizzy man swayed from her with a hoarse cry and leaned shaking against a table where he kept his rider's accoutrements。 He began to fumble in his saddlebags。 His action brought a clinking; metallic soundthe rattling of gun…cartridges。 His fingers trembled as he slipped cartridges into an extra belt。 But as he buckled it over the one he habitually wore his hands became steady。 This second belt contained two guns; smaller than the black ones swinging low; and he slipped them round so that his coat hid them。 Then he fell to swift action。 Jane Withersteen watched him; fascinated but uncomprehending and she saw him rapidly saddle Black Star and Night。 Then he drew her into the light of the huge windows; standing over her; gripping her arm with fingers like cold steel。

〃Yes; Jane; it's endedbut you're not goin' to Dyer!。。。I'm goin' instead!〃

Looking at himhe was so terrible of aspectshe could not comprehend his words。 Who was this man with the face gray as death; with eyes that would have made her shriek had she the strength; with the strange; ruthlessly bitter lips? Where was the gentle Lassiter? What was this presence in the hall; about him; about herthis cold; invisible presence?

〃Yes; it's ended; Jane;〃 he was saying; so awfully quiet and cool and implacable; 〃an' I'm goin' to make a little call。 I'll lock you in here; an' when I get back have the saddle…bags full of meat an bread。 An' be ready to ride!〃

〃Lassiter!〃 cried Jane。

Desperately she tried to meet his gray eyes; in vain; desperately she tried again; fought herself as feeling and thought resurged in torment; and she succeeded; and then she knew。

〃Nonono!〃 she wailed。 〃You said you'd foregone your vengeance。 You promised not to kill Bishop Dyer。〃

〃If you want to talk to me about himleave off the Bishop。 I don't understand that name; or its use。〃

〃Oh; hadn't you foregone your vengeance onon Dyer? Butyour actionsyour wordsyour gunsyour terrible looks!。。。 They don't seem foregoing vengeance?〃

〃Jane; now it's justice。〃

〃You'llkill him?〃

〃If God lets me live another hour! If not Godthen the devil who drives me!〃

〃You'll kill himfor yourselffor your vengeful hate?〃


〃For Milly Erne's sake?〃


〃For little Fay's?〃


〃Ohfor whose?〃

〃For yours!〃

〃His blood on my soul!〃 whispered Jane; and she fell to her knees。 This was the long…pending hour of fruition。 And the habit of yearsthe religious passion of her lifeleaped from lethargy; and the long months of gradual drifting to doubt were as if they had never been。 〃If you spill his blood it'll be on my souland on my father's。 Listen。〃 And she clasped his knees; and clung there as he tried to raise her。 〃Listen。 Am I nothing to you?'

〃Womandon't trifle at words! I love you! An' I'll soon prove it。〃

〃I'll give myself to youI'll ride away with youmarry you; if only you'll spare him?〃

His answer was a cold; ringing; terrible laugh。

〃LassiterI'll love you。 Spare him!〃

She sprang up in despairing; breaking spirit; and encircled his neck with her arms; and held him in an embrace that he strove vainly to loosen。 〃Lassiter; would you kill me? I'm fighting my last fight for the principles of my youthlove of religion; love of father。 You don't knowyou can't guess the truth; and I can't speak ill。 I'm losing all。 I'm changing。 All I've gone through is nothing to this hour。 Pity me help me in my weakness。 You're strong againoh; so cruelly; coldly strong! You're killing me。 I see youfeel you as some other Lassiter! My master; be mercifulspare him!〃

His answer was a ruthless smile。

She clung the closer to him; and leaned her panting breast on him; and lifted her face to his。 〃Lassiter; I do love you! It's leaped out of my agony。 It comes suddenly with a terrible blow of truth。 You are a man! I never knew it till now。 Some wonderful change came to me when you buckled on these guns and showed that gray; awful face。 I loved you then。 All my life I've loved; but never as now。 No woman can love like a broken woman。 If it were not for one thingjust one thingand yet! I can't speak itI'd glory in your manhoodthe lion in you that means to slay for me。 Believe meand spare Dyer。 Be mercifulgreat as it's in you to be great。。。。Oh; listen and believeI have nothing; but I'm a womana beautiful woman; Lassitera passionate; loving womanand I love you! Take mehide me in some wild placeand love me and mend my broken heart。 Spare him and take me away。〃

She lifted her face closer and closer to his; until their lips nearly touched; and she hung upon his neck; and with strength almost spent pressed and still pressed her palpitating body to his。

〃Kiss me!〃 she whispered; blindly。

〃Nonot at your price!〃 he answered。 His voice had changed or she had lost clearness of hearing。

〃Kiss me!。。。Are you a man? Kiss me and save me!〃

〃Jane; you never played fair with me。 But now you're blisterin' your lipsblackenin' your soul with lies!〃

〃By the memory of my motherby my Bibleno! No; I have no Bible! But by my hope of heaven I swear I love you!〃

Lassiter's gray lips formed soundless words that meant even her love could not avail to bend his will。 As if the hold of her arms was that of a child's he loosened it and stepped away。

〃Wait! Don't go! Oh; hear a last word!。。。May a more just and merciful God than the God I was taught to worship judge meforgive mesave me! For I can no longer keep silent!。。。Lassiter; in pleading for Dyer I've been pleading more for my father。 My father was a Mormon master; close to the leaders of the church。 It was my father who sent Dyer out to proselyte。 It was my father who had the blue…ice eye and the beard of gold。 It was my father you got trace of in the past years。 Truly; Dyer ruined Milly Ernedragged her from her hometo Utahto Cottonwoods。 But it was for my father! If Milly Erne was ever wife of a Mormon that Mormon was my father! I never knewnever will know whether or not she was a wife。 Blind I may be; Lassiterfanatically faithful to a false religion I may have been but I know justice; and my father is beyond human justice。 Surely he is meeting just punishmentsomewhere。 Always it has appalled methe thought of your killing Dyer for my father's sins。 So I have prayed!〃

〃Jane; the past is dead。 In my love for you I forgot the past。 This thing I'm about to do ain't for myself or Milly or Fay。 It s not because of anythin' that ever happened in the past; but for what is happenin' right now。 It's for you!。。。An' listen。 Since I was a boy I've never thanked God for anythin'。 If there is a Godan' I've come to believe itI thank Him now for the years that made me Lassiter!。。。I can reach down en' feel these big guns; en' know what I can do with them。 An'; Jane; only one of the miracles Dyer professes to believe in can save him!〃

Again for Jane Withersteen came the spinning of her brain in darkness; and as she whirled in endless chaos she seemed to be falling at the feet of a luminous figurea manLassiterwho had saved her from herself; who could not be changed; who would slay rightfully。 Then she slipped into utter blackness。

When she recovered from her faint she became aware that she was lying on a couch near the window in her sitting…room。 Her brow felt damp and cold and wet; some one was chafing her hands; she recognized Judkins; and then saw that his lean; hard face wore the hue and look of excessive agitation。

〃Judkins!〃 Her voice broke weakly。

〃Aw; Miss Withersteen; you're comin' round fine。 Now jest lay still a little。 You're all right; everythin's all right。〃

〃Where ishe?〃



〃You needn't worry none about him。〃

〃Where is he? Tell meinstantly。〃

〃War; he's in the other room patchin' up a few triflin' bullet holes。〃

〃Ah!。。。Bishop' Dyer?〃

〃When I seen him lasta matter of half an hour ago; he was on his knees。 He was some busy; but he wasn't prayin'!〃

〃How strangely you talk! I'll sit up。 I'mwell; strong again。 Tell me。 Dyer on his knees! What was he doing?〃

〃War; beggin' your pardon fer blunt talk; Miss Withersteen; Dyer was on his knees an' not prayin'。 You remember his big; broad hands? You've seen 'em raised in blessin' over old gray men an' little curly…headed children likelike Fay Larkin! Come to think of thet; I disremember ever hearin' of his liftin' his big hands in blessin' over a woman。 Wal; when I seen him lastjest a little while agohe was on his knees; not prayin'; as I remarkedan' he was pressin' his big hands over some bigger wounds。〃

〃Man; you drive me mad! Did Lassiter kill Dyer?〃


〃Did he kill Tull?〃

〃No。 Tull's out of the village with most of his riders。 He's expected back before evenin'。 Lassiter will hev to git away before Tull en' his riders come in。 It's sure death fer him here。 An' wuss fer you; too; Miss Withersteen。 There'll be some of an uprisin' when Tull gits back。〃

〃I shall ride away with Lassiter。 Judkins; tell me all you sawall you know about this killing。〃 She realized; without wonder or amaze; how Judkins's one word; affirming the death of Dyerthat the catastrophe had fallenhad completed the change whereby she had been molded or beaten or broken into another woman。 She felt calm; slightly cold; strong as she had not been strong since the first shadow fell upon her。

〃I jest saw about all of it; Miss Withersteen; an' I'll be glad to tell you if you'll only hev patience with me;〃 said Judkins; earnestly。 〃You see; I've been pecooliarly interested; an' nat'rully I'm some excited。 An' I talk a lot thet mebbe ain't necessary; but I can't help thet。

〃I was at the meetin'…house where Dyer was holdin' court。 You know he allus acts as magistrate an' judge when Tull's away。 An' the trial was fer tryin' what's left of my boy ridersthet helped me hold your cattlefer a lot of hatched…up things the boys never did。 We're used to thet; an' the boys wouldn't hev minded bein' locked up fer a while; or hevin' to dig ditches; or whatever the judge laid down。 You see; I divided the gold you give me among all my boys; an' they all hid it; en' they all feel rich。 Howsomever; court was adjourned before the judge passed sentence。 Yes; ma'
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