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within the tides-第12部分

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once to meet the half…caste Luiz hurrying down the path。  In the

distance; in front of the dazzlingly sunlit bungalow; a row of

dark…faced house…boys unequal in stature and varied in complexion

preserved the immobility of a guard of honour。

Luiz had taken off his soft felt hat before coming within earshot。

Renouard bent his head to his rapid talk of domestic arrangements

he meant to make for the visitors; another bed in the master's room

for the ladies and a cot for the gentleman to be hung in the room

opposite where … where Mr。 Walter … here he gave a scared look all

round … Mr。 Walter … had died。

〃Very good;〃 assented Renouard in an even undertone。  〃And remember

what you have to say of him。〃

〃Yes; master。  Only〃 … he wriggled slightly and put one bare foot

on the other for a moment in apologetic embarrassment … 〃only I … I

… don't like to say it。〃

Renouard looked at him without anger; without any sort of

expression。  〃Frightened of the dead?  Eh?  Well … all right。  I

will say it myself … I suppose once for all。 。 。 Immediately he

raised his voice very much。

〃Send the boys down to bring up the luggage。〃

〃Yes; master。〃

Renouard turned to his distinguished guests who; like a personally

conducted party of tourists; had stopped and were looking about


〃I am sorry;〃 he began with an impassive face。  〃My man has just

told me that Mr。 Walter 。 。 。〃 he managed to smile; but didn't

correct himself 。 。 。 〃has gone in a trading schooner on a short

tour of the islands; to the westward。〃

This communication was received in profound silence。

Renouard forgot himself in the thought:  〃It's done!〃  But the

sight of the string of boys marching up to the house with suit…

cases and dressing…bags rescued him from that appalling


〃All I can do is to beg you to make yourselves at home 。 。 。 with

what patience you may。〃

This was so obviously the only thing to do that everybody moved on

at once。  The professor walked alongside Renouard; behind the two


〃Rather unexpected … this absence。〃

〃Not exactly;〃 muttered Renouard。  〃A trip has to be made every

year to engage labour。〃

〃I see 。 。 。 And he 。 。 。 How vexingly elusive the poor fellow has

become!  I'll begin to think that some wicked fairy is favouring

this love tale with unpleasant attentions。〃

Renouard noticed that the party did not seem weighed down by this

new disappointment。  On the contrary they moved with a freer step。

The professor's sister dropped her eye…glass to the end of its

chain。  Miss Moorsom took the lead。  The professor; his lips

unsealed; lingered in the open:  but Renouard did not listen to

that man's talk。  He looked after that man's daughter … if indeed

that creature of irresistible seductions were a daughter of

mortals。  The very intensity of his desire; as if his soul were

streaming after her through his eyes; defeated his object of

keeping hold of her as long as possible with; at least; one of his

senses。  Her moving outlines dissolved into a misty coloured

shimmer of a woman made of flame and shadows; crossing the

threshold of his house。

The days which followed were not exactly such as Renouard had

feared … yet they were not better than his fears。  They were

accursed in all the moods they brought him。  But the general aspect

of things was quiet。  The professor smoked innumerable pipes with

the air of a worker on his holiday; always in movement and looking

at things with that mysteriously sagacious aspect of men who are

admittedly wiser than the rest of the world。  His white head of

hair … whiter than anything within the horizon except the broken

water on the reefs … was glimpsed in every part of the plantation

always on the move under the white parasol。  And once he climbed

the headland and appeared suddenly to those below; a white speck

elevated in the blue; with a diminutive but statuesque effect。

Felicia Moorsom remained near the house。  Sometimes she could be

seen with a despairing expression scribbling rapidly in her lock…up

dairy。  But only for a moment。  At the sound of Renouard's

footsteps she would turn towards him her beautiful face; adorable

in that calm which was like a wilful; like a cruel ignoring of her

tremendous power。  Whenever she sat on the verandah; on a chair

more specially reserved for her use; Renouard would stroll up and

sit on the steps near her; mostly silent; and often not trusting

himself to turn his glance on her。  She; very still with her eyes

half…closed; looked down on his head … so that to a beholder (such

as Professor Moorsom; for instance) she would appear to be turning

over in her mind profound thoughts about that man sitting at her

feet; his shoulders bowed a little; his hands listless … as if

vanquished。  And; indeed; the moral poison of falsehood has such a

decomposing power that Renouard felt his old personality turn to

dead dust。  Often; in the evening; when they sat outside conversing

languidly in the dark; he felt that he must rest his forehead on

her feet and burst into tears。

The professor's sister suffered from some little strain caused by

the unstability of her own feelings toward Renouard。  She could not

tell whether she really did dislike him or not。  At times he

appeared to her most fascinating; and; though he generally ended by

saying something shockingly crude; she could not resist her

inclination to talk with him … at least not always。  One day when

her niece had left them alone on the verandah she leaned forward in

her chair … speckless; resplendent; and; in her way; almost as

striking a personality as her niece; who did not resemble her in

the least。  〃Dear Felicia has inherited her hair and the greatest

part of her appearance from her mother;〃 the maiden lady used to

tell people。

She leaned forward then; confidentially。

〃Oh!  Mr。 Renouard!  Haven't you something comforting to say?〃

He looked up; as surprised as if a voice from heaven had spoken

with this perfect society intonation; and by the puzzled profundity

of his blue eyes fluttered the wax…flower of refined womanhood。

She continued。  〃For … I can speak to you openly on this tiresome

subject … only think what a terrible strain this hope deferred must

be for Felicia's heart … for her nerves。〃

〃Why speak to me about it;〃 he muttered feeling half choked


〃Why!  As a friend … a well…wisher … the kindest of hosts。  I am

afraid we are really eating you out of house and home。〃  She

laughed a little。  〃Ah!  When; when will this suspense be relieved!

That poor lost Arthur!  I confess that I am almost afraid of the

great moment。  It will be like seeing a ghost。〃

〃Have you ever seen a ghost?〃 asked Renouard; in a dull voice。

She shifted her hands a little。  Her pose was perfect in its ease

and middle…aged grace。

〃Not actually。  Only in a photograph。  But we have many friends who

had the experience of apparitions。〃

〃Ah!  They see ghosts in London;〃 mumbled Renouard; not looking at


〃Frequently … in a certain very interesting set。  But all sorts of

people do。  We have a friend; a very famous author … his ghost is a

girl。  One of my brother's intimates is a very great man of

science。  He is friendly with a ghost 。 。 。 Of a girl too;〃 she

added in a voice as if struck for the first time by the

coincidence。  〃It is the photograph of that apparition which I have

seen。  Very sweet。  Most interesting。  A little cloudy naturally。 。

。 。 Mr。 Renouard!  I hope you are not a sceptic。  It's so consoling

to think。 。 。〃

〃Those plantation boys of mine see ghosts too;〃 said Renouard


The sister of the philosopher sat up stiffly。  What crudeness!  It

was always so with this strange young man。

〃Mr。 Renouard!  How can you compare the superstitious fancies of

your horrible savages with the manifestations 。 。 。 〃

Words failed her。  She broke off with a very faint primly angry

smile。  She was perhaps the more offended with him because of that

flutter at the beginning of the conversation。  And in a moment with

perfect tact and dignity she got up from her chair and left him


Renouard didn't even look up。  It was not the displeasure of the

lady which deprived him of his sleep that night。  He was beginning

to forget what simple; honest sleep was like。  His hammock from the

ship had been hung for him on a side verandah; and he spent his

nights in it on his back; his hands folded on his chest; in a sort

of half conscious; oppressed stupor。  In the morning he watched

with unseeing eyes the headland come out a shapeless inkblot

against the thin light of the false dawn; pass through all the

stages of daybreak to the deep purple of its outlined mass nimbed

gloriously with the gold of the rising sun。  He listened to the

vague sounds of waking within the house:  and suddenly he became

aware of Luiz standing by the hammock … obviously troubled。

〃What's the matter?〃

〃Tse!  Tse!  Tse!〃

〃Well; what now?  Trouble with the boys?〃

〃No; master。  The gentleman when I take him his bath water he speak

to me。  He ask me … he ask … when; when; I think Mr。 Walter; he

come back。〃

The half…caste's teeth chattered slightly。  Renouard got out of the


〃And he is here all the time … eh?〃

Luiz nodded a scared affirmative; but at once protested; 〃I no see

him。  I never。  Not I!  The ignorant wild boys say they see 。 。 。

Something!  Ough!〃

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