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within the tides-第25部分

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looking morning。  A wild gloomy sky hung over their heads when they

took leave of each other; and their surroundings of rank bushes and

stony fields were dreary。

〃In four days' time;〃 were Byrne's last words; 〃the ship will stand

in and send a boat on shore if the weather permits。  If not you'll

have to make it out on shore the best you can till we come along to

take you off。〃

〃Right you are; sir;〃 answered Tom; and strode on。  Byrne watched

him step out on a narrow path。  In a thick pea…jacket with a pair

of pistols in his belt; a cutlass by his side; and a stout cudgel

in his hand; he looked a sturdy figure and well able to take care

of himself。  He turned round for a moment to wave his hand; giving

to Byrne one more view of his honest bronzed face with bushy

whiskers。  The lad in goatskin breeches looking; Byrne says; like a

faun or a young satyr leaping ahead; stopped to wait for him; and

then went off at a bound。  Both disappeared。

Byrne turned back。  The hamlet was hidden in a fold of the ground;

and the spot seemed the most lonely corner of the earth and as if

accursed in its uninhabited desolate barrenness。  Before he had

walked many yards; there appeared very suddenly from behind a bush

the muffled up diminutive Spaniard。  Naturally Byrne stopped short。

The other made a mysterious gesture with a tiny hand peeping from

under his cloak。  His hat hung very much at the side of his head。

〃Senor;〃 he said without any preliminaries。  〃Caution!  It is a

positive fact that one…eyed Bernardino; my brother…in…law; has at

this moment a mule in his stable。  And why he who is not clever has

a mule there?  Because he is a rogue; a man without conscience。

Because I had to give up the MACHO to him to secure for myself a

roof to sleep under and a mouthful of OLLA to keep my soul in this

insignificant body of mine。  Yet; senor; it contains a heart many

times bigger than the mean thing which beats in the breast of that

brute connection of mine of which I am ashamed; though I opposed

that marriage with all my power。  Well; the misguided woman

suffered enough。  She had her purgatory on this earth … God rest

her soul。〃

Byrne says he was so astonished by the sudden appearance of that

sprite…like being; and by the sardonic bitterness of the speech;

that he was unable to disentangle the significant fact from what

seemed but a piece of family history fired out at him without rhyme

or reason。  Not at first。  He was confounded and at the same time

he was impressed by the rapid forcible delivery; quite different

from the frothy excited loquacity of an Italian。  So he stared

while the homunculus letting his cloak fall about him; aspired an

immense quantity of snuff out of the hollow of his palm。

〃A mule;〃 exclaimed Byrne seizing at last the real aspect of the

discourse。  〃You say he has got a mule?  That's queer!  Why did he

refuse to let me have it?〃

The diminutive Spaniard muffled himself up again with great


〃QUIEN SABE;〃 he said coldly; with a shrug of his draped shoulders。

〃He is a great POLITICO in everything he does。  But one thing your

worship may be certain of … that his intentions are always

rascally。  This husband of my DEFUNTA sister ought to have been

married a long time ago to the widow with the wooden legs。〃 (1)

〃I see。  But remember that; whatever your motives; your worship

countenanced him in this lie。〃

The bright unhappy eyes on each side of a predatory nose confronted

Byrne without wincing; while with that testiness which lurks so

often at the bottom of Spanish dignity …

〃No doubt the senor officer would not lose an ounce of blood if I

were stuck under the fifth rib;〃 he retorted。  〃But what of this

poor sinner here?〃  Then changing his tone。  〃Senor; by the

necessities of the times I live here in exile; a Castilian and an

old Christian; existing miserably in the midst of these brute

Asturians; and dependent on the worst of them all; who has less

conscience and scruples than a wolf。  And being a man of

intelligence I govern myself accordingly。  Yet I can hardly contain

my scorn。  You have heard the way I spoke。  A caballero of parts

like your worship might have guessed that there was a cat in


〃What cat?〃 said Byrne uneasily。  〃Oh; I see。  Something

suspicious。  No; senor。  I guessed nothing。  My nation are not good

guessers at that sort of thing; and; therefore; I ask you plainly

whether that wine…seller has spoken the truth in other


〃There are certainly no Frenchmen anywhere about;〃 said the little

man with a return to his indifferent manner。

〃Or robbers … LADRONES?〃

〃LADRONES EN GRANDE … no!  Assuredly not;〃 was the answer in a cold

philosophical tone。  〃What is there left for them to do after the

French?  And nobody travels in these times。  But who can say!

Opportunity makes the robber。  Still that mariner of yours has a

fierce aspect; and with the son of a cat rats will have no play。

But there is a saying; too; that where honey is there will soon be


This oracular discourse exasperated Byrne。  〃In the name of God;〃

he cried; 〃tell me plainly if you think my man is reasonably safe

on his journey。〃

The homunculus; undergoing one of his rapid changes; seized the

officer's arm。  The grip of his little hand was astonishing。

〃Senor!  Bernardino had taken notice of him。  What more do you

want?  And listen … men have disappeared on this road … on a

certain portion of this road; when Bernardino kept a MESON; an inn;

and I; his brother…in…law; had coaches and mules for hire。  Now

there are no travellers; no coaches。  The French have ruined me。

Bernardino has retired here for reasons of his own after my sister

died。  They were three to torment the life out of her; he and

Erminia and Lucilla; two aunts of his … all affiliated to the

devil。  And now he has robbed me of my last mule。  You are an armed

man。  Demand the MACHO from him; with a pistol to his head; senor …

it is not his; I tell you … and ride after your man who is so

precious to you。  And then you shall both be safe; for no two

travellers have been ever known to disappear together in those

days。  As to the beast; I; its owner; I confide it to your honour。〃

They were staring hard at each other; and Byrne nearly burst into a

laugh at the ingenuity and transparency of the little man's plot to

regain possession of his mule。  But he had no difficulty to keep a

straight face because he felt deep within himself a strange

inclination to do that very extraordinary thing。  He did not laugh;

but his lip quivered; at which the diminutive Spaniard; detaching

his black glittering eyes from Byrne's face; turned his back on him

brusquely with a gesture and a fling of the cloak which somehow

expressed contempt; bitterness; and discouragement all at once。  He

turned away and stood still; his hat aslant; muffled up to the

ears。  But he was not offended to the point of refusing the silver

DURO which Byrne offered him with a non…committal speech as if

nothing extraordinary had passed between them。

〃I must make haste on board now;〃 said Byrne; then。

〃VAYA USTED CON DIOS;〃 muttered the gnome。  And this interview

ended with a sarcastic low sweep of the hat which was replaced at

the same perilous angle as before。

Directly the boat had been hoisted the ship's sails were filled on

the off…shore tack; and Byrne imparted the whole story to his

captain; who was but a very few years older than himself。  There

was some amused indignation at it … but while they laughed they

looked gravely at each other。  A Spanish dwarf trying to beguile an

officer of his majesty's navy into stealing a mule for him … that

was too funny; too ridiculous; too incredible。  Those were the

exclamations of the captain。  He couldn't get over the

grotesqueness of it。

〃Incredible。  That's just it;〃 murmured Byrne at last in a

significant tone。

They exchanged a long stare。  〃It's as clear as daylight;〃 affirmed

the captain impatiently; because in his heart he was not certain。

And Tom the best seaman in the ship for one; the good…humouredly

deferential friend of his boyhood for the other; was becoming

endowed with a compelling fascination; like a symbolic figure of

loyalty appealing to their feelings and their conscience; so that

they could not detach their thoughts from his safety。  Several

times they went up on deck; only to look at the coast; as if it

could tell them something of his fate。  It stretched away;

lengthening in the distance; mute; naked; and savage; veiled now

and then by the slanting cold shafts of rain。  The westerly swell

rolled its interminable angry lines of foam and big dark clouds

flew over the ship in a sinister procession。

〃I wish to goodness you had done what your little friend in the

yellow hat wanted you to do;〃 said the commander of the sloop late

in the afternoon with visible exasperation。

〃Do you; sir?〃 answered Byrne; bitter with positive anguish。  〃I

wonder what you would have said afterwards?  Why!  I might have

been kicked out of the service for looting a mule from a nation in

alliance with His Majesty。  Or I might have been battered to a pulp

with flails and pitch…forks … a pretty tale to get abroad about one

of your officers … while trying to steal a mule。  Or chased

ignominiously to the boat … for you would not have expected me to

shoot down unoffending people for the sake of a mangy mule。 。 。 And

yet;〃 he added in a low voice; 〃I almost wish myself I had done
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