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within the tides-第3部分

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apology to Willie in the morning。  It was then that he had the

bright idea to invite you to fill the place; from a muddled notion

that you could be of use。  Willie is stupid sometimes。  For it is

clear that you are the last man able to help。〃

〃How on earth do I come to be mixed up in this … whatever it is?〃

Renouard's voice was slightly altered by nervous irritation。  〃I

only arrived here yesterday morning。〃


His friend the Editor turned to him squarely。  〃Willie took me into

consultation; and since he seems to have let you in I may just as

well tell you what is up。  I shall try to be as short as I can。

But in confidence … mind!〃

He waited。  Renouard; his uneasiness growing on him unreasonably;

assented by a nod; and the other lost no time in beginning。

Professor Moorsom … physicist and philosopher … fine head of white

hair; to judge from the photographs … plenty of brains in the head

too … all these famous books … surely even Renouard would know。 。 。

Renouard muttered moodily that it wasn't his sort of reading; and

his friend hastened to assure him earnestly that neither was it his

sort … except as a matter of business and duty; for the literary

page of that newspaper which was his property (and the pride of his

life)。  The only literary newspaper in the Antipodes could not

ignore the fashionable philosopher of the age。  Not that anybody

read Moorsom at the Antipodes; but everybody had heard of him …

women; children; dock labourers; cabmen。  The only person (besides

himself) who had read Moorsom; as far as he knew; was old Dunster;

who used to call himself a Moorsomian (or was it Moorsomite) years

and years ago; long before Moorsom had worked himself up into the

great swell he was now; in every way。 。 。 Socially too。  Quite the

fashion in the highest world。

Renouard listened with profoundly concealed attention。  〃A

charlatan;〃 he muttered languidly。

〃Well … no。  I should say not。  I shouldn't wonder though if most

of his writing had been done with his tongue in his cheek。  Of

course。  That's to be expected。  I tell you what:  the only really

honest writing is to be found in newspapers and nowhere else … and

don't you forget it。〃

The Editor paused with a basilisk stare till Renouard had conceded

a casual:  〃I dare say;〃 and only then went on to explain that old

Dunster; during his European tour; had been made rather a lion of

in London; where he stayed with the Moorsoms … he meant the father

and the girl。  The professor had been a widower for a long time。

〃She doesn't look just a girl;〃 muttered Renouard。  The other

agreed。  Very likely not。  Had been playing the London hostess to

tip…top people ever since she put her hair up; probably。

〃I don't expect to see any girlish bloom on her when I do have the

privilege;〃 he continued。  〃Those people are staying with the

Dunster's INCOG。; in a manner; you understand … something like

royalties。  They don't deceive anybody; but they want to be left to

themselves。  We have even kept them out of the paper … to oblige

old Dunster。  But we shall put your arrival in … our local



〃Yes。  Mr。 G。 Renouard; the explorer; whose indomitable energy;

etc。; and who is now working for the prosperity of our country in

another way on his Malata plantation 。 。 。 And; by the by; how's

the silk plant … flourishing?〃


〃Did you bring any fibre?〃


〃I see。  To be transhipped to Liverpool for experimental

manufacture; eh?  Eminent capitalists at home very much interested;

aren't they?〃

〃They are。〃

A silence fell。  Then the Editor uttered slowly … 〃You will be a

rich man some day。〃

Renouard's face did not betray his opinion of that confident

prophecy。  He didn't say anything till his friend suggested in the

same meditative voice …

〃You ought to interest Moorsom in the affair too … since Willie has

let you in。〃

〃A philosopher!〃

〃I suppose he isn't above making a bit of money。  And he may be

clever at it for all you know。  I have a notion that he's a fairly

practical old cove。 。 。 。 Anyhow;〃 and here the tone of the speaker

took on a tinge of respect; 〃he has made philosophy pay。〃

Renouard raised his eyes; repressed an impulse to jump up; and got

out of the arm…chair slowly。  〃It isn't perhaps a bad idea;〃 he

said。  〃I'll have to call there in any case。〃

He wondered whether he had managed to keep his voice steady; its

tone unconcerned enough; for his emotion was strong though it had

nothing to do with the business aspect of this suggestion。  He

moved in the room in vague preparation for departure; when he heard

a soft laugh。  He spun about quickly with a frown; but the Editor

was not laughing at him。  He was chuckling across the big desk at

the wall:  a preliminary of some speech for which Renouard;

recalled to himself; waited silent and mistrustful。

〃No!  You would never guess!  No one would ever guess what these

people are after。  Willie's eyes bulged out when he came to me with

the tale。〃

〃They always do;〃 remarked Renouard with disgust。  〃He's stupid。〃

〃He was startled。  And so was I after he told me。  It's a search

party。  They are out looking for a man。  Willie's soft heart's

enlisted in the cause。〃

Renouard repeated:  〃Looking for a man。〃

He sat down suddenly as if on purpose to stare。  〃Did Willie come

to you to borrow the lantern;〃 he asked sarcastically; and got up

again for no apparent reason。

〃What lantern?〃 snapped the puzzled Editor; and his face darkened

with suspicion。  〃You; Renouard; are always alluding to things that

aren't clear to me。  If you were in politics; I; as a party

journalist; wouldn't trust you further than I could see you。  Not

an inch further。  You are such a sophisticated beggar。  Listen:

the man is the man Miss Moorsom was engaged to for a year。  He

couldn't have been a nobody; anyhow。  But he doesn't seem to have

been very wise。  Hard luck for the young lady。〃

He spoke with feeling。  It was clear that what he had to tell

appealed to his sentiment。  Yet; as an experienced man of the

world; he marked his amused wonder。  Young man of good family and

connections; going everywhere; yet not merely a man about town; but

with a foot in the two big F's。

Renouard lounging aimlessly in the room turned round:  〃And what

the devil's that?〃 he asked faintly。

〃Why Fashion and Finance;〃 explained the Editor。  〃That's how I

call it。  There are the three R's at the bottom of the social

edifice and the two F's on the top。  See?〃

〃Ha! Ha!  Excellent!  Ha! Ha!〃 Renouard laughed with stony eyes。

〃And you proceed from one set to the other in this democratic age;〃

the Editor went on with unperturbed complacency。  〃That is if you

are clever enough。  The only danger is in being too clever。  And I

think something of the sort happened here。  That swell I am

speaking of got himself into a mess。  Apparently a very ugly mess

of a financial character。  You will understand that Willie did not

go into details with me。  They were not imparted to him with very

great abundance either。  But a bad mess … something of the criminal

order。  Of course he was innocent。  But he had to quit all the


〃Ha! Ha!〃 Renouard laughed again abruptly; staring as before。  〃So

there's one more big F in the tale。〃

〃What do you mean?〃 inquired the Editor quickly; with an air as if

his patent were being infringed。

〃I mean … Fool。〃

〃No。  I wouldn't say that。  I wouldn't say that。〃

〃Well … let him be a scoundrel then。  What the devil do I care。〃

〃But hold on!  You haven't heard the end of the story。〃

Renouard; his hat on his head already; sat down with the disdainful

smile of a man who had discounted the moral of the story。  Still he

sat down and the Editor swung his revolving chair right round。  He

was full of unction。

〃Imprudent; I should say。  In many ways money is as dangerous to

handle as gunpowder。  You can't be too careful either as to who you

are working with。  Anyhow there was a mighty flashy burst up; a

sensation; and … his familiar haunts knew him no more。  But before

he vanished he went to see Miss Moorsom。  That very fact argues for

his innocence … don't it?  What was said between them no man knows

… unless the professor had the confidence from his daughter。  There

couldn't have been much to say。  There was nothing for it but to

let him go … was there? … for the affair had got into the papers。

And perhaps the kindest thing would have been to forget him。

Anyway the easiest。  Forgiveness would have been more difficult; I

fancy; for a young lady of spirit and position drawn into an ugly

affair like that。  Any ordinary young lady; I mean。  Well; the

fellow asked nothing better than to be forgotten; only he didn't

find it easy to do so himself; because he would write home now and

then。  Not to any of his friends though。  He had no near relations。

The professor had been his guardian。  No; the poor devil wrote now

and then to an old retired butler of his late father; somewhere in

the country; forbidding him at the same time to let any one know of

his whereabouts。  So that worthy old ass would go up and dodge

about the Moorsom's town house; perhaps waylay Miss Moorsom 's

maid; and then would write to 'Master Arthur' that the young lady

looked well and happy; or some such cheerful intelligence。  I dare

say he want
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