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within the tides-第33部分

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to get his tiffin here。  But he had。  Most likely had rooked

somebody of a few dollars at cards overnight。  He was a bright

creature of the name of Fector; a spare; short; jumpy fellow with a

red face and muddy eyes。  He described himself as a journalist as

certain kind of women give themselves out as actresses in the dock

of a police…court。

〃He used to introduce himself to strangers as a man with a mission

to track out abuses and fight them whenever found。  He would also

hint that he was a martyr。  And it's a fact that he had been

kicked; horsewhipped; imprisoned; and hounded with ignominy out of

pretty well every place between Ceylon and Shanghai; for a

professional blackmailer。

〃I suppose; in that trade; you've got to have active wits and sharp

ears。  It's not likely that he overheard every word Davidson said

about his dollar collecting trip; but he heard enough to set his

wits at work。

〃He let Davidson go out; and then hastened away down to the native

slums to a sort of lodging…house kept in partnership by the usual

sort of Portuguese and a very disreputable Chinaman。  Macao Hotel;

it was called; but it was mostly a gambling den that one used to

warn fellows against。  Perhaps you remember?

〃There; the evening before; Fector had met a precious couple; a

partnership even more queer than the Portuguese and the Chinaman。

One of the two was Niclaus … you know。  Why! the fellow with a

Tartar moustache and a yellow complexion; like a Mongolian; only

that his eyes were set straight and his face was not so flat。  One

couldn't tell what breed he was。  A nondescript beggar。  From a

certain angle you would think a very bilious white man。  And I

daresay he was。  He owned a Malay prau and called himself The

Nakhoda; as one would say:  The Captain。  Aha!  Now you remember。

He couldn't; apparently; speak any other European language than

English; but he flew the Dutch flag on his prau。

〃The other was the Frenchman without hands。  Yes。  The very same we

used to know in '79 in Sydney; keeping a little tobacco shop at the

lower end of George Street。  You remember the huge carcase hunched

up behind the counter; the big white face and the long black hair

brushed back off a high forehead like a bard's。  He was always

trying to roll cigarettes on his knee with his stumps; telling

endless yarns of Polynesia and whining and cursing in turn about

'MON MALHEUR。'  His hands had been blown away by a dynamite

cartridge while fishing in some lagoon。  This accident; I believe;

had made him more wicked than before; which is saying a good deal。

〃He was always talking about 'resuming his activities' some day;

whatever they were; if he could only get an intelligent companion。

It was evident that the little shop was no field for his

activities; and the sickly woman with her face tied up; who used to

look in sometimes through the back door; was no companion for him。

〃And; true enough; he vanished from Sydney before long; after some

trouble with the Excise fellows about his stock。  Goods stolen out

of a warehouse or something similar。  He left the woman behind; but

he must have secured some sort of companion … he could not have

shifted for himself; but whom he went away with; and where; and

what other companions he might have picked up afterwards; it is

impossible to make the remotest guess about。

〃Why exactly he came this way I can't tell。  Towards the end of my

time here we began to hear talk of a maimed Frenchman who had been

seen here and there。  But no one knew then that he had foregathered

with Niclaus and lived in his prau。  I daresay he put Niclaus up to

a thing or two。  Anyhow; it was a partnership。  Niclaus was

somewhat afraid of the Frenchman on account of his tempers; which

were awful。  He looked then like a devil; but a man without hands;

unable to load or handle a weapon; can at best go for one only with

his teeth。  From that danger Niclaus felt certain he could always

defend himself。

〃The couple were alone together loafing in the common…room of that

infamous hotel when Fector turned up。  After some beating about the

bush; for he was doubtful how far he could trust these two; he

repeated what he had overheard in the tiffin…rooms。

〃His tale did not have much success till he came to mention the

creek and Bamtz's name。  Niclaus; sailing about like a native in a

prau; was; in his own words; 'familiar with the locality。'  The

huge Frenchman; walking up and down the room with his stumps in the

pockets of his jacket; stopped short in surprise。  'COMMENT?


〃He had run across him several times in his life。  He exclaimed:

'BAMTZ!  MAIS JE NE CONNAIS QUE CA!'  And he applied such a

contemptuously indecent epithet to Bamtz that when; later; he

alluded to him as 'UNE CHIFFE' (a mere rag) it sounded quite

complimentary。  'We can do with him what we like;' he asserted

confidently。  'Oh; yes。  Certainly we must hasten to pay a visit to

that … ' (another awful descriptive epithet quite unfit for

repetition)。  'Devil take me if we don't pull off a coup that will

set us all up for a long time。'

〃He saw all that lot of dollars melted into bars and disposed of

somewhere on the China coast。  Of the escape after the COUP he

never doubted。  There was Niclaus's prau to manage that in。

〃In his enthusiasm he pulled his stumps out of his pockets and

waved them about。  Then; catching sight of them; as it were; he

held them in front of his eyes; cursing and blaspheming and

bewailing his misfortune and his helplessness; till Niclaus quieted

him down。

〃But it was his mind that planned out the affair and it was his

spirit which carried the other two on。  Neither of them was of the

bold buccaneer type; and Fector; especially; had never in his

adventurous life used other weapons than slander and lies。

〃That very evening they departed on a visit to Bamtz in Niclaus's

prau; which had been lying; emptied of her cargo of cocoanuts; for

a day or two under the canal bridge。  They must have crossed the

bows of the anchored Sissie; and no doubt looked at her with

interest as the scene of their future exploit; the great haul; LE


〃Davidson's wife; to his great surprise; sulked with him for

several days before he left。  I don't know whether it occurred to

him that; for all her angelic profile; she was a very stupidly

obstinate girl。  She didn't like the tropics。  He had brought her

out there; where she had no friends; and now; she said; he was

becoming inconsiderate。  She had a presentiment of some misfortune;

and notwithstanding Davidson's painstaking explanations; she could

not see why her presentiments were to be disregarded。  On the very

last evening before Davidson went away she asked him in a

suspicious manner:

〃'Why is it that you are so anxious to go this time?'

〃'I am not anxious;' protested the good Davidson。  'I simply can't

help myself。  There's no one else to go in my place。'

〃'Oh!  There's no one;' she said; turning away slowly。

〃She was so distant with him that evening that Davidson from a

sense of delicacy made up his mind to say good…bye to her at once

and go and sleep on board。  He felt very miserable and; strangely

enough; more on his own account than on account of his wife。  She

seemed to him much more offended than grieved。

〃Three weeks later; having collected a good many cases of old

dollars (they were stowed aft in the lazarette with an iron bar and

a padlock securing the hatch under his cabin…table); yes; with a

bigger lot than he had expected to collect; he found himself

homeward bound and off the entrance of the creek where Bamtz lived

and even; in a sense; flourished。

〃It was so late in the day that Davidson actually hesitated whether

he should not pass by this time。  He had no regard for Bamtz; who

was a degraded but not a really unhappy man。  His pity for Laughing

Anne was no more than her case deserved。  But his goodness was of a

particularly delicate sort。  He realised how these people were

dependent on him; and how they would feel their dependence (if he

failed to turn up) through a long month of anxious waiting。

Prompted by his sensitive humanity; Davidson; in the gathering

dusk; turned the Sissie's head towards the hardly discernible

coast; and navigated her safety through a maze of shallow patches。

But by the time he got to the mouth of the creek the night had


〃The narrow waterway lay like a black cutting through the forest。

And as there were always grounded snaggs in the channel which it

would be impossible to make out; Davidson very prudently turned the

Sissie round; and with only enough steam on the boilers to give her

a touch ahead if necessary; let her drift up stern first with the

tide; silent and invisible in the impenetrable darkness and in the

dumb stillness。

〃It was a long job; and when at the end of two hours Davidson

thought he must be up to the clearing; the settlement slept

already; the whole land of forests and rivers was asleep。

〃Davidson; seeing a solitary light in the massed darkness of the

shore; knew that it was burning in Bamtz's house。  This was

unexpected at this time of the night; but convenient as a guide。

By a turn of the screw and a touch of the helm he sheered the

Sissie alongside Bamtz's wharf … a miserable structure of a dozen

piles and a few planks; of which the ex…vagabond was very proud。  A

couple of Kalashes jumped down on it; took a turn with the ropes

thrown to them round the posts; and the Sissie
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