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within the tides-第37部分

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he had been laughing at her unreasonable fears only a short time


〃'I thought that if I told her everything;' Davidson explained to

me; 'she would never have a moment's peace while I was away on my


〃He simply stated that the boy was an orphan; the child of some

people to whom he; Davidson; was under the greatest obligation; and

that he felt morally bound to look after him。  Some day he would

tell her more; he said; and meantime he trusted in the goodness and

warmth of her heart; in her woman's natural compassion。

〃He did not know that her heart was about the size of a parched

pea; and had the proportional amount of warmth; and that her

faculty of compassion was mainly directed to herself。  He was only

startled and disappointed at the air of cold surprise and the

suspicious look with which she received his imperfect tale。  But

she did not say much。  She never had much to say。  She was a fool

of the silent; hopeless kind。

〃What story Davidson's crew thought fit to set afloat in Malay town

is neither here nor there。  Davidson himself took some of his

friends into his confidence; besides giving the full story

officially to the Harbour Master。

〃The Harbour Master was considerably astonished。  He didn't think;

however; that a formal complaint should be made to the Dutch

Government。  They would probably do nothing in the end; after a lot

of trouble and correspondence。  The robbery had not come off; after

all。  Those vagabonds could be trusted to go to the devil in their

own way。  No amount of fuss would bring the poor woman to life

again; and the actual murderer had been done justice to by a chance

shot from Davidson。  Better let the matter drop。

〃This was good common sense。  But he was impressed。

〃'Sounds a terrible affair; Captain Davidson。'

〃'Aye; terrible enough;' agreed the remorseful Davidson。  But the

most terrible thing for him; though he didn't know it yet then; was

that his wife's silly brain was slowly coming to the conclusion

that Tony was Davidson's child; and that he had invented that lame

story to introduce him into her pure home in defiance of decency;

of virtue … of her most sacred feelings。

〃Davidson was aware of some constraint in his domestic relations。

But at the best of times she was not demonstrative; and perhaps

that very coldness was part of her charm in the placid Davidson's

eyes。  Women are loved for all sorts of reasons and even for

characteristics which one would think repellent。  She was watching

him and nursing her suspicions。

〃Then; one day; Monkey…faced Ritchie called on that sweet; shy Mrs。

Davidson。  She had come out under his care; and he considered

himself a privileged person … her oldest friend in the tropics。  He

posed for a great admirer of hers。  He was always a great

chatterer。  He had got hold of the story rather vaguely; and he

started chattering on that subject; thinking she knew all about it。

And in due course he let out something about Laughing Anne。

〃'Laughing Anne;' says Mrs。 Davidson with a start。  'What's that?'

Ritchie plunged into circumlocution at once; but she very soon

stopped him。  'Is that creature dead?' she asks。

〃'I believe so;' stammered Ritchie。  'Your husband says so。'

〃'But you don't know for certain?'

〃'No!  How could I; Mrs。 Davidson!'

〃'That's all wanted to know;' says she; and goes out of the room。

〃When Davidson came home she was ready to go for him; not with

common voluble indignation; but as if trickling a stream of cold

clear water down his back。  She talked of his base intrigue with a

vile woman; of being made a fool of; of the insult to her dignity。

〃Davidson begged her to listen to him and told her all the story;

thinking that it would move a heart of stone。  He tried to make her

understand his remorse。  She heard him to the end; said 'Indeed!'

and turned her back on him。

〃'Don't you believe me?' he asked; appalled。

〃She didn't say yes or no。  All she said was; 'Send that brat away

at once。'

〃'I can't throw him out into the street;' cried Davidson。  'You

don't mean it。'

〃'I don't care。  There are charitable institutions for such

children; I suppose。'

〃'That I will never do;' said Davidson。

〃'Very well。  That's enough for me。'

〃Davidson's home after this was like a silent; frozen hell for him。

A stupid woman with a sense of grievance is worse than an unchained

devil。  He sent the boy to the White Fathers in Malacca。  This was

not a very expensive sort of education; but she could not forgive

him for not casting the offensive child away utterly。  She worked

up her sense of her wifely wrongs and of her injured purity to such

a pitch that one day; when poor Davidson was pleading with her to

be reasonable and not to make an impossible existence for them

both; she turned on him in a chill passion and told him that his

very sight was odious to her。

〃Davidson; with his scrupulous delicacy of feeling; was not the man

to assert his rights over a woman who could not bear the sight of

him。  He bowed his head; and shortly afterwards arranged for her to

go back to her parents。  That was exactly what she wanted in her

outraged dignity。  And then she had always disliked the tropics and

had detested secretly the people she had to live amongst as

Davidson's wife。  She took her pure; sensitive; mean little soul

away to Fremantle or somewhere in that direction。  And of course

the little girl went away with her too。  What could poor Davidson

have done with a little girl on his hands; even if she had

consented to leave her with him … which is unthinkable。

〃This is the story that has spoiled Davidson's smile for him …

which perhaps it wouldn't have done so thoroughly had he been less

of a good fellow。〃

Hollis ceased。  But before we rose from the table I asked him if he

knew what had become of Laughing Anne's boy。

He counted carefully the change handed him by the Chinaman waiter;

and raised his head。

〃Oh! that's the finishing touch。  He was a bright; taking little

chap; as you know; and the Fathers took very special pains in his

bringing up。  Davidson expected in his heart to have some comfort

out of him。  In his placid way he's a man who needs affection。

Well; Tony has grown into a fine youth … but there you are!  He

wants to be a priest; his one dream is to be a missionary。  The

Fathers assure Davidson that it is a serious vocation。  They tell

him he has a special disposition for mission work; too。  So

Laughing Anne's boy will lead a saintly life in China somewhere; he

may even become a martyr; but poor Davidson is left out in the

cold。  He will have to go downhill without a single human affection

near him because of these old dollars。〃

Jan。 1914


(1)  The gallows; supposed to be widowed of the last executed

criminal and waiting for another。

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