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queen victoria-第22部分

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; during their engagement; the Queen had remarked with pride to Lord Melbourne that the Prince paid no attention to any other woman; the cynic had answered; 〃No; that sort of thing is apt to come later;〃 upon which she had scolded him severely; and then hurried off to Stockmar to repeat what Lord M。 had said。 But the Baron had reassured her; though in other cases; he had replied; that might happen; he did not think it would in Albert's。 And the Baron was right。 Throughout their married life no rival female charms ever had cause to give Victoria one moment's pang of jealosy

What more and more absorbed himbringing with it a curious comfort of its ownwas his work。 With the advent of Peel; he began to intervene actively in the affairs of the State。 In more ways than onein the cast of their intelligence; in their moral earnestness; even in the uneasy formalism of their mannersthe two men resembled each other; there was a sympathy between them; and thus Peel was ready enough to listen to the advice of Stockmar; and to urge the Prince forward into public life。 A royal commission was about to be formed to enquire whether advantage might not be taken of the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament to encourage the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom; and Peel; with great perspicacity; asked the Prince to preside over it。 The work was of a kind which precisely suited Albert: his love of art; his love of method; his love of coming into contactclose yet dignifiedwith distinguished menit satisfied them all; and he threw himself into it con amore。 Some of the members of the commission were somewhat alarmed when; in his opening speech; he pointed out the necessity of dividing the subjects to be considered into 〃categories…〃 the word; they thought; smacked dangerously of German metaphysics; but their confidence returned when they observed His Royal Highness's extraordinary technical acquaintance with the processes of fresco painting。 When the question arose as to whether the decorations upon the walls of the new buildings should; or should not; have a moral purpose; the Prince spoke strongly for the affirmative。 Although many; he observed; would give but a passing glance to the works; the painter was not therefore to forget that others might view them with more thoughtful eyes。 This argument convinced the commission; and it was decided that the subjects to be depicted should be of an improving nature。 The frescoes were carried out in accordance with the commission's instructions; but unfortunately before very long they had become; even to the most thoughtful eyes; totally invisible。 It seems that His Royal Highness's technical acquaintance with the processes of fresco painting was incomplete!

The next task upon which the Prince embarked was a more arduous one: he determined to reform the organisation of the royal household。 This reform had been long overdue。 For years past the confusion; discomfort; and extravagance in the royal residences; and in Buckingham Palace particularly; had been scandalous; no reform had been practicable under the rule of the Baroness; but her functions had now devolved upon the Prince; and in 1844; he boldly attacked the problem。 Three years earlier; Stockmar; after careful enquiry; had revealed in an elaborate memorandum an extraordinary state of affairs。 The control of the household; it appeared; was divided in the strangest manner between a number of authorities; each independent of the other; each possessed of vague and fluctuating powers; without responsibility; and without co…ordination。 Of these authorities; the most prominent were the Lord Steward and the Lord Chamberlainnoblemen of high rank and political importance; who changed office with every administration; who did not reside with the Court; and had no effective representatives attached to it。 The distribution of their respective functions was uncertain and peculiar。 In Buckingham Palace; it was believed that the Lord Chamberlain had charge of the whole of the rooms; with the exception of the kitchen; sculleries; and pantries; which were claimed by the Lord Steward。 At the same time; the outside of the Palace was under the control of neither of these functionariesbut of the Office of Woods and Forests; and thus; while the insides of the windows were cleaned by the Department of the Lord Chamberlainor possibly; in certain cases; of the Lord Stewardthe Office of Woods and Forests cleaned their outsides。 Of the servants; the housekeepers; the pages; and the housemaids were under the authority of the Lord Chamberlain; the clerk of the kitchen; the cooks; and the porters were under that of the Lord Steward; but the footmen; the livery…porters; and the under…butlers took their orders from yet another officialthe Master of the Horse。 Naturally; in these circumstances the service was extremely defective and the lack of discipline among the servants disgraceful。 They absented themselves for as long as they pleased and whenever the fancy took them; 〃and if;〃 as the Baron put it; 〃smoking; drinking; and other irregularities occur in the dormitories; where footmen; etc。; sleep ten and twelve in each room; no one can help it。〃 As for Her Majesty's guests; there was nobody to show them to their rooms; and they were often left; having utterly lost their way in the complicated passages; to wander helpless by the hour。 The strange divisions of authority extended not only to persons but to things。 The Queen observed that there was never a fire in the dining…room。 She enquired why。 The answer was 〃the Lord Steward lays the fire; and the Lord Chamberlain lights it;〃 the underlings of those two great noblemen having failed to come to an accommodation; there was no help for itthe Queen must eat in the cold。

A surprising incident opened everyone's eyes to the confusion and negligence that reigned in the Palace。 A fortnight after the birth of the Princess Royal the nurse heard a suspicious noise in the room next to the Queen's bedroom。 She called to one of the pages; who; looking under a large sofa; perceived there a crouching figure 〃with a most repulsive appearance。〃 It was 〃the boy Jones。〃 This enigmatical personage; whose escapades dominated the newspapers for several ensuing months; and whose motives and character remained to the end ambiguous; was an undersized lad of 17; the son of a tailor; who had apparently gained admittance to the Palace by climbing over the garden wall and walking in through an open window。 Two years before he had paid a similar visit in the guise of a chimney…sweep。 He now declared that he had spent three days in the Palace; hiding under various beds; that he had 〃helped himself to soup and other eatables;〃 and that he had 〃sat upon the throne; seen the Queen; and heard the Princess Royal squall。〃 Every detail of the strange affair was eagerly canvassed。 The Times reported that the boy Jones had 〃from his infancy been fond of reading;〃 but that 〃his countenance is exceedingly sullen。〃 It added: 〃The sofa under which the boy Jones was discovered; we understand; is one of the most costly and magnificent material and workmanship; and ordered expressly for the accommodation of the royal and illustrious visitors who call to pay their respects to Her Majesty。〃 The culprit was sent for three months to the 〃House of Correction。〃 When he emerged; he immediately returned to Buckingham Palace。 He was discovered; and sent back to the 〃House of Correction〃 for another three months; after which he was offered L4 a week by a music hall to appear upon the stage。 He refused this offer; and shortly afterwards was found by the police loitering round Buckingham Palace。 The authorities acted vigorously; and; without any trial or process of law; shipped the boy Jones off to sea。 A year later his ship put into Portsmouth to refit; and he at once disembarked and walked to London。 He was re…arrested before he reached the Palace; and sent back to his ship; the Warspite。 On this occasion it was noticed that he had 〃much improved in personal appearance and grown quite corpulent;〃 and so the boy Jones passed out of history; though we catch one last glimpse of him in 1844 falling overboard in the night between Tunis and Algiers。 He was fished up again; but it was conjecturedas one of the Warspite's officers explained in a letter to The Timesthat his fall had not been accidental; but that he had deliberately jumped into the Mediterranean in order to 〃see the life…buoy light burning。〃 Of a boy with such a record; what else could be supposed?

But discomfort and alarm were not the only results of the mismanagement of the household; the waste; extravagance; and peculation that also flowed from it were immeasurable。 There were preposterous perquisites and malpractices of every kind。 It was; for instance; an ancient and immutable rule that a candle that had once been lighted should never be lighted again; what happened to the old candles; nobody knew。 Again; the Prince; examining the accounts; was puzzled by a weekly expenditure of thirty…five shillings on 〃Red Room Wine。〃 He enquired into the matter; and after great difficulty discovered that in the time of George III a room in Windsor Castle with red hangings had once been used as a guard…room; and that five shillings a day had been allowed to provide wine for the officers。 The guard had long since been moved elsewhere; but the payment for wine in the Red Room continued; the money being received by a half…pay officer who held the sinecure position of under…butler。

After much laborious investigation; and a stiff struggle with the multitude of vested interests which had been brought into being by long years of neglect; the Prince succeeded in effecting a complete reform。 The various conflicting authorities were induced to resign their powers into the hands of a single official; the Master of the Household; who became responsible for the entire management of the royal palaces。 Great economies were made; and the whole crowd of venerable abuses was swept away。 Among others; the unlucky half…pay officer of the Red Room was; much to his surprise; given the choice of relinquishing his weekly emolument or of performing the duties of an under…butler。 Even the irregularities among the footmen; etc。; were greatly diminished。 There were outcries and 
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