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queen victoria-第23部分

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。 Even the irregularities among the footmen; etc。; were greatly diminished。 There were outcries and complaints; the Prince was accused of meddling; of injustice; and of saving candle…ends; but he held on his course; and before long the admirable administration of the royal household was recognised as a convincing proof of his perseverance and capacity。

At the same time his activity was increasing enormously in a more important sphere。 He had become the Queen's Private Secretary; her confidential adviser; her second self。 He was now always present at her interviews with Ministers。 He took; like the Queen; a special interest in foreign policy; but there was no public question in which his influence was not felt。 A double process was at work; while Victoria fell more and more absolutely under his intellectual predominance; he; simultaneously; grew more and more completely absorbed by the machinery of high politicsthe incessant and multifarious business of a great State。 Nobody any more could call him a dilettante; he was a worker; a public personage; a man of affairs。 Stockmar noted the change with exultation。 〃The Prince;〃 he wrote; 〃has improved very much lately。 He has evidently a head for politics。 He has become; too; far more independent。 His mental activity is constantly on the increase; and he gives the greater part of his time to business; without complaining。〃

〃The relations between husband and wife;〃 added the Baron; 〃are all one could desire。〃

Long before Peel's ministry came to an end; there had been a complete change in Victoria's attitude towards him。 His appreciation of the Prince had softened her heart; the sincerity and warmth of his nature; which; in private intercourse with those whom he wished to please; had the power of gradually dissipating the awkwardness of his manners; did the rest。 She came in time to regard him with intense feelings of respect and attachment。 She spoke of 〃our worthy Peel;〃 for whom; she said; she had 〃an EXTREME admiration〃 and who had shown himself 〃a man of unbounded LOYALTY; COURAGE patriotism; and HIGH…MINDEDNESS; and his conduct towards me has been CHIVALROUS almost; I might say。〃 She dreaded his removal from office almost as frantically as she had once dreaded that of Lord M。 It would be; she declared; a GREAT CALAMITY。 Six years before; what would she have said; if a prophet had told her that the day would come when she would be horrified by the triumph of the Whigs? Yet there was no escaping it; she had to face the return of her old friends。 In the ministerial crises of 1845 and 1846; the Prince played a dominating part。 Everybody recognised that he was the real centre of the negotiationsthe actual controller of the forces and the functions of the Crown。 The process by which this result was reached had been so gradual as to be almost imperceptible; but it may be said with certainty that; by the close of Peel's administration; Albert had become; in effect; the King of England。


With the final emergence of the Prince came the final extinction of Lord Melbourne。 A year after his loss of office; he had been struck down by a paralytic seizure; he had apparently recovered; but his old elasticity had gone for ever。 Moody; restless; and unhappy; he wandered like a ghost about the town; bursting into soliloquies in public places; or asking odd questions; suddenly; a propos de bottes。 〃I'll be hanged if I do it for you; my Lord;〃 he was heard to say in the hall at Brooks's; standing by himself; and addressing the air after much thought。 〃Don't you consider;〃 he abruptly asked a fellow…guest at Lady Holland's; leaning across the dinner…table in a pause of the conversation; 〃that it was a most damnable act of Henri Quatre to change his religion with a view to securing the Crown?〃 He sat at home; brooding for hours in miserable solitude。 He turned over his bookshis classics and his Testamentsbut they brought him no comfort at all。 He longed for the return of the past; for the impossible; for he knew not what; for the devilries of Caro; for the happy platitudes of Windsor。 His friends had left him; and no wonder; he said in bitternessthe fire was out。 He secretly hoped for a return to power; scanning the newspapers with solicitude; and occasionally making a speech in the House of Lords。 His correspondence with the Queen continued; and he appeared from time to time at Court; but he was a mere simulacrum of his former self; 〃the dream;〃 wrote Victoria; 〃is past。〃 As for his political views; they could no longer be tolerated。 The Prince was an ardent Free Trader; and so; of course; was the Queen; and when; dining at Windsor at the time of the repeal of the Corn Laws; Lord Melbourne suddenly exclaimed; 〃Ma'am; it's a damned dishonest act!〃 everyone was extremely embarrassed。 Her Majesty laughed and tried to change the conversation; but without avail; Lord Melbourne returned to the charge again and again with〃I say; Ma'am; it's damned dishonest!〃until the Queen said 〃Lord Melbourne; I must beg you not to say anything more on this subject now;〃 and then he held his tongue。 She was kind to him; writing him long letters; and always remembering his birthday; but it was kindness at a distance; and he knew it。 He had become 〃poor Lord Melbourne。〃 A profound disquietude devoured him。 He tried to fix his mind on the condition of Agriculture and the Oxford Movement。 He wrote long memoranda in utterly undecipherable handwriting。 He was convinced that he had lost all his money; and could not possibly afford to be a Knight of the Garter。 He had run through everything; and yetif Peel went out; he might be sent forwhy not? He was never sent for。 The Whigs ignored him in their consultations; and the leadership of the party passed to Lord John Russell。 When Lord John became Prime Minister; there was much politeness; but Lord Melbourne was not asked to join the Cabinet。 He bore the blow with perfect amenity; but he understood; at last; that that was the end。

For two years more he lingered; sinking slowly into unconsciousness and imbecility。 Sometimes; propped up in his chair; he would be heard to murmur; with unexpected appositeness; the words of Samson:

   〃So much I feel my general spirit droop;     My hopes all flat; nature within me seems;     In all her functions weary of herself;     My race of glory run; and race of shame;     And I shall shortly be with them that rest。〃

A few days before his death; Victoria; learning that there was no hope of his recovery; turned her mind for a little towards that which had once been Lord M。 〃You will grieve to hear;〃 she told King Leopold; 〃that our good; dear; old friend Melbourne is dying。。。 One cannot forget how good and kind and amiable he was; and it brings back so many recollections to my mind; though; God knows! I never wish that time back again。〃

She was in little danger。 The tide of circumstance was flowing now with irresistible fullness towards a very different consummation。 The seriousness of Albert; the claims of her children; her own inmost inclinations; and the movement of the whole surrounding world; combined to urge her forward along the narrow way of public and domestic duty。 Her family steadily increased。 Within eighteen months of the birth of the Prince of Wales the Princess Alice appeared; and a year later the Prince Alfred; and then the Princess Helena; and; two years afterwards; the Princess Louise; and still there were signs that the pretty row of royal infants was not complete。 The parents; more and more involved in family cares and family happiness; found the pomp of Windsor galling; and longed for some more intimate and remote retreat。 On the advice of Peel they purchased the estate of Osborne; in the Isle of Wight。 Their skill and economy in financial matters had enabled them to lay aside a substantial sum of money; and they could afford; out of their savings; not merely to buy the property but to build a new house for themselves and to furnish it at a cost of L200;000。 At Osborne; by the sea…shore; and among the woods; which Albert; with memories of Rosenau in his mind; had so carefully planted; the royal family spent every hour that could be snatched from Windsor and Londondelightful hours of deep retirement and peaceful work。 The public looked on with approval。 A few aristocrats might sniff or titter; but with the nation at large the Queen was now once more extremely popular。 The middle…classes; in particular; were pleased。 They liked a love…match; they liked a household which combined the advantages of royalty and virtue; and in which they seemed to see; reflected as in some resplendent looking…glass; the ideal image of the very lives they led themselves。 Their own existences; less exalted; but oh! so soothingly similar; acquired an added excellence; an added succulence; from the early hours; the regularity; the plain tuckers; the round games; the roast beef and Yorkshire pudding oft Osborne。 It was indeed a model Court。 Not only were its central personages the patterns of propriety; but no breath of scandal; no shadow of indecorum; might approach its utmost boundaries。 For Victoria; with all the zeal of a convert; upheld now the standard of moral purity with an inflexibility surpassing; if that were possible; Albert's own。 She blushed to think how she had once believedhow she had once actually told HIMthat one might be too strict and particular in such matters; and that one ought to be indulgent towards other people's dreadful sins。 But she was no longer Lord M's pupil: she was Albert's wife。 She was morethe embodiment; the living apex of a new era in the generations of mankind。 The last vestige of the eighteenth century had disappeared; cynicism and subtlety were shrivelled into powder; and duty; industry; morality; and domesticity triumphed over them。 Even the very chairs and tables had assumed; with a singular responsiveness; the forms of prim solidity。 The Victorian Age was in full swing。


Only one thing more was needed: material expression must be given to the new ideals and the new forces so that they might stand revealed; in visible glory; before the eyes of an astonished world。 It was for Albert to supply this want。 He mused; and was inspired: the Great Exhibition came into his head。

Without consulting 
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