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of his being believe that he; or she; alone was petitioned。 Desire;

who played a part in Nemours far beyond that of a prince royal in his

father's capital; chose to gratify his fancies in Paris just as he had

gratified them in his native town; he had therefore spent a yearly sum

of not less than twelve thousand francs during the time of his legal

studies。 But for that money he had certainly acquired ideas that would

never had come to him in Nemours; he had stripped off the provincial

skin; learned the power of money and seen in the magistracy a means of

advancement which he fancied。 During the last year he had spent an

extra sum of ten thousand francs in the company of artists;

journalists; and their mistresses。 A confidential and rather

disquieting letter from his son; asking for his consent to a marriage;

explains the watch which the post master was now keeping on the

bridge; for Madame Minoret…Levrault; busy in preparing a sumptuous

breakfast to celebrate the triumphal return of the licentiate; had

sent her husband to the mail road; advising him to take a horse and

ride out if he saw nothing of the diligence。 The coach which was

conveying the precious son usually arrived at five in the morning and

it was now nine! What could be the meaning of such delay? Was the

coach overturned? Could Desire be dead? Or was it nothing worse than a

broken leg?

Three distinct volleys of cracking whips rent the air like a discharge

of musketry; the red waistcoats of the postilions dawned in sight; ten

horses neighed。 The master pulled off his cap and waved it; he was

seen。 The best mounted postilion; who was returning with two gray

carriage…horses; set spurs to his beast and came on in advance of the

five diligence horses and the three other carriage…horses; and soon

reached his master。

〃Have you seen the 'Ducler'?〃

On the great mail routes names; often fantastic; are given to the

different coaches; such; for instance; as the 〃Caillard;〃 the 〃Ducler〃

(the coach between Nemours and Paris); the 〃Grand Bureau。〃 Every new

enterprise is called the 〃Competition。〃 In the days of the Lecompte

company their coaches were called the 〃Countess。〃〃'Caillard' could

not overtake the 'Countess'; but 'Grand Bureau' caught up with her

finely;〃 you will hear the men say。 If you see a postilion pressing

his horses and refusing a glass of wine; question the conductor and he

will tell you; snuffing the air while his eye gazes far into space;

〃The 'Competition' is ahead。〃〃We can't get in sight of her;〃 cries

the postilion; 〃the vixen! she wouldn't stop to let her passengers

dine。〃〃The question is; has she got any?〃 responds the conductor。

〃Give it to Polignac!〃 All lazy and bad horses are called Polignac。

Such are the jokes and the basis of conversation between postilions

and conductors on the roofs of the coaches。 Each profession; each

calling in France has its slang。

〃Have you seen the 'Ducler'?〃 asked Minoret。

〃Monsieur Desire?〃 said the postilion; interrupting his master。 〃Hay!

you must have heard us; didn't our whips tell you? we felt you were

somewhere along the road。〃

Just then a woman dressed in her Sunday clothes;for the bells were

pealing from the clock tower and calling the inhabitants to mass;a

woman about thirty…six years of age came up to the post master。

〃Well; cousin;〃 she said; 〃you wouldn't believe me Uncle is with

Ursula in the Grand'Rue; and they are going to mass。〃

In spite of the modern poetic canons as to local color; it is quite

impossible to push realism so far as to repeat the horrible blasphemy

mingled with oaths which this news; apparently so unexciting; brought

from the huge mouth of Minoret…Levrault; his shrill voice grew

sibilant; and his face took on the appearance of what people oddly

enough call a sunstroke。

〃Is that true?〃 he asked; after the first explosion of his wrath was


The postilions bowed to their master as they and their horses passed

him; but he seemed to neither see nor hear them。 Instead of waiting

for his son; Minoret…Levrault hurried up to the Grand'Rue with his


〃Didn't I always tell you so?〃 she resumed。 〃When Doctor Minoret goes

out of his head that demure little hypocrite will drag him into

religion; whoever lays hold of the mind gets hold of the purse; and

she'll have our inheritance。〃

〃But; Madame Massin〃 said the post master; dumbfounded。

〃There now!〃 exclaimed Madame Massin; interrupting her cousin。 〃You

are going to say; just as Massin does; that a little girl of fifteen

can't invent such plans and carry them out; or make an old man of

eighty…three; who has never set foot in a church except to be married;

change his opinions;now don't tell me he has such a horror of

priests that he wouldn't even go with the girl to the parish church

when she made her first communion。 I'd like to know why; if Doctor

Minoret hates priests; he has spent nearly every evening for the last

fifteen years of his life with the Abbe Chaperon。 The old hypocrite

never fails to give Ursula twenty francs for wax tapers every time she

takes the sacrament。 Have you forgotten the gift Ursula made to the

church in gratitude to the cure for preparing her for her first

communion? She spent all her money on it; and her godfather returned

it to her doubled。 You men! you don't pay attention to things。 When I

heard that; I said to myself; 'Farewell baskets; the vintage is done!'

A rich uncle doesn't behave that way to a little brat picked up in the

streets without some good reason。〃

〃Pooh; cousin; I dare say the good man is only taking her to the door

of the church;〃 replied the post master。 〃It is a fine day; and he is

out for a walk。〃

〃I tell you he is holding a prayer…book; and looks sanctimonious

you'll see him。〃

〃They hide their game pretty well;〃 said Minoret; 〃La Bougival told me

there was never any talk of religion between the doctor and the abbe。

Besides; the abbe is one of the most honest men on the face of the

globe; he'd give the shirt off his back to a poor man; he is incapable

of a base action; and to cheat a family out of their inheritance is〃

〃Theft;〃 said Madame Massin。

〃Worse!〃 cried Minoret…Levrault; exasperated by the tongue of his

gossiping neighbour。

〃Of course I know;〃 said Madame Massin; 〃that the Abbe Chaperon is an

honest man; but he is capable of anything for the sake of his poor。 He

must have mined and undermined uncle; and the old man has just tumbled

into piety。 We did nothing; and here he is perverted! A man who never

believed in anything; and had principles of his own! Well! we're done

for。 My husband is absolutely beside himself。〃

Madame Massin; whose sentences were so many arrows stinging her fat

cousin; made him walk as fast as herself; in spite of his obesity and

to the great astonishment of the church…goers; who were on their way

to mass。 She was determined to overtake this uncle and show him to the

post master。

Nemours is commanded on the Gatinais side by a hill; at the foot of

which runs the road to Montargis and the Loing。 The church; on the

stones of which time has cast a rich discolored mantle (it was rebuilt

in the fourteenth century by the Guises; for whom Nemours was raised

to a peerage…duchy); stands at the end of the little town close to a

great arch which frames it。 For buildings; as for men; position does

everything。 Shaded by a few trees; and thrown into relief by a neatly

kept square; this solitary church produces a really grandiose effect。

As the post master of Nemours entered the open space; he beheld his

uncle with the young girl called Ursula on his arm; both carrying

prayer…books and just entering the church。 The old man took off his

hat in the porch; and his head; which was white as a hill…top covered

with snow; shone among the shadows of the portal。

〃Well; Minoret; what do you say to the conversion of your uncle?〃

cried the tax…collector of Nemours; named Cremiere。

〃What do you expect me to say?〃 replied the post master; offering him

a pinch of snuff。

〃Well answered; Pere Levrault。 You can't say what you think; if it is

true; as an illustrious author says it is; that a man must think his

words before he speaks his thoughts;〃 cried a young man; standing

near; who played the part of Mephistopheles in the little town。

This ill…conditioned youth; named Goupil; was head clerk to Monsieur

Cremiere…Dionis; the Nemours notary。 Notwithstanding a past conduct

that was almost debauched; Dionis had taken Goupil into his office

when a career in Pariswhere the clerk had wasted all the money he

inherited from his father; a well…to…do farmer; who educated him for a

notarywas brought to a close by his absolute pauperism。 The mere

sight of Goupil told an observer that he had made haste to enjoy life;

and had paid dear for his enjoyments。 Though very short; his chest and

shoulders were developed at twenty…seven years of age like those of a

man of forty。 Legs small and weak; and a broad face; with a cloudy

complexion like the sky before a storm; surmounted by a bald forehead;

brought out still further the oddity of his conformation。 His face

seemed as though it belonged to a hunchback whose hunch was inside of

him。 One singularity of that pale and sour visage confirmed the

impression of an invisible gobbosity; the nose; crooked and out of

shape like those of many deformed persons; turned from right to left

of the face instead of dividing it down the middle。 The mouth;

contracted at the corners; like that of a Sardinian; was always on the

qui vive of irony。 His hair; thin and reddish; fell straight; and

showed the skull in many places。 His hands; coarse and ill…joined at

the wrists to arms that were far too long; were quick…fingered and

seldom clean。 Goupil wore boots only fit for the dust…heap; and raw

silk stockings now of a russet black; his coat and trouser
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