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the pathfinder-第31部分

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〃That's just it; Major。  Three were gentlewomen; as you
say; and the connections were suitable。〃

〃And the fourth being the daughter of my father's gar…
dener; the connection was unsuitable。  But have you no
fear that marrying the child of a non…commissioned offi…
cer; who is in the same corps with yourself; will have the
effect to lessen your consequence in the regiment?〃

〃That's just been my weakness through life; Major
Duncan; for I've always married without regard to conse…
quences。  Every man has his besetting sin; and matri…
mony; I fear; is mine。  And now that we have discussed
what may be called the principles of the connection; I will
just ask if you did me the favor to speak to the Sergeant
on the trifling affair?〃

〃I did; David; and am sorry to say; for your hopes; that
I see no great chance of your succeeding。〃

〃Not succeeding!  An officer; and a quartermaster in
the bargain; and not succeed with a sergeant's daugh…

〃It's just that; Davy。〃

〃And why not; Lundie?  Will ye have the goodness to
answer just that?〃

〃The girl is betrothed。  Hand plighted; word passed;
love pledged;  no; hang me if I believe that either; but
she is betrothed。〃

〃Well; that's an obstacle; it must be avowed; Major;
though it counts for little if the heart is free。〃

〃Quite true; and I think it probable the heart is free
in this case; for the intended husband appears to be the
choice of the father rather than of the daughter。〃

〃And who may it be; Major?〃 asked the Quartermas…
ter; who viewed the whole matter with the philosophy and
coolness acquired by use。  〃I do not recollect any plausi…
ble suitor that is likely to stand in my way。〃

〃No; you are the only _plausible_ suitor on the frontier;
Davy。  The happy man is Pathfinder。〃

〃Pathfinder; Major Duncan!〃

〃No more; nor any less; David Muir。  Pathfinder is the
man; but it may relieve your jealousy a little to know
that; in my judgment at least; it is a match of the father's
rather than of the daughter's seeking。〃

〃I thought as much!〃 exclaimed the Quartermaster;
drawing a long breath; like one who felt relieved; 〃it's
quite impossible that with my experience in human nature
… 〃

〃Particularly hu…woman's nature; David。〃

〃Ye will have yer joke; Lundie; let who will suffer。
But I did not think it possible I could be deceived as to
the young woman's inclinations; which I think I may
boldly pronounce to be altogether above the condition of
Pathfinder。  As for the individual himself  why; time will

〃Now; tell me frankly; Davy Muir;〃 said Lundie; step…
ping short in his walk; and looking the other earnestly in
the face with a comical expression of surprise; that ren…
dered the veteran's countenance ridiculously earnest; 
〃do you really suppose a girl like the daughter of Ser…
geant Dunham can take a serious fancy to a man of your
years and appearance; and experience; I might add?〃

〃Hout; awa'; Lundie! ye dinna know the sax; and that's
the reason yer unmarried in yer forty…fifth year。  It's a
fearfu' time ye've been a bachelor; Major!〃

〃And what may be your age; Lieutenant Muir; if I may
presume to ask so delicate a question?〃

〃Forty…seven; I'll no' deny it; Lundie; and if I get
Mabel; there'll be just a wife for every twa lustrums。  But
I didna think Sergeant Dunham would be so humble
minded as to dream of giving that sweet lass of his to one
like the Pathfinder。〃

〃There's no dream about it; Davy; the man is as seri…
ous as a soldier about to be flogged。〃

〃Well; well; Major; we are auld friends;〃  both ran
into the Scotch or avoided it; as they approached or drew
away from their younger days; in the dialogue;  〃and
ought to know how to take and give a joke; off duty。  It
is possible the worthy man has not understood my hints;
or he never would have thought of such a thing。  The
difference between an officer's consort and a guide's woman
is as vast as that between the antiquity of Scotland and
the antiquity of America。  I'm auld blood; too; Lundie。〃

〃Take my word for it Davy; your antiquity will do you
no good in this affair; and as for your blood; it is not
older than your bones。  Well; well; man; ye know the
Sergeant's answer; and so ye perceive that my influence;
on which ye counted so much; can do nought for ye。  Let
us take a glass thegither; Davy; for auld acquaintance
sake; and then ye'll be doing well to remember the party
that marches the morrow; and to forget Mabel Dunham as
fast as ever you can。〃

〃Ah; Major! I have always found it easier to forget a
wife than to forget a sweetheart。  When a couple are
fairly married; all is settled but the death; as one may say;
which must finally part us all; and it seems to me awfu'
irreverent to disturb the departed; whereas there is so
much anxiety and hope and felicity in expectation like;
with the lassie; that it keeps thought alive。〃

〃That is just my idea of your situation; Davy; for I
never supposed you expected any more felicity with either
of your wives。  Now; I've heard of fellows who were so
stupid as to look forward to happiness with their wives
even beyond the grave。  I drink to your success; or to
your speedy recovery from this attack; Lieutenant; and I
admonish you to be more cautious in future; as some of
these violent cases may yet carry you off。〃

〃Many thanks; dear Major; and a speedy termination
to an old courtship; of which I know something。  This is
real mountain dew; Lundie; and it warms the heart like a
gleam of bonnie Scotland。  As for the men you've just
mentioned; they could have had but one wife a piece; for
where there are several; the deeds of the women them…
selves may carry them different ways。  I think a reasona…
ble husband ought to be satisfied with passing his allotted
time with any particular wife in this world; and not to go
about moping for things unattainable。  I'm infinitely
obliged to you; Major Duncan; for this and all your other
acts of friendship; and if you could but add another; I
should think you had not altogether forgotten the play…
fellow of your boyhood。〃

〃Well; Davy; if the request be reasonable; and such as a
superior ought to grant; out with it; man。〃

〃If ye could only contrive a little service for me; down
among the Thousand Isles; for a fortnight or so; I think
this matter might be settled to the satisfaction of all par…
ties。  Just remember; Lundie; the lassie is the only mar…
riageable white female on this frontier。〃

〃There is always duty for one in your line at a post;
however small; but this below can be done by the Ser…
geant as well as by the Quartermaster…general; and better

〃But not better than by a regimental officer。  There is
great waste; in common; among the orderlies。〃

〃I'll think of it; Muir;〃 said the Major; laughing; 〃and
you shall have my answer in the morning。  Here will be a
fine occasion; man; the morrow; to show yourself off be…
fore the lady; you are expert with the rifle; and prizes are
to be won。  Make up your mind to display your skill; and
who knows what may yet happen before the _Scud_ sails。〃

〃I'm thinking most of the young men will try their
hands in this sport; Major!〃

〃That will they; and some of the old ones too; if you
appear。  To keep you in countenance; I'll try a shot or
two myself; Davy; and you know I have some name that

〃It might; indeed; do good。  The female heart; Major
Duncan; is susceptible in many different modes; and
sometimes in a way that the rules of philosophy might
reject。  Some require a suitor to sit down before them; as
it might be; in a regular siege; and only capitulate when
the place can hold out no longer; others; again; like to be
carried by storm; while there are hussies who can only be
caught by leading them into an ambush。  The first is the
most creditable and officer…like process; perhaps; but I
must say I think the last the most pleasing。〃

〃An opinion formed from experience; out of all question。
And what of the storming parties?〃

〃They may do for younger men; Lundie;〃 returned the
Quartermaster; rising and winking; a liberty that he often
took with his commanding officer on the score of a long
intimacy; 〃every period of life has its necessities; and at
forty…seven it's just as well to trust a little to the head。  I
wish you a very good even; Major Duncan; and freedom
from gout; with a sweet and refreshing sleep。〃

〃The same to yourself; Mr。 Muir; with many thanks。
Remember the passage of arms for the morrow。〃

The Quartermaster withdrew; leaving Lundie in his
library to reflect on what had just passed。  Use had so
accustomed Major Duncan to Lieutenant Muir and all his
traits and humors; that the conduct of the latter did not
strike the former with the same force as it will probably
the reader。  In truth; while all men act under one com…
mon law that is termed nature; the varieties in their dis…
positions; modes of judging; feelings; and selfishness are


Compel the hawke to sit that is unmann'd;
Or make the hound; untaught; to draw the deere;
Or bring the free against his will in band;
Or move the sad a pleasant tale to heere;
Your time is lost; and you no whit the neere!
So love ne learnes; of force the heart to knit:
She serves but those that feel sweet fancies' fit。
_Mirror for Magistrates。_

It is not often that hope is rewarded by fruition so
completely as the wishes of the young men of the garrison
were met by the state of the weather on the succeeding
day。  The heats of summer were little felt at Oswego at
the period of which we are writing; for the shade of the
forest; added to the refreshing breezes from the lake; so
far reduced the influence of the sun as to render the
nights always cool and the days seldom oppressive。

It was now September; a month in which the strong
gales of the coast often appear to force themselves across
the country as far as the great lakes; where the inland
sailor sometimes feels that genial influence which charac…
terizes the winds of the ocean invigorating his frame;
cheering his spirits; and arousing his moral force。  Such a
day was that on which the garrison of Oswego assembled
to witnes
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