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the pathfinder-第32部分

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cheering his spirits; and arousing his moral force。  Such a
day was that on which the garrison of Oswego assembled
to witness what its commander had jocularly called a
〃passage of arms。〃  Lundie was a scholar in military
matters at least; and it was one of his sources of honest
pride to direct the reading and thoughts of the young men
under his orders to the more intellectual parts of their
profession。  For one in his situation; his library was both
good and extensive; and its books were freely lent to all
who desired to use them。  Among other whims that had
found their way into the garrison through these means;
was a relish for the sort of amusement in which it was now
about to indulge; and around which some chronicles of
the days of chivalry had induced them to throw a parade
and romance not unsuited to the characters and habits of
soldiers; or to the insulated and wild post occupied by this
particular garrison。  While so earnestly bent on pleasure;
however; they on whom that duty devolved did not neglect
the safety of the garrison。  One standing on the ramparts
of the fort; and gazing on the waste of glittering water
that bounded the view all along the northern horizon; and
on the slumbering and seemingly boundless forest which
filled the other half of the panorama; would have fancied the
spot the very abode of peacefulness and security; but
Duncan of Lundie too well knew that the woods might; at
any moment; give up their hundreds; bent on the destruc…
tion of the fort and all it contained; and that even the
treacherous lake offered a highway of easy approach by
which his more civilized and scarcely less wily foes; the
French; could come upon him at an unguarded moment。
Parties were sent out under old and vigilant officers; men
who cared little for the sports of the day; to scour the for…
est; and one entire company held the fort; under arms;
with orders to maintain a vigilance as strict as if an
enemy of superior force was known to be near。  With
these precautions; the remainder of the officers and men
abandoned themselves; without apprehension; to the busi…
ness of the morning。

The spot selected for the sports was a sort of esplanade;
a little west of the fort; and on the immediate bank of the
lake。  It had been cleared of its trees and stumps; that it
might answer the purpose of a parade…ground; as it pos…
sessed the advantages of having its rear protected by the
water; and one of its flanks by the works。  Men drilling
on it could be attacked; consequently; on two sides only;
and as the cleared space beyond it; in the direction of the
west and south; was large; any assailants would be com…
pelled to quit the cover of the woods before they could
make an approach sufficiently near to render them dan…

Although the regular arms of the regiment were mus…
kets; some fifty rifles were produced on the present occa…
sion。  Every officer had one as a part of his private provi…
sion for amusement; many belonged to the scouts and
friendly Indians; of whom more or less were always hang…
ing about the fort; and there was a public provision of
them for the use of those who followed the game with the
express object of obtaining supplies。  Among those who
carried the weapon were some five or six; who had reputa…
tion for knowing how to use it particularly well  so well;
indeed; as to have given them a celebrity on the frontier;
twice that number who were believed to be much better
than common; and many who would have been thought ex…
pert in almost any situation but the precise one in which
they now happened to be placed。

The distance was a hundred yards; and the weapon was
to be used without a rest; the target; a board; with the
customary circular lines in white paint; having the bull's…
eye in the centre。  The first trials in skill commenced
with challenges among the more ignoble of the competi…
tors to display their steadiness and dexterity in idle com…
petition。  None but the common men engaged in this
strife; which had little to interest the spectators; among
whom no officer had yet appeared。

Most of the soldiers were Scotch; the regiment having
been raised at Stirling and its vicinity not many years
before; though; as in the case of Sergeant Dunham; many
Americans had joined it since its arrival in the colonies。
As a matter of course; the provincials were generally the
most expert marksmen; and after a desultory trial of half
an hour it was necessarily conceded that a youth who had
been born in the colony of New York; and who coming of
Dutch extraction; was the most expert of all who had yet
tried their skill。  It was just as this opinion prevailed
that the oldest captain; accompanied by most of the gen…
tlemen and ladies of the fort; appeared on the parade。  A
train of some twenty females of humbler condition fol…
lowed; among whom was seen the well…turned form; in…
telligent; blooming; animated countenance; and neat; be…
coming attire of Mabel Dunham。

Of females who were officially recognized as belonging
to the class of ladies; there were but three in the fort; all
of whom were officers' wives; Mabel being strictly; as had
been stated by the Quartermaster; the only real candidate
for matrimony among her sex。

Some little preparation had been made for the proper
reception of the females; who were placed on a low staging
of planks near the immediate bank of the lake。  In this
vicinity the prizes were suspended from a post。  Great
care was taken to reserve the front seat of the stage for
the three ladies and their children; while Mabel and those
who belouged to the non…commissioned officers of the regi…
ment; occupied the second。  The wives and daughters of
the privates were huddled together in the rear; some stand…
ing and some sitting; as they could find room。  Mabel;
who had already been admitted to the society of the
officers' wives; on the footing of a humble companion; was
a good deal noticed by the ladies in front; who had a
proper appreciation of modest self…respect and gentle re…
finement; though they were all fully aware of the value of
rank; more particularly in a garrison。

As soon as this important portion of the spectators had
got into their places; Lundie gave orders for the trial of skill
to proceed in the manner that had been prescribed in his
previous orders。  Some eight or ten of the best marksmen
of the garrison now took possession of the stand; and began
to fire in succession。  Among them were officers and men
indiscriminately placed; nor were the casual visitors in the
fort excluded from the competition。

As might have been expected of men whose amusements
and comfortable subsistence equally depended on skill in
the use of their weapons; it was soon found that they were
all sufficiently expert to hit the bull's…eye; or the white
spot in the centre of the target。  Others who succeeded
them; it is true; were less sure; their bullets striking in the
different circles that surrounded the centre of the target
without touching it。

According to the rules of the day; none could proceed
to the second trial who had failed in the first; and the ad…
jutant of the place; who acted as master of the ceremonies;
or marshal of the day; called upon the successful adven…
turers by name to get ready for the next effort; while he
gave notice that those who failed to present themselves for
the shot at the bull's…eye would necessarily be excluded
from all the higher trials。  Just at this moment Lundie;
the Quartermaster; and Jasper Eau…douce appeared in the
group at the stand; while the Pathfinder walked leisurely
on the ground without his beloved rifle; for him a measure
so unusual; as to be understood by all present as a proof
that he did not consider himself a competitor for the
honors of the day。  All made way for Major Duncan; who;
as he approached the stand in a good…humored way; took
his station; levelled his rifle carelessly; and fired。  The
bullet missed the required mark by several inches。

〃Major Duncan is excluded from the other trials!〃
proclaimed the Adjutant; in a voice so stroug and confi…
dent that all the elder officers and the sergeants well un…
derstood that this failure was preconcerted; while all the
younger gentlemen and the privates felt new encourage…
ment to proceed on account of the evident impartiality
with which the laws of the sports were administered。

〃Now; Master Eau…douce; comes your turn;〃 said Muir;
〃and if you do not beat the Major; I shall say that your
hand is better skilled with the oar than with the rifle。〃

Jasper's handsome face flushed; he stepped upon the
stand; cast a hasty glance at Mabel; whose pretty form he
ascertained was bending eagerly forward as if to note the
result; dropped the barrel of his rifle with but little ap…
parent care into the palm of his left hand; raised the muzzle
for a single instant with exceeding steadiness; and fired。
The bullet passed directly through the centre of the bull's…
eye; much the best shot of the morning; since the others
had merely touched the paint。

〃Well performed; Master Jasper;〃 said Muir; as soon as
the result was declared; 〃and a shot that might have
done credit to an older head and a more experienced eye。
I'm thinking; notwithstanding; there was some of a young…
ster's luck in it; for ye were no' partic'lar in the aim ye
took。  Ye may be quick; Eau…douce; in the movement;
but yer not philosophic nor scientific in yer management
of the weepon。  Now; Sergeant Dunham; I'll thank you
to request the ladies to give a closer attention than com…
mon; for I'm about to make that use of the rifle which
may be called the intellectual。  Jasper would have killed;
I allow; but then there would not have been half the sat…
isfaction in receiving such a shot as in receiving one that
is discharged scientifically。〃

All this time the Quartermaster was preparing himself
for the scientific trial; but he delayed his aim until he saw
that the eye of Mabel; in common with those of her com…
panions; was fastened on him in curiosity。  As the others
left him room; out of respect to his rank; no one stood
near the competitor but his commanding officer; to whom
he now said in h
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