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the pathfinder-第41部分

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would devise some means to detain him here。  I have
spoken to you already of a brother…in…law; who goes with
you; Sergeant; and who is a sailor?〃

〃A real seafaring man; your honor; and somewhat preju…
diced against fresh water。  I doubt if he could be induced
to risk his character on a lake; and I'm certain he never
could find the station。〃

〃The last is probably true; and then; the man cannot
know enough of this treacherous lake to be fit for the em…
ployment。  You will have to be doubly vigilant; Dunham。
I give you full powers; and should you detect this Jasper
in any treachery; make him a sacrifice at once to offended

〃Being in the service of the crown; your honor; he is
amenable to martial law。〃

〃Very true; then iron him; from his head to his heels;
and send him up here in his own cutter。  That brother…
in…law of yours must be able to find the way back; after
he has once travelled the road。〃

〃I make no doubt; Major Duncan; we shall be able to
do all that will be necessary should Jasper turn out as you
seem to anticipate; though I think I would risk my life
on his truth。〃

〃I like your confidence  it speaks well for the fellow;
but that infernal letter! there is such an air of truth
about it; nay; there is so much truth in it; touching other

〃I think your honor said it wanted the name at the
bottom; a great omission for an honest man to make。〃

〃Quite right; Dunham; and no one but a rascal; and a
cowardly rascal in the bargain; would write an anonymous
letter on private affairs。  It is different; however; in war;
despatches are feigned; and artifice is generally allowed to
be justifiable。〃

〃Military manly artifices; sir; if you will; such as am…
bushes; surprises; feints; false attacks; and even spies; but
I never heard of a true soldier who could wish to under…
mine the character of an honest young man by such means
as these。〃

〃I have met with many strange events; and some
stranger people; in the course of my experience。  But fare
you well; Sergeant; I must detain you no longer。  You
are now on your guard; and I recommend to you untiring
vigilance。  I think Muir means shortly to retire; and;
should you fully succeed in this enterprise; my influence
will not be wanting in endeavoring to put you in the
vacancy; to which you have many claims。〃

〃I humbly thank your honor;〃 coolly returned the Ser…
geant; who had been encouraged in this manner any time
for the twenty preceding years; 〃and hope I shall never
disgrace my station; whatever it may be。  I am what nature
and Providence have made me; and hope I'm satisfied。〃

〃You have not forgotten the howitzer?〃

〃Jasper took it on board this morning; sir。〃

〃Be wary; and do not trust that man unnecessarily。
Make a confidant of Pathfinder at once; he may be of
service in detecting any villainy that may be stirring。  His
simple honesty will favor his observation by concealing it。
He _must_ be true。〃

〃For him; sir; my own head shall answer; or even my
rank in the regiment。  I have seen him too often tried to
doubt him。〃

〃Of all wretched sensations; Dunham; distrust; where
one is compelled to confide; is the most painful。  You
have bethought you of the spare flints?〃

〃A sergeant is a safe commander for all such details;
your honor。〃

〃Well; then; give me your hand; Dunham。  God bless
you! and may you be successful!  Muir means to retire; 
by the way; let the man have an equal chance with your
daughter; for it may facilitate future operations about the
promotion。  One would retire more cheerfully with such
a companion as Mabel; than in cheerless widowhood; and
with nothing but oneself to love;  and such a self; too; as

〃I hope; sir; my child will make a prudent choice; and
I think her mind is already pretty much made up in favor
of Pathfinder。  Still she shall have fair play; though dis…
obedience is the next crime to mutiny。〃

〃Have all the ammunition carefully examined and dried
as soon as you arrive; the damp of the lake may affect it。
And now; once more; farewell; Sergeant。  Beware of that
Jasper; and consult with Muir in any difficulty。  I shall
expect you to return; triumphant; this day month。〃

〃God bless your honor!  If anything should happen to
me; I trust to you; Major Duncan; to care for an old sol…
dier's character。〃

〃Rely on me; Dunham  you will rely on a friend。  Be
vigilant: remember you will be in the very jaws of the
lion;  pshaw! of no lion neither; but of treacherous tigers:
in their very jaws; and beyond support。  Have the flints
counted and examined in the morning  and  farewell;
Dunham; farewell!〃

The Sergeant took the extended hand of his superior
with proper respect; and they finally parted; Lundie has…
tening into his own movable abode; while the other left
the fort; descended to the beach; and got into a boat。

It is not to be supposed that Sergeant Dunham; after
he had parted from his commanding officer; was likely to
forget the injunctions he had received。 He thought highly
of Jasper in general; but distrust had been insinuated be…
tween his former confidence and the obligations of duty;
and; as he now felt that everything depended on his own
vigilance; by the time the boat reached the side of the _Scud_
he was in a proper humor to let no suspicious circumstance
go unheeded; or any unusual movement in the young sailor
pass without its comment。  As a matter of course; he
viewed things in the light suited to his peculiar mood;
and his precautions; as well as his distrust; partook of the
habits; opinions; and education of the man。

The _Scud's_ kedge was lifted as soon as the boat with the
Sergeant; who was the last person expected; was seen to
quit the shore; and the head of the cutter was cast to the
eastward by means of the sweeps。  A few vigorous strokes
of the latter; in which the soldiers aided; now sent the
light craft into the line or the current that flowed from
the river; when she was suffered to drift into the offing
again。  As yet there was no wind; the light and almost
imperceptible air from the lake; that had existed previ…
ously to the setting of the sun; having entirely failed。

All this time an unusual quiet prevailed in the cutter。
It appeared as if those on board of her felt that they were
entering upon an uncertain enterprise; in the obscurity of
night; and that their duty; the hour; and the manner of
their departure lent a solemnity to their movements。  Dis…
cipline also came in aid of these feelings。  Most were silent;
and those who did speak spoke seldom and in low voices。
In this manner the cutter set slowly out into the lake; until
she had got as far as the river current would carry her;
when she became stationary; waiting for the usual land…
breeze。  An interval of half an hour followed; during the
whole of which time the _Scud_ lay as motionless as a log;
floating on the water。  While the little changes just men…
tioned were occurring in the situation of the vessel; not…
withstanding the general quiet that prevailed; all conversa…
tion had not been repressed; for Sergeant Dunham; having
first ascertained that both his daughter and her female
companion were on the quarter…deck; led the Pathfinder to
the after…cabin; where; closing the door with great caution;
and otherwise making certain that he was beyond the reach
of eavesdroppers; he commenced as follows: 

〃It is now many years; my friend; since you began to
experience the hardships and dangers of the woods in my

〃It is; Sergeant; yes it is。  I sometimes fear I am too
old for Mabel; who was not born until you and I had fought
the Frenchers as comrades。〃

〃No fear on that account; Pathfinder。  I was near your
age before I prevailed on the mind of her mother; and
Mabel is a steady; thoughtful girl; one that will regard
character more than anything else。  A lad like Jasper
Eau…douce; for instance; will have no chance with her;
though he is both young and comely。〃

〃Does Jasper think of marrying?〃 inquired the guide;
simply but earnestly。

〃I should hope not  at least; not until he has satisfied
every one of his fitness to possess a wife。〃

〃Jasper is a gallant boy; and one of great gifts in his
way; he may claim a wife as well as another。〃

〃To be frank with you; Pathfinder; I brought you here
to talk about this very youngster。  Major Duncan has re…
ceived some information which has led him to suspect that
Eau…douce is false; and in the pay of the enemy; I wish to
hear your opinion on the subject。〃


〃I say; the Major suspects Jasper of being a traitor  a
French spy  or; what is worse; of being bought to betray
us。  He has received a letter to this effect; and has been
charging me to keep an eye on the boy's movements; for
he fears we shall meet with enemies when we least suspect
it; and by his means。〃

〃Duncan of Lundie has told you this; Sergeant Dun…

〃He has indeed; Pathfinder; and; though I have been
loath to believe anything to the injury of Jasper; I have a
feeling which tells me I ought to distrust him。  Do you
believe in presentiments; my friend?

〃In what; Sergeant?〃

〃Presentiments;  a sort of secret foreknowledge of
events that are about to happen。  The Scotch of our regi…
ment are great sticklers for such things; and my opinion
of Jasper is changing so fast; that I begin to fear there
must be some truth in their doctrines。〃

〃But you've been talking with Duncan of Lundie con…
cerning Jasper; and his words have raised misgivings。〃

〃Not it; not so in the least; for; while conversing with
the Major; my feelings were altogether the other way; and
I endeavored to convince him all I could that he did the
boy injustice。  But there is no use in holding out against
a presentiment; I find; and I fear there is something in
the suspicion after all。〃

〃I know nothing of presentiments; Sergeant; but I have
known Jasper Eau…douce since he was a boy; and I have
as much faith in his honesty as I have in my own; or that
of the Sarpent himself。〃

〃But the Serpent; Pathfinder; has his tricks and am…
bushes in war as well as another。〃

〃Ay; them are his nat'ral gifts; and are such as belong
to his people
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