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the pathfinder-第57部分

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I wish you to understand is; that it is not likely that you
and I should ever think of each other as man and wife
ought to think of each other。〃

〃I do not  I shall never think in that way again; Mabel;〃
gasped forth the Pathfinder; who appeared to utter his
words like one just raised above the pressure of some suffo…
cating substance。  〃No; no; I shall never think of you; or
any one else; again in that way。〃

〃Pathfinder; dear Pathfinder; understand me; do not
attach more meaning to my words than I do myself: a
match like that would be unwise; unnatural; perhaps。〃

〃Yes; unnat'ral  ag'in natur'; and so I told the Ser…
geant; but he _would_ have it otherwise。〃

〃Pathfinder! oh; this is worse than I could have im…
agined!  Take my hand; excellent Pathfinder; and let me
see that you do not hate me。  For God's sake; smile upon
me again。〃

〃Hate you; Mabel!  Smile upon you!  Ah's me!〃

〃Nay; give me your hand; your hardy; true; and manly
hand  both; both; Pathfinder! for I shall not be easy until
I feel certain that we are friends again; and that all this
has been a mistake。〃

〃Mabel!〃 said the guide; looking wistfully into the face
of the generous and impetuous girl; as she held his two
hard and sunburnt hands in her own pretty and delicate
fingers; and laughing in his own silent and peculiar man…
ner; while anguish gleamed over lineaments which seemed
incapable of deception; even while agitated with emotions
so conflicting;  〃Mabel! the Sergeant was wrong。〃

The pent…up feeliugs could endure no more; and the
tears rolled down the cheeks of the scout like rain。  His
fingers again worked convulsively at his throat; and his
breast heaved; as if it possessed a tenant of which it would
be rid; by any effort; however desperate。

〃Pathfinder!  Pathfinder!〃 Mabel almost shrieked;
〃anything but this; anything but this!  Speak to me;
Pathfinder!  Smile again; say one kind word; anything to
prove you can forgive me。〃

〃The Sergeant was wrong!〃 exclaimed the guide; laugh…
ing amid his agony; in a way to terrify his companion by
the unnatural mixture of anguish and light…heartedness。
〃I knew it; I knew it; and said it; yes; the Sergeant was
wrong after all。〃

〃We can be friends; though we cannot be man and wife;〃
continued Mabel; almost as much disturbed as her compan…
ion; scarcely knowing what she said; 〃we can always be
friends; and always will。〃

〃I thought the Sergeant was mistaken;〃 resumed the
Pathfinder; when a great effort had enabled him to com…
mand himself; 〃for I did not think my gifts were such as
would please the fancy of a town…bred girl。  It would have
been better; Mabel; had he not over…presuaded me into a
different notion; and it might have been better; too; had
you not been so pleasant and confiding like; yes; it would。〃

〃If I thought any error of mine had raised false expec…
tations in you; Pathfinder; however unintentionally on my
part; I should never forgive myself; for; believe me; I
would rather endure pain in my own feelings than you
should suffer。〃

〃That's just it; Mabel; that's just it。  These speeches
aud opinions; spoken in so soft a voice; and in a way I'm so
unused to in the woods; have done the mischief。  But I
now see plainly; and begin to understand the difference
between us better; and will strive to keep down thought;
and to go abroad again as I used to do; looking for the
game and the inimy。  Ah's me; Mabel!  I have indeed
been on a false trail since we met。〃

〃In a little while you will forget all this; and think of
me as a friend; who owes you her life。〃

〃This may be the way in the towns; but I doubt if it's
nat'ral to the woods。  With us; when the eye sees a lovely
sight; it is apt to keep it long in view; or when the mind
takes in an upright and proper feeling; it is loath to part
with it。〃

〃You will forget it all; when you come seriously to recol…
lect that I am altogether unsuited to be your wife。〃

〃So I told the Sergeant; but he would have it otherwise。
I knew you was too young and beautiful for one of middle
age; like myself; and who never was comely to look at even
in youth; and then your ways have not been my ways; nor
would a hunter's cabin be a fitting place for one who was
edicated among chiefs; as it were。  If I were younger and
comelier though; like Jasper Eau…douce  〃

〃Never mind Jasper Eau…douce;〃 interrupted Mabel im…
patiently; 〃we can talk of something else。〃

〃Jasper is a worthy lad; Mabel; ay; and a comely;〃 re…
turned the guileless guide; looking earnestly at the girl; as
if he distrusted her judgment in speaking slightingly of
his friend。  〃Were I only half as comely as Jasper Wes…
tern; my misgivings in this affair would not have been so
great; and they might not have been so true。〃

〃We will not talk of Jasper Western;〃 repeated Mabel;
the color mounting to her temples; 〃he may be good
enough in a gale; or on the lake; but he is not good enough
to talk of here。〃

〃I fear me; Mabel; he is better than the man who is
likely to be your husband; though the Sergeant says that
never can take place。  But the Sergeant was wrong once;
and he may be wrong twice。〃

〃And who is likely to be my husband; Pathfinder!  This is
scarcely less strange than what has just passed between us。〃

〃I know it is nat'ral for like to seek like; and for them
that have consorted much with officers' ladies to wish to
be officers' ladies themselves。  But; Mabel; I may speak
plainly to you; I know; and I hope my words will not give
you pain; for; now I understand what it is to be disap…
pointed in such feelings; I wouldn't wish to cause even a
Mingo sorrow on this head。  But happiness is not always
to be found in a marquee; any more than in a tent; and
though the officers' quarters may look more tempting than
the rest of the barracks; there is often great misery between
husband and wife inside of their doors。〃

〃I do not doubt it in the least; Pathfinder; and; did it
rest with me to decide; I would sooner follow you to some
cabin in the woods; and share your fortune; whether it
might be better or worse; than go inside the door of any
officer I know; with an intention of remaining there as its
master's wife。〃

〃Mabel; this is not what Lundie hopes; or Lundie

〃And what;care I for Lundie?  He is major of the 55th;
and may command his men to wheel and march about as
he pleases; but he cannot compel me to wed the greatest
or the meanest of his mess。  Besides; what can you know
of Lundie's wishes on such a subject?〃

〃From Lundie's own mouth。  The Sergeant had told
him that he wished me for a son…in…law; and the Major;
being an old and a true friend; conversed with me on the
subject。  He put it to me plainly; whether it would not
be more ginerous in me to let an officer succeed; than to
strive to make you share a hunter's fortune。  I owned the
truth; I did; and that was; that I thought it might; but
when he told me that the Quartermaster would be his
choice; I would not abide by the conditions。  No; no;
Mabel; I know Davy Muir well; and though he may make
you a lady; be can never make you a happy woman; or
himself a gentleman。〃

〃My father has been very wrong if he has said or done
aught to cause you sorrow; Pathfinder; and so great is my
respect for you; so sincere my friendship; that were it not
for one  I mean that no person need fear Lieutenant
Muir's influence with me  I would rather remain as I am
to my dying day than become a lady at the cost of being
his wife。〃

〃I do not think you would say that which you do not
feel; Mabel;〃 returned Pathfinder earnestly。

〃Not at such a moment; on such a subject; and least of
all to you。  No; Lieutenant Muir may find wives where
he can  my name shall never be on his catalogue。〃

〃Thank you; thank you for that; Mabel; for; though
there is no longer any hope for me; I could never be happy
were you to take to the Quartermaster。  I feared the com…
mission might count for something; I did; and I know
the man。  It is not jealousy that makes me speak in this
manner; but truth; for I know the man。  Now; were you
to fancy a desarving youth; one like Jasper Western; for
instance  〃

〃Why always mention Jasper Eau…douce; Pathfinder?
he can have no concern with our friendship; let us talk of
yourself; and of the manner in which you intend to pass
the winter。〃

〃Ah's me!  I'm little worth at the best; Mabel; unless
it may be on a trail or with the rifle; and less worth now
that I have discovered the Sergeant's mistake。  There is
no need; therefore; of talking of me。  It has been very
pleasant to me to be near you so long; and even to fancy that
the Sergeant was right; but that is all over now。  I shall
go down the lake with Jasper; and then there will be
business to occupy us; and that will keep useless thoughts
out of the mind。〃

〃And you will forget this  forget me  no; not forget
me; either; Pathfinder; but you will resume your old pur…
suits; and cease to think a girl of sufficient importance to
disturb your peace?〃

〃I never knowed it afore; Mabel; but girls are of more
account in this life than I could have believed。  Now;
afore I knowed you; the new…born babe did not sleep more
sweetly than I used; my head was no sooner on the root;
or the stone; or mayhap on the skin; than all was lost to
the senses; unless it might be to go over in the night the
business of the day in a dream like; and there I lay till
the moment came to be stirring; and the swallows were
not more certain to be on the wing with the light; than I
to be afoot at the moment I wished to be。  All this seemed
a gift; and might be calculated on even in the midst of a
Mingo camp; for I've been outlying in my time; in the
very villages of the vagabonds。〃

〃And all this will return to you; Pathfinder; for one
so upright and sincere will never waste his happiness
on a mere fancy。  You will dream again of your hunts;
of the deer you have slain; and of the beaver you have

〃Ah's me; Mabel; I wish never to dream again!  Before
we met; I had a sort of pleasure in following up the hounds;
in fancy; as it might be; and even in striking a trail of the
Iroquois  nay; I've been in skrimmages aud
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