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the pathfinder-第66部分

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〃I would rather you would not; father。  Let it come of
itself; come naturally。〃  The smile that illuminated Mabel's
handsome face was angelic; as even her parent thought;
though one better practised in detecting the passing emo…
tions; as they betray themselves in the countenance; might
have traced something wild and unnatural in it。  〃No; no;
_we_ must let things take their course; father; you have my
solemn promise。〃

〃That will do; that will do; Mabel; now kiss me。  God
bless and protect you; girl! you are a good daughter。〃

Mabel threw herself into her father's arms  it was the
first time in her life  and sobbed on his bosom like an in…
fant。  The stern soldier's heart was melted; and the tears
of the two mingled; but Sergeant Dunham soon started; as
if ashamed of himself; and; gently forcing his daughter from
him; he bade her good…night; and sought his pallet。  Mabel
went sobbing to the rude corner that had been prepared
for her reception; and in a few minutes the hut was un…
disturbed by any sound; save the heavy breathing of the


Wandering; I found on my ruinous walk;
  By the dial stone; aged and green;
One rose of the wilderness; left on its stalk;
  To mark where a garden had been。

It was not only broad daylight when Mabel awoke; but
the sun had actually been up some time。  Her sleep had
beeu tranquil; for she rested on an approving conscience;
and fatigue contributed to render it sweet; and no sound
of those who had been so early in motion had interfered
with her rest。  Springing to her feet and rapidly dressing
herself; the girl was soon breathing the fragrance of the
morning in the open air。  For the first time she was sen…
sibly struck with the singular beauties; as well as with the
profound retirement; of her present situation。  The day
proved to be one of those of the autumnal glory; so com…
mon to a climate that is more abused than appreciated;
and its influence was every way inspiriting and genial。
Mabel was benefitted by this circumstance; for; as she
fancied; her heart was heavy on account of the dangers to
which a father; whom she now began to love as women love
when confidence is created; was exposed。

But the island seemed absolutely deserted。  The previ…
ous night; the bustle of the arrival had given the spot an
appearance of life which was now entirely gone; and our
heroine had turned her eyes nearly around on every object
in sight; before she caught a view of a single human being
to remove the sense of utter solitude。  Then; indeed; she
beheld all who were left behind; collected in a group
around a fire which might be said to belong to the camp。
The person of her uncle; to whom she was so much accus…
tomed; reassured Mabel; and she examined the remainder
with a curiosity natural to her situation。  Besides Cap and
the Quartermaster; there were the Corporal; the three sol…
diers; and the woman who was cooking。  The huts were
silent and empty; and the low but tower…like summit of
the blockhouse rose above the bushes; by which it was half
concealed; in picturesque beauty。  The sun was just cast…
ing its brightness into the open places of the glade; and
the vault over her head was impending in the soft sub…
limity of the blue void。  Not a cloud was visible; and she
secretly fancied the circumstance might be taken as a har…
binger of peace and security。

Perceiving that all the others were occupied with that
great concern of human nature; a breakfast; Mabel walked;
unobserved; towards an end of the island where she was
completely shut out of view by the trees and bushes。  Here
she got a stand on the very edge of the water; by forcing
aside the low branches; and stood watching the barely
perceptible flow and re…flow of the miniature waves which
laved the shore; a sort of physical echo to the agitation
that prevailed on the lake fifty miles above her。  The
glimpses of natural scenery that offered were very soft and
pleasing; and our heroine; who had a quick eye for all
that was lovely in nature; was not slow in selecting the
most striking bits of landscape。  She gazed through the
different vistas formed by the openings between the
islands; and thought she had never looked on aught more

While thus occupied; Mabel was suddenly alarmed by
fancying that she caught a glimpse of a human form among
the bushes that lined the shore of the island which lay
directly before her。  The distance across the water was
not a hundred yards; and; though she might be mistaken;
and her fancy was wandering when the form passed be…
fore her sight; still she did not think she could be deceived。
Aware that her sex would be no protection against a rifle
bullet; should an Iroquois get a view of her; the girl in…
stinctively drew back; taking care to conceal person as
much as possible by the leaves; while she kept her own look
riveted on the opposite shore; vainly waiting for some
time in the expectation of the stranger。  She was about
to quit her post in the bushes and hasten to her uncle; in
order to acquaint him of her suspicions; when she saw the
branch of an alder thrust beyond the fringe of bushes on
the other island; and waved towards her significantly; and
as she fancied in token of amity。  This was a breathless
and a trying moment to one as inexperienced in frontier
warfare as our heroine and yet she felt the great necessity
that existed for preserving her recollection; and of acting
with steadiness and discretion。

It was one of the peculiarities of the exposure to which
those who dwelt on the frontiers of America were liable;
to bring out the moral qualities of the women to a degree
which they must themselves; under other circumstances;
have believed they were incapable of manifesting; and
Mabel well knew that the borderers loved to dwell in their
legends on the presence of mind; fortitude; and spirit that
their wives and sisters had displayed under circumstances
the most trying。  Her emulation had been awakened by
what she had heard on such subjects; and it at once struck
her that now was the moment for her to show that she
was truly Sergeant Dunham's child。  The motion of the
branch was such as she believed indicated amity; and;
after a moment's hesitation; she broke off a twig; fastened
it to a stick and; thrusting it through an opening; waved
it in return; imitating as closely as possible the manner of
the other。

This dumb show lasted two or three minutes on both
sides; when Mabel perceived that the bushes opposite were
cautiously pushid aside; and a human face appeared at an
opening。  A glance sufficed to let Mabel see that it was the
countenance of a red…skin; as well as that of a woman。  A
second and a better look satisfied her that it was the face
of the Dew…of…June; the wife of Arrowhead。  During the
time she had travelled in company with this woman;
Mabel had been won by the gentleness of manner; the
meek simplicity; and the mingled awe and affection with
which she regarded her husband。  Once or twice in the
course of the journey she fancied the Tuscarora had mani…
fested towards herself an unpleasant degree of attention;
and on those occoasions it had struck her that his wife
exhibited sorrow and mortification。  As Mabel; however;
had more than compensated for any pain she might in
this way unintentionally have caused her companion; by
her own kindness of manner and attentions; the woman
had shown much attachment to her; and they had parted;
with a deep conviction on the mind of our heroine that in
the Dew…of…June she had lost a friend。

It is useless to attempt to analyze all the ways by which
the human heart is led into confidence。  Such a feeling;
however; had the young Tuscarora woman awakened in
the breast of our heroine; and the latter; under the im…
pression that this extraordinary visit was intended for her
own good; felt every disposition to have a closer commu…
nication。  She no longer hesitated about showing herself
clear of the bushes; and was not sorry to see the Dew…of…
June imitate her confidence; by stepping fearlessly out of
her own cover。  The two girls; for the Tuscarora; though
married; was even younger than Mabel; now openly ex…
changed signs of friendship; and the latter beckoned to
her friend to approach; though she knew not the manner
herself in which this object could be effected。  But the
Dew…of…June was not slow in letting it be seen that it was
in her power; for; disappearing in a moment; she soon
showed herself again in the end of a bark canoe; the bows
of which she had drawn to the edge of the bushes; and of
which the body still lay in a sort of covered creek。  Mabel
was about to invite her to cross; when her own name was
called aloud in the stentorian voice of her uncle。  Making
a hurried gesture for the Tuscarora girl to conceal herself;
Mabel sprang from the bushes and tripped up the glade
towards the sound; and perceived that the whole party had
just seated themselves at breakfast; Cap having barely put
his appetite under sufficient restraint to summon her to
join them。  That this was the most favorable instant for
the interview flashed on the mind of Mabel; and; excusing
herself on the plea of not being prepared for the meal;
she bounded back to the thicket; and soon renewed her
communications with the young Indian woman。

Dew…of…June was quick of comprehension; and with
half a dozen noiseless strokes of the paddles; her canoe was
concealed in the bushes of Station Island。  In another
minute; Mabel held her hand; and was leading her through
the grove towards her own hut。  Fortunately the latter
was so placed as to be completely hid from the sight of
those at the fire; and they both entered it unseen。  Hastily
explaining to her guest; in the best manner she could; the
necessity of quitting her for a short time; Mabel; first plac…
ing the Dew…of…June in her own room; with a full certainty
that she would not quit it until told to do so; went to the
fire and took her seat among the rest; with all the com…
posure it was in her power to command。

〃Late come; late served; Mabel;〃 said her uncle; be…
tween mouthfuls of broiled salmon; for though the cook…
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