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history of the mackenzies-第100部分

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John was succeeded as representative of the family by his second son;

I。  MURDOCH  MACKENZIE; who was born in 1600; and  educated for the ministry。  Referring to this Murdoch's cousin; John Mor  Matheson of Fernaig and subsequently of Bennetsfield; the author of the 〃Iomaire〃 manuscript says; that John 〃was taken up〃 by the Bishop of  Moray; who resided at Kinkell (hence no doubt Bishop…Kinkell; the name  by which the place has since been known)。  The Bishop 〃kept him for  some time at school and gave him 500 merks Scots to traffic therewith。   After following the mercantile line for some time; in which he was very  successful; he began cattle dealing; by which he became master of a good  deal of money。〃  John; in consequence cut out a career for himself。  His  cousin; the Bishop; pointed out to him the great source of wealth which  might open to him if he succeeded in driving some of the superfluous  herds of black cattle which at that time abounded in the Highlands to the southern markets; and  which were then of scarcely any value among his  own countrymen; but on the other hand often served as a strong temptation to spoliations from their southern enemies; and deadly feuds  among themselves。  John Mor had the good sense to act on his Rev。  cousin's advice; and he soon amassed a sufficient fortune to buy the estate  of Bennetsfield and other lands; including Easter Suddie; in the Black Isle;  County of Ross。 'Mackenzie's History of the Mathesons; pp。 17…18。'

The Rev。 Murdoch was Chaplain of Lord Reay's Regiment; in the  army of Gustavus Adolphus during the Bohemian and Swedish wars; and subsequently minister of Contin and Inverness in succession。  He was  transferred from Inverness to Elgin; and while there was; in 1662;  appointed Bishop of Moray; and afterwards of Orkney; arriving at  Kirkwall on the 28th of August; 1677; where he was the last to occupy  Earl Patrick Stewart's Palace; in which he died。  He married Margaret;  only daughter and heiress of Donald MacLey; Bailie of Fortrose。  She died in 1676; and is buried in Elgin Cathedral。  He died in 1688; and was  interred in the Session House of St。 Magnus Cathedral; which bad been  given to him as a burial place for himself and his descendants; and used by  them as such; until any further interments in it were; some years ago;  prohibited。  He left issue by his wife

1。  Sir Alexander  Mackenzie of Broomhill (sasine in  1686); and Pitarrow; in Kincardine。   He was Commissary of Inverness  and Sheriff of the Bishopric of  Orkney; his father when appointing  him to the latter office describing  him as 〃Mr Alexander Mackenzie; Commissary of Inverness; my  eldest lawful son。〃  In 1706 he  appears among the heritors of  Caithness for the Nethertoun of  Stroma in the parish of Canisbay。    He is again on record in 1713; in  which year he disponed the  Nethertoun of Stroma to his  nephew; Murdoch Kennedy; son of  his sister Jane; and her husband;  John Kennedy of Carmunks。 Sir  Alexander of Broomhill had an  only son; Colonel Alexander  Mackenzie of Hampton; Virginia;  who left his English estates to his  nephew; Andrew Young of  Castleyards。

2。  George of Pitarrow; of whom nothing is known。

3。  William Mackenzie; Commissary of Orkney; who; in 1679;  married Margaret Stewart of Newark; with issueMurdoch; born in 1680; who was invited to become minister of the Episcopal Meeting House of  Kirkwall; but emigrated to New England in 1714; and a daughter Margaret; who married Andrew Young of Castleyards; Kirkwall also with  issuea daughter who married Riddoch of Cairston; Provost of Kirkwall。

4。  The Rev。 Thomas Mackenzie; minister of Shapinshay; Orkney。 He was born about 1652; and was appointed minister of Shapinshay on the  5th of May; 1678。  On the 1st of May; 1679 he married Elspet; daughter of James Blaikie of Burness with issueMurdoch; who succeeded his  grandfather; the Bishop; as representative of the family; James; N。P。; who  seems to have succeeded his brother Murdoch; Alexander; of whom there  is no trace; Thomas; of whom also nothing is known; Sibella; who married  William; second son of George Traill of Quendale; with issueAnna;  who; in 1716; married the Rev。 James; Nisbet; Stromness; Margaret; and  Anna。  The Rev。 Thomas Mackenzie died; aged 36 years; on the 7th of  February; 1688; a few days before his father。

5。  Captain James; of the Dragoons; who married the Hon。 Frances; daughter of Andrew; eighth Lord Gray; with issuea daughter; Frances;  who married a clergyman in England。

6。  David; who died young; before 1676; and is buried in Elgin Cathedral。

7。  Jane; who; on the 15th of  May; 1678; married her cousin;  John Kennedy of Carmunks; with  issueMurdoch; already referred to  as afterwards of Stroma。

8。  Mary; who; on the 4th of April; 1678; married George Balfour of Faray。

9。  Jacobina; who settled in Dundee。

The male representation of  Bishop Murdoch's three eldest sons Sir Alexander of  Broomhill;  George Mackenzie of Pitarrow; and  William Mackenzie; Commissary  of Orkneyhaving failed; the representation of the family  devolved upon

II。  MURDOCH  MACKENZIE; eldest son of the Rev。 Thomas  Mackenzie; minister of Shapinshay。  Murdoch was master of the Grammar  School of Kirkwall; and was alive in November; 1739; a receipt given by  him in that month being still extant。 He appears to have died unmarried  when the representation of the family fell to his next brother;

III。  JAMES  MACKENZIE; N。P。; who; on the 14th of March;  1709; married Marion; third daughter of Thomas Traill of Tirlet; with issue

1。  Thomas; merchant in Kirkwall; afterwards of Groundwater。

2。  Murdoch Mackenzie; of Minehead; Somersetshire;  Hydropapher to the Navy; and described in one of the Gairloch MSS。;  written by James Mackenzie; a member of this family; as 〃Navigator to  His Majesty; known by his accurate surveys of the western coast of Great Britain and Ireland; and whose abilities will render him famous to posterity。〃  He went round the world with Captain Cook's second expedition in 1772; died unmarried in London; and is buried at Oxford。

3。  James; S。S。C。; described in one of the Gairloch MSS。 as 〃once in the service of the Earl of Morton;〃 in the Orkneys; author of a treatise  on 〃The General Grievances and Oppressions of the Isles of Orkney and  Shetland;〃 and of another on Security。  He was himself the author of this Gairloch MS。  He died unmarried in London about 1733。

IV。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE of Groundwater; who married  Elizabeth; daughter of the Rev。 William Blaw; Westray; with issue

1。  Murdoch; his heir and successor。

2。  Kenneth; who succeeded his brother Murdoch。

3。  Mary; married Thomas Balfour of Huip; with issue。

Thomas died before 1781; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

V。  MURDOCH  MACKENZIE of Groundwater; who married  Miss Cox; and died without issue; when he was succeeded by his brother;

VI。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; who married Anne Wolf; with  issue

1。  Thomas; who succeeded his father。

2。  Elizabeth; who married Louis Lavencie; London。

3。  Barbara; who; as his  first wife; married Robert Hodson;  London; with issue。

4。  Mary; who married Richard Bray; London。

5。  Jane; who married John Cramer; London。

6。  Nancy; who died; unmarried; at Kirkwall; May; 1848。

Kenneth was succeeded by his only son;

VII。  CAPTAIN  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; of the H E I C S; who  married Elizabeth Ayton; London; with issue

1。  Thomas; his heir and successor。

2。  Elizabeth Anne; who  married; in 1831; Alexander  Russell Duguid; M。D。; son of the  Rev。 John Duguid; minister of  Evie; Orkney; with issue(1) John;  who was born on the 25th of  March; 1838; and died unmarried;  at Falmouth; on the 7th of October; 1865; (2) Alexander; born on the  26th of November; 1840; and died; unmarried; at Peckham; London; on  the 3rd of January; 1884; (3) Thomas; born on the 4th of  September; 1843; and died in  London; unmarried; on the 19th of  May; 1874; (4) Elizabeth; who died  in childhood; (5) Jane; who  married; first; on the 11th of  September; 1855; Robert Heddle;  second son of Robert Heddle of  Melsetter; with issueElizabeth;  who died in infancy; in Toronto;  Canada; and James Alexander; who  was born on the 21st of July; 1856;  and died at Kirkwall; unmarried; on  the 25th of September; 1876。  Her first husband; Robert Heddle; died  on the 28th of August; 1860; and  she married; secondly; on the 30th  of November; 1874; John Armit  Bruce; Sheriff…Clerk of Orkney;  with issuean only daughter; Alexandra Esther Heddle。  (6)  Mary Hamilton; who on the 5th of April; 1859 married John Guthrie  Iverach; Kirkwall; a cadet of the Macivers Buidhe of Quoycrook;  Caithness; eldest son of William Iverach of Wideford; Orkney; with  issueAlexander William; who was born in 1860 and died in  infancy; William; born on the 21st of June; 1865; Mary Elizabeth; and  Margaret Guthrie。  Her husband; John Guthrie Iverach; died at  Wideford; on the 31st of October; 1875。  (7) Sarah Anne; who; in   May;  1864; married John  Thomson; Codnor; Derbyshire; son  of Thomson; Alnwick;  Northumberland; with issueAlexander Russell Duguid; who  died in infancy Jessie Elizabeth;  who married Percy Clarke;  Nottingham; with issueMary Hamilton Iverach; who married  Frederick Grimsly; Birmingham;  with issueFlorence Mackenzie  Henrietta; Louisa Sarah; who died  in infancy; and Gwendoline  Averill。

Captain Thomas; H。E。I。C。S。; died in Jamaica; early in the present century; and was succeeded by his only son;

VIII。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE of Groundwater; who died  unmarried; at Kirkwall; in November; 1847; when the property was sold to  the Earl of Orkney; and the lineal representation of the family went into the female line; the nearest male relative at present being the son of his  niece; Mary Hamilton Iverach; who died 3rd May; 1867;

IX。  WILLIAM  IVERACH; Wideford; Orkney; who was born on  the 21st of June; 1865; and is still unmarried。


I。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; first of this family; was the second son of Kenneth Mackenzie; VII。 of Kintail by his second wife; Agnes; daughter of Hugh; VIth Lord Lovat。  He married Margaret; daughter of Sir  William Munro of Fowlis; with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and succes
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