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history of the mackenzies-第104部分

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y Murchison; President of the Royal  Geographical Society; who married a daughter of General Hugonin;  without issue; and the Hon。 Kenneth Murchison。

Roderick was succeeded by his eldest son;

X。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; tenth of Fairburn; Major…General in the Army。  He was created a Baronet。  He died unmarried; the  last direct heir male of the family; and was buried in the St。 Clement's aisle of the old Church of Dingwall。


THIS family is descended from the Mackenzies of Fair…burn; the last of the  male line of the original Kernsary  Mackenzies having; as already  shown; been killed at the battle of  Auldearn in 1645; when his sister  carried the lineal representation of  that family to the Mackenzies of  Sand。

The descent of the second family is as followsMurdoch  Mackenzie; I。 of Fairburn; married as his second wife Mary; daughter of Roderick MacFarquhar Maclean; with issue along with two other sons and  daughters

RODERICK  MACKENZIE of Knockbaxter; in the vicinity of  Dingwall。 He married Aegidia; daughter of Bayne of Tulloch (sasine  1636); with issue(1) the Rev。 Murdoch Mackenzie; who married a  daughter of MacCulloch of Park; (2) Kenneth; who married a daughter of  the Rev。 John Mackenzie; Cromarty; and (3)

I。  THE  REV。  RODERICK   MACKENZIE; who was minister  of Gairloch from 1649 to 1710。  Sir  James Dixon Mackenzie of Findon  says distinctly that Roderick was  〃ancestor of Kernsary;〃  'Genealogical Tables of the  Mackenzies; Sheet 5。' and there  appears to be no doubt about it。   But it is not at all clear whether he  or his brother Kenneth bought the  estate from the Mackenzies of  Coul; who then owned it。  Mr John  H。 Dixon; in his interesting book on Gairloch; says that Roderick had a  son Kenneth; born about 1703; by a  sister of the Laird of Knockbain;  but if there was such a son; which  is highly improbable; he could not  have been the purchaser of any  property during his father's  lifetime; who died seven years after  Kenneth's alleged birth; when the  father must have been very  advanced in yearsclose upon  eighty。  The probability therefore is  that Roderick's brother Kennethwho; like himself; during a portion  of his ministry was an Episcopalian  clergymanwas the purchaser and  that he died; without issue; before  his brother; and left the estate to  Roderick; who died in 1710; or  perhaps to his eldest son Murdoch;  who; in his marriage contract;  dated 1708; two years before his  father's death; is designated 〃of Kernsary。〃  Mr Dixon has several  references to these men; but being  traditional they are more or less  unreliable; and as yet no papers  have been discovered which throw  any light on the original purchase  by this family。

Writing about their immediate progenitor Mr Dixon says〃In  1649 the Rev。 Roderick Mackenzie; third son of Roderick Mackenzie of Knockbackster; was admitted minister of Gairloch and continued so until  his death in March 1710; after an incumbency of sixty…one years。  He  seems to have been a man of quiet easy…going temperament。 When he  came to Gairloch; Presbyterianism ruled; when Episcopacy was  established in 1660; he conformed; and when the Revolution put an end to  Episcopacy; he became a Presbyterian again。〃  But that he never was a  very enthusiastic one is clear from the Presbytery records during his  incumbency; for they show that he seldom attended its meetings; though  often specially cited by his brethren to do so。  His brother Kenneth; who appears to have continued an Episcopalian all his life; was of a very  different stamp。  He seems to have spent a considerable portion of his  early life in the Island of Bute; to which apparently he became very much attached; for when he left it and went to reside with his brother at  Kernsary; probably as purchaser and proprietor of the estate; he took a  smack load of Bute soil along with him in order that he might be buried in  it when he died。  A portion of this imported earth 〃was put into the  Inverewe Church; so that when Kenneth was buried there he might lie  beneath Bute soil  the overplus was deposited in the garden of Kirkton  house; where the heap is still preserved。〃 'Dixon's Gairloch。'   The same writer states distinctly that Kenneth came from Bute; that he was the  actual purchaser of the estate; that he resided in the proprietor's house at  Kirkton; that he officiated in the old church there; some remains of which  are still to be seen; and; he adds〃a loose stone may be seen in the part of  the ruined church which was used as the burial place of the Kernsary  family; it is inscribed ‘K M K 1678' and is believed to have recorded the date when the Rev。 Kenneth built or restored the little church。〃  But is it  not much more likely to record the date of Kenneth's own death?  Mr  Dixon may be correct in the assumption that Kenneth; who was a sincere  Episcopalian; had to leave Bute during the troubles of the Covenanting  period; and seek a safe refuge in his brother's parish; who very probably had no objection to preaching in his church according to the Episcopal form to which he had himself openly conformed not many years before。

Indeed; after the Revolution; in 1680; the Rev。 Roderick; who had for  twenty years been the Episcopalian minister of the parish; was allowed to remain in his charge until his death thirty years after without submitting  himself to the Presbytery; and most amusing accounts are given of the  manner in which his Presbyterian successor was opposed on his induction  and afterwards persecuted by the Gairloch Episcopalians。

There appears to be no doubt that the Rev。 Kenneth died before his  brother Roderick; minister of Gairloch; and left the estate of Kernsary  either to him or his eldest son; Murdoch; who; as already stated; is  described in 1708; two years before his father's death; as then of  Kernsary。〃  It has been shown that the  estate was purchased by this family  from the Mackenzies of Coul; and there is a sasine; dated the 27th of July;   1762; on a precept of clare constat; granted by Sir Alexander Mackenzie  of Coul in favour of Roderick Mackenzie; IV。 of Kernsary; as nearest heir male to his grandfather。

The Rev。 Roderick Mackenzie; minister of Gairloch married a  daughter of Bayne of Knockbain; his father's neighbour; with issue;  among several other sons;

II。  MURDOCH   MACKENZIE; second of Kernsary;  who married; first; his cousin; a  daughter of Alexander Mackenzie;  II。 of Fairburn; without male issue。

He married; secondly; Anna; eldest  daughter of Charles Mackenzie; I。  of Letterewe (marriage contract  1708); with issue

III。 RODERICK MACKENZIE; third of Kernsary;  who as her second husband married  Margaret; youngest daughter of  Alexander Mackenzie; III。 of  Ballone (sasine to her in 1742); by  his wife Barbara; daughter of  Kenneth Mor Mackenzie; I。 of  Dundonnel; and niece of Sir  George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh;  with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Hector; who died without issue。

3。  Ann; who married George Mackenzie of Kildonan; third son of James; brother of George Mackenzie; II。 of Ardloch; with issuea son  James。

4。  Mary; who married John Ross; Inverness。

Roderick was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; fourth of Kernsary; who married  his cousin Mary; eldest daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; IV。 of Ballone;  by his wife; Catherine; daughter of George Mackenzie; II。 of Gruinard。 She was celebrated for her great beauty; and was immortalised as 〃Mali  chruinn donn〃 in one of the best songs in the Gaelic language; composed  by William Mackenzie; a native of Gairloch; better known as 〃An Ceistear  Crubach;〃 or the Lame Catechist。  By her Roderick had issue

V。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; fifth of Kernsary; who sold the  property; and leased the farm of Arcan; near Brahan。  He married Mary;  eldest daughter of the Rev。 Roderick Morrison; minister of Kintail; by his  wife Jean; daughter of Fraser of Culduthel; with issue

1。  Roderick; planter in Demerara; who died unmarried。

2。  Alexander; now residing at Lincoln。  He was twice married; and has issuea son and daughter。

3。  The Rev。 Hector; late minister of Moy; Inverness…shire。  He married Margaret; daughter of William Macleod; I。 of Orbost; with issuean only son William; who married; with issue; and emigrated to Canada。

4。  Davidson; a squatter in  Australia; married; with issue。

5。  Wilhelmina; who  married Alexander MacTavish;  Town Clerk of Inverness; with  issue(1) Alastair; who went to  New Zealand and there married  Jeanie  Halse; of Wellington; with  issueAlastair Henry; Hector; and  Elsie; (2) William Tavish  MacTavish; Procurator…Fiscal for  the Tam District of Ross and  Cromarty; (3) Mary who married  Ranald Macdonald of Morar; with  issue; and (4) Catharine; who died  unmarried。

6。  Maria; residing at  Inverness; unmarried。

7。  Jean Fraser; who in 1844  married William Murray; tacksman of Kilcoy; son of Francis Murray of  Ardconnon Old Meldrum; with issue(1) Francis; an indigo  planter in Kurnoul; Tirhoot; who married; in 1875 Eliza Annabella;  daughter of John Mackenzie; Teetwarpore; Tirhoot; with issueFrancis Mackenzie; Walter William Macdonald; Jean Fraser; Gertrude  Mary; Florence Wilhelmina; and Lisette Julia; (2) William;  tacksman of Bellfield; North  Kessock; (3) Alexander; a fruit…grower in Australia; and editor of  the Mildewa Irrigationist。  He   marred Catherine; daughter of  William Mackenzie; C;E。; New  South Wales; (4) Robert Davidson;  Surgeon…Major Bengal Army。  He  married Mary; daughter of  Surgeon…General Mackay; Madras  Army; of the family of Bighouse;  with issue。  (5) James; M。D。;  practising in Inverness。  He married  Cecil; daughter of John Scott;  S。S。C。; Toronto; with issuetwo  daughters; Violet Cecil; and  Janetta。  (6) Edward Mackenzie; an  indigo planter at Mungulghur  Tirhoot; who in 1893 married  Annie Isabel Kingsburgh; second  daughter of General John  Macdonald; Cheltenham; great…great…grandson of the famous Flora  Macdonald。  (7) Alfred Aberdein;  an indigo planter in Tirhoot。  He  married Kathleen; daughter of John  Fraser Mackenzie of Belsund;  Tirhoot; with issuea son Colin。   (8) Mary Jane Elsie; who on the 5th  of December; 1883; married John  H
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