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history of the mackenzies-第105部分

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ot; with issuea son Colin。   (8) Mary Jane Elsie; who on the 5th  of December; 1883; married John  Hamilton Fasson; Bengal Civil  Service; with issueHerbert; born  in 1885; Elsie Isabel and Hilda。  (9)  Isabella Leslie。


KENNETH; VII。 of Kintail; had a fourth son by his second marriage with  Agnes of Lovat; from whom descended the families of Suddie; Inverlael;  Little Findon; Ord; Langwell; Highfield; and several minor branches。  The three first named being long extinct in the male line; it is needless to enter  further into detail than is necessary to show their intermarriages with other  Mackenzie families。  The progenitor of these branches was known as

I。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; first of Killichrist。  He was Priest of Avoch; Chaunter of Ross; and perpetual Curate and Vicar of Coirbents; or  Conventh。  He resigned this vicarage into the hands of Pope Paulus in  favour of the Priory of Beauly。  There is a presentation by James; Bishop of Moray; to Mr Kenneth Mackenzie; of the vicarage of Conventh; dated  June 27; 1518。 'Antiquarian Notes; p。 100'  He has a charter of the lands of Suddie from James V。 in 1526。  He would not refrain from marriage;  notwithstanding the orders of the Roman Church promulgated some time  previously; and the Bishop attempted to depose him with the result  described  at pp。 107…108。 He married Helen; daughter of Robert Loval of Balumbie; Forfarshire; his brother; John of Killin; IX。 of Kintail; and his  wife's father being parties to the contract of marriage; dated 1539; by  which it was agreed that in case of his decease before her she is to have an  annuity of 600 merks Scots and other perquisites。  By her Kenneth had  issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Thomas; of Kinlochluichart; afterwards I。 of Ord。

3。  John Caol; or Slender; who married; with issue。

4。  Roderick; who married;  with issueAlexander and John;  and a daughter; who married; first;  a Mr Macdonald and secondly; the Rev。 Kenneth Mackenzie; of the  Torridon family; minister of Sleat; Isle of Skye。

Kenneth was succeeded by  his eldest son;

II。  ALEXANDER MACKENZIE; second of  Killichrist; who; in 1571; obtained  a charter from James VI。 of the  lands of Suddie; which had been  granted to his father in 1526 by  James V。  He married Agnes; only  child of Roderick Mackenzie; third  son of Allan; II。 of Hilton; with  issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and  successor。

2。  John; Archdean of Ross;  I。 of Inverlael; who married  Margaret; daughter of William  Innes of Culrossie; and had a son;  Kenneth; II。 of Inverlael; who  married Agnes; daughter of  William Fraser; V。 of Culbokie  (sasine on marriage contract in  1629); without issue male; and the  Rev。 Thomas; also Archdean of  Ross; III。 of Inverlael。  Thomas  married Agnes; daughter of Hector  Douglas of Muldearg; with issueJohn; who succeeded as IV。 of  Inverlael; and Thomas; a W。S。 in  Edinburgh; who died unmarried。   John; IV。 of Inverlael; had three  sons who died without issue; and a  daughter; who married Alexander  Mackenzie of Towie。 John; the  Archdean; I。 of Inverlael; had a  third son; Alexander; a W。S。; who  died unmarried; and a fourth; the  Rev。 James Mackenzie; minister of Nigg; who married Mary; daughter  of John Rose of Broadley; with issue; from whom descended the  late Right Hon。 John Holt  Mackenzie; who married without  issue; and the late Joshua Henry  Mackenzie of Belmont; Lord of  Justiciary; who married Helen Ann;  youngest daughter of Francis  Humberston…Mackenzie; last Lord  Seaforth; with issuetwo  daughters; Frances Mary and  Penuel Augusta。

3。  Murdoch; I。 of Little  Findon; who married Margaret;  daughter of Murdoch; second son  of John Mackenzie; I。 of Loggie;  with issueJohn; II。 of Little  Findon。

4。  Kenneth; of whom  nothing is known。

5。  Alexander; a natural son;  Colonel in the army; and Governor of Tangiers。  He had also by a  German lady two sons in the  French army; and two daughters;  one of whom; Penelope; married  Allan Macdonald; XIX of  Clanranald; killed at Sheriffmuir in  1715; without issue。

Alexander died in 1575; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; third of Killichrist; who married; first; the widow of James Gray of Skibo; with issuea daughter; who  married; first; John Dunbar of Avoch; and secondly; probably as his  second wife; Lachlan Mackintosh; VII。 of Kyllachy。  Kenneth married;  secondly; in 1605; Catharine; daughter of Roderick Mor Mackenzie; I。 of  Redcastle (sasine of Suddie in 1607) with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Margaret; who married Fraser; Tutor of Foyers。

He was succeeded by his only son; who became first of


I。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; first of Suddie。  He served under Gustavus  Adolphus; and married Mary;  daughter of Bruce of Airth; with  issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and successor。

2。  Colin; who married Janet; daughter of John Mackenzie;  Ardcharnach and Langwell; with issueAlexander; an officer in the Horse Guards; Thomas; killed without issue; in the Scots Guards in Spain; John; a Lieutenant…Colonel in Collier's Regiment in Flanders; and Colin; in  Lauder's Regiment; killed in Flanders; without issue。

3。  Elizabeth; who married George Leslie; Sheriff…Clerk of  Inverness; with issue (sasine in 1653)。

4。  Agnes; who about 1630 married Roderick; sixth son of  Alexander Mackenzie; V。 of Gairloch; without issue。

5。  Magdalen; who married Alexander Graham of Drynie; with  issue。

Alexander has a sasine of Suddie in 1650; and another in 1672。  He was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  CAPTAIN  KENNETH   MACKENZIE; second of Suddie。   He served in Dumbarton's  Regiment in France in 1666; and as  a Royalist Captain in Scotland。  He  married Isobel; daughter of John  Paterson; Bishop of Ross; with  issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and successor。

2。  George; killed with Lord Mungo Murray at Darien。

3。  Margaret; who married; William Macleod of Bernera。

4。  Elizabeth; married as his first wife; Colonel Alexander  Mackenzie of Conansbay; son of Kenneth Mor; third Earl of Seaforth;  without issue。

5。  Alice; who married; first; in 1698; as his second wife; John Macdonald of Balcony; son of Sir James Macdonald; IX。 of Sleat; and  secondly; John Maclean; M。D。; Inverness。

He was killed at the battle of Mulroy in Lochaber in 1688; 'Scott gives the following account of Captain Mackenzie's death〃He was brave; and well…armed with carabine; pistols; and a halbert or half…pike。  This officer came in front of a cadet of Keppoch; called Macdonald of  Tullich; and by a shot aimed at him; killed one of his brothers; and then rushed on with his pike。  Notwithstanding his deep provocation; Tullich;  sensible of the pretext which the death of a Captain under Government  would give against his c'an; called Out more than once; ‘Avoid me; avoid  me。'  ‘The Macdonald was never born that I would shun;' replied Mac…kenzie; pressing on with his pike on which Tullich hurled at his head a  pistol; which he had before discharged。  The blow took effect; the skull  was fractured; and Mackenzie died shortly after; as his soldiers were carrying him to Inverness。〃… Tales of a Grandfather。' and was succeeded  by his eldest son;

III。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; third of Suddie; who; in 1706  married Katharine; daughter of John Shaw of Sornbeg; Ayrshire; with  issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  John; Lieutenant…Colonel in the army。

3。  Mary; who married General Norman Macleod; XXII。 of  Macleod; with issue。

4。  Agnes; who married Lachlan Mackintosh of Kyllachy。

Kenneth has a sasine in 1695。  He was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; fourth and last of Suddie; who  married Margaret; second daughter of Sir Alexander Mackenzie; Baronet;  and V。 of Coul; with issue

1。  Alexander; who died  before his father; without issue。

2。  John Randoll  Mackenzie; Major…General in the  army; killed at Talavera in 1809;  without issue。

3。  Janet; and 4。 Katharine;  who both died without issue。

5。  Henrietta Wharton; who  in 1810 became her father's heir;  and married; as her second  husband; Sir James Wemyss; fifth  Baronet and VIII。 of Scatwell;  M。P。; Lord…Lieutenant for the  County of Ross; to whom she  carried the Suddie estates; and had  issueSir James John Randoll  Mackenzie; sixth Baronet and last  of Scatwell; who; about 1850 sold  or alienated the estates。


KENNETH; first of Killichrist  fourth son of Kenneth Mackenzie; VII。 of  Kintail; had; as already shown; a second son; Thomas of Lochluichart;  who; in 1598; obtained from Kenneth; XII。 and afterwards first Lord  Mackenzie of Kintail; a tack of the lands of Ord。  Thomas married; first; Isobel; a daughter of Roderick MacAllan Macleod of Gairloch; with issue

1。  Murdoch Mackenzie of  Scatwell; who married Catherine;  daughter of Alastair Roy Mac  Eachainn; without issue。  In 1619;  he talzied the estate of Scatwell to  his foster…brother; Kenneth  Mackenzie; I。 of Scatwell; son of  Sir Roderick Mackenzie of  Coigeach; Tutor of Kintail。

2。  Kenneth; progenitor of  the Mackenzies of Langwell; whose present representatives are in  Australia; and of Mackenzie…Ross of Aldie; who adopted the  additional name of Ross on  succeeding to that property。

Thomas of Lochluichart married; secondly; Annabella; daughter of Murdoch Mackenzie; I。 of Fairburn; with issue

3。  John; who afterwards  obtained a charter of Ord。

4。  Thomas; who married a  daughter of the Laird of Katewell;  with issuetwo sons; John of  Wester Kessock; who married  Margaret Maclean; and another  son; who died unmarried; in 1642。   Thomas died before 1628。

5。  Murdoch; servitor to the Tutor of Kintail; who died unmarried; in 1628。  This Murdoch; by his last will; dated 13th January; 1628; left his  brother…german; John Mackenzie of Ord; executor and legatee; and  bequeathed 400 merks Scots and fiffteen boils victual or the value thereof  to the children of his late brother Thomas。  He also left three hundred and  twenty…one merks Scots to Thomas Graham; his sister's son; and the  annual rent of one thousand merks to Isobel Cuthbert; wife of his sai
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