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history of the mackenzies-第106部分

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am; his sister's son; and the  annual rent of one thousand merks to Isobel Cuthbert; wife of his said  brother and executor; and discharged his sisters of all the monies they  borrowed from him。

Thomas of Lochluichart died before 1619。  His eldest son;

I。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; was the first of the family who possessed  Ord and was designed thereof; though it was previously held in tack by his  father。  John was locally called 〃Ian Dubh a Ghiuthais;〃 or Black John of the Fir。  He obtained a charter from Kenneth; XIIth Baron and first Lord  Mackenzie of Kintail; of the lands and mill of Ord; and the half of  Corrievoulzie and Strathvaich; dated 23rd July; 1607; and on the 15th of  September; 1637; George second Earl of Seaforth granted him a regular  free charter of the whole。

John married Isobel; daughter of Alexander Cuthbert of Drakies; by his wife Christian Dunbar; who long survived him; with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  Thomas; from whom the Mackenzies of Highfield。

3。  James; who married a daughter of the Rev。 Farquhar Clark。  He is cautioner; with his brother Kenneth of Ord; for Thomas Mackenzie; III。  of Inverlael; from which he is discharged on the 18th of May; 1659。  He is  witness to the registration of the marriage contract of his brother John; at  Inverness; on the 20th of February; 1666。

4。  George; who married; first; a natural daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; V。 of Gairloch; and secondly; Janet; daughter of the Rev。 Mr  Linen; minister of Fairnly; with issueone son; Alexander; who joined the  Darien expedition; and afterwards settled and married in Jamaica; where  his posterity still flourish。

5。  A daughter; who married Mackenzie of Tarradale。

6。  Annabella; who in 1650 married Alexander Mackenzie; VI。 of Hilton。

7。  Janet; who; in 1652 married Alexander Cam; fourth son of  Alexander Mackenzie; V。 of Gairloch; with issueRoderick and Alexander; Mic Alastair Chaim; the author's ancestors。  Two daughters married respectively a son of the Rev。 John Clark;  minister of Lochalsh; and Murdo Mackenzie Mhic Mhurchaidh。

John witnessed the burning of the Church of Killichrist by the Macdonalds of Glengarry in 1602。  He died before the 1st of December; 1644; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  CAPTAIN  JOHN MACKENZIE; second of Ord。  He  fought under Montrose against the  Covenanters; and was in  consequence summoned to appear  before the Presbytery of Dingwall  on the 5th of March; 1650; as a  Malignant。  He confessed to have  been at the head of a Company at  Balvenny; professed his grief and  desired to be received to the  Covenant and public satisfaction。

He was ultimately ordained on the  19th of November; 1650; 〃to make  his repentance to James Graham's  unnatural rebellion; the unlawful  engagements; and the late  insurrection in the North; in the  kirk of Dingwall; in his own habits;  the next Sabbath; and to be  received; and to subscribe the  Declaration。〃  On the 13th of  October; 1653; he is appointed to  take charge of the Earl of Seaforth's forest of Fannich; for  which he is to receive a certain number of boils victual yearly。  On  the 22nd of April; 1655; he is tried  by Court Martial in Edinburgh; for  plundering the lands of Fowlis on  the 9th of November preceding;  found guilty; and sentenced to  repair the damage to the extent  proved; out of his lands of Ord; and  to be committed to prison until the  General's pleasure should be  known thereon。

He married Magdalen; daughter of William Fraser of Culbokie  (marriage contract 21st July; 1633; tocher 2500 merks Scots) with issue

1。  Thomas; his heir and successor;

2。  Kenneth; who is witness to a bond; dated 27th of April; 1724; by Thomas Mackenzie of Ord; and his eldest son; Alexander; in favour of  John Mackenzie of Highfield。  He married; in 1702; Elizabeth; daughter of Assynt; with issueone son; Kenneth。

3。  Annabella; who married on the 28th of April; 1698; Charles Maclean; Brae。

4。  Helen; who married on the 25th of April; 1700; James Murray; Culloden。

5。  Janet; who married Donald Macdonald; South Uist (marriage contract 1711)。

6。  Florence; married Kenneth Mackenzie; Kenlochewe。

Captain John died before the 19th of February; 1686; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; third of Ord。  On the 6th and 8th of  March; 1697; he redeemed the wadset of Corrievoulzie; duly and lawfully premonishing and warning John Mackenzie; indweller in Wester Kessock;  and Margaret Maclean; his spouse; to repair to the Tolbooth of Fortrose;  commonly called the Charter house; on the 15th of May next; and there  any time betwixt the sun rising and the down passing of the same; to  receive from Thomas Mackenzie of Ord; or any other in his name; the sum  of fifty thousand merks Scots; whole and together in one sum; all copper  and lay…money excepted; and upon receipt thereof to deliver up the  Wadset of Corrievoulzie; etc。; to him。  On the 23rd of August; 1716; he entered into an obligation with Kenneth Bayne of Tulloch and John Mackenzie of Highfield; by which; upon their satisfying Colin Graham of  Drynie for a debt contracted between that gentleman and Ord; the latter is  to make an ample disposition to them and their heirs; of all his lands lying  within the Sheriffdom of Ross; with reversion always; during all the days of his life; of the sum of one hundred and twenty merks Scots; five bolls of  bear; five bolls of malt; five bolls of oatmeal; five bolls of bear meal  yearly; out of the rents of said lands and it was specially provided that as  soon as the sum of four thousand merks Scots was paid by Kenneth Bayne  and John Mackenzie; they should be obliged to give the said Thomas  Mackenzie one chaldron of victual; or one hundred merks Scots yearly;  over and above the reservation above…mentioned。

He married Mary; daughter of John Mackenzie; II。 of Applecross。 with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Magdalen; who married William Mackenzie; son of Sir  Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Coul (marriage contract 18th July 1716)。

He was succeeded by his only son;

IV。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE;  fourth  of Ord; who before the  29th of June; 1723; married Jean; daughter of John Mackenzie; II。 of Highfield; with issue

1。  Thomas; his heir and successor。

He died before the 10th of October; 1748; and was succeeded by  his only son;

V。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; fifth of Ord。  He was educated at  Fortrose; and married Ann; youngest daughter of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie;  first Baronet and IV。 of Scatwell (marriage contract 15th of June; 1730)。 She had a jointure; in case of her surviving him; of five chalders of victual  rent; and three hundred merks Scots yearly; namely; three chalders of  victual out of the lands of Broomhill; Ballavulaich; and Milltown of Ord; two chalders of the first and readiest of the rents of the Mill of Ord; and  three hundred merks out of the lands of Corrievoulzie; Strathvaich;  Stronchondrum; and Bruthachnam…Bo。 By her he had issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Elizabeth; who married Alexander; only son of George  Gillanders of Highfield; Chamberlain to Kenneth; Earl of Seaforth  (marriage contract 17th April; 1777); with issue。

3。  Abigail; who married George Mackenzie; IV。 of Dundonnel;  with issue。

Thomas died in 1803; and was succeeded by his only son;

VI。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; sixth of Ord; who; during his  father's lifetime; was; by deed of settlement of Katharine Bethune and  Alexander Macdonald; her husband; dated 3rd December; 1785; appointed  sole executor to Macdonald's only child Kenneth; whom failing; the said Alexander Mackenzie; younger of Ord; to be sole heir; 〃and this as a token  of gratitude to the worthy family of Ord。〃  Alexander married Helen;  daughter of Neil Macinnes; Collector of Taxes; Aberdeen; with issue

1。  John; who died before his father; unmarried。

2。  Thomas; who became his heir and successor。

3。  Alexander; Captain in the 25th Regiment; Native Infantry; H。E。I。C。S。; who married Hannah Fraser; daughter of James Fraser of  Belladrum; with issue(1) Alexander; H。E。I。C。S。; who married a daughter of Colonel Birch; with  issuefour sons and four daughters; (2) Charles…Archdale; in the Army; and three daughters; Helen; Emilia; and Anna。  He  died in India on the 15th of June; 1837。

4。  Anne; who married her cousin; Thomas Mackenzie; VI。 and last of the Old Mackenzies of Dundonnel。

5。  Margaret; who married John Maclean; Granada; with issuean only daughter; Helen。

6。  and 7。  Eliza and Helen; both of whom died unmarried。

Alexander died in 1820 and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

VII。  THOMAS MACKENZIE; seventh of Ord;  Vice…Lieutenant of the County of  Ross。  He was born in December  1797; and married; on the 27th of  April; 1825; Anna Watson; second  daughter of James Fowler of  Raddery; and Grange in Jamaica;  with issuean only son; who in  1880; succeeded his father as

VIII。  ALEXANDER  WATSON  MACKENZIE; eighth of Ord。   He was born on the 31st of August; 1827; and was a Captain in the 91st  Regiment。 He married on the 10th of June; 1857; Angel…Babington;  daughter of the Rev。 Benjamin Peile; of Hatfield; Herts; with issue

1。  Thomas Arthur; born on the 17th of September; 1859; Captain 79th Cameron Highlanders。  He first joined the 42nd Regiment but was  transferred in 1880 to the 79th Cameron Highlanders。  He served in the  Egyptian War and was present at the battle of Tel…el…Kebir; for which he  has a medal and clasp and the Khedive Star。  He obtained his Captaincy  on the 16th of January; 1885。  He was for several years Adjutant of the  79th and is one of the editors of 〃The Historical Records〃 of that  Regiment; published in 1887。

2。  Alexander Francis; who was born on the 18th of April; 1861; Captain 93rd Highlanders。

3。  Beatrice Anna; who in 1887 married Robert Scarlett; son of the  late John Fraser of Bunchrew; with issueJohn Ord Alastair; Gladys  Frances; and Evelyn Robert Leopold。

4。  Anna Watson。


I。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; first of this family; was the second son of  John Mackenzie; I。 of Ord; by Isobel; daughter of Alexander Cuthbert of  Drakies。  He married Agnes; daughter of Murdoch Matheson
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