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history of the mackenzies-第113部分

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5。  Roderick; who died young。

6。  Alexander; who succeeded his half…brother John as III。 of Scatwell。

7。  George; who died young。

8。  Kenneth; who succeeded his brother Alexander。

9。  Isabella; who married John Macleod of Contullich; Tutor of Macleod of Macleod; with issue。

10。  Christian; who married; first; John Gray of Arboll; and secondly; George Gordon of Ospisdale; without issue。

He has a sasine of Little Scatwell in 1619; and a charter of Allangrange; from George; Earl of Seaforth; in 1636。  He died at Lochluichart; of which place he has a sasine in 1634; on the 3rd of March;  1662; and was buried in St。 Clement's Chapel; Dingwall; when according  to the Wardlaw MS。  〃My Lord Lovat paraded there with near 100 horse  and 500 foot;〃 to do honour to 〃a gallant and a great spirit。〃

Kenneth was succeeded by  his only son by the first marriage;

II。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; second of Scatwell; who has a sasine in 1667。  He married Anne; daughter of Roderick Mackenzie; III。 of Redcastle; with issuean only child; Lilias; who married Colin Mackenzie; III。 of Kincraig; with issue (sasine to her in 1679)。  He died on  the 13th of May; 1677; and was succeeded by his half…brother;

III。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; third of Scatwell; who married  Janet Ross of Ulladale; who died in March; 1699。  He died on the 18th of March; 1680; without issue; and was succeeded by his brother;

IV。  SIR  KENNETH MACKENZIE; fourth of Scatwell。   He was created a Baronet of Nova  Scotia on the 22nd of February;  1703; by Queen Anne; six weeks  after the elevation of his cousin…german; George; Lord Tarbat; to  the Earldom of Cromarty。  He was  member of Parliament from 1702  to 1706。  Dr George Mackenzie  says that 〃he was a member of the  Union Parliament; and joined those  patriots of the country who stood  by the ancient and inalienable  privileges of the nation。〃  In 1688  he acquired by purchase from his  relative; Sir George Mackenzie of  Rosehaugh and Mary Haliburton  his wife; the lands of Pittonachty。

About the same time he married  Lilias (then only eighteen years old); eldest daughter of Sir  Roderick Mackenzie of Findon;  fourth son of Alexander  Mackenzie; I。 of Kilcoy; who; on  the death of her father and mother;  and that of her only brother the  year following; was; on the 12th of  October; 1693; served heir of tailzie and provision to her father in  the lands of Findon; which property  she brought to her husband。  The  fortunes of the family of Scatwell  having thus been much improved;  in 1696 a dwelling…house was  erected by Kenneth and his wife at  Findon; into which they removed  from Lochluichart; and they  continued to reside in it until the  erection  of the new mansion at  Pittonachty by Sir Roderick Mackenzie; the second baronet; in  1795。  The old residence at Findon; now used as a farm house; still  bears the following inscription on  the lintel of the main door:

〃Omnia terrena per vices sunt aliena; Nunc mea; nunc hujus; Post mortem nescio cujus; Null certa domus。〃 〃K。 MK。 16。 96 I。 MK。〃

By his first wife; Lilias of Findon; who died in childbed on the 21st  of October; 1703; Sir Kenneth had issue

1。  George; who was educated at Oxford; where he remained from July; 1702; until May; 1704; during which period he cost his father 8192  merks。  He is described as 〃a youth of great hope and spirit;〃 but he died  〃of a decay;〃 unmarried; in 1705; in his 21st year。

2。  Roderick; who succeeded as second Baronet。

3。  Alexander; who died in 1711; in his 18th year。

4。  Simon; I。 of Scotsburnwho was born on the 16th of May; 1702representation extinct; Charles Roderick Mackenzie; the last male  representative of the family having died at Seaford; Sussex; on the 25th of  April; 1893; without issue。

5。  Margaret; who on the 13th of February; 1703; married; first; Aeneas Macleod of Cadboll (tocher 6000 merks); with issue; and secondly; Roderick Mackenzie; IV。 of Applecross; with issue。

6。  Isabel; who married; first; Kenneth Bayne of Tulloch; without issue; and secondly; Roderick Chisholm; XXI。 of Chisholm; with issue。

7。  Elizabeth; who married William Mackenzie; III。 of Belmaduthy; with issuea daughter; who married Fraser of Culduthel。

8。  Margaret; who married James Cuthbert of Farnese; merchant; Inverness。

Sir Kenneth married; secondly; in 1707; Christian; eldest daughter of the Rev。 Roderick Mackenzie; minister and Laird of Avoch; without issue。  He married; thirdly; Abigail; daughter of John Urquhart of Newhall;  with issue

9。  Kenneth; H。E。I。C。S。; who died unmarried。

10。  Jean; who married   Kenneth Mackenzie; III。 of  Dundonnel; with issue; and died in  1786。

11。  Ann; who in 1750 married Thomas Mackenzie; V。 of Ord;  with issue。

12。  Lilias; born at Findon  on the 22nd of February; 1711。

In 1728; two years before his death; he mortified a sum of 906 merks for the education and benefit of the poor in the parish of Avoch。

He  died in 1730; and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

V。  SIR  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; fifth of Scatwell; and second  Baronet; who in 1710 married Janet; (who died 10th February; 1761)  daughter of Ludovic Grant; XVII。 of Grant; with issue

1。  Lewis; his heir and  successor。

2。  Captain Alexander; who married; first; his cousin Lilias; daughter of Simon Mackenzie; I。 of Scotsburn; with issue; and secondly;  Janet; daughter of John Mackenzie; III。 of Torridon; with issue。  Male  representation by both marriages extinct。

3。  Janet; who in 1730 married Sir Alexander Mackenzie; second Baronet and IX。 of Gairloch; with issue。

4。  Elizabeth; who married Colin Mackenzie; III。 of Mountgerald with issue。

5。  Margaret; who married James Cuthbert of Milncraig。

Sir Roderick died on the 24th of April; 1750; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

VI。  SIR  LEWIS   MACKENZIE; third Baronet and  sixth of Scatwell。 He was born in  1715; and in 1739 married Isabella;  eldest daughter of Colin  Mackenzie; I。 of Mountgerald; with  issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Colin; who was born on  the 16th of April; 1746; the day on which the battle of Culloden was  fought。  He was a merchant in London; in partnership with Mark  Sprot; the then eminent financier; and married Janet; daughter of J。  Sprot; Edinburgh。  He died in 1814  and is buried in Bath Abbey。  He  has a sasine of Little Findon in life…rent; dated the 2nd of September;  1771。  By his wife; he had issue(1) Colin; who died unmarried; in  1841; (2) Mark; who died  unmarried; in 1856; (3) Lewis;  Major in the Royal Scots Greys;  who married; in 1820; Nancy; only  child and heiress of Samuel  Forrester Bancroft。  He died in  1853; with issue(a) Lewis Mark  Mackenzie; I。 of Findon and  Mountgerald。  He succeeded to the  estate of Findon by deed of  arrangement with his cousin; Sir James John Randoll Mackenzie;  sixth Baronet and IX。 of Scatwell; in 1849; and he purchased  Mountgerald from Colonel Simon  Mackenzie in 1855。  He died  unmarried in 1856; and was  succeeded; as II。 of Findon; etc。; by  his next brother (b) Augustus  Colin; who also died unmarried; in  1865; when the only surviving  brother (c) Sir James D。  Mackenzie; Baronet; Major half…pay; who; born in 1830; served in  the 79th and 14th Regiments。  He is  author of the 〃Mackenzie  Genealogies;〃 published in 1879。   Having succeeded to the property;  as III。 of Findon and Mountgerald;  he married; in 1858; Julia Stanley;  daughter of Samuel Clutsam;  D。C。L。; with issueJames Kenneth  Douglas; born in 1859; Alice  Nancy; Julia Marion; Louisa  Augusta; Lilian Geraldine and  Evelyn; (d) Earnest Bancroft; who  died unmarried in 1861; (e) Colin;  who died young; (f) Nancy Copley;  who married Thomas Antony Lister  of Gargrave; barrister…at…law; with  issueNancy M。 Augusta; (g) and  Julia Louisa; who; in 1824; married  Baron Iver Holger Rosenkrantz; Chamberlain to the King of  Denmark and minister at the Court  of Italy (who died in 1873); with  issuefour sons。

3。  Lewis; who died in the West Indies; unmarried。

4。  George; Colonel 72nd  Regiment; who married Joan;  daughter of John Campbell of  Wellwood; Ayrshire; with issue(1) Lewis; Captain 72nd Regiment;  who married Jane; daughter of  William Logan; with issuea  daughter; Margaret; (2) John  Campbell; Lieutenant 5th  Regiment; subsequently Sheriff…Substitute of Lanark。  He married;  in 1810; Marie Barbier Deshayeux;  at St。 Jean de Luz; with issueGeorge Salvador; Lieutenant   H。E。I。C。S。; drowned in the Ganges  in 1844; Admiral John Fraser  Campbell; who in 1850; married  Annabella; daughter of the Rev。 Dr  Stirling; minister of Craigie; with  issue; Francois; Major H。E。I。C。S。;  who married; in 1854; Julia;  daughter of John Mercer; of  Maidstone; with issue; Lilias; who  died unmarried; and Louisa  Georgina; who; in 1843; married as  his second wife; Dr Stair M'Quhae;  with issue; (3) George; who died  young; (4) another George; who  died unmarried; (5) Isabel; who  died young; (6) Catherine; who  died unmarried; and  (7) Jane; who  married William Forrester Bow;  M。D。; with issuethree sons。

5。  Lilias; who died unmarried; in 1777。

Sir Lewis was served heir to his father in 1752。  His wife died in 1786 at Findon; and he died in 1756; when he was succeeded by his eldest  son;

VII。  SIR  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; fourth Baronet and seventh  of Scatwell。  On the 7th of April; 1764; he married Katharine; daughter of  Sir James Colquhoun of Luss; by Lady Helen Sutherland; daughter of  William; Lord Strathnaver; with issue

1。  Lewis; Colonel of the Ross and Cromarty Rangers。 In 1794; he married Grace; daughter of Thomas Lockhart of Newhall; and died without issue before his father; in 1810。

2。  James Wemyss; who succeeded his father。

3。  Helen; who in 1790 died unmarried。

4。  Katharine Morrison; who in 1819 died unmarried。

In 1795 Sir Roderick built; on his estate of Pittonachty; the present  mansion; to which; with the property; he gave the name of the adjoining  estate of Rosehaugh; and removed his family to it from the old house at  Findon。  He also built the present Church of Urquhart; or Ferrintosh; the old one having become uninhabitable from the accumulation of interments  within it。  He died on the 11th of June; 1811; and was succeeded by his 
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