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history of the mackenzies-第117部分

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3。  Colin; Lieutenant 71st  Regiment; killed in the American  War; without issue。

4。  Alexander; who on  succeeding to his mother's property  of Inverallochy; assumed the  additional name of Fraser by Royal license dated the 22nd of July;  1803; and became the well…known Lieutenant…General Alexander  Mackenzie…Fraser of Inverallochy and Castle Fraser; Colonel of the  78th Regiment; and M。P。 for the county of Cromarty; 1802…6; Ross…shire; 1806…1807; and 1807 until his death at Walcheren; on the 13th  of September; 1809。  He married  Helen; sister of Francis  Humberston…Mackenzie; last Lord Seaforth; with issue; two sons(1)  Charles Mackenzie…Fraser; II。 of  Castle Fraser; his heir; Captain  Coldstream Guards; Colonel Ross…shire Militia。  He served in the  Peninsular War with the 52nd  Regiment in 1808…9; and was M。P。  for Ross…shire 1814…1818。 He was  born on the 9th of June; 1792; and  died on the 7th of March; 1871;  having married on the 25th of  April; 1817; Jane; daughter of Sir  John Hay; Baronet of Smithfield  and Haystoune; with issue(a)  Alexander; who died in 1843; (b)  John Wingfield; who died in 1846;  (c) Charles Murray; who died in  1846; (d) Francis Mackenzie; who  died in 1849; and (e) Kenneth; who  died young in 1836all without  issue。  (f) Frederick Mackenzie…Fraser; now of Castle Fraser;  Aberdeen…shire; late of the Ross…shire Militia; Lieutenant…Colonel  H。M。 Reserve Forces。  He was born  on the 4th of April; 1831; and  married first; on the 24th of April;  1871; Lady Marie Augusta  Gabrielle Berengere Blanche  Drummond; elder daughter of  George; fourteenth Earl of Perth  and Melfort。  She died in 1874  without issue。  He married;  secondly; in 1879; Theodora Lovett; daughter of William Henry  Darby of Leap Castle; King's County; Ireland。  (g) Catherine;  who died unmarried in 1856; (h) Mary; who died unmarried in 1847;  (i) Eleanor Jane; who died on the  22nd of October; 1858; having on  the 6th of January; 1855; married;  as his second wife; the Right  Reverend George Tomlinson; D。D。;  first Bishop of Gibraltar; who died  on the 6th of February; 1863; and  had a son and two daughtersGeorge Charles James Tomlinson;  born on the 16th of April; 1857;  Eleanor Fraser; and Mary  Elizabeth; (j) Grace Harriet; who  died without issue; and (k) Augusta  Charlotte; who on the 25th of  April; 1854; married Robert Drummond; with issueCharles  and Sybil。  (2) Lieutenant…Colonel Frederick Alexander Mackenzie…Fraser who died in December;  1848; married first; Emma Sophia;  daughter of Hume Macleod of  Harris; with issue (a) Frederick  Charles; who died in 1875; leaving  issue; (b) Colin; and (c) Isabella;  who died unmarried。  He married; secondly; Georgina Augusta;  daughter of Sir Charles Bagot; Governor…General of Canada。   Lieutenant…General Alexander had also two daughters(3) Marrianne;  and (4) Helen; both of whom died  unmarried。

5。  Anne; who married Alexander Mackenzie; W。S。; I。 of Portmore; with issue。

6。  Elizabeth; who died young。

7。  Jean; who in 1766 married Alexander Elphinstone of Glack; Aberdeenshire; Sheriff…Depute of that county in 1777; with issuea son; John; and two daughtersJane; who in 1787 married John Mackenzie;  VII。 of Applecross; and Mary; who died in Edinburgh unmarried in 1796。

8。  Janet; who died unmarried in 1789。

9。  Martha; and  10。  Janet; both of whom died young。

Colin of Kilcoy died in 1758; and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

VII。  CHARLES  MACKENZIE; seventh of Kilcoy; who in 1781  married Jane Gordon; third daughter of Patrick Grant of Glenmoriston  with issuean only son; by whom on his death in 1813 he was succeeded  as

VIII。  SIR  COLIN   MACKENZIE; eighth of Kilcoy;  created a baronet on the 15th of  March; 1836; with remainder to his  second and third sons; Evan and  Colin John。  He was Lieutenant…Colonel Commandant 1st Ross…shire Local Militia; and Vice…Lieutenant and Convener of the  county; and claimed the Earldom of  Buchan and Barony of Auchterhouse。  He was born on the  22nd of April; 1782; and married on the 30th of March; 1805;  Isabella (who died on the 26th of  May; 1874); second daughter of  Ewen Cameron of Glen Nevis; with  issue

1。  Charles; his heir and successor; in the entailed estates。   He was  born on the 25th of December; 1811; and died unmarried on the 30th of  July; 1887。

2。  Evan; who succeeded to the Baronetcy and the unentailed  estates。

3。  Colin; died unmarried on the  21st of April; 1868。

4。  Jane; who in 1853 married James Wardlaw; Major 2nd Royal Lancashire Militia (who died on the 3rd of October; 1867); with issue(1)  John Colin Wardlaw Captain 34th Regiment。  He was born on the 19th of  July; 1856; and married in 1889; Mabel; daughter of William Bousfield  Page; of Carlisle。  (2) George Lake; born on the 19th of April; 1864; (3) James Robert Preston; born on the 22nd of September; 1867; (4)  Geraldine Anne Isabella Mary Jane; who married on the 21st of  December; 1876; George Francis Gillanders of Highfield; with issuea  daughter; Frances Geraldine; (5) Horatia Georgina Ramsay; who married  first on the 19th of July; 1877; William Gordon Cumming Asher; with  issueWilliam Augustus; born on the 6th of July; 1878; and Isabella  Cameron。  She married secondly; Thomas Home; W。S。; Edinburgh; with  issue; (6) Jane Frances Harriet; who in 1890 married George Mullen of  Springfield; County Sligo; with issuea daughter; Jane Horatia Mary。

Sir Colin died in January; 1845; when he was succeeded in the  Baronetcy and unentailed estates by

IX。  SIR  EVAN  MACKENZIE; second Baronet of Kilcoy。  He  was born on the 15th of August; 1816; and married on the 2nd of  November; 1844; Sarah Ann Philomena; daughter of James Parkes;  County of Londonderry; with issue

1。  Colin Charles; Lieutenant 79th Cameron Highlanders; born on the 7th of February; 1848; and died unmarried at Gibraltar on the 15th of June; 1880。

2。  Isabella Jane; who became her father's heir and successor。

3。  Edith Millicent。

4。  Eva Mary Marjorie  Erskine; who on the 22nd of  February; 1872; married Roderick  Grogan Mackenzie; V。 of  Flowerburn; Lieutenant…Colonel  Ross…shire Militia; late 16th  Lancers; with issue。

5。  Sarah Anna Philomena。

Sir Evan Mackenzie died in  1883; and on the death of his  brother; Charles Mackenzie of  Kilcoy; in 1887; the estates and  representation of the family of  Kilcoy devolved on Sir Evan's  eldest daughter;

X。  ISABELLA  JANE; who on the 30th of March; 1869; married  Colonel John Edward Burton (now Burton…Mackenzie); late 91st  Highlanders; second son of the late John Standfast Burton; by Mary Anna;  daughter of David Morgan and niece and heiress of Richard Toulmin  North of Newton Hall and Thurland Castle; Lancashire; with issue

1。  Evan North; who was born on the 9th of March; 1870。

2。  Colin John Mackenzie; born on the 14th of September; 1871。

3。  Edward Grove; born on the 7th of August; 1876。

4。  Isabella Alicia Eva。

On succeeding to the estates  of Kilcoy; Colonel and Mrs Burton assumed the name and arms of  Mackenzie of Kilcoy; in addition to those of Burton (recorded in 1633);  by Letters Patent from the Lyon  King at Arms on the 7th of  December; 1887。


I。  GENERAL  SIR  KENNETH  MACKENZIE…DOUGLAS; first of this family; was the eldest son of Kenneth Mackenzie; Tutor to Charles Mackenzie; VII。 of Kilcoy; by his wife Janet; daughter of Sir Robert  Douglas; Baronet; of Glenbervie (author of the Peerage and Baronage of  Scotland); and co…heir of her brother; Sir Alexander Douglas; M。D。; the  last Baronet of that family; descended from Archibald; fifth Earl of Angus;  whose second son; Sir Robert Douglas; succeeded in 1591 to his estates of Glenbervie and Kemnay。 The General; who was Colonel of the 58th  Regiment; was created a Baronet on the 30th of September; 1831; and on  the 31st of October following he assumed by Royal license the name of  Douglas in addition to his own。  He married on the 18th of December;  1804; Rachel; only child and heir of Robert Andrews of Hythe; Kent; with issue

1。  Robert Andrews; his heir and successor。

2。  Kenneth; Lieutenant 58th Regiment; who was born on the 14th of July; 1809; and died unmarried in Ceylon in 1830。

3。  Alexander Douglas; an  officer in the 58th and 68th  Regiments。 He was born on the  22nd of December 1811; and on the  17th of April; 1834; married Ann;  daughter and co…heir of Joshua  Rouse; Southampton; with issue(1) Rouse Douglas; Captain 96th  Regiment; born on the 29th of  December; 1836; and married on  the 20th of December; 1861; Alice;  daughter of John O'Neill of  Montbello; County Wicklow; with  issuea son and daughter; (2)  Alexander Douglas; of the  Mounted Police; Queensland。  He  was born on the 7th of February;  1843; and married in 1864; without  issue; (3) Annie Douglas; who on  the 31st of March; 1864; married  John Croft; F。R。S。; (4) Mary  Elizabeth  Mackenzie…Douglas; and  (5) Rachel Adela Douglas。   Alexander died in 1848。

4。  Edward; who died unmarried in 1835。

5。  Lynedoch; Lieutenant 97th Regiment。  He was born on the 28th of October; 1818; and on the 26th of July; 1848; married Laura Susanna;  youngest daughter of Lieutenant…General Sir Archibald Campbell;  Baronet; G。C。B。; with issue(1) Helen Maria Mackenzie; who on the  22nd of December; 1874; married Andrew Mitchell Mackenzie; son of the  late Hon。 Donald Mackenzie; Senator of the College of Justice; with issue Donald Mackenzie; born on the 15th of July; 1878;  Lilias Douglas; and  Helen Maria Douglas; (2) Laura Augusta Mackenzie Douglas; who on the  13th of July; 1878; married Donald Mackenzie;  B。A。; W。S。; eldest son of the Hon。 Donald Mackenzie aforesaid; (3) Jessie Beatrice Mackenzie  Douglas; who on the 25th of October; 1873; married as his first wife the  Rev。 Philip Richard Pipon Braithwaite; vicar of St。 Luke's; Jersey; since 1881; and formerly of Abbotsham; Devon; with issueWilliam Douglas Braithwaite; born on the 22nd of October; 1876; Jessie Pipon; and Mary  Mackenzie。  Lynedoch Douglas died on the 15th of May; 1859。

6。  Donald Douglas; Captain Royal North Down Rifles。  He was  born on the 7th of July; 1821; and on the 5th of August; 1847; married Emily Jane; fifth daughter of Hugh Kennedy 
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