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history of the mackenzies-第119部分

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8。  Mary; who married  Thomas Mackenzie; III。 of Ord;  with issue。

9。  Florence; who in 1682  married Charles Mackenzie of  Cullen; third son of Colin  Mackenzie; II。 of Kilcoy; with  issue。

John has a sasine in 1663。  He purchased the Baronies of Tarradale and Rhindoun。  In his grandfather's life…time he had a charter under the  Great Seal; 〃Johanni Mackenzie de Applecross; terrarum de Lochslyne;  Newton de Lochslyne; etc。〃  He was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; third  of Applecross。  He  joined the Earl of Mar in 1715; and was Lieutenant…Colonel of Seaforth's 1st Regiment; for which he was attainted of high treason; and the estates forfeited to the Crown。  He married; first; Anne; daughter of Alexander  Fraser; Tutor of Lovat; by his wife Sibella (Elizabeth); daughter of  Kenneth; first Lord Mackenzie of Kintail; with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and  successor。

2。  Kenneth; a merchant in Inverness; who married a daughter of Rose; Merkinch。

3。  Colin; a doctor in Edinburgh; who married Miss Dunbar of Linkwood。

4。  Sibella; who in 1697 married the Hon。 John Mackenzie of Assynt; second son of Kenneth Mor; third Earl of Seaforth; with issueKenneth; who married Frances; his cousin; daughter of Colonel Alexander; without issue。

5。  Anne; who in 1707 married first Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Kinachulladrum; with issueAnne; his only child in life in 1766; secondly; John MacRae; of Dornie and; thirdly; Colin Mackenzie of the  Gruinard family; a goldsmith in Inverness。

6。  A daughter; who married the Rev。 Archibald Macqueen;  minister of Snizort; Skye。

7。  Another married William Mackenzie; of Shieldaig。

8。  Mary; who married  Malcolm Macleod; VIII。 of Raasay;  with issuehis heir and others。

Alexander married; secondly; Margaret; daughter of Mackenzie; of  Fairburn; with issueone son; Simon; in the Foot Guards。  He married;  thirdly; in 1713; Christian; daughter of Fraser of Belladrum; with issue a  daughter; who married her cousin; Roderick Mackenzie of Achavannie  son of John Og; killed at Sheriffmuir。

He was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son;

IV。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; fourth of Applecross; who has a  sasine of Kinachulladrum; of which place he is designed in 1721。  In 1724 he re…purchased the estate of Applecross from the Court of Enquiry for  ?550。  He married; first; Anne; only daughter of Alexander Macdonell;  XI。 of Glengarry; by his first wife; Ann; daughter of Hugh Lord Lovat;  with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  Alexander; a Captain in Marjoribanks' Regiment; in the Dutch service; who died unmarried。

3。  Kenneth; a watchmaker in London; died unmarried。 On the 17th of August; 1737; he was entered as an apprentice to Thomas Gordon; clock and watchmaker; for six years。

4。  Mary; who married James Mackenzie; III。 of Highfield; whose eldest son Thomas; IV。 of Highfield; inherited Applecross from his uncle  John。

5。  Anne; who married; first; Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Lentran; and secondly; as his second wife; Alexander Mackenzie; VIII。 of Davochmaluag; with issuean only daughter; Anne。

6。  Another daughter who married the Rev。 John Maclean; minister of Kintail。

Roderick married; secondly; Margaret; daughter of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; first Baronet and IV。 of Scatwell; and widow of Aeneas Macleod of Cadboll; with issuean only daughter; Elizabeth; who married Alexander Chisholm; XXII。 of Chisholm; with issuehis heir and others。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

V。  JOHN  MACKENZIE;  fifth of Applecross; who married  Anne; only daughter of Sir Colin  Mackenzie; IV of Coul; without  issue。  He willed the estate of  Applecross away from his brother  Kenneth 'This John; the last of this  family; deprived his brother;  Kenneth; of the property; and  passed it in favour of Thomas  Mackenzie of Highfield; his sister's  son。  In order to set aside the legal succession; and to prevent his  brother; Kenneth; from marrying;  he allowed only ?0 yearly for his  subsistence during his lifetime; which small allowance made it  inadequate for him to rear and  support a family; so that in all  probability this has been the cause  of making the family extinct。  After  this Kenneth the succession should  have reverted back to Roderick  Mackenzie; a descendant of  Roderick; second son of John; II。 of  Applecross; who went to Nova  Scotia in 1802; or failing the family  of this Rory; next to his brother's  family; Malcolm; who died a few  years ago in Kishorn; and failing  heirs of that family to the other  descendants of John of Applecross;  viz。:Kenneth of Auldinie; and  John; killed at Sheriffmuir in 1715。  MS。 of the Family; written in  1828。' to the son of his Sister Mary;  Thomas Mackenzie; IV。 of  Highfield; by whom he was  succeeded as

VI。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; sixth of Applecross and IV。 of  Highfield。 In 1781 he sold the estate of Highfield to George Gillanders; Commissioner for Seaforth; and about the same time purchased Lochcarron from Sir Alexander Mackenzie of Delvine; for ?0;000 sterling。  It was previously bought from Seaforth by Sir Alexander for half  that sum。  He married Elizabeth; only daughter of Donald Mackenzie; V。  of Kilcoy; with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  James; who died unmarried; in India。

3。  Colin; who also died unmarried; in India。

4。  Donald; a Captain in the 100th Regiment of Foot。  He married Anna; daughter of James Macleod; IX。 of Raasay; with issuetwo sons  and。 six daughters; John; Thomas; and Elizabeth; who died unmarried  Flora Loudon; who married General Sir Alexander Lindsay; H。E。I。C。S。;  Jane; who married James Thomas Macdonald of Balranald; North Uist;  with issueAlexander; flow of Balranald; and others; Anne; who married  Christopher Webb Smith; B。C。S。; Isabella Mary; who married Dr  Lauchlan Maclean; and Maria; who married John Mackenzie; the famous  piper; 〃Piobaire Ban;〃 with issue。

5。  Thomas; who died unmarried。

6。  Jean; who died unmarried。

7。  Anne; who married Kenneth Mackenzie of Inverinate; brother to Alexander Mackenzie; XI。 of Hilton; with issueThomas; who succeeded as X。 of Applecross; and others。  Catherine; Mary; and Elizabeth; died unmarried。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

VII。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; seventh of Applecross and  Lochcarron; who in 1787 married Jane; daughter of Alexander  Elphinstone of Glack; Aberdeenshire; with issue

1。  Thomas; his heir and successor。

2。  Elizabeth; who succeeded to Applecross; John Alexander; and Frederick; all died young。

Thomas made a new disposition of the estates by which; in  consequence of a family quarrel; he cut out his only surviving brother; Captain Donald and his daughterstwo sons having previously died unmarriedfrom the succession。  The property; under this new settlement;  went; first; to his son and heir; Thomas; and his issue secondly; failing these; to his daughter Elizabeth; and thirdly; failing her and her issue; to  Thomas; the eldest son of his sister Anne; who; as already stated; married  Kenneth Mackenzie of Inverinate; W。S。; and failing him and his issue; to  the other children of the same sister。

Thomas was succeeded by his eldest and only surviving son;

VIII。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; eighth of Applecross; who was  for many years; and until his death in 1827; Member of Parliament for the County of Ross。  He died; unmarried; and was; in terms of the abovenamed settlement; succeeded by his sister;

IX。  ELIZABETH  MACKENZIE; ninth of Applecross。  She was in delicate health when her brother died; and continued so until her death  two years after him; in 1829。  She was never served heir; and; dying  unmarried; she was in terms of her brother's settlement succeeded by her  cousin…german;

X。  THOMAS   MACKENZIE of Inverinate; W。S。;  Edinburgh; tenth of Applecross;  who represented the County of  Ross in Parliament from 1837 to  1847。  He married Mary; daughter  of George Mackenzie of Avoch;  with issue

1。  Kenneth John; his heir  and successor。

2。  George Alexander; a  merchant in Liverpool; who  married Elizabeth; daughter of  John Cay of Charlton; with issuean only daughter; Mabel Georgina。   He died in 1874。

3。  Thomas; W。S。;  Edinburgh; who died unmarried。

4。  Francis James; who died;  unmarried; in 1875。

5。  Duncan Davidson; who  died; unmarried; in 1863。

6。  Margaret。

7。  Anne Jane。

8。  Geddes Elizabeth; who  married John Cay; W。S。;  Edinburgh。

Thomas sold the estate of Applecross in 1857 to the Duke of  Leeds; and Inverinate to the late Sir Alexander Matheson of Ardross and Lochalsh。  On his death in 1857; he was succeeded as representative of the  family by his eldest son;

XI。  KENNETH  JOHN  MACKENZIE; who was born in 1819 and  died unmarried in 1868; when he was succeeded as representative of the family by his next brother;

XII。  GEORGE  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; who died in 1874;  without male issue。  He was succeeded as representative of the family by  his next brother;

XIII。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE;  Edinburgh; who died unmarried  a few years ago; the last male of the Highfield Applecrosses; failing the descendants of Captain Donald; who was disinherited。


ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE of Coul and Applecross; son of Colin Cam; XIth Baron of Kintail; by Mary of Davochmaluag; had; among others; whose names are given under APPLECROSS;

I。  SIR  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; first designated of Assynt; but  in 1649 he has a sasine of Coul。  He was a 〃man of parts;〃 and in great  favour with Charles II。; who made him a Baronet by Royal patent with  remainder to the heirs male of his body; dated on the 16th of October;  1673。  He was also appointed Sheriff…Principal of Ross and Inverness;  these counties being then one under the jurisdiction of one Sheriff。

He married; first; Jean; eldest daughter of Alexander Chisholm; XIX。 of Chisholm; with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Simon; I。 of Torridon and Lentran; of whom presently。

3。  John; I。 of Delvine; of whom after Torridon。

4。  Roderick; who married a daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie; VI。  of Davochmaluag。

5。  A daughter; who married Colin Mackenzie; IV。 of Redcastle; with issue。

6。  Agnes; married Sir John Munro of Fowlis; w
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