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history of the mackenzies-第120部分

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5。  A daughter; who married Colin Mackenzie; IV。 of Redcastle; with issue。

6。  Agnes; married Sir John Munro of Fowlis; with issue。

7。  Jane; who married Alexander Baillie; IX。 of Dunain。

8。  Christian; who married John Dunbar; Younger of Bennetsfield。

9。  Lilias; married John Munro of Inverawe; with issue。

10。  Mary; who as his first wife married Kenneth Mackenzie; VI。 of Davochmaluag; with issue。

11。  Another; who married Gordon of Cluny。

He married; secondly; a daughter of Thomas Mackenzie of  Inverlael; with issuetwo sons; who died young。

12。  Catharine; who married Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of  Belmaduthy; with issue。

13。  A daughter; who married Ross of Aldie。

14。  A daughter; who  married Evander Maciver of Tour…naig; with issue。

15。  Another; married  MacIver of Tournaig's brother。

He was succeeded by his  eldest son;

II。  SIR  ALEXANDER   MACKENZIE; second of Coul;  who married first; Jean; daughter of  Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonston;  Tutor of Sutherland; with issue

1。  John; his heir and  successor。

2。  Colin; who succeeded as IV。 of Coul。

3。  Lucy; who married Angus Mackintosh; X。 of Kyllachy。

4。  Janet; who in 1695 married Alexander Mackenzie; VII。 of  Davochmaluag; with issuean only daughter; Janet; who in 1715 married  Aeneas Macleod; of Camuscurry; with issuean only daughter; Mary; who married John Urquhart of Mount Eagle。  Sir Alexander married secondly; Janet Johnstone of  Warriston; with issueWilliam;  Simon; and James; and a daughter;  Margaret; who married Andrew  Brown of Dolphinton; with issue。

He had a charter under the Great Seal; in 1681; by which his lands of Coul and others were; upon his own resignation; erected into one free  barony in favour of himself and his heirs male; holding of the Crown。  He afterwards; in 1702; made a deed of entail by which all his estates were  settled upon heirs male of his own body。  He died shortly after; and was  succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  SIR  JOHN  MACKENZIE; third of Coul; who married first; Margaret; daughter of Hugh Rose of Kilravock; with issuean only daughter; who married Bayne of Delny。  He married; secondly; in 1703;  Helen; daughter of Patrick Lord Elibank; with issuetwo daughters; one  of whom married Sir George Hope of Kirkliston; Baronet。  The other died  unmarried。  He joined the Earl of Mar in 1715; was attainted for high  treason; and dying without issue male the titles and estates were assumed by his next brother;

IV。  SIR  COLIN   MACKENZIE; fourth of Coul; who  was Clerk to the Pipe in the  Exchequer; an office which he held  during his life。 He married  Henrietta; daughter of Sir Patrick  Houston of Houston; with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  William of Achilty and Kinnahaird; who married Mary;  daughter of Alexander; VII。 of Davochmaluag; with issueextinct in the  male line。  John; the last male representative of the family sailed for Melbourne in 1850; in the Owen Glendower; which has never since been  heard of。

3。  Anne; who married John Mackenzie; V。 of Applecross; without issue。

Sir Colin died in 1740; in the 67th year of his age; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

V。  SIR  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; fifth of Coul。  He had a  charter; under the Great Seal; to himself and his heirs male; as heir to his  grandfather; of the whole estate of Coul; in 1742。  He married Janet;  daughter of Sir James Macdonald; XIII。 of Sleat; Baronet; with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  James; who died unmarried。

3。  Henrietta; married Thomas Wharton; without issue。

4。  Margaret; who married William Mackenzie; IV。 and last of  Suddie; with issue。

5。  Stewart; who married William Dallas of Cantray; with issue。

6。  Christina。

7。  Janet。

Sir Alexander died in 1792; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

VI。  MAJOR…GENERAL  SIR  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; Bengal Army; sixth of Coul。   He was provincial Commander…in…Chief of Bengal; 1790…1792; and  married in 1778; Catherine;  daughter of Robert Ramsay; with  issueone son; who on his death in  1795; succeeded him as

VII。  SIR  GEORGE  STEWART  MACKENZIE;  F。R。S。; seventh  of Coul。 He was born on the 22nd of June; 1780; and married; first; on the 8th of June; 1802; Mary; daughter of Donald Macleod of Geanies; with  issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  William; who succeeded as IX。 of Coul。

3。  George; who died unmarried in 1839。

4。  Robert…Ramsay; who succeeded as X。 of Coul。

5。  The Rev。 John; Free Church minister of Ratho。  He was born in  1813; and married; in 1839; Eliza; daughter of the celebrated Thomas  Chalmers; D。D。; without issue。  He died in London in 1878。 She died in  1892。

6。  Donald Macleod; Rear Admiral; R。N。  He was born in 1815 and married; in 1865; Dorothea; daughter of Admiral Sir Michael Seymour; G。C。B。; without issue。

7。  The Rev。 James; who in 1847 married Philadelphia; daughter of Sir Percival Hart Dyke of Lullingstone; Kent; Baronet; and died without  issue in 1857。

8。  Margaret。  9。 Catherine。  10。 Mary。  All died unmarried。

Sir George married; secondly; on the 27th of October; 1836; Catherine; daughter of Sir Henry Jardine of Harwood; with issue

11。  Henry Augustin Ornano; who; born on the 24th of April; 1839; married Mary Ann; daughter of Louis Botte; with issuefour sons and a  daughter。

He died in 1848; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

VIII。  SIR  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; eighth of Coul; an  officer in the Bengal army。  He died unmarried on the 3rd of January;  1856; and was succeeded by his next brother;

IX。  SIR  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; ninth of Coul。  He was born  on the 20th of May; 1806; and on the 16th of August; 1858; married  Agnes; daughter of Ross Thomson; of Ardmore; Derry; and died without issue on the 21st of December; 1868; when he was succeeded by his next  surviving brother;

X。  SIR  ROBERT  RAMSAY…MACKENZIE; tenth of Coul; who;  born on the 21st of July; 1811; married in September; 1846; Louisa  Alexandrina; daughter of Richard Jones; member of the Legislative  Assembly of Sydney; New South Wales; with issue

1。  Arthur George Ramsay; his heir and successor。

2。  Mary Louisa; who on the 9th of May; 1871; married Alexander Archer; of Brisbane; Queensland; without issue。  They both perished in the  wreck of the Quetta on her way home from Australia。

3。  Katherine Elizabeth。

4。  Louisa Stewart; who on the 26th of February; 1885; married James G。 L。 Archer; of Gracemere; Queensland; and Laurvig; Norway。

5。  Frances Philadelphia。

In  1867 Sir Robert was appointed Premier of the Executive  Council and Colonial Treasurer of Queensland; having previously held the offices of Colonial Secretary and Treasurer。  He died on the 19th of  September; 1873; when he was succeeded by his only son;

XI。  SIR  ARTHUR  GEORGE  RAMSAY…MACKENZIE;  eleventh and present Baronet of Coul。  He was born on the 2nd of May;  1866; and is still unmarried。


I。  SIMON  MACKENZIE; first of Torridon and Lentran; was second son  of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; first Baronet of Coul; by his first wife; Jean; daughter of Alexander Chisholm; XIX。 of Chisholm。  He has a sasine of  the half of Arcan on disposition in 1697。  He married Catharine; daughter of John Mackenzie; II。 of Applecross。 She has a sasine in 1672 and  another in 1694。  By her he had issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and successor。

2。  Alexander; I。 of Lentran; Tarradale; and Rhindoun; who  married; first; Anne; daughter of Roderick Mackenzie; IV。 of Applecross  (sasine 1745); with issue(l) Alexander; who died young; (2) Roderick of Tarradale; a Captain in Marjoribanks' Regiments; killed in America; without issue; (3) John Mackenzie of Arcan; secretary to the Highland Society of London; so well known as 〃John Mackenzie of the Temple;〃 and intimately connected with the editing and publication of Macpherson's Gaelic Ossian。  He succeeded to the property; but afterwards sold or alienated itRhindoun to the Chisholm  Tarradale to  his nephew; Dr Murchison; and Arcan to his sister; Elizabeth; widow of  John Mackenzie of Sanachan。  He died unmarried in 1803; the last male  representative of the Lentran Mackenzies。  Alexander's daughters were(1) Anne; who married Donald Macrae; Camusluinie; Kintail; with issue;  (2) another; who married Alexander Murchison of Achtertyre; with issue;  (3) Janet; who married William Mackenzie of Strathgarve; with issue; (4)  Catharine; who married Colin Green; Scatwell; without issue; (5) Isabella;  who married; first; Colonel Mackay of Bighouse; Sutherlandshire; without  issue; and secondly; her cousin; John Mackenzie; I。 of Delvine; with issue;  and (6) Elizabeth; who married Captain John Mackenzie; III。 of Sanachan  and Tullich; Lochcarron; who in right of his wife succeeded to Arcan。 She  died without issue。  Alexander married secondly Abigail; daughter of  Charles Mackenze of Cullen。  She has a sasine in 1715。

3。  A daughter; who married Archibald Macdonald of Barisdale;  with issue。

4。  Anne; who in 1694 married Farquhar Macrae of Inverinate;  with issue。

5。  Catherine; married Roderick Mackenzie of Aulduinny。

6。  Florence; who married Colin Mackenzie; II。 of Cleanwaters; with issueAlexander。  Simon was succeeded by his eldest  son;

II。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; second of Torridon; who in 1703  married Ann; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; VII。 of Gairloch; with  issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  Mary; who married  Colin Mackenzie; a Bailie of  Dingwall; with issue(1) Kenneth;  who married Margaret Macdonald;  Skye; with issueAlexander; who  died young in Jamaica; John;  Lieutenant 78th Regiment; who  died in India; without issue; and  Donald; who died young。 Kenneth  had also several daughtersJanet;  who married John Chisholm;  Dingwall; where she died; without  issue; in 1870; aged 95; Mary; and  Margaret Anne; both of whom died  unmarried; and Alexanderina; who  married Captain Munro; 42nd  Highlanders。 (2) John; a merchant  in Bishopsgate Street; London; who  married a daughter of his partner;  Alexander Mackenzie of the Coul  family; with issueColin  Alexander; known as 〃the  Ambassador;〃 who died unmarried  in 1851; Kenneth; who died young;  John; a Colonel H。E。I。
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