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history of the mackenzies-第121部分

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el H。E。I。C。S。;  Alexander; of Christ Church;  Oxford; who died unmarried; and  Caroline; who married Dr William  Wald; without issue。  (3) Alexander; who died young。  (4)  Mary; who married Murdoch  Mackenzie; Bailie of Dingwall;  without issue。  (5) Anne; who  married Andrew Robertson;  Provost of Dingwall and Sheriff…Substitute of Ross; grandson of  Colin Robertson of Kindeace; with  issueAnne; who as his second  wife married Sir John Gladstone;  Baronet of Fasque; with issue;  among othersthe great statesman;  the Right Hon。 William Ewart  Gladstone of Hawarden; M。P。; who  as we write is; in his eighty fifth  year for the fourth time Prime  Minister of Great Britain。  (6)  Fanny; who married John  Mackenzie of Kinellan; with issueColin; who died young; Alexander;  who married Mary Macdonald;  Margaret; who married Farquhar  Matheson and Mary; Christy; and  Janet; all of whom died unmarried。   (7) Betsy; who married a Mr  Simpson; and (8) Elizabeth。

Kenneth died before 1738  and was succeeded by his eldest  son;

III。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; third of Torridon。  He fought at  Culloden; and is said to have been 〃one of the prettiest men in Scotland。〃

The following is from a letter by his grandson; the late Bishop Mackenzie of Nottingham; dated the 10th of September; 1878; in answer to a request  by the author that he should kindly communicate anything he knew about  his more immediate ancestors:

He led into action the few  Mackenzies who fought in that  battle。 He was a nephew of  Macdonald of Keppoch; one of the  seven men of Moidart; and was  personally requested by Lady  Seaforth to take up arms for the  Prince; and he attached himself;  with the personal following who  attended him; to his uncle's  standard。  The Macdonalds; in  Strong resentment for having been  placed on the left instead of the  right of Charles Edward; refused to  charge when ordered by their  commander。  Keppoch; uttering the  touching exclamation; 〃My God!  that I should live to be deserted by  my own children then charged;  accompanied by my grandfather  and his small following。 He soon  fell pierced by balls and then; while  my grandfather wept over him;  exhorted him to leave the field as  the brief action was already over;  and the dragoons were already  scattering over the field in pursuit。

Some of the Macdonalds placed  themselves under their Chief's favourite nephew; as he is called in  Scott's account of the battle。 Tradition says that some of them  were disposed to run when they saw parties of the dragoons  approaching them; but that  Torridon; spoke briefly;  〃Keep  together men。  If we stand shoulder  to shoulder these men will be far  more frightened at us than we can be of them。 But remember; if you  scatter; they have four legs to each  of your two; and you will stand  singly but small chance against  them。〃  They took his advice; and  he led them in fair order off the  field。  It is further reported that he  was proscribed after the battle; and  that his life was saved by Sir  Alexander Macdonald of Sleat;  ancestor of the present Lord  Macdonald; who was one of the  Royal Commissioners。  Sir  Alexander urged that Torridon was  a young and inexperienced man;  and not likely to be dangerous to  the Government; on account of the  distance and comparative smallness  of his wild Highland estate  however; it is said that he added〃Torridon is a great favourite with  the ladies; and if you hang  Torridon it is certain that half the ladies of the country will hang  themselves。〃  This reasoning is said  to have prevailed and it is certain  that the estate descended to my  eldest brother in right of  inheritance; without having been confiscated。

John; who entertained Prince Charles in 1745; married Isobel; daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie; II。 of Dundonnel (sasine in 1741); with  issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and successor。

2。  John; who succeeded as V。 of Torridon。

3。  Janet; who married; as his second wife; Captain Alexander; second son of Sir Roderick Mackenzie; second Baronet and V。 of Scatwell; with issue。  She died in 1808。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; fourth of Torridon。  He sold the  estate to his brother John。  He married Miss Cockerell; daughter of a solicitor; in London; with issue

1。  Kenneth Cockerell; who married; with issue(1) Kenneth Cockerell; who died without issue; (2) John Scott; of the Manchester and  Liverpool Railway Company; who married and in 1859 died; leaving issue  an only son; who since died without issue。

2。  Isabella; who died  without issue。

Kenneth was succeeded by  his next brother;

V。  JOHN  MACKENZIE;  fifth of Torridon; who had  previously purchased the estate  from him; and whose descendants  became the heirs male of his  predecessors; Kenneth's  descendants having; as already  shown; become extinct。  He  married Anne Isabella; daughter of  Isaac Van Dam; West Indies; with  issue

1。  John; his heir and  successor。

2。  Anthony Van Dam; who  died unmarried in 1824。

3。  Rev。 Charles;  Prebendary of St。 Paul's Cathedral。

4。  Rev。 Henry; consecrated  Bishop Suffragan of Nottingham in  1870。 He resigned his Episcopal  duties in 1877; but retained the title of Bishop; and the offices of Arch…dean of Nottingham; and Canon and Sub…Dean of the Cathedral of  Lincoln。 He married; first; Elizabeth; daughter of Robert  Ridley; of Demerara; with  issuean only daughter; Edith; who  married the Rev。 H。 Fellowes。  He married; secondly; Antoinette;  daughter of Sir James Henry Turing of Foveran; Baronet; with issuea  large family of whom 11 survived。 He died in 1878。

John died in 1820; and was  succeeded by his eldest son;

VI。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; sixth of Torridon; who married  Katharine Yallop; and died without issue in 1852。  He sold the estate to James Alexander Stewart…Mackenzie of Seaforth; and was succeeded as  representative of the family by his eldest surviving brother;

VII。  THE  REV。 CHARLES  MACKENZIE; Prebendary of St。  Paul's Cathedral; who married Henrietta; daughter of Henry Simonds; of Reading; Berkshire; with issue

1。  Henry Douglas; who married Miss Suttar; Bathurst; N。S。W。;  with issueDudley B。 Douglas; and two daughters。

The Rev。 Charles had also four daughters。


I。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; first of this family; was third son of Sir Kenneth  Mackenzie; first Baronet of Coul; by his first wife; Jean Chisholm of  Chisholm。  He married first; his cousin Isabella; daughter of Alexander  Mackenzie; I。 of Lentran; with issueone son; George; who married; and  died before his father; without issue in 1772。  He married; secondly; a  daughter of Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonston; with issueWilliam; who  married; and died in England before his father; without issue。  He married;  thirdly; Margaret; daughter of Hay of Alderston; with issue

1。  Alexander; who on the death of his half…brother George;  became his father's heir。

2。  Kenneth (who died in 1756); Professor of Law in the University of Edinburgh。  He married Grizel Hume; daughter of Browne; I。 of Dolphinton; with issuetwo sons and two daughters。  The second son;  Andrew; was a W。S。; and married a daughter of Campbell of Achlyne;  with issue。  The daughters died unmarried。  The eldest son; John;  succeeded his father…in…law; and became JOHN  MACKENZIE; II。 of  DOLPHINTON。  He in 1773 married Alice; daughter of Robert Ord; Lord  Chief…Justice of the Exchequer; with issuefive sons; four of whomRobert;  Kenneth; John; and George; died unmarried。 The second son;  Andrew; had a son (with three daughtersMary; Grace; and Anne)  Kenneth; a Major in the 4th Regiment; who married a Miss Solomon in  America; with issuefour sons and three daughters。 The only surviving  son of John succeeded him as RICHARD  MACKENZIE; III。 OF  DOLPHINTON; who died in 1850。  He married Jane; daughter of Captain  Hamilton; 73rd Regiment; with issueJOHN  ORD  MACKENZIE; IV。 of  Dolphinton; W。S。; who married Margaret; daughter of Sir Thomas  Kirkpatrick of Closeburn; with issue。  Richard had also three other sons; Kenneth; Richard James; and George。

3。  Thomas; who died young。

4。  John; Chief Clerk of Session; who married Miss Renton of Lamerton; without issue。

5。  Donald; a Surgeon in the Army; who died unmarried in 1741。

6。  Anne; who married Alexander Robertson of Faskally; with  issue; and died in 1772。

7。  Helen; who married Crawford Balfour of Bingry。

8。  Rebecca; who married John Mackenzie; IV。 of Belmaduthy;  with issue; and five other daughters; Janet; Catharine; Mary; Christina; and Jane; all of whom died unmarried。

John Mackenzie; I。 of Delvine; died in 1731; when he was  succeeded by his second and eldest surviving son;

II。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; second of Delvine; who  married; with issuean only daughter;

III。  MARGARET  MACKENZIE; third of Delvine; who married  George Muir of Cassencarie; with issuean only son。  She died in 1767; and was succeeded by her son;

IV。  SIR  ALEXANDER  MUIR…MACKENZIE; created first  Baronet of Delvine on the 9th of November; 1805。  He married in  September; 1787; Jane; daughter of Sir Robert Murray of Hillhead and  Clermont; Baronet; with issueone son; and eight daughters; seven of  whom died unmarried。  The eldest; Susan; married in 1817 Robert Smythe of Methven。  He died in 1832; when he was succeeded by his only son;

V。  SIR  JOHN  WILLIAM  PITT  MUIR…MACKENZIE; second  Baronet and fifth of Delvine。  He married Sophia Matilda; fifth daughter  of James Raymond Johnstone of Alva; County Clackmannan; with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Robert…Smythe; late  Lieutenant…Colonel; R。A。  He was  born on the 27th of November;  1842; and married on the 17th of  October; 1872; Anne…Elizabeth…Augusta; daughter of Captain  Charles Kinnaird Johnstone  Gordon of Craig; Aberdeenshire;  with issueRobert Cecil; born in  1876; and Georgina Sophia。

3。  Cecil Cholmeley; Lieutenant Royal Engineers。  He was born in 1843 and died on the 2nd of November; 1863; unmarried。

4。  Kenneth Augustus; M。A。; C。B。; bencher of Lincoln's Inn; Q。C。; barrister…at…law。  He was born in 1845; Permanent Secretary to the Lord  Chancellor since 1880; and Clerk of the Crown in Chancery since 1884。   He married in 1874 Amy; daughter
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