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history of the mackenzies-第123部分

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CE。; who was  killed in a railway accident in Canada; without issue; (5) Mary; who  married Mr Scott; in Canada。

3。  Daniel; who was born in 1799; and died in 1802。

4。  John; who was born on the 1st of November; 1804 went to  Virginia as a planter; and died there; unmarried。

5。  David; born in 1807; and died in 1811。

6。  Thomas; who was born in 1808; and died in 1811; the same day as his brother; both being buried in the same grave。

7。  Edward; from whom the  Mackenzies of Fawley Court; Farr;  etc。

8。  Sarah; born in 1797; and  died unmarried。

9。  Margaret; who married  John Griffith; with issue(1)  Edward Mackenzie; who settled in  the United States; and married a daughter of Colonel Campbell; (2)  William Alexander; who settled in  Canada and married a daughter of  Mr Baldwin; Baldwin House; Boston; United States; without  issue。  He lives in Quebec。  (3) Mary; who married Slack Davis;  MA。; of Oxford; barrister…at…law; a  well…known writer and poet in  America; where he died on the 31st  of March; 1889; (4) Alice; who  married Thomas Musgrave; with issue; (5) Emily Mackenzie; who  married Joseph William Painter; barrister; deceased; with issueseveral sons; ranching near Denver; Colorado; (6) Harriet; who married  William Johnson Shaw; of Buenos Ayres; with issue; and (7) Eliza  Ann; who married her cousin; Richard Mackenzie; C。E。;  Montreal; above mentioned。

10。  Mary; born in 1814; and married James Barnard; shipowner; Greenock; without issue。  She died in 1875。

11。  Eliza; who married  Alexander Duckworth; with issue。

Alexander died on the 23rd of February; 1836; aged 66 years; his  wife having predeceased him on the 8th of June; 1828。  They were both  buried at Blackburn; Lancashire。  He was succeeded as representative of  the family by his eldest son;

II。  WILLIAM   MACKENZIE; afterwards of  Newbie; Dumfries…shire; and of  Auchenskeoch; County of Kirkcud…bright; who was born at Marsden  Chapel on the 20th of March; 1794。

He was a celebrated engineer; first  beginning his career under David  Mackintosh; his father's partner。

He subsequently practised his  profession under Telford。  He made his way very rapidly; taking part in  most of the great engineering worksrailways; canals; and  bridgesof his time; and in the Shannon improvements; in  connection with which the  Secretary for Ireland complimented  him in the highest terms in the  House of Commons。  After the  introduction of railways he  constructed the great Lime Street  tunnel under Liverpool。  He  afterwards contracted for and  engineered many  railwaysin  some of which be was partner with  John Stephenson and othersin  Scotland and England; including  the Glasgow and Greenock line; the  London and Birmingham; the Trent  Valley; the Lancaster and Carlisle;  the North Union; the Ormskirk; and  the Caledonian railway。  He and Brassey finding they were  tendering against one another; in  1841 joined forces for French  railways; and constructed under the firm name of Mackenzie & Brassey  (which consisted of himself; his brother Edward; and Brassey) the  Paris and Rouen and Paris and Boulogne and Amiens; and several  other railways in France; Belgium; and Spain; notably the Barcelona  and Seville; and the Paris and Bourdeaux lines。  Both King Louis  Philippe and his successor Prince  Louis Napoleon; then President of  the French Republic and afterwards  Emperor; showed him many marks  of friendship and esteem; the latter  having decided to make him a  Chevalier of the Legion of Honour  just before he died。  In 1851; at  Tours; at the opening of the Paris  and Orleans Railway; Napoleon;  grasping him by the band; thus  addressed him〃I am happy to see  you again so well。  I am still  happier to have the opportunity of  thanking you。 as President; for the  great and useful works you have  executed in France。  I shall be glad  to confer on you the decoration of  the Legion of Honour; and I trust  your Government will permit you  to wear a distinction so well…merited。〃  On the same occasion  Napoleon exchanged portraits with  him。  Mackenzie; however; died  very soon after; before the honour  offered him by the President of the French Republic could be formally  conferred upon him。  In 1844 he was a claimant to the Muirton of  Fairburn estate; but he does not seem to have followed it up。

He married; first; on the 9th  of November; 1819; Mary;  daughter of James Dalziel;  Glasgow; a native of Rothesay;  county of Bute; without issue。  She  died on the 19th of December;  1838; aged 49 years。  He married  secondly; on the 31st of December;  1839; Sarah; daughter of William  Dewhurst of Chorley; Lancashire  (she died in 1866); also without  issue。  He died on the 20th of  October; 1851; when he was  succeeded in his estates; and as  representative of the family in this  country; by his youngest brother;

III。  EDWARD  MACKENZIE; who was born at Witton;  Lancashire; on the 1st of May;  1811; and who; as has been already seen;  was one of the partners of Mackenzie & Brassey。  Shortly after the death of his brother William; from whom he inherited Newbie and other estates  in the county of Dumfries; and Auchenskeoch in the Stewartry of  Kirkcudbright; Edward retired; and in 1853 purchased the Manor and  estate of Fawley; in the counties of Buckingham and Oxford; the noble  mansion…house of which was rebuilt by Christopher Wren in 1684。  He  was a J。P。; D。L。; and in 1862; High Sheriff of Oxfordshire and J。P。 for the  counties of Buckingham; Dumfries; and Kirkcudbright。 He married first;  on the 29th of January; 1839; Mary; daughter of William Dalziel of the  Craigs; Dumfries…shire; a descendant of the first Earl of Carnwarth; with issue

1。  William Dalziel; his heir and successor。

2。  Edward Philippe of Auchenskeoch; in the Stewartry of  Kirkcudbright; the Craigs; Dumfries…shire; and Downham Hall; Suffolk;  educated at Harrow and Oxford。  He was formerly a Lieutenant in the 9th Lancers; and Colonel of the Loyal Suffolk Yeomanry Hussars。  In 1882 he  was High Sheriff of Suffolk; of which county he is a J。P。 and D。L。; as also  J。P。 for Norfolk and Dumfries。  He was born on the 14th of March; 1849;  and married; in October; 1865; Helen Jane; third daughter of Henry  Baskerville; J。P。 and D。L。; of Crowsley Park; Oxfordshire; with issuea daughter; Beryl Marie Baskerville; who on the 30th of August; 1890;  married Colonel Geoffry Barton; C。B。; of the 7th Royal Fusiliers; with  issuePhilip Geoffry; born in 1891。

3。  Austin; educated at Eton;  late of Warmanbie; Dumfries…shire; formerly Lieutenant 3rd Battalion  Scots Fusiliers; present Master of  the Woodland Pytchley Hounds;  and J。P for Dumfries…shire and North Hants。  He was born on the  10th of October; 1856; and on the 31st of January; 1878; married  Lucy; daughter of Major Gustavus Tuite Dalton of Kell; County  Meath; half brother of the third Marquis of Headfort; without issue。

4。  Keith Ronald; of Gillott's Oxon; who was born on the 17th of May; 1861; educated at Clifton; and is still unmarried。

5。  Marie Ada; who in 1869 married John William Rhodes of  Hennerton; Berks; formerly Lieutenant 60th Rifles; with issueJohn  Edward; Lieutenant 60th Rifles; Breda; Victor; Wilfrid; and Violet。

6。  Claire Evelyn; who in 1866 married Francis Henry of  Elmestree; late 9th Lancers; and now Lieutenant…Colonel Gloucestershire Yeomanry Hussars; with issueGilbert Francis; Lieutenant 9th Lancers Vivian; Lieutenant Royal Fusiliers; Edward; Mary; Maud; and Olive。

7。  Sarah Rosa; who married John Edward Cooke; with issueBertram Hunter; Montague Edward; aud Mignon。

8。  Alice Edith; who in 1881 married Major Walter Partridge; late of the 61st Regiment; with issuetwo daughters; Edith St。 Ives and Maud。

9。  Aimee Gertrude; who on the 22nd of October; 1872; married  Sir William Robert Clayton; sixth Baronet of Marden Park; without issue。

10。  Mary Maude Janetta; unmarried。

Edward Mackenzie married; secondly; in 1864; Ellen daughter of James Mullett; of Tours; France; who survives him; without issue。 He  died on the 27th of September; 1880; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  WILLIAM  DALZIEL   MACKENZIE; M。A。; Oxford;  educated at Harrow; now of Fawley  Court; Bucks; Thetford; Norfolk;  Farr; Inverness; and Newbie;  Dumfries…shire。  He was born on  the 31st of March; 1840; at  Eastbank; Renfrewshire; and is a  barrister…at…law of the Inner  Temple; and Hon。 Major of the  Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars。

He was High Sheriff of that county  in 1873; is a D。L。 of Inverness…shire; and a J。P。 of the counties of  Dumfries; Kirkcudbright; Bucks;  and Oxford; and was for some time  a director of the London and North Western Railway Company。  He  married on the 1st of December;  1863; Mary Anna; eldest daughter  of the late Henry Baskerville; J。P。; D。L。; of Crowsley Park;  Oxfordshire; by Mary Anna;  daughter of John Standfast Burton;  father of Lieutenant…Colonel John  Edward Burton…Mackenzie; late  91st Highlanders; now of Kilcoy;  with issue

1。  William Roderick Dalziel; who was born on the 2nd of  September; 1864。  He is Captain in the 2nd Battalion (Inverness Militia) Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders; and on the 21st of November; 1888;  married Maud Evelyn; eldest daughter of General Sir George Wentworth   Higginson;  K。C。B。; by Florence Virginia Fox; daughter of the first Baron Castletown; with issueDouglas William Alexander Dalzell; born on the  2nd of October; 1889; Kenneth Fitzpatrick; born on the 13th of June;  1891; and Archibald Edward; who was born in July 1892 and died in  March; 1893。

2。  Edward Baskerville; Second Lieutenant 2nd Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders (Inverness Militia); who was born on the 11th  of December; 1874。

3。  Mary Gwendoline; who; on the 15th of November; 1887;  married Duncan Davidson of Tulloch; eldest son of the late Duncan  Caithness Reay Davidson; by his wife Georgina Elizabeth; daughter of the  late Dr John Mackenzie of Eileanach; fourth son of Sir Hector Mackenzie; fourth Baronet and XI。 of Gairloch。

4。  Isla Jessie; who on the 23rd of February; 1892; married Harry Officer Blackwood; Captain 4th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment; and son  of the late Richard Blackwood of Hartwood; New South Wales; by a  daughter of Sir Robert Office
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