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history of the mackenzies-第34部分

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ith the whole munition and ordnance therein〃 to Henry Lord  Methven or to any other having power to receive them; within twenty…four  hours of the charge under the pain of treason。

The following complaint by Donald Mac Angus of Glengarry laid  before the Privy Council at Dalkeith on 10th of August; 1582; is that gentleman's version of his apprehension by Roderick Mor Mackenzie of  Redcastle and Dugall Mackenzie of Kishorn; as described from family  MSS。 at pp。 156…59。  Glengarry's complaint proceeds

After the great slaughters; herschips; and skaiths; committed upon him; his kin; friends; and servants upon the last day of February the year of  God 1581 years; estimate worth six score thousand pounds money of this  realm or thereby; and on the first; second; third; fourth; fifth and sixth days  of March last bypast thereafter by Rory Mackenzie; brother…german to  Colin Mackenzie of Kintail; Dugald Mackenzie; his brother and the  remainder of their colleagues and company; to the number of two hundred  persons; armed with two…handed swords; bows; darlochis; hagbutts;  pistols; prohibited to be worn or used; and other offensive weapons who  also upon the sixteenth day of April last bypast or thereby; came upon the said complainant he being within his own 〃rowmes〃 and country of Lochcarron having mind of no evil or injury to have been done to him nor  none of his; but thinking to have lived under God's peace and our  Sovereign Lord; and then not only took himself captive; kept and detained him prisoner in coves; craigs; woods; and other desert places at their  pleasure wherethrough none of his kin nor friends had access to him for  the space of fourteen days or thereby; but also in the meantime took and  apprehended the late Rory MacAlister; father's brother to the said  complainant; and three of their sons and other of his friends and servants  to the number of 33 persons or thereby; bound their hands with their own shirts; and cruelly and unmercifully; under promise of safety of their lives;  caused murder and slay them with dirks; appointing that they should not  be buried as Christian men; but cast forth and eaten by dogs and swine。〃

Further; 〃at the end of the said complainant's captivity and detention in the manner aforesaid; being delivered by the foresaid person; his takers  and detainers; to Colin Mackenzie of Kintail; both he and they; being  armed in warlike manner as said is; upon the 24th day of the said month of  April; came to the said complainant's town and lands of Strome; where  they also carried him  captive with  them and theirs; by hostility and way  of deed; spoiled and reft the whole goods; gear; and plenishing therein and besieged his house and Castle of Strome; threatening his friends and  servants therein that if they rendered not the same to them they would  hang the said complainant in their sight compelling him and his said  friends therefor and for safety of his life to yield to the said persons' tyrranous desires and appetites; and render to them the said castle; which  they not only wrongfully detained and withheld from him; but also  through occasion thereof still insists in their cruelty and inhumanity  against the said complainant; his kin and friends。  Like as lately; about the  end of July last; the said Colin Mackenzie Rory Mackenzie; and others aforesaid; having violently taken Donald MacMoroch Roy; one of the said  complainant's chief kinsmen; and were not content to put him to a simple  death; but to bait them in his blood; and by a strange example to satisfy their cruel and unnatural hearts; first cut off his hands; next his feet; and  last his head; and having cast the same in a 〃peitpott;〃 exposed and laid out his carcase to be a prey for dogs and ravenous beasts:  Tending by  such kind of dealing to undo as many of the said complainant's friends  and servants as they can apprehend; and to lay waste their lands;  〃rowmes;〃 and possessions to the said complainant's heavy hurt and  skaith; and dangerous example of wicked persons to attempt the like; if  remedy be not provided。〃  In consequence of this complaint charges had gone forth to Colin Mackenzie of Kintail; (1); to have rendered the said  Castle of Strome with the munition and goods therein to the complainer or his representatives; within twenty…four hours after being charged; under  pain of rebellion。 or else to have appeared and shown cause to the  contrary; (2) to have appeared and found sufficient surety in the Books of  the Council for the safety of the complainer and his dependants in persons  and goods; or else shown cause to the contrary; under the same pain。  And now; 〃the said Angus Mac Angus compeared personally and the said  Colin Mackenzie of Kintail being oftimes called and not compearing; the Lords (1) repeat their charge for delivery of the castle within twenty…four  hours; and; failing obedience; order Mackenzie of Kintail to be denounced rebel and put to the horn and to escheat; (2) repeat their charge to the said   Mackenzie to find sufficient caution for the safety of the complainer and his dependants in person and goods; with order that if he fail to do so  within fifteen days after being charged; he shall; for that default also; be  denounced rebel and put to the horn。〃

On the 2nd of December; 1582; Colin finds caution in the sum of  two thousand merks that he shall deliver up Strome Castle; Lochcarron; to Donald Mac Angus of Glengarry;  in  the event of the Privy Council  finding that he should do so。

Shortly after this the aspect of affairs is changed。  On the 11th of  January; 1582…83; the decree against Mackenzie for the surrender of  Strome Castle to Donald Macdonald of Glengarry is reversed。 He  petitions the Privy Council and gives an entirely different complexion to the facts of the case against him to those submitted by Glengarry to the  Council。  He complains of Donald Mac Angus for having 〃upon a certain   sinister and malicious narration〃 obtained a decree against him charging  him upon pain of rebellion to deliver up the Castle of Strome; and to  appear before the Privy Council; on the 4th of August preceding; to find  caution that Glengarry and his friends should be kept harmless of him in  their persons and goods; and then makes the following statement:

The officer; alleged executor of the said letters (against him); neither charged thc said Colin personally nor at his dwelling house; neither yet came any such charge to his knowledge。  Yet he hearing tell  somewhat thereof by the 〃bruit〃 of the country; he; for obedience of the  same; directed Alexander Mackenzie; his servant and procurator; to our  Burgh of Perth; where his Majesty was resident for the time; who from the same fourth of August; being the peremptory day of compearance; as well  there as at Ruthven; attended continually upon the calling of the said  letters till the Council dissolved; and that his Majesty passed to Dunkeld  to the hunting。  Like as immediately thereafter the said Alexander repaired  to the Burgh of Edinburgh; where he likewise awaited a certain space  thereafter when Council should have been; and the said letters should have  been called but perceiving no number of Council neither there nor actually  with his Majesty; he looked for no calling of the said letters nor  proceeding thereuntil; but that the same should have (been); deserted;  because the day was peremptory; at the least till he should have been of  new warned and heard in presence of his Highness and his Council to have  shown a reasonable cause why no such letters should be granted  simpliciter upon the said Colin to the effect above…written。  Not…withstanding for by his expectation; he being resident for the time in  Edinburgh; where he looked that the said matter should have been called; the said other letters were upon the tenth day of the said month of August  last; by moyen of the said Donald Mac Angus; called at the Castle of  Dalkeith; and there; for the said Colin's alleged non…compearance; as he is  surely informed; decree was pronounced in the said matter and letters  ordained to be directed simpliciter against him。〃  Had his said servant;  then still in Edinburgh; been made aware of this meeting of Council at  Dalkeith; 〃he would not have failed to have compeared; and had many  good and sufficient reasons and defences to have staid all giving of the  said letters simpliciter;〃 such as that 〃the said Colin received the said castle and fortalice of Strome by virtue of a contract passed betwixt him and the said Donald; wherein he was content and consented that the said  castle should remain in the said Colin's hands and keeping unto the time  he had fulfilled certain other articles and clauses mentioned and contained  in the same contract;〃 also 〃that the said Colin was charged; by virtue of  letters passed by deliverance of the Lords of Session; to render and deliver  the said castle and fortalice of Strome to John Grant of Freuchie; as  pertaining to him in heritage; within a certain space after the charge; under the said pain of horning; so that; he being doubly charged; he is uncertain  to whom to render the said castle。〃  Moreover; for the satisfaction of the  King and the Lords of Council; 〃the said Colin has found caution to render  and deliver the said castle and fortalice to the said Donald; if it shall be  found by his Highness and the said Lords that he ought to do the same。〃   For these reasons it is argued that the said decree and letters issued against  him ought to be suspended。

Charge having been made to the said Donald Mac Angus to appear to this complaint and demand; 〃both the said parties compeared personally;〃 and the Lords after hearing them; 〃suspended the foresaid  letters pur chased by the said Donald Mac Angus; effect thereof; and  process of horning contained therein; and all that has followed thereupon;  upon the said Colin simpliciter in time coming;〃 the ground for this  decision being that 〃the said Colin has found security acted in the books of Secret Council that the said castle and fortalice of Strome; committed to him in keeping by the King's Majesty and Lords of Secret Council;  shall be rendered and delivered again to such person or persons as shall be  appointed by the King's Majesty to receive the same; 
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