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history of the mackenzies-第36部分

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ssioners to desist a from proceeding against the women; and 〃remit their trial to be taken before the  Justice…General or his deputes a in the next justice court appointed to be held after his Majesty's repairing to the north parts of this realm in the  month of July next; at which time; if his Majesty shall not repair thither; or  being repaired shall not before his returning cause the same trial to be  taken; 〃in that case commission shall be given to Thomas Fraser of  Knocky; tutor of Lovat; John Urquhart of Cadboll; tutor of Cromarty; and  Alexander Bayne of Tulloch; or any two of them to administer justice  conform to the laws of the realm。〃

On the 6th of March; 1589…90; Colin is again mentioned as one of the Commissioners for Inverness and Cromarty for executing the Acts against the Jesuits and the seminary of priests; with reconstitution of the  Commission of the preceding year for putting the Acts in force and the  appointment of a new Commission of select clergy in the shires to cooperate in the work and promote submission to the Confession of Faith  and Covenant over the whole Kingdom。  On the 8th of June; 1590; officers  of arms are ordered to arrest in the hands of David Clapen in Leith; or any  other person; any money consigned in their hands; or due by them to Sir  William Keith for Colin Mackenzie of Kintail; 〃or remanent gentlemen  and tenants of the Earldom of Ross for their feus thereof〃 or that rests yet  in the hands of Colin or such tenants; unpaid or not consigned by them;  and to discharge them from paying the same to Sir William or any other in his name until the King shall further declare his will; under the penalty of  paying his Majesty the same sums over again。  On the 5th of July in the  same year; Colin gives caution of ?000 that William Ross of Priesthill;  when released out of the tolbooth of Edinburgh; shall keep ward in that  city till he find surety for the entrance of himself and his bastard son; John  Ross and others; to appear before the justice to answer for certain crimes  specified in letters raised against him by David Munro of Nigg when  required upon fifteen days' warning; and satisfy the Treasurer…depute for his escheat fallen to the King through having been put to the horn at the instance of the said David Munro。  He repeats the same caution for the  same person on the 15th of August following。  He is again on record in  March; 1591…92; and in June; 1592。  He is; along with Simon Lord Lovat;  John Grant of Grant; Lachlan  Mackintosh of Mackintosh; Ross of  Balnagown; Hector Munro of Fowlis; and others; chosen an assistant  Commissioner of justiciary for the counties of Elgin; Nairn; and Inverness;  in March 1592…93。  He was appointed a member of the Privy Council in June; 1592; but he appears not to have accepted the office on that occasion; for on the 16th of February following there is an entry of the  admission of Sir William Keith of Delny 〃in the place appointed by his  Majesty; with the advise of his Estates in his last Parliament; for Colin Mackenzie of Kintail; by reason he; being required; has not compeared nor accepted the said place。〃 He; however; accepted the position soon after; for it is recorded under date of 5th July; 1593; that 〃Colin Mackenzie of Kintail being admitted of the Privy Council gave his oath;〃 in common  form。

The great troubles in the Lewis; which ultimately ended in that extensive principality coming into the possession of the House of Kintail;  commenced about this time; and although the most important events connected with  and leading up to that great result will principally fall to be  treated of later on; the quarrel having originated in Colin Cam's time; it  may be more convenient to explain its origin under the present。

Roderick Macleod; X。 of the Lewis;  married; first; Janet; a natural  daughter of John Mackenzie of Killin; by whom he had a son; Torquil  Cononach; so called from his having been brought up with his mother's  relations in Strathconon。  Roderick; by all accounts; was not so  immaculate in his domestic relations as one might wish; for we find him  having no fewer than five bastard sons; named respectively; Tormod  Uigeach; Murdoch;  Neil; Donald; and Rory Og; all of whom arrived at  maturity。  In these circumstances it can hardly be supposed that his lady's  domestic happiness was of the most felicitous and unmixed description。

It  was alleged by this paragon of virtue that she had proved unfaithful to  him; and that she had criminal intimacy with the Brieve (Breitheamh); or  consistorial judge of the Island。  On the other hand; it was maintained that  the Brieve in his capacity of judge;  had been somewhat severe on the  Island chief for his reckless and immoral habits; and for his bad treatment  of his lady and that the unprincipled villain; as throughout his whole  career he proved himself to be; boldly; and in revenge; turned upon and accused the judge of committing adultery with his wife。  Be that as it may;  the unfortunate woman; attempting to escape from his cruel treatment;  while passing in a large birlinn; from the Lewis to Coigeach; on the  opposite side of the coast; was pursued and run down by some of her  husband's followers; when she; with all on board; perished。  Roderick  thereupon disinherited her son; Torquil Cononach; grandson of John of  Killin; maintaining that Torquil was not his legitimate son and heir; but the fruit of his wife's unfaithfulness。 'Most of the MS。 Histories of the family which we have perused state that Rory Macleod's wife was a  daughter of Kenneth a Bhlair; but it is impossible that the daughter of a chief who died in 1491 could have been the wife of one who lived in the early years of the seventeenth Century。 She must have been Kenneth's granddaughter; as above described; a daughter of John of Kuhn。 This  view is corroborated by a decree arbitral in 1554; in which Torquil  Cononach is called the oy (ogha; or grandson) of John Mackenzie:Acts  and Decreets of Session; X。; folio 201。  The Roderick Macleod who  married; probably as his second wife; Agnes; daughter of Kenneth a  Bhlair; was Roderick Macleod; seventh of Lewis; who died some time  after his father early in the sixteenth century。'  Roderick Macleod married  secondly; in 1541; Barbara Stewart; daughter of Andrew; Lord Avandale;  with issueTorquil Oighre or the Heir; who died unmarried before his  father; having been drnwned along with a large number of others while on  a voyage in his birlinn; between Lewis and Skye。  Macleod married thirdly a daughter or Hector Og; XIII。; and sister of Sir Lachlan Maclean; XIV。; of  Duart; by whom he had two sonsTorquil Dubh; whom he named as his  heir and successor; and Tormod; known as Tormod Og。 Torquil  Cononach; now designated 〃of Coigeach;〃 married Margaret; daughter of  Angus Macdonald; VII。 of Glengarry; and widow of Cuthbert of Castlehill;  Inverness; who bore him two sonsJohn and Neiland five daughters  and; raising as many men as would accompany him; he; with the  assistance of two of his natural brothers…Tormod and Murdoch…started for  the Lewis to vindicate his rights as legitimate heir to the island。  He  defeated his father; and confined him in the Castle of Stornoway for four years; when he was finally obliged to acknowledge Torquil Cononach as  his lawful son and successor。  The bastards now quarrelled among  themselves。 Donald killed Tormod Uigeach。  Murdoch; in resentment;  seized Donald and carried him to Coigeach; but he afterwards escaped and complained to old Rory; who was highly offended at Murdoch for seizing  and with Torquil Cononach for detaining Donald。  Roderick ordered  Murdoch to be apprehended and confined to his own old quarters in the  Castle of Stornoway。  Torquil Cononach again returned to the Lewis;  reduced the castle; liberated  Murdoch; again confined his father; and  killed many of his followers; at the same time carrying off all the writs and charters; and depositing them for safety with his uncle; Mackenzie of Kintail。  He had meanwhile left his son John (who had been in the service of Huntly; and whom he now called home) in charge of the castle; and in  possession of the Lewis。  He imprudently banished his natural uncles;  Donald and Rory Og; out of the island。  Rory Og soon after returned with a considerable number of followers; attacked his nephew; Torquil Cononach's son John; in Stornoway; killed him; and released his own  father; old Roderick; who was allowed after this to possess the island in peace during the remainder of his life。  〃Thus was the Siol Torquil  weakened; by private dissensions; and exposed to fall a prey; as it did soon  afterwards; to the growing power of the Mackenzies。〃

In 1594 Alexander Bayne; younger of Tulloch; granted a charter of the lands of Rhindoun in favour of Colin Mackenzie of Kintail and his  heirs male; proceeding on a contract of sale between them; dated 10th of  March; 1574。  On the 10th of July in the same year there is 〃a contract of  alienation〃 of these lands by the same Colin Mackenzie of Kintail in  favour of Roderick Mackenzie of Ardafillie (Redcastle); his brother…german; and his heirs male。  A charter implementing this contract is dated  the 20th of October following; by which the lands are to be holden blench and for relieving Kintail of the feu…duty and services payable to his  superiors。〃 These lands are; in 1625; resigned by Murdoch Mackenzie of  Redcastle into the hands of Colin; second Earl of Seaforth; the immediate lawful superior thereof; for new infeftments to be granted to Roderick  Mackenzie; his second lawful son。 (Writs and Evidents of Lands of  Rhindoun。 Antiquarian Notes; pp。 172…73。)

Colin; in addition to his acquisitions in Lochalsh and。 Lochcarron; 〃feued the Lordship of Ardmeanach; and the Barony of Delnys; Brae Ross;  with the exception of Western Achnacherich; Wester Drynie; and  Tarradale; which Bayne of Tulloch had feued before; but found it his  interest to hold of him as immediate superior; which; with the former  possessions of the lands of Chanonry; greatly enhanced his influence。

Albeit his predecessors were active both in war and peace; and precedent  in acquiring their estate; yet this man acquired more than all that went  before him; and made such a solid progress 
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