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history of the mackenzies-第38部分

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 of  Mackenzie's kinsmen。  He got the ear of his Majesty and would have been  successful had not John Dubh Mac Choinnich Mhic Mhurchaidh  meanwhile taken the law into his own hands by burning; in revenge; all  Tulloch's cornyards and barns at Lemlair; thus giving Bayne an  opportunity of presenting another and counter claim but the matter was  ultimately arranged by the King and Council obliging Kintail and Tulloch  mutually to subscribe a contract of agreement and peaceful behaviour  towards each other。

Under date of 18th February; 1395…96; there is an entry in the Privy Council Records that Kenneth Mackenzie of Kintail 〃being elected and  chosen to be one of the ordinary members〃 of the Council; and being  personally preset; makes faith and gives oath in the usual manner。  In a  complaint against him; on the 5th of August; 1596; by Habbakuk Bisset;  he is assoilzied in all time coming by a decree of their Lordships in his favour。

Upon the death of Old Roderick of the Lewis; Torquil Dubh  succeeded him; excluding Torquil Cononach from the succession on the  plea of his being a bastard。  The latter; however; held Coigeach and his other possessions on the mainland; with a full recognition by the Government of his rights to the lands of his forefathers in the Lewis。

His  two sons having been killed; and his eldest daughter; Margaret; having  married Roderick Mackenzie of Coigeach; progenitor of the Cromarty  family; better known as the Tutor of Kintail; Torquil Cononach threw  himself into the hands of Kintail for aid against the bastards。  By Roderick  Mackenzie's marriage with Torquil Cononach's eldest daughter; he  became heir of line to the ancient family of Macleod; an honour which  still remains to his descendants; the Cromarty family。  Torquil Dubh  secured considerable support by marriage with a daughter of Tormod; XI。;  and sister of William Macleod; XII。 of Harris and Dunvegan; and; thus  strengthened; made a descent on Coigeach and Lochbroom; desolating the  whole district; aiming at permanent occupation。  Kintail; following the example of his predecessorsalways prudent; and careful to keep within  the laws of the realmin 1596 laid the following complaint before King  James VI。:

Please your Majesty;Torquil Dow of the Lews; not contenting himself with the avowit misknowledging of your Hieness authority wherebe he has violat the promises and compromit made before your Majesty; now lately the 25th day of December last; has ta'n upon him  being accompanied w 7 or 800 men; not only of his own by ylands neist  adjacent; to prosecute with fire and sword by all kind of gud order; the  hail bounds of the Strath Coigach pertaining to M'Leod his eldest brother;  likewise my Strath of Lochbroom; quhilks Straths; to your Majesty's great dishonour; but any fear of God ourselves; hurt and skaith that he hath  wasted w fire and sword; in such barbarous and cruel manner; that neither man; wife; bairn; horse; cattle; corns; nor bigging has been spared; but all barbarously slain; burnt; and destroyit; quhilk barbarity and cruelty; seeing  he was not able to perform it but by the assistance and furderance of his neighbouring Ylesmen; therefore beseeches your Majesty by advice of  Council to find some sure remeid wherebe sick cruel tyrannie may be  resisted in the beginning。  Otherway nothing to be expectit for but dailly  increasing of his malicious forces to our utter ruin; quha possesses your Majesty's obedience; the consideration quharof and inconveniences quhilk  may thereon ensue。  I remit to your Highness guid consideration of whom  taking my leif with maist humble commendations of service; I commit  your Majesty to the holy protection of God eternal。  At the Canonry of Ross; the 3d day; Jany。 1596…97。  Your Majesty's most humble and obt。  subject。  


The complaint came before the Privy Council; at Holyrood; on the 11th of  February; following; and Torquil Dubh; failing to appear; was denounced  a rebel。  Kenneth thereupon obtained a commission of fire and sword  against him; as also the forfeiture of the Lewis; upon which Torquil  Cononach made over his rights to Mackenzie; on the plea that he was the  next male heir; but reserving the lands of Coigeach to his own son…in…law。

The Mackenzies did all they could to obtain the estste for Torquil Cononach; the legitimate heir; but mainly through his own want of activity  and indolent disposition; they failed with their united efforts to secure undisturbed possession for him。  They succeeded; however; in destroying  the family of Macleod of the Lewis; and most of the Siol…Torquil; and  ultimately became complete masters of the island。  The Brieve by  stratagem captured Torquil Dubh; with some of his friends; and delivering them up to Torquil Cononach; they were; by his orders; beheaded in July;  1597。  〃It fell out that the Breve (that is to say; the judge) in the Lewis;  who was chief of the Clan Illevorie (Morrison);; being sailing from the Isle of Lewis to Ronay in a great galley; met with a Dutch ship loaded  with wine; which he took; and advising with his friends; who were all with  him there; what he would do with the ship lest Torqull Du should take her from him; they resolved to return to Stornoway and call for Torqull Du to receive the wine; and if he came to the ship; to sail away with him where Torqull Cononach was; and then they might be sure of the ship and the  wine to be their own; and besides; he would grant them tacks in the best  parts in the Lewis; which accordingly they did; and called for Torqull to come and receive the wine。  Torqull Du noways mistrusting them that  were formerly so obedient; entered the ship with seven others in company; where he was welcomed; and he commended them as good fellows that  brought him such a prize。  They invited him to the quay to take his  pleasure of the feast of their wine。  He goes; but instead of wine they  brought cords to tie him; telling him he had better render himself and his  wrongously possessed estate to his eldest brother; that they resolved to put  him in his mercy; which he was forced to yield to。  So they presently sail  for Coigeach; and delivered him to his brother; who he had no sooner got  but he made him short by the head in the month of July; 1597。 Immediately he was beheaded there arose a great earthquake; which astonished the actors and all the inhabitants about them as a sign of God's  judgment。〃 'Ancient MS。'

In 1598 some gentlemen in Fife; afterwards known as the 〃Fife Adventurers;〃 obtained a grant of the Lewis with the professed object of  civilising the inhabitants。  It is not intended here to detail their  proceedings or to describe at much length the squabbles and constant  disorders; murders; and robberies which took place while they held  possession of the Island。  The speculation proved ruinous to the  Adventurers; who in the end lost their estates; and were obliged to leave the islanders to their fate。 A brief summary of it will suffice; and those  who desire more information on the subject will find a full account of it in  the History of the Macleods。 'By the same author。  A。 & W。 Mackenzie; Inverness; 1889。'

On the 15th of June; 1599; Sir William Stewart of Houston; Sir  James Spence of Wormistoun; and Thomas Cunningham appeared  personally before the Privy Council 〃to take a day for the pursuit of  Kenneth Mackenzie of Kintail upon such crimes as criminally they had to  lay to his charge for themselves and in the name of the gentlemen…ventuaries of their society;〃 and the 26th of September was fixed for the purpose。

On the 14th of September Kenneth enters into a bond for a  thousand merks that John Dunbar; Fiar of Avoch; and James Dunbar of  Little Suddie; four sons of John of Avoch; and several others; in five hundred merks each; that they will not harm Roderick Dingwall of Kildin;  Duncan Bayne; apparent heir of Tulloch; Alexander Bayne of Loggie; and  other sons and grandsons of Bayne of Tulloch。

Sir James Stewart of Newton enters into a bond; on the 6th of October; for six hundred merks that Kenneth will not harm James Crambie; a burgess of Perth; signed at Dunkeld in presence of Murdo Mackenzie; apparent heir of Redcastle; John Mackenzie; minister of Dingwall; and Alexander Mackenzie; writer。

On the 16th of April; 1600; Tormod Macleod complains that  Kenneth had apprehended him and detained him as a prisoner without just cause; and failing to appear the King and Council; understanding that  Tormod 〃is a chief and special man of that clan (Macleod); and that  therefore it is necessary that order be taken for his dutiful obedience and  good behaviour;〃 order Kenneth to present him before the Council on a  day to be afterwards fixed。

Kenneth; on the 11th of December; brings under the notice of the Council a case which places the unlawful practices of the times in a strong  light。  He says that upon the 16th of October preceding; while Duncan  MacGillechallum in Kintail; his man; was bringing twenty…four cows to  the fair of Glammis; three men; whose names he gives; violently robbed  him of the cattle。  Upon the 1st of November; 1599; the same persons had  reft Duncan MacGillechriosd in Kintail; his tenant; at the fair of Elycht; of  twenty…six cows and four hundred merks of silver; and robbed Murdo Mac  Ian Mhic Mhurchaidh; also his tenant in Kintail; of twenty…six cows at the same market。  On the 30th of October; 1600; he sent his servants; John  and Dougall MacVanish; in Lochalsh; to the fair of Elycht with a hundred  and fifty…four cows and oxen to be sold; 〃for outred and certane the said complenaris adois in thir pairtis;〃 and his servants being at the foot of Drummuir with his said cattle; two of the three who robbed his men at  Glammis; with Patrick Boll in Glenshee; and Alexander Galld Macgregor;  took from them the whole of the cattle and 〃hes sparpellit and disponit〃  upon the same at their pleasure。  This violence and rief at free markets and  fairs; he says; is not only hurtful to him; but it 〃discourages all peaceable  and good subjects to direct or send any goods to the market and fairs of  the incountry。〃  Kenneth Mackenzie of Kilchrist appeared for Kintail; and the defenders; in absence; were denounced rebels。

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