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history of the mackenzies-第41部分

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; his colleagues from among the clan for these counties being Roderick Mackenzie of Redcastle; Roderick Mackenzie of Coigeach; and John Mackenzie of Gairloch。  He was at the same time appointed in a similar  capacity for Elgin; Forres; and Nairn。

Mackenzie had for some time kept Tormod Macleod; the lawful  brother of Torquil Dubh; a prisoner; but he now released him; correctly premising that on his appearance in the Lewis all the islanders would rise  in his favour。  In the meantime; early in 1600; Murdoch Dubh was taken  by the Fife Adventurers to St Andrews; and there put to death; but at his execution he revealed; in his confession; the designs of Mackenzie; who  was in  consequence apprehended and committed to Edinburgh Castle;  from which; however; he contrived to escape without trial; through his  influence with the Lord Chancellor。

There is an entry in the Records of the Privy Council under date of  15th August; 1599; which shows that Kintail must at an earlier date have  been confined in Edinburgh Castle; for some previous offence; for 〃it  having pleased the King to suffer Kenneth Mackenzie of Kintail to repair  furth of the Castle of Edinburgh for four or five miles; when he shall think  expedient; for repose; health; and recreation〃 on caution being given by  himself as principal; and Robert Lord Seton as surety; that he shall re…enter the Castle every night; under pain of ten thousand merks。  The bond is signed on the same date; and is deleted by warrant signed by the King; and the Treasurer; on the 25th of September following。

After various battles had been fought between the brothers; the Adventurers returned in strong force to the island; armed with a commission of fire and sword; and all the Government power at their back; against Tormod。  The fight between the combatants continued with  varied success and failure on either side; the Adventurers again  relinquished their settlement; and returned to Fife to bewail their losses;  having solemnly promised never again to return to the Island or molest  Mackenzie and his friends。

Kintail now; in virtue of Torquil Cononach's resignation in his favour; obtained a gift; under the Great Seal; of the Lewis for himself  through the influence of the Lord Chancellor。  This he had; however;  ultimately to resign into the hands of the King; and his Majesty; in 1608;  vested these rights in the persons of Lord Balmerino; Sir George Hay; and Sir James Spence; of Wormistoun; who undertook the colonisation of the  island。  For this purpose they made great preparations; and; assisted by the  neighbouring tribes; invaded the Lewis for the double purpose of planting a colony in it and of subduing and apprehending Neil Macleod; who now  alone defended it。  Mackenzie dispatched his brother Roderick; and Alexander Mackenzie of Coul; with a party of followers numbering 400;  ostensibly to aid the colonists now acting under the King's commission to whom he promised active friendship。  At the same time he despatched a  vessel from Ross loaded with provisions; but privately sent word to Neil  Macleod to intercept her on the way; so that the settlers; being  disappointed of their supply of the provisions to which they trusted  for maintenance;  should  be obliged  to abandon the island for want of the  necessaries of life。 Matters turned out exactly as Kintail anticipated。

Sir  George Hay and Sir James Spence (Lord Balmerino having meanwhile been convicted of high treason; and forfeited) abandoned the Lewis; leaving a party behind them to hold the garrison; and intending to send a fresh supply of men and provisions back to the island on their arrival in Fife。  But Neil Macleod and his followers took and burnt the fort;  apprehended its defenders; and sent them safely to their homes 〃on giving their oath that they would never come on that pretence again; which they  never did。〃  Finding this; the Adventurers gave up all hope of establishing  themselves in the island; and sold their acquired rights therein; as also their share of the forfeited districts of Troternish and Waternish in Skye; to Kenneth Mackenzie of Kintail; who at the same time obtained a grant  from the King of Balmerino's forfeited share of the Lewis; thus finally  acquiring what he had so long and so anxiously desired。  In addition to a fixed sum of money; Mackenzie granted the Adventurers 〃a lease of the  woods of Letterewe; where there was an iron mine; which they wrought by  English miners; casting guns and other implements till their fuel was  exhausted and their lease expired。〃  The King confirmed this agreement;  and 〃to encourage Kintail and his brother Roderick in their work of  civilizing the people of the Lewis;〃 he elevated the former to the peerage  as Lord Mackenzie of Kintail; on the 19th of November; 1609; at the same  time conferring the honour of knighthood on his brother; Roderick Mor  Mackenzie of Coigeach。

Referring to this period Mr Fraser…Tytler; in his History of  Scotland; says〃So dreadful indeed was now the state of those portions of his (the King's) dominions; that; to prevent an utter dissevering from  the  Scottish crown; something must be done; and many were the projects  suggested。  At one time the King resolved to proceed to the disturbed  districts in person; and fix his headquarters in Kentire; at another; a deputy  was to be sent; armed with regal powers; and twice the Duke of Lennox  was nominated to this arduous office。  The old plan; too; might have been repeated; of granting a Royal Commission to one or other of the northern  Reguli; who were ever prepared; under the plea of loyalty; to strengthen  their own hands; and exterminate their brethren; but this; as had been often felt before; was to abandon the country to utter devastation; and a more pacific and singular policy was now adopted。  One association of  Lowland barons; chiefly from Fife; took a lease from the Crown of the Isle  of Lewis; for which they agreed; after seven years' possession; to give the  King an annual rent of one hundred and forty chalders of victual; and  came under an obligation to conquer their farm at their own charges。

Another company of noble…men and gentlemen in Lothian offered; under a  similar agreement; to subdue Skye。  And this kind of feudal joint…stock  company actually commenced their operations with a force of six hundred  soldiers; and a motley multitude of farmers; ploughmen; artificers; and  pedlars。  But the Celtic population and their haughty chiefs could not  consent to be handed over; in this wholesale fashion; to the tender mercies  and agricultural lectures of a set of Saxon adventurers。  The Lowland  barons arrived; only to be attacked with the utmost fury; and to have the leases of their farms; in the old Douglas phrase; written on their own skins  with steel pens and bloody ink。  For a time; however; they continued the  struggle and having entered into alliance with some of the native chiefs; fought the Celts with their own weapons; and more than their own  ferocity。  Instead of agricultural and pastoral produce; importations of  wool; or samples of grain; from the infant colony; there was sent to the  Scottish Court a ghastly cargo of twelve human heads in sacks; and it was hoped that; after such an example of severity; matters might succeed  better。  But the settlers were deceived。  After a feeble and protracted  struggle for a few years; sickness and famine; perils by land and perils by  water; incessant war; and frequent assassinations; destroyed the colony; and the three great western chiefs; Macdonald of Sleat; Macleod of Harris;  and Mackenzie of Kintail; enjoyed the delight of seeing the principal  gentlemen adventurers made captive by Tormod Macleod; who; after  extorting from them a renunciation of their titles; and an oath never to  return to the Lewis; dismissed them to carry to the Scottish Court the  melancholy reflection that a Celtic population; and the islands on which it  was scattered; were not yet the materials or the field for the further  operations of the economists of Fife and Mid…Lothian。〃

In 1610 his Lordship returned to the Lewis with 700 men; and finally brought the whole island to submission; with the exception of Neil  Macleod and a few of his followers; who retired to the rock of Berissay;  and took possession of it。  At this period religion must have been at a very  low ebbalmost extinct among the inhabitants; and; to revive Christianity  among them; his Lordship selected and took along with him the Rev。  Farquhar Macrae; a native of Kintail and minister of Gairloch; 'He  brought with him Mr Farquhar Macrae; who was then a young man and  minister of Gairloch and appointed by the Bishop of Ross (Lesley) to stay with Sir George Hay and the Englishmen that were with him in Letterewe;  being a peaceful and eloquent preacher。Ardintoul MS。' who had been recommended to the latter charge by the bishop of Ross。  Mr Macrae found quite enough to do on his arrival in the island; but he appears to  have been very successful among the uncivilised natives; for he reports  having gained many over to Christianity; baptised a large number in the  fortieth year of their age; and; to legitimise their children; marrying many  others to those women with whom they had been for years cohabiting。   Leaving the reverend gentleman in the prosecution of his mission; his  Lordship returned home; having established good order in the island; and  promising to return again the following year; to the great satisfaction of  the people。

Some time before this Alexander MacGorrie and Ranald MacRory; sons of Glengarry's uncles murdered in 1580 in Lochcarron; having arrived at maturity; and being brave and intrepid fellows; determined to  revenge upon Mackenzie the death of their parents。  With this object they went to Appelcross; where lived one of the murderers; John Og; son of  Angus; MacEachainn; surrounded his house; and set lire to it; burning to  death himself and his whole family。  Kintail sought redress from  Glengarry; who; while he did not absolutely refuse; did not grant it or  punish the wrong…doers; and encouraged by Glengarry's eldest son; Angus;  who had now attained his majority; the cousins; taking advantage of the  absence of Mackenzie; who had gone on a visit to F
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