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history of the mackenzies-第46部分

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 Kenneth Mackenzie of Kintail。  But he adds that the 〃story is so  far corroborated by the fact that about the time the incident is said to have  happened; the young Chief of Kintail granted a receipt to the laird of  Freuchie for the charter of comprising; granted on 4th May; 1548; to  James Grant of Freuchie; which; with relative papers; was now handed  over to Mackenzie; in terms of a disposition by the Laird to him of lands in Kessoryne; Lochalsh; Lochcarron; etc。〃  The original discharge; dated  1st May; 1606; Sir William says; is at Castle Grant。 'Chiefs of Grant; vol。  i。 p。 178。'  A bond of manrent is entered into between Grant and  Mackenzie on the same date; at Inverness。

The day appointed for the meeting of Mackenzie and Glengarry to arrange terms soon arrived。   The former had meanwhile brought up several decrees and claims against the latter at the instance of neighbouring proprietors; for 〃cost; skaith and damage;〃 which altogether amounted to a greater sum than the whole of Macdonald's lands were  worth。  The two; however; settled their disputes by an arrangement which  secured absolutely to Mackenzie all Glengarry's lands in the county of  Ross; and the superiority of all  his other possessions; but Glengarry was  to hold the latter; paying Mackenzie a small feu as superior。  In  consideration of these humiliating concessions by Macdonald; Mackenzie  agreed to pay twenty thousand merks Scots; and thus ended for ever the  ancient quarrels which had existed for centuries between the powerful  families of Glengarry and Kintail。  〃Thus ended the most of Glengarrie's troubles tho' there was severall other bloody skirmishes betwixt ymsuch  as the taking of the Stank house in Knoidart; where there was severalls  burnt and killed by that stratagem; as also young Glengarrie's burning and  harrying of Croe in Kintail; where there was but few men killed; yet  severall women and children were both burned and killed。  I cannot forget ane pretty fellow that was killed there; who went himself and three or four  women to ane outsett in the Croe; where there was a barn (as being more  remote); where they sleept yt night。  But in the morning the breaking of the dore was their wakening; whereupon the man; (called Patrick McConochy Chyle) started and finding them about the barn; bad them leave of and he would open it。  So; getting his bow and arrow; he opens  the door; killed 4 of them there; (before) they took nottice of him; which  made them all hold off。  In end they fires the barn and surrounds it; which  he finding still; started out; and as he did he still killed one of them; till he  had killed 11。  The barn in end almost consumed and his arrows spent; he  took him to his heels; but was killed by them; and two of the women; the  third having stayed in the reek of the barn; and a rough hide about her。〃 'Ancient MS。'

On the 18th of July; 1610; Lord Kenneth made over to Sir  Roderick Mor Macleod; XIII。 of Dunvegan; the five unciate lands of  Waternish; which his lordship had previously purchased from Sir George  Hay and others; who obtained possession of them on the forfeiture of the  Macleods of Lewis; to whom Waternish formerly belonged。  As part  payment; Sir Roderick Mor Macleod disponed to Mackenzie two unciates  of lands in Troternish; Isle of Skye; which belonged to him; along with the  Bailliary of the old extent of eight merks which had been united to the  Barony of Lewis; and in which William Macleod; XII。 of Dunvegan; had  been served heir to his father in 1585。  On the 24th of the same month the  Lords of the Privy Council ordain that Lord Kintail should pay Norman  Macleod's expenses in prison in all time coming。

Kenneth; first Lord Mackenzie of Kintail; to quote the Earl of  Cromarty; 〃was truly of an heroic temper; but of a spirit too great for his  estates; perhaps for his country; yet bounded by his station; so as he (his  father) resolved to seek employment for him abroad; but no sooner had he  gone to France; but Glengarry most outrageously; without any cause; and  against all equity and law convocates multitudes of people and invades his  estates; sacking; burning; and destroying all。  Kenneth's friends sent John Mackenzie of Tollie to inform him of these wrongs; whereupon he made a  speedy return to an affair so urgent; and so suitable to his genius; for as he  never offered wrong so he never suffered any。  His heat did not  overwhelm his wit; for he took a legal procedure; obtained a commission  of fire and sword against Glengarry and his complices; which he  prosecuted so bravely as in a short time by himself and his brother he soon  forced them to retreat from his lands; and following them to their own  bills; he soon dissipated and destroyed them; that young Glengarry and  many others of their boldest and most outrageous were killed; and the rest  forced to shelter themselves amongst the other Macdonalds in the islands  and remote Highlands; leaving all their estates to Kenneth's disposal。

This tribe of the Clan Ranald seem to have been too barbarous for even  those lawless times; while by a strange contumacy in latter times; a  representative of that ancient family pertinaciously continued  to proclaim   its  infamy and  downfall  by the adherence to the wild strain of bagpipe music (their family pibroch called Cillechriost); at once indicative of its  shame  and  submission。 Kenneth's character and policies were of a  higher order; and in the result he was everywhere the gainer by them。〃

He  was supported by Murdoch Mackenzie; II。 of Redcastle; and by his own  brothersSir Roderick Mackenzie of Coigeach; Alexander of Coul; and  Alexander of Kilcoy; all men of more than ordinary intelligence and  intrepidity。

Lord Kenneth married; first; Ann; daughter of George Ross; IX。 of Balnagown; with issue

I。  Colin Ruadh; his successor; afterwards created first Earl of Seaforth。

II。  John of Lochslinn; who married Isobel; eldest daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; V。 of Gairloch; and died without lawful male issue。

III。  Kenneth; who died unmarried。

IV。  Barbara; who married Donald; Lord Reay。

V。  Janet; who married Sir Donald Macdonald; VIII。 of Sleat; Baronet; with issue; his heir and successor; and others。

Kenneth married; secondly; Isobel; daughter of Sir Gilbert Ogilvie of Powrie; by whom he had

VI。  Alexander; who died without issue。

VII。  George;  who  afterwards  succeeded  Colin  as second Earl of  Seaforth。

VIII。  Thomas Mackenzie of Pluscardine; whose male line has  been proved extinct。

IX。  Simon Mackenzie of Lochslinn。  Simon was twice married  and left a numerous offspring; who will afterwards be more particularly referred to; his descendants having since the death of 〃the Last of the  Seaforths〃 in 1815; without surviving male issue; carried on the male  representation of the ancient family of Kintail。

X。  Sibella; who married;; first; John Macleod; XIV。 of Harris; secondly; Alexander Fraser; Tutor of Lovat; and thirdly; Patrick Grant;  Tutor of Grant; second son of Sir John Grant of Freuchie。

He died in February; 1611; in the forty…second year of his age; was buried 〃with great triumph〃 at Chanonry; '〃As is proved by an old MS。  record kept by the Kirk Session of Inverness; wherein is this entry:‘Upon the penult day of February 1611 My Lord Mackenzie died in the Chanonrie of Ross and was buried 28th  April anno foresaid in the Chanonrie Kirk with great triumph。'〃Allangrange Service' and was succeeded by his second and eldest  surviving son;


AND  SECOND  LORD  MACKENZIE  OF  KINTAIL; a minor only  fourteen years old when his father died。  On the 16th of July; 1611; a  Royal precept is issued under the Signet to the Sheriff of Inverness directing him to have all brieves of inquest obtained by Colin; Lord  Mackenzie of Kintail; for serving him nearest and lawful heir to the late Kenneth Mackenzie; Lord of Kintail; his father; in all lands and annual…rents wherein his father died; last vested and seased; proclaimed and put to  the knowledge of an inquest; notwithstanding the minority of the said  Colin; 〃whereupon we have dispensed and by these present dispense〃 with  that objection; providing always that the dispensation be not prejudicial to  the donator of the ward of the said late Kenneth's lands in the matter of the mails; fermes; and duties of the same during the time of the ward  thereof。

On the 16th of August; 1611; a proclamation is issued to the  Highland chiefs; following upon one granted to Sir Roderick Mackenzie  of Coigeach; as Tutor of Kintail; and four other leaders of the clan; on the  11th of June preceding; against assisting Neil Macleod and the other  rebels of the Lewis; who had risen in arms against the Tutor; in the  following terms:

Forasmuch as the barbarous and rebellious thieves and limmers of the Lewis; who have been suppressed and in some measure kept in subjection and obedience these years bygone; taking new breath and courage upon occasion of the decease of Kenneth; Lord Kintail; who was  his Majesty's justice and commissioner in these bounds; they have now of  late risen in arms in a professed and avowed rebellion against the Tutor of  Kintail; whom his Majesty and his Council have authorised and  constituted in that place of justiciary possessed by his deceased brother within the Lewis; and intend; with their whole power and force; not only  to withstand and resist the said Tutor of Kintail in the advancement of his  Majesty's authority and service within the Lewis; but to prosecute himself  and his Majesty's good subjects attending upon him with all hostilitywherein they presume of farther backing and assistance; upon some  foolish apprehension that the clansmen of the Isles who have given their obedience to his Majesty; and now stands under his Majesty's good grace;  shall make shipwreck of their faith; credit; and promised obedience; and  join with them in their detestable rebellion。 And although his Majesty; in  the sincerity of his royal heart; cannot apprehend any such disloyalty or treachery in the person of the clansmen of the Isles; who have had so large  a proof of his Majesty's clemency; benignity; and favour; that now; so  unworthily and unnecessarily; they will rej
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