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history of the mackenzies-第71部分

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In vain the bright course of thy talents to wrong。 Fate deadened thine ear and imprisoned thy tongue; For brighter o'er all her obstructions arose The glow of thy genius they could not oppose And who; in the land of the Saxon or Gael Could match with Mackenzie; High Chief of Kintail?

Thy sons rose around thee in light and in love; All a father could hope; all a friend cou'd approve; What ‘vails it the tale of thy sorrows to tell? In the spring time of youth and of promise they fell Of the line of MacKenneth remains not a male; To bear the proud name of the Chief of Kintail。

This sketch of the great chief cannot better be closed than in the words of one already repeatedly quoted:〃It was said of him by an acute observer and a leading wit of the age; the late Honourable Henry Erskine; the Scotch Dean of Faculty; that ‘Lord Seaforth's deafness was a merciful interposition to lower him to the ordinary rate of capacity in  society;' insinuating that otherwise his perception and intelligence would have been  oppressive。  And the aptness of the remark was duly appreciated by all  those who had the good fortune to be able to form an estimate from  personal observation; while; as a man of the world; none was more  capable of generalizing。  Yet; as a countryman; he never affected to  disregard those local predilections which identified him with the County of Ross; as the genuine representative of Kintail; possessing an influence  which; being freely ceded and supported; became paramount and  permanent in the county which he represented in the Commons House of  Parliament; till he was called to the peerage on the 26th October; 1797; by  the title of Lord Seaforth and Baron of Kintail; with limitation to heirs male of his body; and which he presided over as his Majesty's Lord…Lieutenant。  He was commissioned; in 1793; to reorganise the 78th or   Ross…shire Regiment of Highlanders; which; for so many years; continued  to be almost exclusively composed of his countrymen。  Nor did his  extraordinary qualifications and varied exertions escape the wide ranging eye of the master genius of the age; who has also contributed; by a  tributary effusion; to transmit the unqualified veneration of our age to  many that are to follow。  He has been duly recognised by Sir Walter Scott;  nor was he passed over in the earlier buddings of Mr Colin Mackenzie; but while the annalist is indebted to their just encomiums; he may be  allowed to respond to praise worthy of enthusiasm by a splendid fact  which at once exhibits a specimen of reckless imprudence joined to those  qualities which; by their popularity; attest their genuineness。  Lord  Seaforth for a time became emulous of the society of the most  accomplished Prince of his age。  The recreation of the Court was play; the  springs of this indulgence then were not of the  most delicate  texture; his  faculties; penetrating as they were; had not the facility of detection which  qualified him for cautious circumspection; he heedlessly ventured and  lost。  It was then to cover his delinquencies elsewhere; he exposed to sale the estate of Lochalsh; and it was then he was bitterly taught to feel; when  his people; without an exception; addressed his Lordship this pithy  remonstrance‘Reside amongst us and we shall pay your debts。'  A  variety of feelings and facts; unconnected with a difference; might have  interposed to counteract this display of devotedness besides ingratitude; but these habits; or his Lordship's reluctance; rendered this expedient so  hopeless that certain of the descendants of the original proprietors of that  valuable locality were combining their respective finances to buy it in;  when a sudden announcement that it was sold under value; smothered  their amiable endeavours。  Kintail followed; with the fairest portion of Glenshiel; and the Barony of Callan Fitzgerald ceased to exist; to the  mortification; though not to the unpopularity of this still patriarchal  nobleman among his faithful tenantry and the old friends of his family。〃  'Bennetsfield MS。'

He married on the 22d of April; 1782; Mary; daughter of the Rev。 Baptist Proby; D。D。; Dean of Lichfield。 and brother of John; first Lord  Carysfort; by whom he had issue

I。  William Frederick; who died young; at Killearnan。

II。  George Leveson Boucherat; who died young at Urquhart。

III。  William Frederick; who represented the County of Ross in Parliament; in 1812; and died unmarried at Warriston; near Edinburgh; in  1814。

IV。  Francis John; a midshipman in the Royal Navy; who died  unmarried at Brahan; in 1813。

V。  Mary  Frederica  Elizabeth;  who  succeeded  her father and of whom presently。

VI。  Frances Catherine; who died without issue。

VII。  Caroline; who was accidentally killed at Brahan; unmarried。

VIII。  Charlotte Elizabeth; who died unmarried。

IX。  Augusta Anne; who died unmarried。

X。  Helen Ann; who married the Right Hon。 Joshua Henry  Mackenzie of the Inverlael family; anciently descended from the Barons  of Kintail; a Lord of Session and Justiciary by the title of Lord Mackenzie; with issuetwo daughters; Frances Mary and Penuel Augusta。

Lord Seaforth; having survived all his male issue; died on the 11th  of January; 1815; at Warriston; near Edinburgh; the last male  representative of his race。  His lady outlived him; and died at Edinburgh on the 27th of February; 1829。  The estates; in virtue of an entail executed  by Lord Seaforth; with all their honours; duties; and embarrassments;  devolved upon his eldest daughter; then a young widowed lady;


Whom Scott commemorated in the well…known lines

And thou; gentle dame; who must bear to thy grief; For thy clan and thy country the cares of a Chief; Whom brief rolling moons in six changes have left Of thy husband; and father; and brethren bereft; To thine ear of affection how sad is the hail That salutes thee the heir of the line of Kintail。

She was born at Tarradale; Ross…shire; on the 27th of March; 1783; and married; first; at Barbadoes on the 6th of November; 1804; Sir Samuel Hood; K。B。; Vice…Admiral of the White; and afterwards; in 1806; M。P。 for  Westminster。  Sir Samuel died at Madras; on the 24th of December; 1814;  without issue。  Lady Hood then returned home; and; in 1815; entered into  possession of the family estates; which had devolved upon her by the  death of her father without male issue; when the titles became extinct。

She married secondly; on the 21st of May; 1817; the Right Hon。 James Alexander Stewart of Glasserton; nephew of the seventh Earl of Galloway;  who assumed the name of Mackenzie; was returned M。P。 for the County  of Ross; held office under Earl Grey; and was successively Governor of  Ceylon; and Lord High Commissioner to the Ionian Islands。  He died on  the 24th of September; 1843。  Mrs Sewart…Mackenzie died at Brahan  Castle on the 28th of November; 1862; and was buried in the family vault  in the Cathedral of Fortrose。  Her funeral was one of the largest ever  witnessed in the Highlands; many thousands being present on foot; while  the vehicles that followed numbered more than 150。  By her second marriage she had issue

I。  Keith William Stewart; her heir and successor。

II。  Francis Pelham Proby; Lieutenant 71st Highlanders。 He died unmarried in 1844。

III。  George Augustus Frederick Wellington; who; born in 1824; married in November; 1850; Maria Louisa; daughter of General Thomas Marriot; H。E。IC。S。; and died; without issue; in 1852。

IV。  Mary Frances; who married; in 1838; the Hon。 Philip  Anstruther; Colonial Secretary of Ceylon; with issue。

V。  Caroline Susan; who; in 1844; married John Berney Petre; and died in 1867。

VI。  Louisa Caroline; who; on the 17th of November; 1858;  married; as his second  wife; William Bingham second Lord Ashburton;  who died on the 23rd of March; 1864; with issue; an only daughter; Mary Florence; who; in 1884; married the Hon。 William George Spencer Scott;  Earl Compton; M。P。; eldest surviving son and heir of William Douglas  Compton; fourth Marquis of Northampton; born in 1851; with issueWilliam Bingham Lord Wilmington; born in 1885; and Lady Margaret  Louisa Lizzie。

Mrs Stewart Mackenzie and her husband; on her death on the 28th  of November; 1862; were succeeded in the estates by their eldest son;


Born on the 9th of May; 1818。  He was an officer in the 90th Regiment  and subsequently Colonel…Commandant of the Ross…shire Highland Rifle  Volunteers。  He sold what remained of Kintail in 1869。  He married first; on the 17th of May; 1844; Hannah Charlotte; daughter of James Joseph  Hope Vere of Craigie Hall and Blackwood; Midlothian; with issue

I。  James Alexander Francis Humberston; his heir。

II。  Susan Mary Elizabeth; who on the 15th of August; 1871;  married; first; the Hon。 John Constantine Stanley; Colonel Grenadier  Guards; second son of the Right Hon。 Edward Lord Stanley of Alderley。   He was born on the 30th of September; 1837; and died on the 27th of April; 1878; leaving issue…two daughters。 She married; secondly; the Right  Hon。 Sir Francis Henry Jeune; Q。C。; President of the Probate; Divorce; and  Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice; with issueone son。

III。  Julia Charlotte Sophia; who on the 8th of October; 1873; married; as his second wife; the Right Hon。 Arthur; ninth Marquis of Tweeddale; who died in 1878; without issue。  In 1887 she married; secondly; as his second wife; the Right Hon。 Sir John Rose; Baronet; G。C。M。G。; of Queensgate; London; who died in 1888; without issue。 In  1892 she married; thirdly; Captain William Evans Gordon; without issue。

IV。  Georgina Henrietta; who died young; on the 15th of October; 1868。

His first wife died in June; 1868。  He married; secondly; on the 2nd  of June; 1871; Alicia Almeira Bell; with issueone daughter。

Keith Stewart Mackenzie died in June; 1881; when he was  succeeded by his only son;


Who was born on the 9th of October; 1847; Lieutenant…Colonel  Commanding the 9th Lancers; and now of Seaforth。  He is still unmarried。


It has been shown at p。 343 that the male line of Colonel Alex
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