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history of the mackenzies-第73部分

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eaks of his father in the past tense; and he say's that 〃He  (Earl George) left ane natural son; who is called John; who is married  with Logie's daughter。〃  That John of Gruinard was married to Christina;  daughter of Donald Mackenzie; III。 of Loggie; is proved by a sasine dated 1655; in which that lady is described as his wife。  It may be objected to these MSS。 that; however probable it may be  that they are correct; they are not necessarily authentic。  But there is ample  evidence of an official and incontestible character on the point。  A sasine; dated 6th of February; 1658; is recorded in the Particular Register of  Sasines of Inverness; vol。 7; fol。 316; from which the following is an  extract〃Compearit personally John Mackenzie; naturall broyr to ane  noble Erle Kenneth Erle of Seaforth Lord of Kintail; etc。; as bailzie in that  part;〃 on behalf of 〃the noble Lady; Dame Isobell Mackenzie; Countess of  Seaforth; sister german to Sir George Mackenzie of Tarbat; Knight; future ladie to the said noble Erle。〃  Another authentic document having a most  important bearing on this question was recently discovered in the office of the Sheriff…Clerk of Tain。  It is a discharge by Patrick Smith of Braco;  dated and registered in the Commissary Books at Fortrose; on the 4th of  December; 1668; in which the parties are described as 〃Kenneth Erle of  Seafort; Lord Kintail; as principal; and John Mackenzie of Gruinyard;  designit in the obligatione vnder…wrytten his naturall brother; as  cautioner。〃  Further; George of Kildun married; first; Mary Skene;  daughter of Skene of Skene; in 1661。 This is proved by a charter to her of  her jointure lands of Kincardine; etc。 (see Particular Register of Sasines  Invss。; vol。 ix。 fol。 9)。  He married; secondly; Margaret; daughter of  Urquhart of Craighouse。  The absolute impossibility is at once obvious of George of Kildunwho only married his first wife in 1661having had a son; John Mackenzie of Gruinard; in a position to have obtained a charter in his favour of the lands of Little Gruinard; etc。; in 1669within eight  years of his reputed father's marriage to his first wifeand who was  himself designated in that charter as of 〃Meikle Gruinard;〃 while it is  proved by undoubted official documents that John of Gruinard's wife had  lands disponed to her as his wife in 1655; that is; six years before the  marriage of George of Kildun; John's alleged father。  And further; how  could John of Gruinard's second son; Kenneth; have married; as be is  known to have done; the widow of Kenneth Og; fourth  Earl  of Seaforth; who died  in  1701; if John; his father; had been the son by a second  marriage of George of Kildun; who married his first wife in 1661?  The  thing is absolutely impossible。

Kenneth Mor; third Earl of Seaforth; who; according to the  Gruinard Genealogy; was John of Gruinard's uncle; was born at Brahan  Castle in  1635。  In 1651 he is described as 〃a child〃 by a contemporary writer; who says that the Kintail people declined to rise with him in that  year during his father's absence on the Continent; because 〃he was but a  child; and his father; their master; was in life。〃 Colin; first Earl of  Seaforth; died in 1633; and the author of the Ancient MS。 says that 〃Earl George; being then the Laird of Kildun; married before his brother's death;  the Lord Forbes's daughter。〃 Thus; George of Kildun could not have been  born before 1636 or 1637 at the very earliest; and the date of his first  marriage; twenty…four years later; strongly corroborates this。  How then could he have had a married son; John Mackenzie of Gruinard; whose wife undoubtedly obtained lands in 1655; that is; when Kildun himself  was only 18 years of age; and when John; already designated of Gruinard;  was; in 1656; old enough to be cautioner for Kenneth; Earl of Seaforth?

Proof of the same conclusive character could be adduced to any extent;  but in face of the documents already quoted; it is obviously superfluous to  do so。

John Mackenzie; I。 of Gruinard; could not in the nature of things have been a son of the second George Mackenzie of Kildun。  He was; on the other hand; undoubtedly; the natural son of the first George; who  succeeded  his brother Colin as second Earl of Seaforth; and it necessarily  follows that his representatives can have no claim whatever to the  Chiefship of the Clan; or to the ancient honours of the family of Kintail and Seaforth。  We shall now proceed to show that these distinctions  belong to and are at present possessed by the male representative of


HAVING disposed of the only two serious claims made to the Chiefship of the Clan in later times our next step is to show who the present Chief is。

To do this we must go back to Kenneth; created Lord Mackenzie of Kintail in 1609; for there is no male representative of any later head of the  House in existence; so far as can be ascertained; between that date and  this。  Lord Kenneth had seven sons

1。  Colin Ruadh or 〃the Red Earl;〃 his heir and successor; who died; in 1633; without surviving male issue。

2。  John Mackenzie of Lochslinn; who married Isabel; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; V。 of Gairloch; and died in 1631; having been poisoned at Tam; without issue male。  His only daughter; Margaret; married Sir Norman Macleod; I。 of Bernera; with issue。

3。  Kenneth; who died unmarried。  Lord Kenneth; XII。 of Kintail; married secondly; Isabel; daughter  of Sir Gilbert Ogilvie of Powrie; with issue

4。  Alexander; who died unmarried。

5。  George; who succeeded his brother Colin; as second Earl of Seaforth; and whose line terminated in Lady Caroline Mackenzie; who died without issue in 1847; her father Kenneth; Baron Ardelve and Earl of Seaforth in the peerage of Ireland; the last male of his line; having died at  the Cape of Good Hope in 1781。

6。  Thomas Mackenzie of Pluscardine; whose male issue was  proved extinct at the Allangrange Service in 1829。

7。  SIMON  MACKENZIE; who; after the death of his brother  John; was designated of Lochslinn; and whose representative will be shown to be the present head and heir male of the ancient family of Kintail and Seaforth; and Chief of the Clan。  This SIMON married; first;  Elizabeth; daughter of the Rev。 Peter Bruce of Ferrar; D。D。; Principal of St。 Leonard's College; St。 Andrews; and son of Bruce of Fingask; by  Elizabeth; daughter of Alexander Wedderburn of Blackness; with issue  five sons and one daughter; Jane; who married Robert Douglas of  Katewell; in the parish of Kiltearn; Ross…shire; and secondly; Sir James  Grant of Moyness。

The eldest of Simon's five sons was the famous SIR  GEORGE  MACKENZIE of Rosehaugh; Lord Advocate for  Scotland; whose history is so well known that it would serve no good  purpose to give only such a brief account of it as could be given in the  space here available。 He wrote several works of admitted literary merit; his Institutes being to this day considered a standard legal authority。

He  left an autobiography in MS。 which was published by his widow in 1716。

The estate of Rosehaugh; where he always took up his residence while in  the Highlands; was; in his time; profusely covered with the Dog Rose; a  fact which first suggested to the famous lawyer the idea of designating  that property by the name of 〃Vallis Rosarum;〃 or Rosehaugh。  Sir George  married first; Elizabeth; daughter of John Dickson of Hartree; with issue(1) John; (2) Simon; (3) George; all of whom died young and unmarried;  (4) Agnes; who in 1705 married Sir James Stuart Mackenzie; first Earl of  Bute; with issue; whose descendants; now represented by the Earl of Wharncliffe; succeeded to his Ross…shire estates; but since sold by them; though still retaining the name and arms of the family。 (For the succession  see Retour of James Marquis of Bute; January; 1721); (5) Elizabeth; who  married; first; Sir Archibald Cockburn of Langton; with issue; and;  secondly; the Hon。 Sir James Mackenzie of Royston; Baronet; with issue  George (who married but died before his father; without male issue); and  two daughtersAnne; who married Sir William Dick of Prestonfield; and  Elizabeth; who married Sir John Stuart of Grandtully; with issue。

Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh married; secondly; Margaret; daughter of Haliburton of Pitcur; with issue; (6) James; who died young;  (7) George; who succeeded his father as II。 of Rosehaugh; and married  with issue; an only daughter; who died without issue; (8) Jean; and (9)  Margaret; both of whom died without issue。  From this it will be seen that  the male representation of Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh; eldest son  of the Hon。 Simon Mackenzie of Lochslinn; terminated at the death of his  only son。  We must therefore revert to SIMON  MACKENZIE; the immediate younger brother of Sir  George Mackenzie; and second son of the Hon。 Simon Mackenzie of  Lochslinn; from whom JAMES  FOWLER  MACKENZIE  OF   ALLANGRANGE; present Chief of the Clan; is descended as follows:

SIMON; who died at Lochbroom in 1664; married Jane; daughter  of Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Ballone; brother of Sir John Mackenzie of  Tarbat and uncle to George; first Earl of Cromarty (marriage contract  1663) with issuean only and posthumous son;

I。  SIMON  MACKENZIE; first of Allangrange; an Advocate at the Scottish Bar。  This property he acquired through his wife in the following  manner。  Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Kilcoy; third son of Colin; XI。 of  Kintail; had four sons; of whom the youngest; Roderick; obtained the  lands of Kilmuir; in the Black Isle。  He became a successful lawyer;  Sheriff…Depute; and Member of Parliament; and was knighted by Charles  II。  Sir Roderick; at the same time proprietor of Findon; acquired several  other properties by purchase。 He died in 1692; and on the death of his  only son in the following year; without issue; his unentailed estates; which  were not included in the Barony; and which had become very  considerable; and all his moveable property; were divided equally among  his four daughters; as heirs portioners。 Isobel; the third of these ladies; on  the 22nd of August; 1693; married; as his first wife; Simon Mackenzie; the  Advocate; and carried to him in 1699 as her portion; the estate of Allanformerly th
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