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history of the mackenzies-第75部分

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1。  George; his heir and successor。

2。  Kenneth; a W。S。 who died in 1790; and whose issue; if any; is unknown。

3。  William; an Episcopalian minister; who married; with issue。 If  any male descendants of his exist and can be traced one of them may; at  no distant date; become Chief of the Clan。

4。  Roderick; who was also married; with issue; but of whose descendants; if any; nothing is known。

5。  Captain Alexander; who died in India; without issue。

6。  Captain Simon; who was married; and died in Nairn in 1812; whether with or without issue; at present unknown。

7。  Captain Lewis; who died in India; without issue。

8。  Janet; who married Colin Mackenzie;  Jamaica brother of  George Mackenzie; Kildonan of Lochbroom without issue。  She died in  1783。

9。  Isabella; who died unmarried。

Kenneth; whose wife predeceased him in 1786; died in 1789; when he was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  GEORGE  MACKENZIE; fourth of Dundonnel; who married  Abigail; daughter of Thomas Mackenzie; V。 of Ord; with issue

1。  Alexander; who died young。

2。  Kenneth; who succeeded his father in the estates。

3。  Thomas; who succeeded his brother Kenneth。

4。  Jane; who married the Rev。 Dr Ross; minister of Lochbroom; with issue。

George was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

V。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; fifth of Dundonnel; who; in 1817;  married Isabella; daughter of Donald Roy of Treeton; without issue。  He left the estate by will to his brother…in…law; Robert Roy; W。S。; who;  however; lost it after a long and costly litigation with Kenneth's brother;

VI。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; sixth of Dundonnel; who was  financially ruined by the litigation in the case; and the property had to be  sold in 1835; to meet the costs of the trial。  It was bought by Murdo  Munro…Mackenzie of Ardross; grandfather of the present owner; Hugh  Mackenzie of Dundonnel; and of Bundanon; Shoulhaven; New South  Wales。  Thomas married his cousin; Anne; eldest daughter of Alexander;  VI。 of Ord; with issue

1。  George Alexander; who became the representative of the family on the death of his father。

2。  Thomas; who emigrated to California; and of whose issue; if any; nothing is known。

3。  John Hope; who for some time resided at Tarradale House; Ross…shire。

4。  Helen; who married the Hon。 Justice Charles Henry Stewart of Ceylon; without issue。

5。  Isabella; who resided in Elgin; unmarried。

Thomas was succeeded as representative of the family by his  eldest son

VII。  GEORGE  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; who; on the death  of his father; became head of the original Mackenzies of Dundonnel;  although the estates had been sold to another family。  He married Louisa; daughter of Captain Stewart of the Celyon Rifles; without issue。 If his  next brother; who went to California; survived George Alexander; then; on his death; he

VIII。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; would have succeeded as head of  his house; and failing him and his descendants; if any; the representation of the old Mackenzies of Dundonnel would have fallen to JOHN  HOPE MACKENZIE; third son of Thomas; VI。 of  Dundonnel and last proprietor of the family estates。  He married Louisa;  daughter of Captain Stewart of the Ceylon Rifles; widow of his deceased  brother; George Alexander; without issue; and died in London in 1892。

The only members of this family whose descendants can ever now  by any possibility succeed to the Chiefship should it pass from the Mackenzies of Allangrange are (1) Alexander; second son of Kenneth Mor; first of Dundonnel; but of him there is no trace for more than two  hundred  years; and  never likely to be。  (2) Simon; Alexander's youngest brother; of whom nothing has been heard during the same period。  (3)  Captain Alexander; of the 73rd Regiment; second son of Kenneth  Mackenzie; II。 of Dundonnel; who died; probably unmarried; in 1783。  In  any case there is nothing known of any descendants。  (4) Kenneth; W。S。;  second son of Kenneth Mackenzie; III。 of Dundonnel; who died in 1790;  and is not known to have been married。  (5) William; third son of the same  Kenneth; an Episcopalian minister; who was married; and left issue; of  whom; however; we know nothing。  (6) Roderick; William's immediate  younger brother; and third son of the same Kenneth Mackenzie; III。 of Dundonnel; who was also married; with issue; but whether extinct or not  we cannot say。  (7) Captain Simon; who was married and died in Nairn in  1812; but of his descendants; if any; we at present know nothing。  (8)  Captain Lewis; who died in India; probably; unmarried; but this has not  been conclusively established; and (9) Thomas; second son of Thomas;  VI。 of Dundonnel; who in early life emigrated to California; and regarding  whom nothing has since been heard。  If he is still alive or has left any  surviving male issue the late John Hope Mackenzie could not have  succeeded as head of the family; and Thomas; or his male heir; if now in  life; occupies that position; and on the failure of the Mackenzies of Allangrange; he or his representative will become Chief of the Mackenzies。  Failing Thomas; or his male heirs; that honour would fall to the heirs male; if any; of each of the eight others mentioned; in the inverse  order in which their names are here set forth。


THE  MACKENZIES  OF  HILTON are descended from Alexander  Mackenzie; VI。 of Kintail; known among the Highlanders as 〃Alastair  Ionraic;〃 by his first wife; Anna; daughter of John Macdougall of Dunolly。

The first of the family was

I。  DUNCAN  MACKENZIE; designated of Hilton; a barony  situated in Strathbraan; bounded on the north by Loch Fannich; on the  south by the ridge of the hills on the north side of Strathconan; on the east  by Achnault; and on the west by Ledgowan。  Duncan married a daughter  of Ewen Cameron; XIII。 of Lochiel; with issuean only son; his heir and successor

II。  ALLAN  MACKENZIE; second of Hilton; Loggie or Brea;  from whom the family is known in Gaelic as 〃Clann Alain。〃   He married a daughter of Alexander Dunbar of Conzie and Kilbuyack; third son of the  Sheriff of Moray; with issue

1。  Murdoch; his heir and successor。

2。  John; progenitor of the Mackenzies of Loggie。

3。  Roderick; who married; with issue; an only daughter; Agnes; who married Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Killichrist; with issue。

4。  Alastair; who married; with issuea daughter; who married Roderick; son of Murdoch Mackenzie; III。 of Achilty; with issuethe Rev。  Murdo Mackenzie; Bishop of Ranfoe; in Ireland。

Allan's wife survived him; and married; as her second husband; Kenneth Mackenzie of  Meikle Allan; now Allangrange; second son of Hector Roy Mackenzie; I。 of Gairloch。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  MURDOCH  MACKENZIE; third of Hilton; who married a  daughter of Innes of Innerbreakie; now Invergordon; with issuean only son;

IV。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; fourth of Hilton; who married  Margaret; daughter of Dunbar of Inchbrook; with issue

1。  Murdoch; his heir。

2。  Alexander; who; in 1640; married Margaret; natural daughter of  John Roy Mackenzie; IV。 of Gairloch; apparently without issue。 The  marriage contract is in the Gairloch charter chest。

3。  Colin; M。A。 of Aberdeen University; and minister of Kilearnan; where he died。  He married Miss Dundas; with issueKenneth; well known in his day as Deacon of the Edinburgh Goldsmiths; who left no  issue。

4。  A daughter who married John Sinclair; Caithness。

5。  A daughter; who married John Matheson; 〃Ian Og;〃 in  Lochalsh; whose eldest son; Alexander; became the progenitor of the  Mathesons of Lochalsh; Attadale; and Ardross; represented in this country by Sir Kenneth James Matheson; Baronet; and others。

John was succeeded by his eldest son;

V。  MURDOC   MACKENZIE; fifth of Hilton; who married Mary;  eldest daughter of the Rev。 Murdoch Murchison; Auchtertyre; minister of Kintail; with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir。

2。  Roderick; who married the eldest daughter of Alexander; third son of Murdoch Mackenzie; II。 of Redcastle; with issuea son; Colin;  who died without issue; in 1682。

3。  Colin; who married Isobel; daughter of Donald Simpson;  Chamberlain of Ferintosh; with issue(1) Alexander; locally called  〃Sanders;〃 who succeeded his grandfather; Donald Simpson; as  Chamberlain of Ferintosh。  He married Helen; daughter of William  Munro; Ardullie; with issuetwo sons and two daughters(a) Colin; who died unmarried; but left a natural son; of whom are descended several  respectable families in Ferintosh; (b) Donald; who married Jean;  legitimate male succession of his paternal grandfather; Alexander; eldest son of Colin; third son of Murdoch Mackenzie; V。 of Hilton。  Donald had  several daughters; first Mary; who was along with her father and brother  when they were drowned; but she was saved; and married; as his second  wife; the Rev。 Colin Mackenzie; minister of Fodderty; first of the family of Glack; of whom presently second; Jean; who married Colin Murchison  third; Isabel; who married David Ross; fourth; a daughter; who married  Mackenzie of Ussie; with issuetwo sons; Donald and Frank; fifth; Anne; who married Lewis Grant; and sixth; Helen; who married Alexander  Mackenzie of Ardnagrask; afterwards at Loggie…side; from whom was  descended Bailie John Mackenzie; of Inverness。  Alexander's (〃Sanders〃)  eldest daughter; Mary; in 1723; married Donald; son of John Murchison;  Achtertyre; the second; Elizabeth; married William Martin of Inchfure;  with issuea daughter; Ann; celebrated for her beauty; who; as his second wife; married Norman Macleod; XIX。 of Macleod; with issuethree daughters; Elizabeth; Anne; and Rich Mary; for whose marriage and descendants see Mackenzie's History of the Macleods; pp。 154…155。 (2)  Roderick; Colin's second son; whose male heir carried on the representation of the family on the death; without legitimate male issue; of  Alexander Mackenzie; X。 of Hilton; when he was succeeded by  Roderick's grandson; Alexander; as XI。 of Hilton; whose descent will be  shown presently。  John; a third son of Colin; is on record in 1730; but  nothing more is known of him。

4。  Murdoch; fourth son of Murdoch; V。 of Hilton; married Agnes Helen; daughter of Donald Taylor; a Bailie of Inverness (1665); with is
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