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history of the mackenzies-第76部分

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4。  Murdoch; fourth son of Murdoch; V。 of Hilton; married Agnes Helen; daughter of Donald Taylor; a Bailie of Inverness (1665); with issuean only son; Alexander; who in early life entered the service of Kenneth;  Earl of Seaforth; and who; in 1709; became Chamberlain of the Lewis for  Earl William。  In the same year Alexander married Katherine; daughter of  Andrew Duncan; factor for Viscount Stormont; with issue; whose  descendants are unknown。 Murdoch had also a daughter; Jean; who  daughter of Thomas Forbes of Raddery and of the lands of Fortrose as far  as Ethie; with issuean only son; Alexander; who was drowned along  with his father; while fording the Conon; Opposite Dingwall; in 1759;  when; the son being unmarried; perished the married Hector Mackenzie;  by whom she had a son; Kenneth; a Jesuit Priest in Spain; and several daughters。

5。  Isobel; who married the Rev。 Donald Macrae; minister of  Kintail; with issue。

Murdoch was succeeded by his eldest son;

VI。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; sixth of Hilton; who; in  1630;  married; first; Annabella; second daughter of John Mackenzie; I。 of Ord; without issue; and secondly; Sibella; eldest daughter of Roderick Mackenzie; I。 of Applecross; widow in succession of Alexander Macleod; V。 of Raasay; and Thomas Graham of Drynie; with issuean only son;

VII。  EWEN  MACKENZIE; who succeeded as seventh of Hilton。   He married; in 1685; Elizabeth; third daughter of Colin Mackenzie; IV。 of Redcastle; with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  Colin; who succeeded his brother John as IX。 of Hilton。

3。  Florence; who married her cousin; Alexander Macrae; son of  the Rev。 Donald Macrae; minister of Kintail。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

VIII。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; eighth of Hilton; who married  Margaret; daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie of Alduinny (marriage contract 1710); without issue。  He joined the Earl of Mar; and was one of 〃The four  Johns of Scotland;〃Ceithear Ianan na h…Albakilled at the battle of  Sheriff…Muir in November;  1715; where he commanded a Company of  the Mackenzies。  He was succeeded by his brother;

IX。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; ninth of Hilton; who married  Catherine; daughter of Christopher Mackenzie; Arinhugair; with issue

1。  John; who married Helen; daughter of Roderick Mackenzie;  VII。 of Fairburn; and died without issue; before his father; in 1751。

2。  Alexander; who succeeded to the estate。

3。  A daughter; who; as his first wife; married John Macdonell; XII。  of Glengarry; with issueAlastair; who carried on the representation of that family; and another son。

He died in 1756; aged 65; and was succeeded by his only surviving son;

X。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; tenth of Hilton; who married   Mary; daughter of George Mackenzie; II。 of Gruinard; without issue; when the direct male line of Murdoch; V。 of Hilton; came to an end。 He;  however; had a natural sonAlexander; well known in his day and yet  affectionately spoken of by very old people as 〃Alastair Mor mac Fhir  Bhaile Chnuic;〃 Seaforth's principal and most successful recruiting  serjeant when originally raising the 78th Highland Regiment。  And many a  curious story is still told of Alastair's successful efforts to procure willing  and sometimes hesitating recruits for the Regiment of his Chief。  He  married  Annabella Mackenzie; of the Gruinard family; by whom he had a  numerous offspring; and many of his descendants; one of whom is Major  Alexander Colin Mackenzie; of the 1st V。B。 Seaforth Highlanders;  Maryburgh; occupy responsible positions in several parts of the country。

We must now revert; in order to pick up the legitimate male line of  succession; to

RODERICK  MACKENZIE; I。 of Brea; Chamberlain of Ferintosh;  second son of Colin; by his wife Mary Simpson; third son of Murdoch; V。 of Hilton; all the intermediate male heirs having; as has been shown;  become extinct。  He acquired Brea in Ferintosh; in wadset and it remained in his family for two generations。  By marriage he became possessed of  the ruined Castle of Dingwall; and the lands adjoining; the ancient  residence of the Earls of Ross; also the lands of Longcroft。  Roderick  married Una; or Winifred; daughter of John Cameron; Town Clerk of  Dingwall; with issue

1。 John of Brea; commonly known as 〃John the Laird。〃  He resided at Tarradale and married; in 1759; Beatrice; second daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; VIII。 of Davochmaluag; by Magdalen; daughter of Hugh Rose;  XIII。 of Kilravock; with issue(1) Roderick; who died unmarried;  (2)  Alexander; who succeeded as XI。 of Hilton; and of whom presently; (3)  Kenneth of Inverinate; who married Anne; daughter of Thomas  Mackenzie; IV。 of Highfield and VI。 of Applecross; with issue(a)  Thomas; who succeeded as X。 of Applecross; in right of bis mother; and  whose male heirs have died out (see Applecross genealogy); (b)  Alexander; who married Harriet; daughter of Newton of Curriehill; with  issue…Kenneth; who died unmarried; Alexander; a Lieutenant in the Royal。  Engineers; who died  unmarried; Marion; who married Charles Holmes;  barrister; without issue; and Harriet; unmarried; (c) Jean; who died  unmarried; (d) Elizabeth; who married her cousin; Major John Mackenzie;  XII。 of Hilton; with issue; whose descendants; in Australia; now represent  the male line of the family; (e) Flora; who married the Rev。 Charles  Downie; minister of Contin who died in  1852; leaving issueKenneth Mackenzie Downie; a surgeon in Australia; and five daughters; all dead;  (f) Catherine; (g) Mary; and (h) Johanna; all three of whom died  unmarried。  The other sons and daughters of John Mackenzie of Brea; 〃the  Laird;〃 were (4) Colin; called 〃the Baron;〃 born at Tarradale; on the 3rd of  December; 1759; and died unmarried; (5) Peter; who also died unmarried;  (6) Duncan; who married Jessie; daughter of Mackenzie of Strathgarve;  without issue; (7) Arthur; who died unmarried; (8) Magdalen; who died  unmarried; (9) Marcella or Medley; who married the Rev。 Dr Downie; in  the Lewis; (10) Mary; who in 1790; married her cousin; the Rev。 Donald  Mackenzie minister of Fodderty; with issueMajor Colin; Royal  Engineers; who married Anne; daughter of John Pendrill; of Bath; without  issue; and (11) Elizabeth; who died unmarried。

2。  Colin Mackenzie; minister of Fodderty; who purchased an  estate in Aberdeenshire; and was the first of the Mackenzies of Glack; in that county; of whom later on。

3。  Sir Peter; M。D。; a knight of Nova Scotia; Surgeon…General in the army; who died unmarried。

Roderick Mackenzie was succeeded in Brea by his eldest son;

JOHN  MACKENZIE; II。 of Brea; with surviving issue; among  several others already mentioned; Alexander; who as nearest male heir collateral; succeeded to the lands and barony of the family as

XI。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; eleventh of Hilton and Brea;  who was; as has just been shown; the great…grandson of Colin; third son of Murdoch; V。 of Hilton; and his heir of line。  Alexander was born at Tigh…a…phris of Ferintosh; on the 3rd of July; 1756。  He was educated at the  University of Aberdeen; but was afterwards bred a millwright to qualify  him for the supervision of family estates and business connections in  Jamaica; where he subsequently became a Colonel of Militia。  On the  death of his maternal uncle; Alexander Mackenzie; VIII。 of  Davochmaluag; in 1776; and of that gentleman's grandson; Lieutenant  Kenneth Mackenzie; who was killed at Saratoga in  1777; Alexander of  Hilton succeeded also to the Davochmaluag estate。  The adjoining  properties of Davochpollo and Davochcairn having been previously  acquired by his father; John Mackenzie; second of Brea; Alexander  combined the three properties into one; and gave it the name of Brea; after  the former possession of the family in Ferintosh。  He greatly improved this  estate and laid it out in its present beautiful form。  His land improvements;  however; turned out unremunerative。  His Hilton property was heavily  encumbered in consequence of the part taken by members of the family in  the Risings of 1696; 1715; and 1745; and great losses having been incurred in connection with his West Indian estates; Alexander got into  pecuniary difficulties; and all his possessions; at home and abroad; had to  be sold either by himself or by his trustees to meet the demands of his  creditors。  He was a distinguished agriculturist for his time; and was the  first; along with Sir George Mackenzie; VII。 of Coul; and his own cousin; Major Forbes Mackenzie; to introduce Cheviot sheep to the Highlands for  hill grazings。

He married  Mary James; in Jamaica; with issue

1。  John; his heir。

2。  Alexander; who married his cousin Charlotte; daughter of the Rev。 Dr Downie; with issue(1) Alexander; who died unmarried; (2) Downie; who died unmarried; (3) John; (4) Kenneth; who married Flora;  daughter of the Rev。 John Macdonald; a native of Inverness; who emi…grated to and was a minister in Australia; by his wife Mary (who died in  1878); third daughter of Neil Macleod; XI。 of Gesto; Isle of Skye; (5)  Charles; who died unmarried; (6) William; who died unmarried; (7) Mary  James; who married her cousin; Kenneth Mackenzie; XIV。 of Hilton; in  Australia; and (8) Jessie; who died unmarried。  Alexander emigrated to  Australia; where he died。

3。  Kenneth; W。S。; who married Anne Urquhart; Aberdeen; with issuean only daughter; who died unmarried。  He married; secondly; Elizabeth Jones; with issue; and died in Canada; where his widow and  children continued to reside; in the city of Toronto。

4。  Mary; who died unmarried in Australia a few years ago。

Alexander died at Lasswade in 1840; and was succeeded as  representative of the family by his eldest son;

XII。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; Colonel of the 7th Regiment of  Bengal Cavalry; and for many years Superintendent of the Government breeding stud at Buxar; India。  He married; in 1813; his cousin; Elizabeth;  daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie of Inverinate; W。S。; with issue

1。  Alexander; who succeeded him as representative of the family。

2。  Kenneth; who succeeded his brother Alexander。

3。  Mary; who married Dr James of the 30th Regiment; without  issue。

4。  Anne; who married General Arthur Hall of the 5th Bengal  Cavalry; with issue。

5。  Elizabeth Jane; who died unmarrie
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