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history of the mackenzies-第80部分

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Gairloch; originally the possession of the Earls of Ross; and confirmed to them by Robert Bruce in 1306 and 1329 was subsequently granted by Earl William to Paul MacTire and his heirs by Mary Graham;  for a yearly payment of a penny of silver in the name of blench ferme in  lieu of every other service except the foreign service of the King when  required。  In 1372 Robert the II。 confirmed the grant。  In 1430 James I。  granted to Nele Nelesoun (Neil son of Neil Macleod) for his homage and  service in the capture of his deceased brother; Thomas Nelesoun; a rebel; the lands of Gairloch。 'Origines Parochiales Scotiae; vol。 ii; p。 406'

Although Hector was in possession of Crown charters to at least two…thirds of the lands of Gairloch he found it very difficult to secure  possession of them from the Macleods and their chief; Allan MacRory;  the former proprietors。  This Allan had married; as his first wife; a  daughter of Alexander; VI。 of Kintail; and sister of Hector Roy; with issuethree sons。  He married; secondly; a daughter of Roderick Macleod; VII。  of Lewis; with issueone son; Roderick; subsequently known as Ruairidh  Mac Alain; author of an atrocious massacre of the Macleods of Raasay  and Gairloch at Island Isay; Waternish; Isle of Skye; erroneously attributed  in the first edition of this work to his grandfather; the above…named Roderick Macleod of Lewis。  Allan of Gairloch was himself related to the  Macleods of Lewis; but it is impossible to trace the exact connection。

Two brothers of Macleod of Lewis are said; traditionally; to have resolved  that no Mackenzie blood should flow in the veins of the future head of the  Gairloch Macleods; and determined to put Allan's children by Hector  Roy's sister to death; so that his son by their own niece should succeed to  Gairloch; and they proceeded across the Minch to the mainland to put  their murderous intent into execution。

Allan MacRuairidh; the then Macleod laird of Gairloch; was  personally a peacefully disposed man; and lived at the 〃Crannag;〃 of  which traces are still to be found on Loch Tolly Island; along with his second wife; two of his sons by the first marriage; and a daughter。 The  brothers; having reached Gairloch; took up their abode at the old Tigh  Dige; a wattled house; surrounded by a ditch; whose site is still pointed out in one of the Flowerdale parks; a few hundred yards above the stone  bridge which crosses the Ceann…an…t…Sail river at the head of Gairloch  Bay。  Next day the murderous barbarians crossed over to Loch Tolly。  On  the way they learnt that Allan was not then on the island; he having gone a…fishing on the Ewe。 They at once proceeded in that direction; found him  sound asleep on the banks of the river; at 〃Cnoc na Mi…chomhairle;〃 and  without any warning 〃made him short by the head。〃  Then retracing their steps; and ferrying across to the island where Allan's wife; with two of her  three step…children were enjoying themselves; they; in the most cold…blooded manner; informed her of her husband's fate; tore the two boysthe third being fortunately absentfrom her knees; took them ashore; and  carried them along to a small glen through which the Poolewe Road now  passes; about a mile to the south of the loch; and there; at a spot still called 〃Creag Bhadain an Aisc;〃 the Rock at the place of Burial; stabbed  them to the heart with their daggers; and carried their bloodstained shirts along with them to the Tigh Dige。  These shirts the stepmother ultimately secured  through  the  strategy of one of her husband's retainers; who at once proceeded with them to the boys' grandfather; Alexander Mackenzie;  VI。 of Kintail; at  Kinellan or Brahan。 Hector Roy started immediately;  carrying the bloodstained shirts along with him as evidence of the  atrocious deed; to report the murder to the King at Edinburgh。  His  Majesty on hearing of the crime granted Hector a commission of fire and  sword against the murderers of his nephews; and gave him a Crown  charter to the lands of Gairloch in his own favour dated 1494。  The  assassins were soon afterwards slain at a hollow still pointed out between Porthenderson and South Erradale; nearly opposite the northern end of the Island of Raasay; where their graves are yet to be seen; quite fresh and  green; among the surrounding heather。 'Mackenzie's History of the  Macleods; pp。 342; 343。'

One of the family historians says that this was the first step that Hector Roy got to Gairloch。  His brother…in…law; Allan Macleod; gave him  the custody of their rights; but when he found his nephews were murdered; he took a new gift of it to himself; and going to Gairloch with a number of  Kintail men and others; he took a heirschip with him; but such as were  alive of the Siol ‘ille Challum of Gairloch; followed him and fought him  at a place called Glasleoid; but they being beat Hector carried away the  heirschip。  After this and several other skirmishes they were content to  allow him the two…thirds of Gairloch; providing he would let themselves  possess the other third in peace; which he did; and they kept possession till  Hector's great…grandchild put them from it。〃 'Ancient MS。'

The Earl of Cromarty; and other MS。 historians of the family fully corroborate this。  The Earl says that Hector; incited to revenge by the foul  murder of his nephews; made some attempts to oust the Macleods from  Gairloch during John of Killin's minority; but was not willing to engage in  war with such a powerful chief as Macleod of Lewis; while he felt himself insecure in his other possessions; but after arranging matters amicably  with his nephew of Kintail; and now being master of a fortune and  possessions suitable to his mind and quality; he resolved to avenge the  murder and to 〃make it productive of his own advantage。〃  He summoned  all those who were accessory to the assassination of his sister's children  before the Chief Justice。  Their well grounded fears made them absent themselves from Court。  Hector produced the bloody shirts of the murdered boys; whereupon the murderers were declared fugitives and outlaws; and a commission granted in his favour for their pursuit; 〃which he did so resolutely manage that in a short time he killed many; preserved  some to justice; and forced the remainder to a composition advantageous  to himself。 His successors; who were both active and prudent men; did  thereafter acquire the rest from their unthrifty neighbours。〃  The greatest  defeat that Hector ever gave to the Macleods 〃was at Bealach Glasleoid;  near Kintail; where most of them were taken or killed。〃  At this fight  Duncan Mor na Tuaighe; who so signally distinguished himself at Blar…na…Pairc; was present with Hector; and on being told that four men were together attacking his son Dugal; he indifferently replied; 〃Well; if he be  my son there is no hazard for that;〃 a remark which turned out quite true;  for the hero killed the four Macleods; and came off himself without any  serious wounds。 'Duncan in his old days was very assisting to Hector;  Gairloch's predecessor; against the Macleods of Gairloch; for he; with his  son Dugal; who was a strong; prudent; and courageous man; with ten or  twelve other Kintailmen; were alwise; upon the least advertisement; ready to go and assist Hector; whenever; wherever; and in whatever he had to  do; for which cause there has been a friendly correspondence betwixt the  family of Gairloch and the MacRas of Kintail; which still continues。〃Genealogy of the MacRas。'

The massacre of Island Isay followed a considerable time after this; and its object was very much the same as the murder of Loch Tolly;  although carried out by a different assassin。  Ruairidh 〃Nimhneach〃  Macleod; son of Allan 〃Mac Ruairdh〃 of Gairloch; and nephew of the  Loch Tolly assassins; determined not only to remove the children of John  Mor na Tuaighe; brother of Alexander Macleod; II。 of Raasay; by Janet  Mackenzie of Kintail; but also to destroy the direct line of the Macleods of  Raasay; and thus open up the succession to John na Tuaighe's son by his  second wife; Roderick Nimhneach's sister; and failing him; to Roderick's  own son Allan。 By this connection it would; he thought; be easier for him  to attain repossession of the lands of Gairloch; from which his family was  driven by the Mackenzies。

Roderick's name appears as 〃Rory Mac Allan; alias  Nevymnauch;〃 in a decree…arbitral by the Regent Earl of Murray between  Donald Macdonald; V。 of Sleat; and Colin Mackenzie; XI。 of Kintail;  dated at Perth; the 1st of August; 1569; in terms of which Macdonald becomes responsible for Roderick and undertakes that he and his kin shall 〃desist and cease troubling; molesting; harming or invasion of the said   Laird of Gairloch's lands and rowmes; possessions; tenants; servants; and goods; while on the other hand Kintail shall see to it  that Torquil  Cononach shall cease to do the same in all respects to Macdonald's  lands。〃  In 1586 Roderick is described as 〃of Lochgair;〃 but another  person is named in the same document as 〃Macleud; heritor of the lands  of Gairloch;〃 which proves that Roderick Nimhneach was not the actual  proprietor of even the small portion of that district which was still left to  his family。  He was the second son; and one of the objects of the massacre  on Island Isay was to cut off his father's only surviving son and heir by his  first wifea daughter of Mackenzie of Kintailwho escaped the previous  massacre on the Island of Loch Tolly。

With the view of cutting off the legitimate male representation of his own Macleod relatives of Gairloch and of Raasay; he invited all the  members of both families; and most of them accepted the invitation。   Roderick on their arrival feasted them sumptuously at a great banquet。

In  the middle of the festivities he informed them of his desire to have each man's advice separately; and that he would after…wards make known to  them the important business which had to be considered; and which  closely concerned each of them。  He then retired into a separate  apartment; and called them in one by one; when they were each; as they  entered; stabbed with dirks through the body by a set of murderous  savages whom he had engaged and posted inside the room for the purpose。

Not one of the fam
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