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history of the mackenzies-第81部分

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ad engaged and posted inside the room for the purpose。

Not one of the family of Raasay was left alive; except a boy nine years of  age; who was being fostered from home; and who had been sent privately  by his foster…father; when the news of the massacre became known; to the  laird of Calder; who kept him in safety during his minority。  He afterwards  obtained possession of Raasay; and became known as Gillecallum Garbh  MacGillechallum。  Macleod of Gairloch's sons; by Hector Roy's sister;  were all murdered。 Roderick took his own nephew to the room where;  walking with his brutal relative; he heard one of his half…brothers cry on  being stabbed by the assassin's dirk; and saying 〃Yon's my brother's cry。〃

〃Hold your peace;〃 Rory replied; 〃yonder cry is to make you laird of  Gairloch; he is the son of one of Mackenzie's daughters。〃 The boy;  fearing that his own life might be sacrificed; held his tongue; 〃but  afterwards he did what in him lay in revenging the cruel death of his  brothers and kinsmen on the murtherers。〃 'Ancient MS。'

In acknowledgment of the King's favour; Hector gathered his  followers in the west; joined his nephew; John of Killin; with his vassals; and fought; in command of the clan; at the disastrous battle of Flodden;  from which both narrowly escaped  but most of their followers were slain。    Some time after his return home he successfully fought the desperate  skirmish at Druim…a…chait; already referred to; pp。 114…118; with 140 men against 700 of the Munros; Dingwalls; MacCullochs; and other clans  under the command of William Munro of Fowlis; on which occasion  Sheriff Vass of Lochslinn was killed at a bush near Dingwall; 〃called to  this day Preas Sandy Vass;〃 or Alex。  Vass's bush; a name assigned to it  for that very cause。 'Gairloch MS。'

Hector; during his life; granted to his nephew; John of Killin; his  own half of Kintail; the lands of Kinellan; Fairburn; Wester Brahan; and  other possessions situated in the Low Country; which brought his son John Glassich afterwards into trouble。 'Ibid。' Hector Roy was betrothed to a daughter of the Laird of Grantprobably Sir Duncan; who flourished from 1434 to 1485but she died  before the marriage was solemnised。 He; however; had a son by her called Hector Cam; he being blind of an eye; to whom he gave Achterneed and  Culte Leod; now Castle Leod; as his patrimony。  Hector Cam married a  daughter of Mackay of Farr; ancestor of Lord Reay; by whom he had two  sons Alexander Roy and Murdo。 '〃These were both succeeded by the son  of Alexander; a slothful man; who dotingly bestowed his estate on his  foster child。  Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Coigeach; in detriment to his own  children; though very deserving of them; Captain Hector Mackenzie; late  of Dumbarton's Regiment; and also a tribe in the Eastern circuit of Ross; surnamed; from one of their progenitors; Mac Eanin; i。e。; the descendants of John the Fair。〃Gairloch MS。  Another MS。 gives the additional names of〃Richard Mackenzie; vintner in Edinburgh; grandson of Alexander Mackenzie of Calder; Midlothian; Duncan Mackenzie; an eminent gunsmith in London; and James Mackenzie; gunsmith  in  Dundee。〃 It  also adds that of the successors of the Mac Eanins in Easter Ross; were  〃Master Alexander Mackenzie; an Episcopal minister in Edinburgh; and  preceptor to the children of the present noble family of Cromarty; whose  son is Charles Mackenzie; clerk to Mr David Munro of Meikle Allan。〃'

Alexander married a daughter of John Mor na Tuaighe MacGillechallum; a brother of Macleod of Raasay; by whom she had a son; Hector; who  lived at Kinellan; and was nicknamed the Bishop。  This Hector married a  daughter of Macleod of Raasay; and left a large family; one of the  daughters being afterwards married to Murdo Mackenzie; V。 of Achilty;  without issue。  Hector Cam's second son; Murdo; married a daughter of  Murdoch Buy Matheson of Lochalsh; with issueLachlan; known as  〃Lachlainn Mac Mhurchaidh Mhic Eachainn;〃 who married a daughter of  Murdoch Mackenzie; III。 of Achilty; with issueMurdoch; who married a  daughter of Alexander Ross of Cuilich  and Alastair; who married a  daughter of William MacCulloch of Park。

Hector Roy; after the death of Grant of Grant's daughter; married his cousin Anne; daughter of Ranald MacRanald; generally known as Ranald Ban Macdonald; V。 of Moydart and Clanranald。  Her brother Dougal was assassinated and his sons formally excluded from the succession; when the estate and command of the clan were given to his  nephew Alexander; 〃portioner;〃 of Moydart; whose son; John Moydartach  afterwards succeeded and became the famous Captain of Clanranald  Gregory says; however; that 〃Allan; the eldest son of Dougal; and the  undoubted heir male of Clanranald; acquired the estate of Morar; which he transmitted to his descendants。  He and his successors were always styled ‘MacDhughail Mhorair;' that is MacDougal of Morar; from their ancestor  Dougal MacRanald。〃  This quite explains the various designations by  which these  Moydart and Clanranald ladies who had married into the  Gairloch family have been handed down to us。  Anne was the widow of  William Dubh Macleod; VII。 of Harris; Dunvegan; and Glenelg; by whom  she had an only daughter; who; by Hector Roy's influence at Court; was married to Rory Mor of Achaghluineachan; ancestor of the Mackenzies of  Fairburn and Achilty; after she bad by her future husband a natural son;  Murdoch; who became progenitor of the family of Fairburn。  By this  marriage with Anne of Moydart and Clanranald Hector Roy had issue

1。  John Glassich; his heir and successor。

2。  Kenneth of Meikle Allan; now Allangrange; who married a  daughter of Alexander Dunbar of Kilbuyack; and widow of Allan  Mackenzie; II。 of Hilton; with issue(1) Hector; who married an Assynt  lady; with issueHector Og; who was killed at Raasay; in 1611;  unmarried; and three daughters; the eldest of whom married; as her second husband; John; son of Alastair Roy; natural son of John Glassich; with  issueBishop Murdoch Mackenzie of Moray and Orkney; and several  other sons。  Hector's second daughter married 〃Tormod Mac Ean Lleaye〃  Norman; son of John Liath Macraewho; according to the traditions of  the country; took such a prominent part against the Macleods at that  periodand a brother of the celebrated archers Domhull Odhar and lain  Odhar mic Ian Leith; of whose prowess the reader will learn more  presently。  The third daughter married Duncan; son of John; son of  Alastair Roy; son of John Glassich; II。 of Gairloch。  (2) Angus; who  married; with issueKenneth; who left an only daughter; who married her cousin; Murdo Mac Ian; son of Alastair Roy。

3。  John Tuach of Davochpollo; who married with issuea son;  John; who died without lawful issue。

4。  Dougal Roy; who inherited Scatwell; and was killed in a family feud in 1550; and

Three daughters; who married respectively; Bayne of Tulloch;  John Aberach Mackay; and Hugh Bayne Fraser of Bunchrew; a natural son of Thomas; fourth Lord Lovat; killed at Blar…na…Leine; ancestor of the  Frasers of Reelick。

He had also a son; John Beg; who was according to some  authorities illegitimate; from whom descended several Mackenzies who  settled in Berwick and Alloa。

Hector Roy died in 1528。  On the 8th of September in that year; a  grant is recorded to Sir John Dingwall; 〃Provost of Trinity College; beside  Edinburgh; of the ward of the lands of Gairloch; which pertained to the  umquhile Achinroy Mackenzie。〃  He was succeeded by his eldest lawful  son;

II。  JOHN  GLASSICH  MACKENZIE; who; from the above  quoted document; appears to have been a minor at his father's death。  His retour of service cannot be found; but an instrument of sasine; dated the 24th of June; 1536; in his favour; is in the Gairloch charter chest; wherein  he is designated  〃John  Hector…son;〃 and in which he is said to be the  heir; served and retoured; of his father; Hector Roy Mackenzie; in the  lands of Gairloch; and the grazings of Glasletter and Coirre…nan…Cuilean。    He is said to have objected to his father's liberality during his life in granting; at the expense of his successors; to his nephew; John of Kuhn; so  much of his patrimonial possessions。  According to the Gairloch  MS。 already quoted Hector gave him his own half of Kintail; as well as Kinellan; Fairburn; Wester Brahan; and 〃other possessions in the Low Country besides。〃  John thought these donations far too exorbitant; and he  〃sought to retrench them by recovering in part what with so much  profusion his father had given away; and for that; a feud having ensued  betwixt him and his Chief; he was surprised in his house by night;  according to the barbarous manner of the times; and sent prisoner to Iland  Downan; and there taken away by poison in A。D。 l550。  His brother Dugal;  who sided with him; and John (Beg); his natural brother; were both slain  in the same quarrel。〃 'Gairloch MS。  Another MS。 says that his other  brother; John Tuach; was assassinated the same night。'

A bond; dated 1544; has been preserved; to which John Glassich's name; along with others; is adhibited; undertaking to keep the peace; and promising obedience to Kenneth; younger of Kintail (Kenneth na Cuirc);  as the Queen's Lieutenant。 'Spalding Club Miscellany; vol。 iv。 p。213。'

John's obedience does not appear; however; to have been very complete。

Kintail having; according to another authority; received information of  John Glassich's intention to recover if possible part of the property given  away by his father; sent for him to Brahan; where he went; accompanied  by a single attendant; John Gearr。  The chief charged him with these  designs against him; and John's denials proving unsatisfactory; Kintail  caused him to be apprehended。 John Gearr; seeing this; and feeling that  his master had been treacherously dealt with; drew his two handed sword  and made a fierce onslaught on the chief who sat at the head of the table; but smartly bowed his head under it; or it would have been cloven asunder。  John Gearr was instantly seized by Mackenzie's guards; who  threatened to tear him to pieces; but the chief; admiring his fidelity;  charged them not to touch him。  John Gearr; on being questioned why he  had struck at Mackenzie and took no not
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