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history of the mackenzies-第82部分

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m not to touch him。  John Gearr; on being questioned why he  had struck at Mackenzie and took no notice of those who apprehended his  master; boldly replied that he 〃saw no one else present whose life was a  worthy exchange for that of his own chief。〃  John's sword made a deep  gash in the table; and the mark; which was deep enough to admit of a hand being placed edgeways in it; remained until Colin; first Earl of Seaforth;  caused the piece to be cut off; saying that 〃he loved no such remembrance of the quarrels of his relations。〃

John Glassich; it would appear; was not unduly circumspect at home; or a very dutiful and loyal subject to his King。  In 1547 his estate  was forfeited for refusing to join the Royal Standard; and the escheat  thereof granted to the Earl of Sutherland; as will be seen by the following  letter in favour of that nobleman:

〃A letter made to John; Earl of Sutherland; his heirs; assigns; one  or more; the gift of all goods moveable and unmoveable; debts; tacks;  steadings; corns; and obligations; sums of money; gold; silver; coined and  uncoined; and other goods whatsoever which pertained to John Hectorsson of Gairloch; and now pertaining to our Sovereign Lady by reason of  escheat through the said John's remaining and biding at home from the  ‘oist' and army devised to convene at Peebles; the 10th day of July instant;  for recovering of the house of Langholm furth of our enemies' hands of  England; in contrary to the tenour of the letters and proclamations made thereupon; incurred therethrough the pains contained thereuntil; or any  otherwise shall happen to pertain to us our Sovereign by reason foresaid  with power; etc。  At Saint Andrews the 23rd day of July; the year of God; 1547 years。〃 'Reg。 Sec。 Sig。; xxi。 fol。 316。'

There is no trace of the reversal of this forfeiture。  It does not;  however; appear to have affected the succession。  Indeed it is not likely that it even affected the actual possession; for it was not easy even for the  Earl of Sutherland; though supported by the Royal authority to wield any  real power in such an out…of…the…way region in those days as John  Glassich's possessions in the west。 It has been already stated that; in  1551; the Queen granted to John Mackenzie; IX。 of Kintail; and his heir;  Kenneth na Cuirc; a remission for the violent taking of John Glassich;  Dougal; and John Tuach; his brothers; and for keeping them in prison; thus usurping 〃therethrough our Sovereign Lady's authority。〃  None of them is  spoken of in this remission as being then deceased; though tradition and  the family MS。 history have it that John Glassich was poisoned or starved to death at Ellandonnan Castle in 1550。 'One of the family MSS。 says that by his marriage 〃he got the lands of Kinkell; Kilbokie; Badinearb;  Pitlundie; Davochcairn; Davochpollo; and Foynish; with others in the Low  Country; for which the family has been in the use to quarter the arm of  Fraser with their own。 This John; becoming considerably rich and  powerful by those different acquisitions; became too odious to and envied by John; Laird of Mackenzie; and his son Kenneth then married to  Stewart; Earl of Atholes daughter; that they set upon him; having  previously invited him to a Christmas dinner; having got no other pretence than a fit of jealousy on account of the said Earl's daughter; bound him  with ropes and carried him a prisoner to Islandownan; where his death was occasioned by poison administered to him in a mess of milk soup by one  MacCalman; a clergyman and Deputy…Constable of the Fort。〃'  It is;  however; probable that Kintail considered it wise to conceal John's death until the remission had been already secured。  Only six weeks after the  date of the 〃respitt〃 John Glassich is referred to in the Privy Council  Records; under date of 25th July; 1551; as the 〃omquhile (or late) John  McCanze of Gairlocht;〃 his lands having then been given in ward to the  Earl of Athole; 〃Ay and till the lawful entry of the righteous heir or heirs  thereto; being of lawful age。〃 'Reg。 Sec。 Con。; vol。 xxiv。; fol。 84。'

Although Hector obtained a  charter of the lands of Gairloch in 1494; the Macleods continued for a  time to hold possession of a  considerable part of it。  According  to the traditions of the district they  had all to the east and south…east of  the Crasg; a hill situated on the  west side of the churchyard of  Gairloch; between the present Free  and Established Churches。  At the  east end of the Big Sand; on a high  and easily defended rock; stood the  last stronghold occupied by the  Macleods in Gairlochto this day  known as the 〃Dun〃 or Fort。  The  foundation is still easily traced。  It  must have been a place of consider…able importance; for it is over 200  feet in circumference。 Various  localities are still pointed out in  Gairloch where desperate  skirmishes were fought between  the Macleods and the Mackenzies。   Several of these spots; where the  slain were buried; look quite green  to this day。 The 〃Fraoch Eilean;〃  opposite Leac…na…Saighid; where a  naval engagement was fought; is a  veritable cemetery of Macleods;  ample evidence of which is yet to  be seen。  Of this engagement; and  of those at Glasleoid; Lochan…an…Fheidh; Leac…na…Saighid; Kirkton; and many others; thrilling accounts  are still recited by a few old men in  the district; especially of the  prowess of Domh'ull Odhar Mac  Ian Leith; and the other Kintail  heroes who were mainly  instrumental in establishing the  Mackenzies of Gairloch permanently and in undisputed  possession of their beautiful and romantic inheritance。

John Glassich married Janet Agnes; daughter of James Fraser of Phoineas; brother of Hugh; sixth Lord Lovat (with whom he got the Barony of Inchlag; etc。); with issue

1。  Hector; his heir and successor。

2。  Alexander; who succeeded his brother Hector。

3。  John; who succeeded Alexander。

4。  A daughter; who married John Mackenzie; II。 of Loggie; with issue;

John Glassich's widow married; secondly; Thomas Chisholm; XV。  of Chisholm; without issue male。

He had also two natural sons before his marriage; Alexander Roy and Hector Caol。

Alexander Roy had a son  John; who lived at Coirre Mhic  Cromaill in Torridon; and who had  a son; the Rev。 Murdoch  Mackenzie; Chaplain to Lord  Reay's Regiment in the Bohemian  and Swedish service; under  Gustavus Adolphus。  He was  afterwards minister of Contin;  Inverness; and Elgin; and  subsequently Bishop of Moray and  of Orkney in succession。  His  family and descendants are dealt  with under a separate headingMACKENZIES  OF   GROUNDWATER。

Hector Caol left a numerous tribe in Gairloch; still known as Clann Eachainn Chaoil; and said to be distinguished by their long and slender  legs。

John Glassich; who was assassinated in 1550; as already stated; at  Ellandonnan Castle; was buried in the Priory of Beauly; and succeeded by  his eldest lawful son;

III。  HECTOR  MACKENZIE。  He has a sasine; dated the 6th May;  1563; 'Gairloch Charter Chest;' in which he is described as 〃Achyne  Johannis MacAchyne;〃 and bearing that the lands had been in non…entry  for 12 years; thus carrying back the date of his succession to 1551; when the estate was given in ward to John; fourth of the Stewart Earls of Athole。

Hector diedprobably killed; like his brotherwithout issue; on the 3rd of  September; 1566; and was buried at Beauly; when he was succeeded by  his next lawful brother;

ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; who has a retour; dated the 2nd of  December; 1566; 'Ing。 Retour Reg。; vol。 i。; fol。 22; and Origines  Parochiales Scotiae;' as heir to 〃Hector his brother…german;〃 in the lands  of Gairloch; namely; 〃Gairloch; Kirktoun; Syldage; Hamgildail; Malefage; Innerasfidill; Sandecorran; Cryf; Baddichro; Bein…Sanderis; Meall; Allawdall; with the pasturage of Glaslettir and Cornagullan; in the  Earldom of Ross; of the old extent of ?;〃 but not to any of the other lands  which Hector Roy left to his descendants。  Alexander did not long possess the estates; for he diedto all appearance assassinateda few weeks after  he succeeded; without making up titles。  It is; therefore; not thought  necessary to count him as one of the Barons of Gairloch。

It is probable that the  brothers; Hector and Alexander;  met with the same violent death as  their father and uncles; John  Glassich; John Tuach; and John  Beg and by the same authors。  This  is according to tradition; and an old  MS。; which says that their mother  Agnes Fraser fled with John Roy  〃to Lovat and her Fraser relatives;〃 adds as to the fate of his brothers  that 〃In those days many acts of  oppression were committed that  could not be brought to fair tryales  befor the Legislator。〃  〃She was  afterwards married to Chisholm of  Comar; and heired his family; here  she kept him in as concealed a  manner as possible; and; as is  reported; every night under a  brewing kettle; those who; through  the barbarity of the times;  destroyed his father and uncles;  being in search of the son; and in  possession of his all excepting his  mother's dower。  He was  afterwards concealed by the Lairds  of Moydart and of Farr; till he  became a handsome man and could  put on his weapon; when he had the  resolution to wait on Colin Cam  Mackenzie; Laird of Kintail; a most  worthy gentleman; who established  him in all his lands; excepting  those parts of the family estate for which Hector and his successors  had an undoubted right by writs。〃

Hector was succeeded by his next  brother;

IV。  JOHN  ROY MACKENZIE; John Glassich's  third son; who was at the time a  minor; although his father had been  dead for 15 or 16 years; and the  estate was given in ward by Queen  Mary in 1567。 She 〃granted in  heritage to John Bannerman of  Cardeyne; the ward of the lands  and rents belonging to the deceased  Hector Makkenych; of Gairloch;  with the relief of the same when it  should occur and the marriage of  John Roy Makkenych; the brother  and apparent heir of Hector。〃  'Origines Parochiales Scotiae p。  406; and Reg。 Sec。 Sig。; vol。 xxxvi。  fol。 6。'  In 1569; John; being then  of 〃lauchful age;〃 is served and  retoured heir to his brother…german; Hector; in the lands of Gairloch  'Ing。 Retour Reg。; vol。 i。; fol。 22;  and Origines Parochiales Scotiae。'  as specified i
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