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history of the mackenzies-第85部分

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f  the said invasions and hostilities pursued against them; the said persons in  defence of their own lives; their wives' and children's; and of their goods;  have slain sundry of the said invaders and limmers; taken others of them  and thereafter put them to death; to the great comfort of his Majesty's  good; honest; and true subjects who were subject to the like inroads; invasions and tyrannies of the said vagabonds and fugitives; and settling of  his Majesty's peace within the bounds  and his Majesty being noways  willing that the said John Mackenzie of Gairloch and his said sons'  forawardness in their own defence; and withstanding of the foresaid open  and violent hostilities and tyrannies of the said broken men which has  produced so much and good benefit to his Majesty's distressed subjects;  shall suffer any hurt; prejudice; or inconvenience against the said John  Mackenzie of Gairloch and his said sons; which his Highness by these  letters decrees and declares to have been good and acceptable service  done to his Highness and the country :  Therefore; his Majesty; of his  special grace; mercy; and favour; ordains a letter to be made under his Highness's Great Seal in due form to the said John Mackenzie of Gairloch; Alexander; Kenneth; Duncan; and William Mackenzie; his sons;  remitting and forgiving them and everyone of them all rancour; hatred;  action; and crime whatsoever that his Majesty had; has; or anywise may  lay to the charge of the said John Mackenzie or his said sons; or any of  them; for the alleged taking and apprehending; slaying or mutilating of the  said vagabonds and broken men; or any of them; or for art and part  thereof; or for raising of tire against them; in the taking and apprehending  of them; or any of them; at any time preceding his Majesty's going to  England and of all that has passed or that may pass thereupon; and of  every circumstance thereanent and suchlike。  His Majesty; of his especial grace; taking knowledge and proper motive; remits and forgives the said  persons; and everyone of them; all slaughters; mutilations; and other  capital crimes whatsoever; art and part thereof committed by them; or any of them; preceding the day and date hereof (treason in our said Sovereign Lord's own most noble person only excepted); with all pains and  executions that ought and should be executed against them; or any of them for the same; exonerating; absolving; and relieving the said John and his said sons; and all of them of all action and challenge criminal and civil that may be moved thereupon to their prejudice for ever:  Discharging  hereby all judges; officers; magistrates; administrators of his Majesty's laws; from granting of any proofs; criminal or civil; in any action or causes  to be moved or pursued against the said John Mackenzie or his sons  foresaid for anything concerning the execution of the premises:   Discharging them thereof and their officers in that employed by them; and that the said letter he extended in the best form with ill clauses needful  and the precepts he directed orderly thereupon in form as effeirs。 Given at  Theobald's; the second day of April; the year of God; 1614 years。  'Original in the Gairloch Charter Chest。'

John Roy purchased or rented the tithes of his lands; which appear to have led him into no end of disputes。  The Rev。 Alexander Mackenzie  was appointed minister at Gairlochthe first after the Reformationand  in 1583 he obtained a decree from the Lords of the Privy Council and   Session ordaining the teind revenue to be paid to him。  At the Reformation  Sir John Broik was rector of the parish ; after which  it was vacant until; in  1583; James VI。 presented this Alexander Mackenzie to 〃the parsonage  and vicarage of Garloch vacand in our Souerane Lordis handis  contenuallie sen the reformatioun of the religioun within this realme by  the decease of Sir John Broik。〃 'Reg。 Sec。 Sig。; vol xlix; fol。 62。'  In 1584 the Rev。 Alexander Mackenzie let the teinds to John Roy for three lives  and nineteen years more; for an annual payment of ?2 Scots。 In 1588 the Crown granted a similar tack for a like payment。  In 1612 the Rev。  Farquhar MacGillechriost Macrae raised an action against John Roy and  his eldest surviving son Alexander for payment of the teind。  A certain  Robert Boyd became cautioner for the teind of 1610; but the action went  on for several years; and was apparently won by the Rev。 Farquhar  Macrae; who; in 1616; lets the teind of Gairloch for nineteen years to  Alexander Mackenzie; Fiar of Gairloch; for ?0 Scots yearly。  Alexander  thereupon surrenders the tithes of the lands of Letterewe; Inverewe;  Drumchorc; and others to Colin Lord Mackenzie of Kintail; who on his  part; as patron of the parish; binds himself not to sanction the set of these  tithes to any other than the said Alexander and his heirs。 'Papers in the Gairloch Charter Chest。'

John Roy married; first; Elizabeth; daughter of Angus Macdonald; VII。 of Glengarry; by his wife; Janet; daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie; X。  of Kintail; by Lady Elizabeth; daughter of John; second Earl of Athole;  with issue

1。  John; who married; as already stated; Isabel; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Fairburn; with issuean only daughter; also named Isabel; who; as his second wife; married Colin Mackenzie of  Kinnock; with issuean only son; who sold back his mother's jointure  lands of Davochpollo and Pitlundie in i666。  John died before his father; in 1601; at Kinkell; and was buried at Beauly。

2。  Alexander; who succeeded to the estates。

3。  Murdoch; killed; unmarried; at Raasay in 1611。

4。  Kenneth; I。 of Davochcairn; who married; first; Margaret; daughter of James Cuthbert of Alterlies and Drakies; Inverness; with issue;  whose male representation is extinct。  He married; secondly; a daughter of  Hector Mackenzie; IV。 of Fairburn; also with issue; of whose present  representation nothing is known。 Kenneth died at Davochcairn in 1643;  and was buried at Beauly。

5。  Duncan of Sand; who  married a daughter of Hugh Fraser  of Belladrum; with issue(1)   Alexander; who succeeded him at Sand; (2) John; who married a  daughter of the Rev。 George  Munro; minister of Urquhart; and  resided at Ardnagrask; (3)  Katharine; who married; first; a son  of Allan Macranald Macdonald;  heir male of Moydart; at the time  residing at Baile Chnuic; or  Hiltown of Beauly; and secondly;  William Fraser of Boblanie; with  issue。 (4) A daughter; who married  Thomas Mackenzie; son of  Murdoch Mackenzie;  IV。 of  Achilty and (5) a daughter; who  married Duncan MacIan vic  Eachainn Chaoil。  Duncan died at  Sand; from the bite of a cat at  Inverasdale; in 1635; and is buried  at Gairloch。

Alexander; who succeeded  his father at Sand (retour 1647);  married a daughter of Murdo  Mackenzie of Kernsary; fifth son of  Colin Cam; XI。 of Kintail; by his  wife; Barbara; daughter of John  Grant; XII。 of Grant。  Murdoch  married the eldest daughter of John  Mackenzie; III。 of Fairburn; by  whom he had; in addition to the  daughter who became the wife of  Alexander Mackenzie of Sand; an  only lawful son; John; killed in  1645 at the battle of Auldearn in  command of the Lewis Mackenzie  Regiment; whereupon the lineal  and sole representation of the  Kernsary family reverted to the  descendants of Alexander  Mackenzie of Sand; through Mary;  his wife; by whom he had issuetwo sons and two daughters。  He  was succeeded; in 1656; by the  eldest son; Hector; who also  succeeded his uncle John in  Ardnagrask。  He married Janet  Fraser; with issueJohn Mackenzie; who died in 1759; and  left a son Alexander; who got a new tack of Ardnagrask for forty  years; commencing in May; 1760; 'Gairloch Papers。' and married  Helen Mackenzie; daughter of Donald; great…grandson of Murdo  Mackenzie; V。 of Hilton (by his wife; Jean Forbes of Raddery); by  whom he had a large family of five  sons and six daughters。  The eldest  son; John Mackenzie; a merchant  and Bailie of Inverness; was born at  Ardnagrask in 1762; and married  Prudence; daughter of Richard Ord;  Merkinch; Inverness; by his wife;  Elizabeth; daughter of John; third  son of Alexander; VII。 of  Davochmaluag; with issuefive  sons and two daughters。  Three of  the sons died without issue; one of  whom was John; a merchant in  Madras。  Another; Alexander;  married Maria Lascelles of  Blackwood; Dumfries; with issueJohn Fraser Mackenzie; who  married Julia Linton; with issue;  Alexander; who married Adelaide  Brett; Madras; with issue and four  daughters; Margaret; Jane; Frances;  and Maria; of whom two married;  with issue。

Bailie John's second surviving son; the Rev。 William Mackenzie; married Elizabeth Maclaren; with issueJohn Ord; who married; without  issue; James; who married; with issue; Richard; who married Lousia Lyall; with issue Henry; of the Oriental Bank Corporation; Gordon; of the Indian Civil Service; and Alfred; of Townsville; Queensland; also Louisa;  Isabella; Maria; and Williamina; all married; the first three with issue。  Bailie Mackenzie's daughters wereElizabeth;  who married  Montgomery Young; with issue; and Jane; who married Provost Ferguson;  of Inverness; with issueJohn Alexander; who married; with issue; Mary; who married the late Walter Carruthers of the Inverness Courier; with  issue; and Agnes Prudence; who married the Rev。 G。 T。 Carruthers; one of Her Majesty's Chaplains in India。

6。 William Mackenzie of  Shieldaig; who married a daughter  of the Rev。 Murdo Mackenzie;  minister of Kintail; with issue(1) Murdoch; who married Mary;  daughter of Roderick Mackenzie; I。  of Applecross; with issueRoderick; who; in 1727; married  Margaret Mackenzie; with issueWilliam Mackenzie; on record in  1736; (2) Duncan; who married a  daughter; by his second marriage;  of Hector Mackenzie; IV。 of  Fairburn; (3) John; who married a  daughter of Murdo Mackenzie in  Sand; (4) Kenneth; who married a  daughter of Hector MacIan vic  Eachainn Mackenzie; (5) Hector;  (6) Roderick; (7) Alexander; the  last…named three unmarried in  1669; (8) a daughter; who married  Alexander Fraser of Reelick; with  issue; (9) a daughter; who married  Hector 〃 Mac Mhic Alastair Roy〃;  (10) a daughter; who married  Murdo 〃Mac Ian Mhic Eachainn  Chaoil;〃 a son of one of the Raasay  heroes; (11) 
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