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history of the mackenzies-第86部分

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ghter; who married  Murdo 〃Mac Ian Mhic Eachainn  Chaoil;〃 a son of one of the Raasay  heroes; (11) a daughter; who  married Hector Mackenzie;  Chamberlain in Lochcarron; (12) a  daughter; who married the Rev。  Donald Macrae; minister of  Lochalsh; and (13) a daughter;  unmarried in 1669。  He had also a  natural son; John Mor 〃Mac  Uilleam;〃 who married a natural  daughter or Murdoch Mackenzie;  II。 of Redcastle。

7。  A daughter; who married Fraser of Foyers。

8。  Katherine; who married Hugh Fraser of Culbokie and  Guisachan。

9。  Another Katherine; who married Fraser of Struy。

10。  Janet; who married; first; George Cuthbert of Castlehill; Inverness (marriage contract 29th June; 1611); and secondly Neil Munro  of Findon marriage contract dated 5th of February; 1627)。 'Both marriage contracts are in the Gairloch Charter Chest。'

11。  A daughter; who married Alastair Mor; brother of Chisholm of Comar。

John Roy married; secondly; Isabel; daughter of Murdoch  Mackenzie; I。 of Fairburn; with issue

12。  Captain Roderick of Pitglassie; who served in the army of the Prince of Orange; and died; unmarried; in Holland; in 1624。

13。  Hector of Mellan; who married; first; the widow of the Rev。  John Mackenzie of Lochbroom; without issue and secondly; a daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; IV。 of Achilty; with issue; five sonsAlexander; who married a daughter of 〃Murdo Mc Cowil vic Ean Oig〃; Murdo; who married a daughter of Murdo Mackenzie of Sand and three others unmarried in 1669。

14。  John; a clergyman; who married a natural daughter of  Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Kilcoy; with issuefour sons and two  daughters。 He died at Rhynduin in 1666; and is buried at Beauly。

15。  Katherine Og; who married Fraser of Belladrum; with issue…from whom the Frasers of Achnagairn and Seafield。

16。  Isabel; who married  first; Alastair Og Macdonald 'The  marriage contract is in the Gairloch  Charter Chest; dated 23rd Jan。  1629。 This gentleman; in the  month of November; 1625; killed a  man in Uist named Alexander Mac  Ian Mhic Alastair; for which he  received a remission from Charles  I。; dated at Holyrood; the first of  August; 1627; and which  Macdonald appears to have  deposited in the Gairloch Charter  Chest on his marriage with Isabel  of Gairloch。' of Cuidreach; brother…german to Sir Donald Macdonald  of Sleat; and ancestor of the  Macdonalds of Cuidreach and  Kingsburgh; Isle of Skye。  She  married; secondly; Hugh  Macdonald of Skirmish。

John had also a natural son; Kenneth Buy Mackenzie; by a woman named Fraser; who married a daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; IV。 of  Achilty; and two natural daughters; one of whom married Donald Bain;  Seaforth's Chamberlain in the Lewis; killed in the battle of Auldearn in  1645; the other; Margaret; in 1640; married Alexander; 〃second lawful  son〃 of John Mackenzie; IV。 of Hilton。

He died at Talladale in 1628; in the 80th year of his age; was buried in the old churchyard of Gairloch; and succeeded by his eldest  surviving son;

V。  ALEXANDER MACKENZIE; who was advanced  in years at his father's death。  He  was most active in the duties  pertaining to the head of his house  during the life of his father; for it  was he who led the Mackenzies of  Gairloch against the Macleods in  their repeated incursions to  repossess themselves of their  estates;  〃He was a valiant worthy  gentleman。  It was he who made an  end of all the troubles his  predecessors were in the  conquering of Gairloch from the  Shiel Vic Gille Challum。  'Applecross MS。'  Very little is known of him personally; his career  having been so much mixed up with that of his father。  By the  charter of 1619 he was infeft in the  barony as fiar; and he immediately  succeeded on his father's decease。   In 1627; while still fiar or feuer of  Gairloch; he obtained from his son…in…law; John Mackenzie of  Applecross (afterwards of Lochslinn); who married his  daughter Isobel; a disclamation of part of the lands of Diobaig;  previously in dispute between the Lairds of Gairloch and Applecross。

In the Gairloch Charter Chest there  is a feu charter of endowment by  John Mackenzie of Applecross; in  implement of the contract of marriage with his betrothed spouse;  Isobel; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; younger of Gairloch;  dated 6th of June; 1622。  After John  of Lochslinn's death; she married;  secondly; Colin Mackenzie of  Tarvie and there is a sasine in  favour of Margaret; second lawful  daughter of this Colin of Tarvie by  Isobel of Gairloch and spouse of  Matthew Robertson of Davoch…carty; in implement of a marriage  contract。

A little piece of scandal seems; from an extract of the Presbytery Records of Dingwall; of date 3rd of March; 1666; to have arisen in connection with this pairMatthew Robertson and Margaret Mackenzie。 〃Rorie McKenzie of Dochmaluak; compearing desyred ane answer to his former supplication requiring that Matthew Robertson of Dochgarty should be ordained to make satisfaction for slandering the said Rorie with  alleged miscarriage with Matthew Robertson's wife。  The brethren  considering that by the witness led in the said matter there was nothing but  suspicion and jealousies; and said Matthew Robertson being called and  inquired concerning the said particular; did openly profess that he was in  no wayes jealous of the said Rorie Mackenzie and his wife; and if any  word did escape him upon which others might put such a construction; he  was heartily sorry for it; and was content to acknowledge so much to  Rorie Mackenzie of Dochmaluak; and crave pardon for the same; which  the brethren taking into their consideration; and the Bishop referring it to  them (as the Moderator reported); they have; according to the Bishop's appointment; ordered the said Matthew Robertson to acknowledge so much before the Presbytery to the party; and to crave his pardon in anything he has given him offence。  The which being done by the said  Matthew Robertson; Rory Mackenzie of Dochmaluak did acquiesce in it  without any furder prosecution of it;〃 and we hear no more of the subject。

In 1637 Alexander  proceeded to acquire part of  Loggie…Wester from Duncan  Bayne; but the matter was not  arranged until 1640; during the  reign of his successor。

Alexander married; first; Margaret; third daughter of Roderick Mor Mackenzie; I。 of Redcastle; by his wife; Finguala or Florence; daughter of  Robert Munro; XVth Baron of Fowlis; with issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and successor。

2。  Murdo of Sand; 〃predecessor to Sand and Mungastle;〃 'There is great confusion about the families of the various Sands which we have not been able to clear up。  The following is from the public records:In 1718  on the forfeiture of the Fairburn estate; Alexander Mackenzie of Sand  appeared and deponed that Murdoch Mackenzie of Sand; his father; had a  wadset of Mungastle and certain other lands from Fairburn。  In May 1730  Alexander Mackenzie of Sand purchased Mungastle for 3000 merks from  Dundonell; who had meantime become proprietor of it。  In January 1744  Alexander Mackenzie of Sand; son of the preceding Alexander; was infeft  in Mungastle in place of his father。  In 1741 the above Alexander (the younger) being then a minor; and John Mackenzie of Lochend being his  curator; got a wadset of Glenarigolach and Ridorch; and in 1745 Alexander being then of full age; apparently purchased these lands irredeemably。  In March 1765 Alexander Mackenzie of Sand; with consent of Janet Mackenzie; his wife; sold Mungastle; Glenarigolach; etc。 One of the witnesses to this deed of disposition is Alexander Mackenzie; eldest  son to Alexander Mackenzie; the granter of the deed。' who married the  eldest daughter of John Mackenzie; III。 of Fairburn; with issuea   daughter; Margaret; who married Colin Mackenzie; I。 of Sanachan;  brother to John Mackenzie; II。 of Applecross。

3。  Hector; 〃portioner of Mellan;〃 and a Cornet in Sir George Munro's regiment; who married a daughter of Donald Maciver; with issue  three sons and a daughter; Maryof whom under MACKENZIES OF   DAILUAINE。

4。  Alexander; from whom the author of this History; and of whose descendants under 〃SLIOCHD  ALASTAIR  CHAIM。〃

5。  Isobel; who married  John Mackenzie of Applecross  (afterwards of Lochslinn); brother…german to Colin; first Earl of  Seaforth。 By him she had issue; a  daughter; who married Sir Norman  Macleod; I。 of Bernera; with issueJohn Macleod of Muiravenside and  Bernera; Advocate。  Isobel; on the  death of her husband; who was  poisoned at Tam; married secondly;  Colin Mackenzie of Tarvie; third  son of Sir Roderick Mackenzie; I。  of Coigach; Tutor of Kintail; with issue。  She married; thirdly;  Murdoch Mackenzie; V。 of Achilty; without issue。

6。  Margaret; who; as his third wife; married Alexander Ross of Cuilich; from whom the family of Achnacloich。

7。  A daughter; who married Robert Gray of Skibo; with issue。 Alexander married; secondly; Isabel; eldest daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; progenitor of Coul and Applecross; with issue

8。  William of Multafy and I。 of Belmaduthy; of whom in their order。

9。  Roderick; who married Agnes; second daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Suddie; without issue。

10。  Angus; who married the eldest daughter of Hector Mackenzie; IV。 of Fairburn; without issue。  Angus 〃was a brave soldier; and commanded a considerable body of Highlanders under King Charles the second at the Torwood。  He; with Scrymgeour of Dudhope and other Loyalists; marched at a great rate to assist the Macleans; who were cut to  pieces by Cromwell's dragoons at Inverkeithing; but to their great grief  were recalled by the Earl of Argyll; General of the army。〃 'Gairloch  Manuscript。'

11。  Annabella; who; as his second wife; married Donald  Mackenzie; III。 of Loggie; with issuehis heir and successor; and others。

12。  Janet; who married Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Ardross and Pitglassie; progenitor of the present Mackenzies of Dundonnel; with issue his heir and successor。

Alexander had also a natural daughter; who; as his first wife; married George; fourth son of John Mackenzie; I。 of Ord; without issue。

He died; as appears from his  successor's retour of service; on the 4th of January; 1638; 'In this  service we have 〃Kirktoun with the manor and gardens of the same
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