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history of the mackenzies-第87部分

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He died; as appears from his  successor's retour of service; on the 4th of January; 1638; 'In this  service we have 〃Kirktoun with the manor and gardens of the same;〃  and after a long list of the townships; the fishings of half the  water of Ewe and the rivers Kerry and Badachro follows; 〃the loch of  Loch Maroy; with the islands of the  same; and the manor place and  gardens in the Island of Illiurory;  the loch of Garloch; with the  fishings of the same;〃 from which  it appears that the residence on;  Island Rory Beg; the walls of which  and of the large garden are yet  distinctly traceable; was quite as  early as that on Island Suthain in  which Alexander died。' in the 61st  year of his age; at Island Suthain; in  Loch Maree; where traces of his  house still remain。  He was buried  with his wife 〃in a chapel he  caused built near the Church of  Gairloch;〃 during his father's  lifetime; and was succeeded by his  eldest son;

VI。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; a strong Loyalist during the wars  of Montrose and the Covenanters。  He was fined by the Committee of  Estates for his adherence to the King; under the Act of 3rd February; 1646;  entitled Commission for the moneys of Excise and Process against  delinquents;〃 in a forced loan of 500 merks; for which the receipt; dated 15th March; 1647; signed by Kennedy; Earl of Cassilis; and Sir William  Cochrane; two of the Commissioners named in the Act; and by two or  three others; is still extant。 Seaforth was; at the time; one of the  Committee of Estates; and his influence was probably exercised in favour  of leniency to the Baron of Gairloch; especially as he was himself  privately imbued with strong predilections in favour of the Royalists。

Kenneth commanded a  body of Highlanders at Balvenny under Thomas Mackenzie of Pluscardine; and his own brother…in…law; the Earl of Huntly; but when the Royalist army was surprised and disarmed; he was on a visit  to Castle Grant and managed to effect his escape。

In 1640 he completed the   purchase of Loggie…Wester;  commenced by his predecessor; but  in order to do so he had to have  recourse to the money market。  He  granted a bond; dated 20th of  October; 1644; for 1000 merks; to  Hector Mackenzie; alias MacIan  MacAlastair Mhic Alastair;  indweller in Eadill…fuill or South  Erradale。  On the 14th of January;  1649; at Kirkton; he granted to the  same person a bond for 500 merks;  but at this date Hector was  described as 〃indweller in  Androry;〃 and again; another dated  at Stankhouse of Gairloch (Tigh  Dige); 24th of November; 1662;  but the lender of the money is on  this occasion described as living in  Diobaig。 For the two first of these  sums Murdo Mackenzie of Sand;  Kenneth's brother…german; became  security。

In 1657 Kenneth is collateral security to a bond granted by the same Murdoch Mackenzie of Sand to Colin Mackenzie; I。 of Sanachan; brother…german to John Mackenzie;  II。 of Applecross; for  2000 merks;  borrowed on the 20th of March in that year the one…half of which was to  be paid by the delivery at the feast of Beltane or Whitsunday; 1658; of 50  cows in milk by calves of that year; and the other half; with legal interest;  at Whitsunday; 1659。  Colin Mackenzie; I。 of Sanachan; married  Murdoch's daughter; the contract of marriage is dated the same day as the bond; and is subscribed at Dingwall by the same witnesses。

By letters of Tutorie Dative from Oliver Cromwell; he was; in 1658; appointed Tutor to Hector Mackenzie; lawful son of Alexander Mackenzie; lawful son of Duncan Mackenzie of Sand; Gairloch。  There is  nothing further to show what became of the pupil; Hector; but it is highly  probable that on the death of Alexander; son of Duncan of Sand; the farm  was given by Kenneth to his own brother; Murdoch; and that the 2000  merks; borrowed from Colin  Mackenzie of Sanachan; who married   Murdoch's only daughter; Margaret; may have been borrowed for the  purpose of stocking the farm。  The dates of the marriage; of the bond; and  of the Tutorie Dative; so near each other; strongly support this view。

Kenneth married; first;  Katharine; daughter of Sir Donald  Macdonald; IX。 of Sleat; without  issue。  The contract of marriage is  dated 5th September; 1635; the  marriage portion being the  handsome sum of 〃6ooo merks;  and  her endowment 1000 libs  Scots yearly。〃  He married;  secondly; Ann; daughter of Sir John  Grant of Grant; by Ann Ogilvy;  daughter of the Earl of Findlater  (marriage  contract dated  17th   October; 1640)。  There is a charter  by Kenneth in her favour of the  lands of Loggie…Wester; the miln  and pertinents thereof; with the  grazings of Tolly; in implement of  the marriage contract; dated 4th of  December; 1640; with a sasine of  the same date; and another charter  of the lands and manor…place of  Kinkell and Ardnagrask; dated the  15th of August; 1655; with sasine thereon; dated 5th September  following。  By her Kenneth had  issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Hector; of Bishop…Kinkell; who married Margaret; eldest daughter of Donald Mackenzie; III。 of Loggie; and widow of Roderick Mackenzie; V。 of Fairburn; and with her obtained the lands of Bishop…Kinkell; to which his son John succeeded。

3。  John; who died unmarried。

4。  Mary; who; in 1656; married Alexander Mackenzie; at the time Younger and afterwards III。 of Kilcoy; with issue。

5。  Barbara; who married; first;  Fraser of Kinneries; and secondly; Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Ardloch; with issue by both。

6。  Lilias; who married; as his first wife; Alexander Mackenzie; II。  of Ballone; with issue。

He married; thirdly; Janet; daughter of John Cuthbert of Castlehill (marriage contract dated  17th December; 1658; the marriage portion being 3000 merks; and her endowment 5 chalders victual yearly); with  issue

7。  Charles; I。 of Letterewe; who; by his father's marriage contract;  got Loggie…Wester; which had been purchased by Kenneth in 1640。  In  1696 Charles exchanged it with his eldest half…brother; Alexander; VII。  of  Gairloch; for Letterewe。  Charles married Ann; daughter of John  Mackenzie; II。 of Applecross; with issueSee MACKENZIES  OF   LETTEREWE。

8。  Kenneth; who died unmarried。

9。  Colin; I。 of Mountgerald;  who married Margaret; second  daughter of Alexander Mackenzie;  I。 of Ballone; and widow of Sir  Roderick Mackenzie of Findon;  without issue; and secondly;  Katharine; daughter of James  Fraser of Achnagairn; with issueSee MACKENZIES OF   MOUNTGERALD。

10。  Isabella; who married  Roderick Mackenzie; second son of  John Mackenzie; II。 of Applecross;  with issue; whose descendants now represent the original Mackenzies  of Applecross。

11。 Annabella; who married  George; third son of Roderick  Mackenzie; V。 of Davochmaluag;  with issue。

According to the retour of  service of his successor; Kenneth  died in 1669; was buried in Beauly  Priory; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

VII。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; who; by a charter of  resignation; got Loggie…Wester included in the barony of Gairloch。  It had;  however; been settled on his stepmother; Janet Cuthbert; in  life…rent; and after her on her eldest son; Charles of Mellan and subsequently of Letterewe; to whom; after her death; Alexander formally disponed it。

They afterwards entered into an excambion by which Alexander reacquired Loggie…Wester in exchange for Letterewe; which then became  the patrimony of the successors of Charles。

A tradition is current in the  Gairloch family that when  Alexander sought the hand of his  future lady; Barbara; daughter of  Sir John  Mackenzie of Tarbat; and  sister…german to the first Earl of  Cromarty and to Isobel Countess of  Seaforth; he endeavoured to make  himself appear much wealthier  than he really was; by returning a  higher rental than he actually  received at the time of making up  the Scots valued rent in 1670; in  which year he married。  This  tradition is corroborated by a  comparison of the valuation of the  shire of Inverness for 1644;  published by Charles Fraser…Mackintosh in Antiquarian Notes;  and the rental of 1670; on which  the ecclesiastical assessments are  still based。  In the former year the  rental of the parish of Gairloch was  ?134 13s 4d; of which ?081 6s  8d was from the lands of the  Barony; equal to 34 ?per cent。;  while in the latter year the valued  rental of the parish is put down at  ?400; of which ?549 is from the barony lands; or 45 ?per cent。  It  is impossible that such a rise in the  rental could have taken place in the  short space of twenty…six years; and  the presumption is in favour of the  accuracy of the tradition which  imports that the rental was over…valued for the special purpose of  making the Baron of Gairloch  appear more important in the eyes  of his future relatives…in…law than  he really was。  In 1681 he had his  rights and titles ratified by Act of  Parliament; printed at length in the  Folio edition。

He married; first; in 1670; Barbara; daughter of Sir John  Mackenzie; Baronet of Tarbat; with issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and successor。

2。  Isobel; who married John Macdonald of Balcony; son of Sir  James Macdonald; IX。 of Sleat。

He married; secondly; Janet; daughter of William Mackenzie; I。 of  Belmaduthy (marriage contract 30th of January 1679); on which occasion  Davochcairn and Ardnagrask were settled upon her in life…rent; and on her eldest son at her death; as appears from a precept of date clare constat; by  Colin Mackenzie of Davochpollo; in favour of William; his eldest  surviving son。  By her he had issue

3。  Alexander; who died unmarried。

4。  William; who acquired the lands of Davochcairn; and married;  in 1712; Jean; daughter of Roderick Mackenzie; V。 of Redcastle; with issuea son; Alexander; of the Stamp Office; London; and several daughters。  Alexander has a dare clare constat as only son in 1732。 He  died in 1772; leaving a son; Alexander Kenneth; who emigrated to New  South Wales; where several of his descendants now reside; the  representative of the family; in 1878; being Alexander Kenneth Mac…kenzie; Boonara; Bondi; Sydney。

5。  John; who purchased the  lands of Lochend (now Inverewe);  with issueAlexander Mackenzie;  afterwards of Lochend and George; an officer in Colonel Murray  Keith's Highland Regiment 
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