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history of the mackenzies-第88部分

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Murray  Keith's Highland Regiment also  two daughters; Lilias; who married  William Mackenzie; IV。 of  Gruinard; and Christy; who married  William Maciver of Tournaig; both  with issueSee MACKENZIES   OF  LOCHEND。

6。  Ann; who; in 1703;  married Kenneth Mackenzie; II。 of  Torridon; with issue。  She married;  secondly; Kenneth Mackenzie; a  solicitor in London。

He died in December 1694; at the age of 42; which appears from his general retour of sasine; dated 25th February; 1673; in which he is said  to be then of lawful age。  He was buried in Gairloch; and was succeeded  by his only son by his first marriage;

VIII。  SIR  KENNETH MACKENZIE; created a Baronet  of Nova Scotia; by Queen Anne; on  the 2nd of February; 1703。  He was  educated at Oxford; and afterwards  represented his native county of  Ross in the Scottish Parliament。

He strongly opposed the Union;  considering that if it should take  place; it would be 〃the funeral of  his country。〃  After the succession  of Queen Anne he received from  her; in December 1702; a gift of the  taxed ward; feu…duties; non…entry;  and marriage dues; and other  casualties payable to the Crown;  from the date of his father's death;  which; up to 1702; do not appear to  have been paid。  Early in the same  year he seems to have been taken seriously ill; whereupon he  executed a holograph will and  testament at Stankhouse; dated the  23rd of May; 1702; which was  witnessed by his uncle; Colin  Mackenzie of Findon; and by his  brother…in…law; Simon Mackenzie;  I。 of Allangrange。  He appoints as  trustees his 〃dear friends 〃John;  Master of Tarbat; Kenneth  Mackenzie of Cromarty; Kenneth  Mackenzie of Scatwell; Hector  Mackenzie; and Colin Mackenzie;  his uncles; and George Mackenzie;  II。 of Allangrange。  He appointed  Colin Mackenzie; then of Findon;  and afterwards of Davochpollo and  Mountgerald; as his tutor and factor at a salary of 200 merks Scots。  In  May; 1703; having apparently to  some extent recovered his health;  he appears in his place in  Parliament。  In September of the  same year he returned to Stankhouse; Gairloch; where he  executed two bonds of provision;  one for his second son George; and  the other for his younger daughters。

He married; in 1696; Margaret; youngest daughter; and; as is commonly said; co…heiress of Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon; but the  Barony of Findon went wholly to Lilias; the eldest daughter; who married  Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; 1st Baronet and IV。 of Scatwell another of the  daughters; Isobel; married Simon Mackenzie; I。 of Allangrange。  There  was a fourth daughter; unmarried at the date of Margaret's contract of  marriage and the four took a fourth part each of Sir Roderick's moveables and of certain lands not included in the Barony。  At the date of his  marriage Kenneth had not made up titles to his estates; but by his marriage  contract he is taken bound to do so as soon as he can。  His retour of  service was taken out in the following year。

By Margaret Mackenzie of Findon Kenneth had issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  George; who became a merchant in Glasgow; and died  unmarried in 1739。

3。  Barbara; who; in 1729; married George Beattie; a merchant in Montrose; without issue。

4。  Margaret; who died young in 1704。

5。  Anne; who; in 1728; married; during his father's life…time; Murdo Mackenzie; VII。 of Achilty; without issue。

6。  Katharine; who died young。

Sir Kenneth had also a  natural daughter; Margaret; who  married; in 1723; Donald  Macdonald; younger of Cuidreach。   Sir Kenneth's widow; about a year  after his decease; married Bayne of  Tulloch。 Notwithstanding the  money that Sir Kenneth received  with her; he died deeply in debt;  and left his children insufficiently  provided for。  George and Barbara  were at first maintained by their mother; and afterwards by Colin of  Findon who had married their grandmother; widow of Sir  Roderick Mackenzie of Findon;  while Alexander and Anne were in  even a worse plight。

He died in December 1703; at the early age of 32; was buried in Gairloch; and succeeded by his eldest son;

IX。  SIR  ALEXANDER MACKENZIE; the second Baronet;  a child only three and a half years  old。  His prospects were certainly  not enviable; he and his sister Anne  having had for a time; for actual want of means; to be 〃settled in   tenants' houses。〃  The rental of  Gairloch and Glasletter at his  father's death only amounted to 5954 merks; and his other estates in  the Low Country were settled on  his mother; Sir Kenneth's widow;  for life while he was left with debts  due amounting to 66;674 merks;  equal to eleven years rental of the  whole estates。  During his minority;  however; the large sum of 51;200  merks was paid off; in addition to  27;635 in name of interest on the  original debt; and consequently  very little was left for his  education。  In 1708 he; along with his brother and sisters; were taken  to the factor's houseColin Mackenzie of Findonwhere they  remained for four years; and received the rudiments of their  education from a young man;  Simon Urquhart。   In 1712 they  were all sent to school at Chanonry; under Urquhart's charge; where Sir  Alexander remained for six years;  after which; having arrived at 18  years of age; he went to complete  his education in Edinburgh。  He  afterwards made a tour of travel;  and returning home in  1730  married his cousin; Janet Mackenzie of Scatwell; on which  occasion a fine Gaelic poem was composed in her praise by John   Mackay; the famous blind piper and poet of Gairloch; whose  daughter became the mother of  William Ross; a Gaelic bard even  more celebrated than the blind  piper himself。  If we believe her  eulogist the lady possessed all the virtues of mind and body but in  spite of all these graces the marriage did not turn out a happy  one; for; in 1758; she separated from her husband on the grounds of  incompatibility of temper; after  which she lived alone at Kinkell。

When; in 1721; Sir Alexander came of age; he was obliged to find means to pay the provision payable to his brother George and to his  sisters; amounting altogether to 16;000 merks; while about the same  amount of his father's debts was still unpaid。  In 1729 he purchased  Cruive House and the Ferry of Skudale。  In 1735 he bought Bishop…Kinkell; in 1742 Loggie…Riach and; in  1743; Kenlochewe; which latter  property was considered equal in value to Glasletter of Kintail; sold about  the same time。  About 1730 he redeemed Davochcairn and Ardnagrask  from the widow of his uncle William; and Davochpollo from the widow  and son James of his grand…uncle; Colin; I。 of Mountgerald。  In 1752 he  executed an entail of all his estates; but leaving debts at his death;  amounting to ?679 13s 10d more than his personal estate could meet;  Davochcairn; Davochpollo; and Ardnagrask; had eventually to be sold to  make up the deficiency。

In 1738 he pulled down the  old family residence of Stankhouse; or 〃Tigh Dige;〃 at Gairloch; which  stood in a low; marshy; damp situation; surrounded by the moat  from which it derived its name; and  built the present house on an  elevated plateau; surrounded by  magnificent woods and towering  hills; with a southern front elevationaltogether one of the  most beautiful and best sheltered situations in the Highlands; and he  very appropriately called it Flowerdale。  He greatly improved  his property; and was in all respects  a careful and good man of business。

He kept out of the Rising of 1745;  and afterwards when John  Mackenzie of Meddat applied to  him for aid in favour of Lord  Macleod; son of the Earl of  Cromarty; who took so prominent a  part in it; and was afterwards in  very tightened circumstances; Sir  Alexander replied in a letter dated  at Gairloch; 17th  May; 1749; in the following somewhat unsympathetic  terms:

Sir;I am favoured with your letter; and am extreamly sory Lord Cromartie's circumstances should obliege him to sollicit the aide of small  gentlemen。  I much raither he hade dyed sword in hand even where he was  ingag'd then be necessitate to act such a pairt I have the honour to be nearly related to him; and to have been his companion; but will not supply  him at this time; for which I believe I can give you the best reason in the  world; and the only one possible for me to give; and that is that I cannot。  'Fraser's Earls of Cromartie; vol。 ii。; p。 230。'

The reason stated in this letter may possibly be the true one; but it  is more likely that Sir Alexander had no sympathy whatever with the  cause which brought his kinsman into such an unfortunate position; and  that he would not; on that account; lend him any assistance。

Some of his leases; preserved in the Gairloch charter chest; contain some very curious clauses; many of which would now be described as  tyrannical and cruel; but the Laird and his tenants understood each other;  and they got on remarkably well。  The tenants were bound to sell him all  their marketable cattle 〃at reasonable rates;〃 and to deliver to him at  current prices all the cod and ling caught by them; and; in some cases;  were bound to keep one or more boats; with a sufficient number of men as  sub…tenants; for the prosecution of the cod and ling fishings。  He kept his  own curer; cured the fish; and sold it at 12s 6d per cwt。 delivered in June  at Gairloch; with credit until the following Martinmas; to Mr Dunbar;  merchant; with whom he made a contract binding himself; for several  years; to deliver; at the price named; all the cod caught in Gairloch。  'See  copy of lease granted by him; in 1760; of the half of North Erradale; to  one of the author's ancestors; printed at length under the family of  〃Alastair Cam。〃'

Sir Alexander married; in  1730; Janet; daughter of Sir  Roderick Mackenzie; second   Baronet and V。 of Scatwell; with  issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Kenneth; who died in infancy。

3。  Roderick; a captain in the army; who was killed at Quebec before he attained majority。

4。  William; a writer; who died unmarried。

5。  James; who died in infancy。

6。  Kenneth of Millbank; factor and Tutor to Sir Hector; the fourth Baronet of Gairloch; during the last few years of his minority。 He married  Anne; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie of
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