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history of the mackenzies-第91部分

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a Elizabeth; who  on the 26th of January; 1860; married the late Duncan Henry Caithness  Reay Davidson of Tulloch (who died on the 29th of March; 1889); with  issueDuncan; now of Tulloch; who on the 15th of November; 1887;  married Mary Gwendoline; eldest daughter of William Dalziel Mackenzie  of Fawley Court; Bucks; and of Farr; County of Inverness; John Francis  Barnard Mary; Elizabeth Diana; Adelaide Lucy; Georgianna Veronnica;  and Christina Isabella。 Dr John of Eileanach died on the 18th of  December; 1886。  His widow still survives。

5。  Roderick; a Captain in the army; who sold out and became a settler in Australia; where he died。  He married an Irish lady; Meta Day; sister of the Bishop of Cashel; without issue; and died in 1849。

Sir Hector had also; by his housekeeper; Jean Urquhart; three natural children; which caused his separation from his first wife。 He made  provision for them all。  The first; Catherine; married John Clark; leather  merchant; Inverness; and left issue。  Another daughter married Mr  Murrison; contractor for the Bridge of Conon; who afterwards settled  down; after the death of the last of the Mackenzies of Achilty; on the farm  of Kinkell; with issue; from whom the Stewarts; late Windmill; Inverness。    A son; Kenneth who was for some time in the British Linen Bank;  Inverness; afterwards died in India; in the army; unmarried。

Sir Hector's widow  survived him for about twelve  years; first living with her eldest  son Sir Francis; and after his  marriage at Ballifeary; now  Dunachton; on the banks of the  Ness。  Though he succeeded to the  property under such unfavourable  conditions though his annual rental  was under ?000 per annum; and  though he kept open house  throughout the year both at Conon  and Gairloch; he was able to leave  or pay during his life to each of his  younger sons the handsome sum of  ?000。 When pressed; as he often  was; to go to Parliament he  invariably asked; 〃Who will then  look after my people?〃

He died on the 26th of April; 1826; was buried in the Priory of Beauly; and succeeded by his eldest son;

XII。  SIR  FRANCIS  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; fifth Baronet;  who; benefitting by his father's example; and his kindly treatment of his tenants; grew up interested in all county affairs。  He was passionately fond  of all manly sports; shooting; fishing; and hunting。  He resided during the  summer in Gairloch; and for the rest of the year kept open house at Conon。

During the famine of 1836…37 he sent cargoes of meal and seed potatoes  to the Gairloch tenantry; which; with some heavy bill transactions he had entered into to aid an old friend; William Grant of Redcastle; at the time  carrying on the Haugh Brewery; Inverness; involved him in financial  difficulties。  This induced him; in 1841; to get his brother; Dr John  Mackenzie of Eileanach; to take charge of his affairs; going himself along  with his second wife for a few years to Brittany; where his youngest son; Osgood Hanbury Mackenzie; now of Inverewe; was born。  To get clear of  the liability incurred with Grant; Dr John had ultimately to pay down ?000。

In 1836 Sir Francis  published a work on agriculture;  entitled Hints for the use of  Highland Tenants and Cottagers;  extending to 273 pages; with  English and Gaelic on opposite  pages; which shows  his  intimate  knowledge of the subject; as well  as the great interest which he took  in the welfare of his tenantryfor whose special benefit the book was  written。  It deals first; with the  proper kind of food and how to  cook it; with diseases and  medicine; clothing; houses;  furniture; boats; fishing and agricultural implements; cattle;  horses; pigs; and  their diseases; gardens; seeds; fruits; vegetables;  education; morals; etc。; etc。; with  illustrations and plans of suitable  cottages; barns; outhouses; and  farm implements。

He married; first; in the 31st year of his age; on the 10th of August;  1829; Kythe Caroline; eldest daughter of Smith…Wright of Rempstone  Hall; Nottinghamshire; with issue

1。  Kenneth Smith; the present Baronet。

2。  Francis; Harford; born in 1833; unmarried。

He married; secondly; on the 25th of October; 1836; Mary;  daughter of Osgood Hanbury of Holfield Grange; Essex; the present  Dowager Lady Mackenzie; residing at Letterewe; with issue

3。  Osgood Hanbury; born on the 13th of May; 1842。  In 1862 he bought Kernsary from his brother Sir Kenneth; and in 1863 Inverewe and  Tournaig from Sir William Mackenzie; IX。 of Coul。  On the 26th of June;  1877; he married Mina Amy; daughter of Sir Thomas Edwards…Moss;  Baronet of Otterspool; Lancashire; with issue; a daughter; Mary Thyra。

Sir Francis died on the 2nd of June; 1843; from inflammation of  the arm; produced by bleedingthen a common practice for all manner of  complaintsby his intimate personal friend; Robert Liston; the celebrated  surgeon。  He was succeeded by his eldest son;

XIII。  SIR  KENNETH SMITH  MACKENZIE; sixth and  present Baronet; who was born on  the 25th of May; 1832; and has  long been considered one of the  best and most enlightened  landlords in the Highlands。

Following the example of his father  and grandfather he for many years  dealt directly with his people;  without any factor; or other  intermediary; except an estate  manager at Gairloch; and; like his  ancestors; took a personal interest  in every man on his property。  He  takes an active and intelligent part  in all county matters; is Convener  of the Commissioners of Supply  and of the County Council; and is  Lord…Lieutenant for Ross and  Cromarty。 In 1854 he was  appointed Attache to Her Majesty's  Legation at Washington; which;  however; he never joined。  In 1855  he received a commission as  Captain in the Highland Rifle  (Ross…shire) Militia; afterwards  attained the rank of Major; and  ultimately retired。 In 1880 he  contested the county of Inverness  as a Liberal against Donald  Cameron of Lochiel; the Tory  candidate; but was defeated by a  majority of 28。  In 1883…84 he was  a member of the Royal (Napier)  Commission to enquire into the  condition and grievances of the  Highland crofters。  In 1885 he  again contested the county of  Inverness as the official Liberal  candidate against Reginald Macleod in the Tory interest and  Charles Fraser…Mackintosh as the Independent Land Law Reform  candidate; when he was again  defeated。 On the 11th of  December; 1860; he married Eila  Frederica; daughter of Walter  Frederic Campbell of Islay; with  issue

1。  Kenneth John; Younger of Gairloch; who was born on the 6th  of October; 1861; late Captain in the Rifle Brigade。  On the 8th of April;  1891; he married the Hon。 Marjory Lousia Murray; eldest daughter of the  late William David Viscount Stormont (who died in  1893); eldest son of  the present and fourth Earl of Mansfield; K。T。; by Emily Louisa; daughter of the late Sir John Atholl Macgregor of Macgregor; Baronet; with issueHector David; who was born on the 6th of June; 1893; and Marjory Kythe。

2。  Francis Granville; who was born on the 31st of August; 1865; and

3。  Muriel Katharine。

ArmsQuarterly: 1st and 4th; azure; a buck's bead cabossed or; 2nd and 3rd; asure; three frasers argent。  CrestA Highlander wielding a  sword; proper。  MottoesOver crest; 〃Virtute et valore;〃 under; 〃Non sine  periculo。〃


I。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; first of Lochend; was the third son of Alexander Mackenzie; VII。 of Gairloch; by his  second wife; Janet; daughter of  William Mackenzie; I。 of  Belmaduthy。  He purchased the  lands of Lochend and married  Annabella; second daughter and  nineteenth child of George  Mackenzie; II。 of Gruinard; by his  first wife; Margaret; daughter of  Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of  Ballone with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  George; an officer in Murray Keith's Highland Regiment;  afterwards successively Major and Lieutenant…Colonel of the 78th or  Seaforth Highlanders; and of whose family and descendants presently。

3。  Lilias; who married William Mackenzie; IV。 of Gruinard  (sasine 1742); with issuefour sons and three daughters。

4。  Christina; who married William Mac Iver of Tournaig; with issue。

John Mackenzie of Lochend was Guardian or Tutor to his nephew;  Sir Alexander Mackenzie; IX。 and second Baronet of Gairloch; in 1728。 He was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; who married; first; Anne;  second daughter of Colin Mackenzie; I。 of Mountgerald; with issue

1。  Lewis; who died before his father; unmarried。

2。  John; who succeeded to the estate of Lochend。

3。  Alexander; who was married; but of whom nothing further is known。

4。  James; of whom there is no trace。

5。  Annabella; who married John Mac Iver; Stornoway; with issue。

6。  Lilias; who married Iver Mac Iver; Gress; Lewis; with issue。

He married secondly;  Annabella; daughter of Sutherland  of Little Torboll; with issue

7。  Lewis; of whom nothing is known。

8。  Elizabeth; who married a Mr Mackenzie; with issue。

Alexander was succeeded  by his eldest surviving son;

III。  CAPTAIN  JOHN  MACKENZIE; third of Lochend; who  married first; a daughter of Mr Morrison; in the Lewis; with issue

1。  Anne; who married Kenneth Gardiner; Leith。

He married; secondly; a  daughter of Roderick Morrison;  Island of Tanera; with issue

2。  Annabella; who married Neil Morrison; Sailing Master; Royal Navy; with issue。

3。  Sybella; who married Lieutenant William Ryrie; of the Royal Marines; with issue。

4。  Ellen; who married John Mackenzie; Ullapool; of the Sand  family; who resided in Tanera; without issue。

Captain John married; thirdly; a daughter of Collector John Reid; Stornoway; with issue

5。  Anne; who married Alexander Stewart; Chamberlain of the  Lewis; and afterwards factor for the Duke of Sutherland at Scourie。

6。  Alexander; who died before his father; unmarried。

7。  John Reid; who succeeded to Lochend。

8。  Daniel Lewis; who married Helen Mackay; widow of his  cousin; Donald Macdonald; master mariner; with issueAeneas;  unmarried; and Agnes Ann; who married Murdoch Mac Iver; a London  merchant; with issuea son; Kenneth; and three daughters; one of whom;  Helen Isabella; married Donald MacIver; merchant; Currachee; India。

9。  James R
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