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history of the mackenzies-第94部分

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Donald Alexander died in 1872; leaving a widow; who  subsequently resided at Dubuque; when he was succeeded as  representative of the family; by his eldest son;

IX。  CHARLES  MACKENZIE; a lawyer; now in good practice in  the United States

The representative of the Mackenzies of Letterewe in this country is John Alexander Mackenzie; of Ardlair; Edinburgh; only son of the late  John Mackenzie of Auchenstewart; who died in 1890。


THIS family is descended from Alexander Mackenzie of Tolly; grandson of Kenneth Mackenzie; VI。 of Gairloch; and third son of Charles Mackenzie of Loggie…Wester; and subsequently I。 of Letterewe; by Anne;  daughter of John Mackenzie; II。 of Applecross。  He married; first;  Annabella; daughter and co…heiress of Sir Donald Bayne of Tulloch; and  their descendants; as representatives of that ancient family; bear its  cognisance on the centre of their shield; a wolf's head proper。  He was a Bailie and afterwards Provost of Dingwall; exercised considerable local  and political  influence; and greatly aided Lord Macleod; son of George  Earl of Cromarty; in his candidature for the county of Ross; as may be  seen from the Cromarty Papers。 During an  election riot which occurred  in Dingwall in 1751; Mrs Mackenzie; whilst looking out of a window of  her own house; was accidentally shot。  By her Provost Mackenzie had  issue

1。  Alexander; I。 of Portmore。

2。  Katharine; who married her cousin; John Mackenzie; III。 of Letterewe; with issue。

3。  Charlotte; who married the Rev。 John Downie; minister of Gairloch; subsequently of Urray; with issue。

He married; secondly; Katharine; daughter of Bayne of Delny; with issue

4。  Ronald; a Captain in the Army; who died in Ireland; without issue。

5。  Hector; a well…known   and highly…popular Bailie of  Dingwall; who married; first; Anne;  daughter of the Rev。 Colin  Mackenzie; minister of Fodderty;  and I。 of Glack; with issue(1)  Alexander; a merchant in London;  who married his cousin; Catherine;  daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie; of  Millbank; with issuetwo  daughters; Catherine; who married  Major Roderick Mackenzie; VII。 of  Kincraig and Ann; who married the  Rev。 John Macdonald of Calcutta;  an eminent divine; (2) Colin;  Lieutenant in the Royal Navy; who  died without issue; (3) Henry; who  died unmarried; (4) Hectorina; who died at Dingwall; unmarried; in  1850。  Bailie Mackenzie married secondly; a daughter of Mackenzie;  Ussie; with issue(5) Jane; who  married John Mackenzie; (6)  Annabella; who married William Kemp; of Comrie; (7) Anne; who  married Kenneth Mackenzie; of Millbank。

Alexander of Tolly died in 1774 and; along with his wife;  Annabella; is interred in the family burying…place at Dingwall。

I。  ALEXANDER   MACKENZIE; his eldest son and  heir; who was born on the 5th of  February; 1740; and afterwards  became first of Portmore; settled as  a W。S。 in Edinburgh; but all his life  he kept up a close connection with  his native county; having intimate business relations with all its  principal landowners。  He was a man of undoubted ability; and the  personal friend of many noted literary men of his day。  He  purchased the estate of Seaton; in East Lothian; but afterwards sold it  to the Earl of Wemyss; after which  he purchased the estate of  Portmore; Peebleshire; from the Conyears Earls of Portmore。  He  married on the 25th of February; 1766; Anne; eldest daughter of  Colin Mackenzie; VI。 of Kilcoy; by  Martha; eldest daughter of Charles  Fraser of Inverallochy and Castle  Fraser; whose mother was Lady  Marjory Erskine; eldest daughter of  James; seventh Earl of Buchan。

Lady Marjory married secondly;  Charles; last Lord Fraser of Castle Fraser; who; dying without issue;  left his estate to his step…son; Simon Fraser of Inverallochy。  On  the death; without issue; of Martha's three brothers; she and  her sister  Elizabeth  became co…heiresses of Inverallochy and  Castle Fraser; and on Elizabeth's death Martha became sole heiress。   She left the estates to her distinguished son; Lieutenant…General Alexander Mackenzie;  who assumed the additional name  of Fraser。  Thus the families of  Kilcoy and Portmore deduce  descent from the Royal Houses of  Stuart and Plantaganet; as also  from the Dukes of Burgundy; and  Raymond Count of Provence。  Alexander had issue

1。  Alexander; who died in infancy in 1767。

2。  Alexander; Lieutenant…Colonel Commanding  the 21st  Dragoons。 He died before his father at Cape Malo; St。 Domingo; West  Indies; in July 1796; aged 27; unmarried。

3。  Colin; who succeeded his father at Portmore。

4。  John; who was born in 1771; and died young。

5。  George Udny; born in 1773; and died young。

6。  Charles; born in 1779; and died in 1783。

7。  WILLIAM   MACKENZIE; I。 of Muirton; Ross…shire; W。S。 in Edinburgh; Deputy…Lieutenant for Ross; Sutherland;  and Cromarty。 He was born on the  1st of October; 1780; and married  first; on the 6th of July; 1805;  Mary; daughter of James Mansfield  of Midmar; Aberdeenshire; by  Marion; daughter of Dalrymple  Horn…Elphinstone of Horn and  Logie…Elphinstone; eldest surviving  son  of Viscount (now Earl of)  Stair; with issue(1)  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; II。  of Muirton; and of Meikle  Scatwell; a W。S。; Edinburgh。   Alexander; who was born on the  28th of February; 1812; married his  cousin; Maria; second daughter and  co…heiress with her three sisters of John Mansfield of Midmar; with  issueWilliam Garloch; who died unmarried at Gibraltar; on the 22nd  of May; 1876; John Mansfield; W。S。; Edinburgh; who died  unmarriedthe last of six sonsin  1892; Alexander James; who died  in Natal in 1887; unmarried;  Douglas Hay; who succeeded to the  estate of Meikle Scatwell by the  will of his aunt; Mrs Douglas  (Jemima Mansfield); and; dying  unmarried at Clifton on the 9th of  June; 1873; bequeathed it to his  father; George Vansittart; a  merchant in Leith; who died  unmarried in 1891; and James  Dalrymple; who died in New  Zealand; unmarried; in 1887。   Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of  Muirton; sold that estate to Colonel  Ainslie; and Meikle Scatwell to Sir  William James Bell; LL。D。; now of  Scatwell。  (2) James Mansfield;  who died unmarried in 1838; aged  25。  (3) William; M。A。; in Holy  Orders; who married Isabella  Trotter; Natal; with issueGeorge  Charles; born in 1857; heir of his  uncle; John Mansfield; Alexander  Frederick; born in 1859 Harry  James Mansfield; born in 1863;  John; born in 1866; Mary Marion;  Thomas Mansfield; born in 1866;  and Grace Isabella。 The Rev  William died in Natal in 1887。  (4)  Marion; who married Captain  Frederick H。 De Lisle; R。N。;  Guernsey; and died without issue in  1879。  William Mackenzie; I。 of  Muirton; married secondly; Alice;  daughter of Andrew Wauchope of  Niddry Marischal; County of  Midlothian; without issue。  He died  in 1856; and was succeeded in the  lands of Muirton by his eldest son;  Alexander; II。 of Muirton; as above。

8。  Sutherland; manager of the Scottish Union Insurance Company; who was born on the 31st of January; 1785; and died unmarried on the  26th of March; 1853。

9。  John; who was born on  the 13th of October; 1787; died in  1854; and is interred in the family  burying place at Dingwall。  He was a banker in Inverness and  Commissioner for many years for  the Redcastle and Flowerburn  estates。  He was a man of great  ability; lavish hospitality and  generosity; and a keen sportsman。   He exercised very considerable  social and political influence; and  the Burgh of Inverness presented  him with a valuable service of plate in recognition of his services  during Earl Grey's administration on the passing of the Municipal  Reform Bill in 1833。  He was unanimously elected the first  Provost of Inverness after the Act came into force; and was  repeatedly pressed to become a  candidate for Inverness as its  representative in Parliament。  He  was offered the Governorship of  Ceylon and of the Mauritius; but he  declined to accept either。  He  married; on the 4th December;  1817; Mary Charlotte; only child of  Robert Pierson; a merchant prince  in Riga; son of James Pierson of  Balmadies; Forfarshire; a very old Scottish family of Scandinavian  origin; recorded as landowners in Berwickshire in 1296; and  described in 1634 as 〃very  ancient。〃 She was a most beautiful  and accomplished woman; could  converse in Russ; German; French;  and Italian; and was an admirable  musician and artist。  She died in  1883 and is buried in Dingwall;  leaving issue(1) Alexander; like  his father a banker in Inverness;  who was born on the 18th of  March; 1820; and died; unmarried;  on the 20th of March; 1860; (2)  JOHN  ROBERT  MACKENZIE; a  Major…General in Her Majesty's  Forces; late Colonel of the 2nd  Battalion King's Own Yorkshire  Light Infantry。  He was in  command in 1873 of a successful  expeditionary force in Arabia。  He  was born on the 5th of June; 1822;  and on the 28th of August;  1851;  married Amelia  Robertson;  daughter of James Wilson; banker;  Inverness; by his cousin; Isabella;  daughter of Thomas Fraser of  Newton; with issue(a) Amelia  Isabella Margery; who died; aged  17; and is buried at Inverness (b)  John William Sutherland; who was  born on the 17th of July; 1855; and  on the 19th of July; 1881; married Matilda Henrietta; daughter of  Colonel Brown…Constable of Wallace…Craigie; Forfarshire; Lord  Lieutenant of the County; by Mary  Christina; daughter of Colonel  Francis Kenneth Mackenzie; fourth  son of Captain John Mackenzie;  VI。 of Kincraig; with issueJohn  Fraser; Donald Constable Travers;  Mary Amelia; and Norah  Constance (c) Mary Charlotte  Pierson; who; on the 13th of May;  1880; married Alfred Woodhouse;  F。RG。S。; with issueMargery Amelia Fraser; Coventry William;  John Alick Edward; Alfred Frederick Bell; Hector Roy  Mackenzie; and Muriel Mary; (d)  Alice Marion Fraser; who died  young in Madras; (e) Elizabeth  Margaret Cumming; who; on the  8th of April; 1885; married Henry  Gibbs; with issueElla Margaret;  (f) Louisa Constance Harris; who  died young; and is buried at  Dingwall; (g) Ella Fraser  Magdalene; (h) James Wilson  Alexander; in Holy Orders; MA。 of  Pembroke College; Cambridge。  He  was born on the 18th of May; 1867;  and married Amy Adela Magee;  daughter of the R
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