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history of the mackenzies-第98部分

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874; Hector Dundas; born on the 22nd of July; 1876;  Catherine Louisa; who died in her thirteenth year; on the 11th of July;  1884; while on a holiday visit; at Inverness; Ellen Maria; and Mary  Josephine。  His first wife having died on the 14th of June; 1881; Roderick  married; secondly; on the 18th of December; 1889; Mary Lang; daughter  of John Sandford; Cambuslang。

3。  William; clothier;  Inverness; born on the 12th of  November; 1846; and married on  the 16th of July; 1873; Annabella  Bertrude; daughter of Alexander  Grant; tacks…man of Easter  Gallovie; Strathspey; with issueAlexander Roderick; C。E。; born on  the 17th of May; 1874; Hector  Donald Grant; born on the 20th of  June; 1875; William John  Macintyre; born on the 18th of  January; 1877; James Grant; born  on the 20th of June; 1878; died on  the 23rd of September; 1889;  Arthur Henderson; born on the 9th  of February; 1880; Allan Campbell;  born on the 19th of April; 1881;  Eneas Kenneth; born on the 9th of  March; 1883; Andrew Duncan;  born on the 7th of January; 1885;  died on the 2nd of May; 1888;  Harry Macpherson; born on the  28th of October; 1887; Douglas  Mitchell; born on the 19th of  February; 1890; and Ella May; born  on the 21st of June; 1886; and died  on the 24th; three days after。

4。  Another Alexander; who served for twelve years in the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys) in which he was Troop Sergeant…Major; and subsequently went abroad。

5。  Catherine; who married John Fraser; shipowner; Inverness; without issue。

6。  Mary; who married Alexander Fraser; and resides in  Cheltenham; with issueHector Alexander John; born on the 4th of May;  1883; Catherine Campbell; and Lily Mary。

7。  Annabella; who married George Mackenzie; draper; Ipswich; afterwards at Nairn and Inverness with issueWilliam Hector; born on the  9th of January; 1877 Alastair; born on the 5th of March; 1878; George  John; born on the 14th of April; 1884; Marion; and Catherine Campbell;  who died in infancy。  Annabella died at Edinburgh on the 9th of May;  1888; and is buried there。

This is the lease; with its miscellaneous rent; curious and antiquated conditions; referred to at page 479

I; Sir Alexander Mackenzie  of Gairloch; Baronet; heritable  proprietor of the lands and others  under…written with the pertinents;  do hereby set and in tack and  assedation for the full space of  twenty years; lets to John  Mackenzie; tacksman of the equal  half of the quarter lands of  Erradale…a…phris; or North Erradale;  all and whole the said possession as  presently occupied by him; with all the shielings; mosses; moors;  biggings and universal pertinents thereof; all lying within the parish  of Gairloch and Sheriffdom of  Ross。  To him and his lawful heirs  whatsoever; to he occupied and  〃brooked〃 by them during the  foresaid space of twenty years;  without any hindrance or breach of  tack whatever; and it is hereby  provided; nothwithstanding the  date hereof; that this tack  commences directly at the term of  Whitsunday in the year of our Lord  one thousand seven hundred and  sixty…five years; and to continue  thereafter; aye and until the number  of twenty years complete be  expired; and I; the above…named Sir  Alexander; do hereby bind and  oblige me; my heirs; and  successors; to make this tack good;  valid; and sufficient to the effect  foresaid at all hands and against all  deadly; as law will;For the which  cause; and on the other part; the  said John Mackenzie by his  acceptance hereof binds himself;  his heirs; and successors; to pay to  me; the above Sir Alexander; and  my successors; or our factors  having proper powers thereanent;  as a yearly rent furth of the said  equal half of the quarter lands of  Erradale foresaid all and whole the sum of one hundred and thirty…one  marks and a half Scots money two marks three shillings and fourpence  money foresaid; crown rent; ten  marks ten shillings and eight pence  in lieu of peats; or as the same shall  reasonably be from time to time  regulated by the proprietor a mark  of cruive money; twenty marks  money foresaid of stipend; or as the  same shall happen to be settled  ‘twixt the landlord and minister;  two long carriages; two custom  wedders; a fed kid; a stone of  cheese; and half a stone weight of  butter; eight hens; or as usual eight  men yearly at their own expense to shear corn or cut hay a davoch of  ploughing; and four horses for mucking。   The above John also  obliges himself and his foresaids to  attend road duty yearly four days;  with all his servants and sub…tenants; or pay a yearly capitation  optional to the landlord during this  lease under breach of tack; and to  sell all the cod and ling that shall  be caught by him and his foresaids  at the current prices to our order  and to dispose of all his marketable cattle to our drover at reasonable  rates; also under breach of tack and  further the above John and his  successors are; by their acceptance  hereof; become bound to pay to  me; the above Sir Alexander  Mackenzie and my foresaids; in the  way of a grassum at the term of  Whitsunday; one thousand seven  hundred and sixty…five years  foresaid; all and whole the sum of  two hundred and fifty marks Scots  money; and the like sum at the end  of every five years of this tack;  making in all the sum of one  thousand marks Scots money; and  both parties become hereby bound  to fulfil the premises to one another  hinc inde under the failure or  penalty of ten pounds sterling to be  paid by the party failing to the party performing; or willing to perform;  his or their part and for the more  security I consent that these  presents be registered for conservation in the Books of  Council and Session; that letters of  horning and all needful executions  may pass hereon in form as effeirs  and thereto constitute our  procurators。  In testimony of which  these presents; consisting of this  and the former two pages of  stamped paper are written and duly  signed by me; Sir Alexander  Mackenzie of Gairloch; at  Flowerdale; this fifth day of  September in the year of our Lord  one thousand seven hundred and  sixty years。



I。  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; first of Belmaduthy; was the eldest son of Alexander Mackenzie; V。 of  Gairloch; by his second wife;  Isabel; eldest daughter of  Alexander Mackenzie; natural son  of Colin Cam; XI。 of Kintail; and  progenitor of the families of  Applecross and Coul。  He married  Mary; daughter of James Cuthbert  of Alterlies and Easter Drakies;  Inverness (sasine of the lands to  them in 1657) with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Isabel; who married John Munro of Fayres。

3。  Catherine; who; as his second wife; married Alexander  Mackenzie; IV。 of Loggie and Inchcoulter; without issue。

4。  Janet; who in 1679; as his second wife; married her cousin; Alexander Mackenzie; VII。 of Gairloch; with issue。

5。  Jean; who married Hugh Baillie of Kinmylies; Sheriff…Clerk of Ross。

6。  Mary; who married Murdoch Mackenzie of Sand。

William and  his wife died in the same week at Belmaduthy; in 1658; and were buried at Chanonry; when he was succeeded by his only son;

II。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; second of Belmaduthy; who  married Catherine; eldest daughter by the second marriage of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; Baronet; I。 of Coul (sasine 1693); with issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  Kenneth; who became first of Pitlundie。

3。  George; who got Culbo  (sasine to him in 1721); and  married Mary; daughter of  Alexander Forrester of Cullenauld;  with issueIsabel; who married  Fraser of Achnagairn; Anne; who  married Dr John Mackenzie and  Catherine; who; in 1713; married;  as his first wife; John Mackenzie;  III。 of Gruinard; with issuehis heir and successor。  George; who  died in 1765; having left no male issue; his nephew; William  Mackenzie; II。 of Pitlundie;  succeeded to Culbo。

4。  Anna; who married Alexander Mackenzie; M。D。; eldest son of Bernard Mackenzie of Sandylands; on record in 1707。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; third of Belmaduthy; who married  first; Margaret; daughter of Alexander Rose of Clava (sasine to her in 1717); with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  George; M。D。 in the Queen's Dragoons; who died unmarried。

3。  Hugh; a merchant in Fortrose; who died unmarried。

4。  Alexander; who commanded a ship in the Guinea trade; and  died unmarried。

5。  Catharine; who married William Tolmie; merchant; Fortrose。

6。  Elizabeth; who married John Matheson of Bennetsfield。

7。  Jean; who married Simon Mackenzie; first of Scotsburn; with issue。

8。  Isabel; who married Lieutenant William Mackenzie; of the 77th Regiment (Montgomery's Highlanders。)  He was killed at Fort du Quesne  in 1759。

William  married; secondly; Elizabeth (who died in 1772);  daughter of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; first Baronet and IV。 of Scatwell;  with issue

9。  Kenneth; M。D。; who practised at Reading。

10。  Roderick; first of Flowerburn; of whom presently。

11。  Lilias; who married Roderick Macleod; II。 of Cadboll; with issuehis heir and successor。

12。  A daughter; who married Fraser of Culduthel。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; fourth of Belmaduthy; who married  Rebecca; daughter of John Mackenzie; I。 of Delvine; with issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  John; who died young。

3。  Kenneth; a merchant at Patna; who married a Miss Mackenzie; in the East Indies。

4。  Margaret; who died unmarried。

5。  Rebecca; who married John Aird; merchant; London。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

V。  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; fifth of Belmaduthy; Advocate。  He  married Maria; daughter of John  Lancaster; of Cambridge; with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  William; who married Miss Hay; Huntingdon; without issue。

3。  George; who married Miss Lynch; without issue。

4。  Cecilia;  5。  Maria;  6。  Rebecca; all unmarried。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

VI。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; sixth of Belmaduthy; who married  Margaret Hay; Huntingdon; with issue

1。  John Kenneth;  2。  Anna Maria;  and 3。  Catherine。  The present representation of the family is unknown。

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