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history of the mackenzies-第99部分

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1。  John Kenneth;  2。  Anna Maria;  and 3。  Catherine。  The present representation of the family is unknown。


I。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; first of Pitlundie; was the second son of Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Belmaduthy; by his wife; Catherine; daughter  of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; Baronet; I。 of Coul。  He married Anne;  daughter of Hector Mackenzie of Bishop…Kinkell; second son of Alex…ander Mackenzie; VI。 of Gairloch; by his wife; Ann; daughter of Sir John  Grant of Grant by Ann Ogilvy; daughter of the Earl of Findlater; with  issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  Margaret; who; on the 9th of September; 1728; as his second wife; married John Matheson; first of Attadale; ancestor of Sir Kenneth  James Matheson; Baronet of Lochalsh and Ardross。

Kenneth was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  WILLIAM MACKENZIE; second of Pitlundie  and first of Culbo; succeeding to  the latter as heir…male of his uncle  George。  He married a daughter of  George Mackenzie of Inchcoulter;  with issue

1。  George; his heir and successor。

2。  William; of whom there is no trace。

3。  A daughter; who married Alexander Mackenzie of Cleanwaters。

4。  Anne; who married Roderick Mackenzie of Achvannie; with  issue。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  GEORGE  MACKENZIE; third  of  Pitlundie and second of  Culbo; Sheriff…Substitute of Ross。  He married Anne; daughter of  Alexander Mackenzie; VIII。 of Davochmaluag; with issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  Alexander; who died unmarried。

3。  Captain Kenneth; of the H。E。I。C。S。; who was killed at Java; in 1811; unmarried。

4。  Major Duncan Henry of the Madras Horse Artillery; who  married Mary; daughter of Lachlan Mackinnon of Corry; Isle of Skye;  with issueGeorge William Mackinnon; who died unmarried; and Lieutenant…Colonel Lachlan Mackinnon of the Madras Army; who died unmarried。 Major Duncan died in 1834。

5。  George of Drynie; a solicitor in Dingwall。  He married  Catherine; daughter of John Macrae; Sheriff of Dingwall; with issueJohn; a surgeon in the Madras Army; who died unmarried in 1872; the  Rev。 George William; English Chaplain at Frankfort; who married Fanny Taylor; Charles; who died unmarried; Duncan Anne; who married Thomas Ballantine; with issuea daughter; Elizabeth Proby; who married the Rev。  W。 Hutchins; Vicar of Louth; Lincolnshire; with issue; Isabella; who  married the Rev。 William Baden Powell; Vicar of Newick; Sussex; and  Margaret; unmarried。  The last…named three daughters are now dead and  their father; George of Drynie; died in 1865。

6。  John; a solicitor in Tam。   He married Christian; daughter of Captain Kenneth Mackenzie; of  Kerrisdale; third son of Sir  Alexander Mackenzie; third  Baronet and N。 of Gairloch; with  issueGeorge; who died young;  and Kenneth; who died unmarried。   John died in 1852。

7。  Mary Proby; who married James Macdonell; W。S。; without  issue。

8。  Elizabeth; who married Thomas Simpson; son of the minister of Avoch; with issuetwo sons and two daughters; all dead。

9。  Anne; who died unmarried。

George died in  1802 (his wife dying in 1832); and was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; M。D。; of the H。E。I。C。S。; fourth of Pitlundie and  third of Culbo。  He married Margaret (who died in 1841);  daughter of Thomas Allan; with issue

1。  George Kenneth; who died young。

2。  William Ord; M。D。; Deputy…Inspector…General of Army  Hospitals; who became his father's heir。

3。  Thomas Allan; Major 3d Light Cavalry; Bombay; who married Clara; daughter of J  Birdwood; judge; Bombay Civil Service; with issueWilliam; who died unmarried; and Allan Stanley; who died young。   He  died in 1856。

4。  Duncan Proby; who married Cecilia Margaret; daughter of  William Dudgeon; Edinburgh; with issuethree sons and four daughters。   He died in 1884。

5。  George Richard; who married Elizabeth; daughter of Thomas Scott; W。S。; Edinburgh。

6。  Robert Cleghorn; who married Ellen Maria; daughter of  Colonel Flexman; Tasmania with issuetwo daughters。 He died in 1866。

7。  Agnes Helen; who  married Charles Garstin; of the  Bengal Civil Service with issueWilliam Edmund; Under Secretary  for State at Cairo; who married  Mary Isabel North; London; Alfred  Allan; Lieutenant…Colonel 77th  Regiment; Helen Julia; Alice  Margaret; and Mary Annette; who  married the Rev。 Gordon Crowdy;  Sherfield Rectory; Basingstoke。   Agnes Helen died in 1871。

8。  Margaret Anne; who died young。

William sold the estate of Pitlundie in 1805 to Graham of Drynie。

He died in 1866; and was succeeded in Culbo by his eldest surviving son;

V。  WILLIAM  ORD  MACKENZIE; now of Culbo; M。D。; Deputy…Inspector…General of Army Hospitals。  He married Mary Susan; daughter  of the late Henry Holmes; London; with issue

1。  Montague Allan…Ord; who married Frances Gordon; daughter of the Rev。 James Rennie; Glasgow。

2。  William Henry Allan…Ord; who married Constance Jane;  daughter of Thomas Llewellyn; Shelton; Staffordshire。

3。  Stuart Allan…Ord; who married Isabel; daughter of Edward B。 Cargill; of the Cliffs; Dunedin; New Zealand。

4。  Edith Allan…Holmes。

5。  Gertrude Helen Allan…Holmes; who married Edwin Claud  Porter Scott; of Hampstead。

6。  Margaret Douglas Allan… Holmes。

7。  Mary Susan Allan…Holmes; who died young。


I。  RODERICK MACKENZIE; first of Flowerburn; was second son of William; III。 of Belmaduthy; by his second wife; Elizabeth; daughter of Sir  Kenneth Mackenzie; IV。 of Scatwell; Bart。  He married Grace; daughter of  Alexander Mackenzie of Inchcoulter; with issue

II。  An only daughter; second of Flowerburn; who married a Mr Kilgour。  She succeeded to the estate; and may be called second of Flowerburn。  She had issue

1。  Roderick Kilgour; her heir。

2。  Elizabeth Townsend。

She was succeeded by her only son;

III。  RODEEICK KILGOUR…MACKENZIE; third of  Flowerburn。  He assumed the name  of Mackenzie。  He married Anne;  second daughter of John Grant of  Glenmoriston; and died in 1812;  leaving an only son;

IV。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; fourth of Flowerburn; who  married Harriet; daughter of Colonel Grogan of Seafield; County of  Dublin; with issue

1。  Roderick Grogan; his heir and successor。

2。  Elma; who married Major John Macdonald Smith; Madras Staff Corps; with issue。

3。  Georgina Adelaide; who married Major Roderick Mackenzie;  VIII。 of Kincraig; and died in 1889。

He was succeeded on his death in 1848; by his only son;

V。  RODERICK  GROGAN  MACKENZIE; fifth of Flowerburn。

He was born in 1844; was a Cornet in the 16th Lancers; and for many years afterwards an officer in the Highland Rifle (Ross…shire) Militia; in  which; at his death he held the rank of Colonel。  He married on the 22nd  of February; 1872; Eva Mary Marjory Erskine; third daughter of Sir Evan  Mackenzie of Kilcoy; Baronet; with issueEva Georgina Lillie; and Alice Maude Harriet。  He died on the 13th of October; 1892; and was succeeded  as representative of the family by his eldest daughter;

VI。  EVA  GEORGINA  LILLIE  MACKENZIE; who came of age  in 1893。


THIS family is descended from Alastair Roy Mackenzie; a natural son of  John Glassich Mackenzie; II。 of Gairloch。

ALEXANDER  ROY  MACKENZIE married a daughter of John  Roy MacRory; with issue; among several others; a son; John Mackenzie;  who resided at Coirre…Mhic…Cromaill in Torridon; and a daughter Anne; called in Gaelic 〃Anna bheag nam mac mora;〃 who married John Matheson of Fernaig; with issueJohn Mor Matheson; who succeeded who succeeded his father there and afterwards purchased Bennetsfield in  the Black Isle; County of Ross。

JOHN  MACKENZIE; son of Alastair Roy; married first; a  daughter of Hector Cam; natural son of Hector Roy; I。 of Gairloch; with  issue

1。  Duncan 〃Mac Ean Mhic Allister;〃 who married Helen; daughter of Hector; son of Kenneth of Meikle Allan; son of Hector Roy; apparently  without issue。

2。  Murdoch; progenitor of this family。

3。  Alexander; who settled  in Strathnaver; Sutherlandshire;  with issueone son; the Rev。  Hector Mackenzie; A。M。; who was  ordained minister of Kingussie on  the 30th of November; 1670; and  remained there until 1688; when he  was translated to Inverness; and is said to have been the last  Episcopalian minister who  officiated as parish minister there。   He was married and had issuefour sons; the Rev。 James and  Alexander; both ministers in  Edinburgh; James of Drumshiuch;  M。D。; and Fellow of the College of  Physicians of Edinburgh。  He  practised in Worcester for many  years with great reputation and  success。  He was elected Physician  to the Infirmary of that town in  1745; which once he held until he  retired from his profession in 1750。   He then settled in Kidderminster; where he was living in 1751。  He  was author of a medical work of  high repute in its dayThe History  of Health and the Art of Preserving  It; first published in Edinburgh in  1758; followed by new editions in  1759 and 1760。  He also wrote a  volume  of Devout Meditations  issued shortly before his death; in  Scotland; so far as known; without  issue; and probably unmarried; also  William; who was a schoolmaster  in Cromarty; afterwards lost on the  Coast of Guinea。

4。  Roderick 〃Mac Ean Mhic Allister;〃 who lived in Lochbroom  and married a daughter of John Maciver there; with issueone son。

5。  Donald 〃Mor Mac Ean Mhic Allister;〃 who died without issue。

6。  John 〃Gearr Mac Ean Mhic Allister;〃 unmarried at the date of the Applecross manuscript in 1669。  John married; secondly; his first cousin; a daughter of Hector  Mackenzie; by an Assynt lady; eldest son of Kenneth Mackenzie; first of  Meikle Allan; now Allangrange; second lawful son of Hector Roy  Mackenzie; progenitor of the family of Gairloch; with issue

7。  Hector 〃Mac Ean Mhic Allister。〃  He married a daughter of  Hector Mackenzie of Mellan; with issueone son。  He married; thirdly; a daughter of William Mackenzie of  Shieldaig; with issue

8。  Donald 〃Og Mac Ean Mhic Allister;〃 who was killed in the  Scots Army in England in 1645。

John was succeeded as representative of the family by his second son;

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