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from the memoirs of a minister of france-第19部分

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 at the top of his voice:  〃Back!  back!  Go back!〃

We looked about; somewhat startled; and Boisrueil; with presence of mind; ran into the darkness to see if he could detect the person addressed; but though he thought that he saw the skirt of a flying cloak disappear in the gloom; he was not sure; and I; having no mind to be mixed up with the ambassador; called him back。  I asked Vilain to whom he had called; but the young man; turning sullen; would answer nothing except that he knew naught of the paper。  I thought it best; therefore; to conduct him at once to my lodgings; whither it will be believed that I returned with a lighter heart than I had gone out。  It was; indeed; a providential escape。

How to punish the traitor was another matter; for I could scarcely do so adequately without betraying my negligence。  I determined to sleep on this; however; and; for the night; directed him to be locked into a chamber in the south…west turret; with a Swiss to guard the door; my intention being to interrogate him farther on the morrow。  However; Henry sent for me so early that I was forced to postpone my examination; and; being detained by him until evening; I thought it best to tell him; before I left; what had happened。

He heard the story with a look of incredulity; which; little by little; gave way to a broad smile。  〃Well;〃 he said; 〃Grand Master; never chide me again!  I have heard that Homer sometimes nods; but if I were to tell this to Sillery or Villeroy; they would not believe me。〃

〃They would believe anything that your Majesty told them;〃 I said。  〃But you will not tell them this?〃

〃No;〃 he said kindly; 〃I will not; and there is my hand on it。 For the matter of that; if it had happened to them; they would not have told me。〃

〃And perhaps been the wiser for that;〃 I said。

〃Don't believe it;〃 he answered。  〃But now; what of this young Vilain?  You have him safe?〃

〃Yes; sire。〃

〃The girl is one degree worse; she betrays both sides to save her skin。〃

〃Still; I promised〃

〃Oh; she must go;〃 Henry said。  〃I quite understand。  But for himwe had better have no scandal。  Keep him until to…morrow; and I will see his father; and have him sent out of the country。〃

〃And he will go scot free;〃 I said; bluntly; 〃when a rope and the nearest tree〃

〃Yes; my friend;〃 Henry answered with a dry smile; 〃but that should have been done last night。  As it is; he is your guest and we must give an account of him。  But first drain him dry。 Frighten him; as you please; and get all out of him; then I wish them joy of him。  Faugh!  and he a young man!  I would not be his father for two such crowns as mine!〃

As I returned to my lodgings I thought over these words; and I fell to wondering by what stages Vilain had sunk so low。 Occasionally admitted to my table; he had always borne himself with a modesty and discretion that had not failed to prepossess me; indeed; the longer I considered the King's saying; the greater was the surprise I felt at this DENOUEMENT; which left me in doubt whether my dullness exceeded my negligence or the young man's parts surpassed his wickedness。

A few questions; I thought; might resolve this; but having been detained by the King until supper…time; I postponed the interview until I rose。  Then bidding them bring in the prisoner; I assumed my harshest aspect and prepared to blast him by discovering all his vileness to his face。

But when I had waited a little; only Maignan came in; with an air of consternation that brought me to my feet。  〃Why; man; what is it?〃  I cried。

〃The prisoner;〃 he faltered。  〃If your excellency pleases〃

〃I do not please!〃  I said sternly; believing that I knew what had happened。  〃Is he dead?〃

〃No; your excellency; but; he has escaped。〃

〃Escaped?  From that room?〃

Maignan nodded。

〃Then; PAR DIEU!〃  I replied; 〃the man who was on guard shall suffer in his place!  Escaped?  How could he escape except by treachery?  Where was the guard?〃

〃He was there; excellency。  And he says that no one passed him。〃

〃Yet the man is gone?〃

〃The room is empty。〃

〃But the windowthe window; fool; is fifty feet from the ground!〃  I said。  〃And not so much footing outside as would hold a crow!〃

Maignan shrugged his shoulders; and in a rage I bade him follow me; and went myself to view the place; to which a number of my people had already flocked with lights; so that I found some difficulty in mounting the staircase。  A very brief inspection; however; sufficed to confirm my first impression that Vilain could have escaped by the door only; for the window; though it lacked bars and boasted a tiny balcony; hung over fifty feet of sheer depth; so that evasion that way seemed in the absence of ladder or rope purely impossible。  This being clear; I ordered the Swiss to be seized; and as he could give no explanation of the escape; and still persisted that he was as much in the dark as anyone; I declared that I would make an example of him; and hang him unless the prisoner was recaptured within three days。

I did not really propose to do this; but in my irritation I spoke so roundly that my people believed me; even Boisrueil; who presently came to intercede for the culprit; who; it seemed; was a favourite。  〃As for Vilain;〃 he continued; 〃you can catch him whenever you please。〃

〃Then catch him before the end of three days;〃 I answered obstinately; 〃and the man lives。〃

The truth was that Vilain's escape placed me in a position of some discomfort; for though; on the one hand; I had no particular desire to get him again into my hands; seeing that the King could effect as much by a word to his father as I had proposed to do while I held him safe; on the other hand; the evasion placed me very peculiarly in regard to the King himself; who was inclined to think me ill or suddenly grown careless。  Some of the facts; too; were leaking out; and provoking smiles among the more knowing; and a hint here and there; the result of all being that; unable to pursue the matter farther in Vilain's case; I hardened my heart and persisted that the Swiss should pay the penalty。

This obstinacy on my part had an unforeseen issue。  On the evening of the second day; a little before supper…time; my wife came to me; and announced that a young lady had waited on her with a tale so remarkable that she craved leave to bring her to me that I might hear it。

〃What is it?〃  I said impatiently。

〃It is about M。 Vilain;〃 my wife answered; her face still wearing all the marks of lively astonishment。

〃Ha!〃  I exclaimed。  〃I will see her then。  But it is not that baggage who〃

〃No;〃 my wife answered。  〃It is another。〃

〃One of your maids?〃

〃No; a stranger。〃

〃Well; bring her;〃 I said shortly。

She went; and quickly returned with a young lady; whose face and modest bearing were known to me; though I could not; at the moment; recall her name。  This was the less remarkable as I am not prone to look much in maids' faces; leaving that to younger men; and Mademoiselle de Figeac's; though beautiful; was disfigured on this occasion by the marked distress under which she was labouring。  Accustomed as I was to the visits of persons of all classes and characters who came to me daily with petitions; I should have been disposed to cut her short; but for my wife's intimation that her errand had to do with the matter which annoyed me。  This; as well as a trifle of curiosityfrom which none are quite freeinclined me to be patient; and I asked her what she would have with me。

〃Justice; M。 le Duc;〃 she answered simply。  〃I have heard that you are seeking M。 de Vilain; and that one of your people is lying under sentence for complicity in his escape。〃

〃That is true; mademoiselle;〃 I said。  〃If you can tell me〃

〃I can tell you how he escaped; and by whose aid;〃 she answered。

It is my custom to betray no astonishment; even when I am astonished。  〃Do so;〃 I said。

〃He escaped through the window;〃 she answered firmly; 〃by my brother's aid。〃

〃Your brother's?〃  I exclaimed; amazed at her audacity。  〃I do not remember him。〃

〃He is only thirteen years old。〃

I could hide my astonishment no longer。  〃You must be mad; girl!〃 I said; 〃mad!  You do not know what you are saying!  The window of the room in which Vilain was confined is fifty feet from the ground; and you say that your brother; a boy of thirteen; contrived his escape?〃

〃Yes; M。 de Sully;〃 she answered。  〃And the man who is about to suffer is innocent。〃

〃How was it done; then?〃  I asked; not knowing what to think of her persistence。

〃My brother was flying a kite that day;〃 she answered。  〃He had been doing so for a week or more; and everyone was accustomed to seeing him here。  After sunset; the wind being favourable; he came under M。 de Vilain's window; and; when it was nearly dark; and the servants and household were at supper; he guided the kite against the balcony outside the window。〃

〃But a man cannot descend by a kite…string!〃

〃My brother had a knotted rope; which M。 de Vilain drew up;〃 she answered simply; 〃and afterwards; when he had descended; disengaged。〃

I looked at her in profound amazement。

〃Your brother acted on instructions?〃  I said at last。

〃On mine;〃 she answered。

〃You avow that?〃

〃I am here to do so;〃 she replied; her face white and red by turns; but her eyes continuing to meet mine。

〃This is a very serious matter;〃 I said。  〃Are you aware; mademoiselle; why M。 Vilain was arrested; and of what he is accused?〃

〃Perfectly;〃 she answered; 〃and that he is innocent。  More!〃  she continued; clasping her hands; and looking at me bravely; 〃I am willing both to tell you where he is; and to bring him; if you please; into your presence。〃

I stared at her。  〃You will bring him here?〃  I said。

〃Within five minutes;〃 she answered; 〃if you will first hear me。〃

〃What are you to him?〃  I said。

She blushed vividly。  〃I shall be his wife or no one's;〃 she said; and she looked a moment at my wife。

〃Well; say what you have to say!〃  I cried roughly。

〃This paper; which it is alleged that he stoleit was not found on him; but in the hollow of a tree。〃

〃Within three paces of him!  And what was he doing there?〃

〃He came to meet me;〃 she answered; her voice trembling slightly。 〃He could 
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