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from the memoirs of a minister of france-第20部分

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〃Within three paces of him!  And what was he doing there?〃

〃He came to meet me;〃 she answered; her voice trembling slightly。 〃He could have told you so; but he would not shame me。〃

〃This is true?〃  I said; eyeing her closely。

〃I swear it!〃  she answered; clasping her hands。  And then; with a sudden flash of rage; 〃Will the other woman swear to her tale?〃 she cried。

〃Ha!〃  I said; 〃what other woman?〃

〃The woman who sent you to that place;〃 she answered。  〃He would not tell me her name; or I would go to her now and wring the truth from her。  But he confessed to me that he had let a woman into the secret of our meeting; and this is her work。〃

I stood a moment pondering; with my eyes on the girl's excited face; and my thoughts; following this new clue through the maze of recent events; wherein I could not fail to see that it led to a very different conclusion from that at which I had arrived。  If Vilain had been foolish enough to wind up his love…passages with Mademoiselle de Mars by confiding to her his passion for the Figeac; and even the place and time at which the latter was so imprudent as to meet him; I could fancy the deserted mistress laying this plot; and first placing the packet where we found it; and then punishing her lover by laying the theft at his door。 True; he might be guilty; and it might be only confession and betrayal on which jealousy had thrust her。  But the longer I considered the whole of the circumstances; as well as the young man's character; and the lengths to which I knew a woman's passion would carry her; the more probable seemed the explanation I had just received。

Nevertheless; I did not at once express my opinion; but veiling the chagrin I naturally felt at the simple part I had been led to playin the event I now thought probableI sharply ordered Mademoiselle de Figeac to retire into the next room; and then I requested my wife to fetch her maid。

Mademoiselle de Mars had been three days in solitary confinement; and might be taken to have repented of her rash accusation were it baseless。  I counted somewhat on this; and more on the effect of so sudden a summons to my presence。  But at first sight it seemed that I did so without cause。  Instead of the agitation which she had displayed when brought before me to confess; she now showed herself quiet and even sullen; nor did the gleam of passion; which I thought that I discerned smouldering in her dark eyes; seem to promise either weakness or repentance。  However; I had too often observed the power of the unknown over a guilty conscience to despair of eliciting the truth。

〃I want to ask you two or three questions;〃 I said civilly。 〃First; was M。 de Vilain with you when you placed the paper in the hollow of the tree?  Or were you alone?〃

I saw her eyelids quiver as with sudden fear; and her voice shook as she stammered; 〃When I placed the paper?〃

〃Yes;〃 I said; 〃when you placed the paper。  I have reason to know that you did it。  I wish to learn whether he was present; or you did it merely under his orders?〃

She looked at me; her face a shade paler; and I do not doubt that her mind was on the rack to divine how much I knew; and how far she might deny and how far confess。  My tone seemed to encourage frankness; however; and in a moment she said; 〃I placed it under his directions。〃

〃Yes;〃 I said drily; my last doubt resolved by the admission; 〃but that being so; why did Vilain go to the spot?〃

She grew still a shade paler; but in a moment she answered; 〃To meet the agent。〃

〃Then why did you place the paper in the tree?〃

She saw the difficulty in which she had placed herself; and for an instant she stared at me with the look of a wild animal caught in a trap。  Then; 〃In case the agent was late;〃 she muttered。

〃But since Vilain had to go to the spot; why did he not deposit the paper in the tree himself?  Why did he send you to the place beforehand?  Why did〃 and then I broke off and cried harshly; 〃Shall I tell you why?  Shall I tell you why; you false jade?〃

She cowered away from me at the words; and stood terror…stricken; gazing at me like one fascinated。  But she did not answer;

〃Because;〃 I cried; 〃your story is a tissue of lies!  Because it was you; and you only; who stole this paper!  BecauseDown on your knees!  down on your knees!〃  I thundered; 〃and confess! Confess; or I will have you whipped at the cart's tail; like the false witness you are!〃

She threw herself down shrieking; and caught my wife by the skirts; and in a breath had said all I wanted; and more than enough to show me that I had suspected Vilain without cause; and both played the simpleton myself and harried my household to distraction。

So far good。  I could arrange matters with Vilain; and probably avoid publicity。  But what was now to be done with her?

In the case of a man I should have thought no punishment too severe; and the utmost rigour of the law too tender for such perfidy; but as she was a woman; and young; and under my wife's protection; I hesitated。  Finally; the Duchess interceding; I leaned to the side of that mercy which the girl had not shown to her lover; and thought her sufficiently punished; at the moment by the presence of Mademoiselle de Figeac whom I called into the room to witness her humiliation; and in the future by dismissal from my household。  As this imported banishment to her father's country…house; where her mother; a shrewd old Bearnaise; saved pence and counted lentils into the soup; and saw company once a quarter; I had perhaps reason to be content with her chastisement。

For the rest I sent for M。 de Vilain; and by finding him employment in the finances; and interceding for him with the old Vicomte de Figeac; confirmed him in the attachment he had begun to feel for me before this unlucky event; nor do I doubt that I should have been able in time to advance him to a post worthy of the talents I discerned in him。  But; alas; the deplorable crime; which so soon deprived me at one blow of my master and of power; put an end to this; among other and greater schemes。


Without attaching to dreams greater importance than a prudent man will always be willing to assign to the unknown and unintelligible; I have been in the habit of reflecting on them; and have observed with some curiosity that in these later years of my life; during which France has enjoyed peace and comparative prosperity; my dreams have most often reproduced the stormy rides and bivouacs of my youth; with all the rough and bloody accompaniments which our day knows only by repute。  Considering these visions; and comparing my sleeping apathy with my daylight reflections; I have been led to wonder at the power of habit; which alone makes it possible for a man who has seen a dozen stricken fields; and viewed; scarcely with emotion; the slaughter of a hundred prisoners; to turn pale at the sight of a coach accident; and walk a mile rather than see a rogue hang。

I am impelled to this train of thought by an adventure that befell me in the summer of this year 1605; and which; as it seemed to me in the happening to be rather an evil dream of old times than a waking episode of these; may afford the reader some diversion; besides relieving the necessary tedium of the thousand particulars of finance that render the five farms a study of the utmost intricacy。

My appointment to represent the King at the Assembly of Chatelherault had carried me in the month of July into Poitou。 Being there; and desirous of learning for myself whether the arrest of Auvergne had pacified his country to the extent described by the King's agents; I determined to take advantage of a vacation of the assembly and venture as far in that direction as Gueret; though Henry; fearing lest the malcontents should make an attempt on my person in revenge for the death of Biron; had strictly charged me not to approach within twenty leagues of the Limousin。

I had with me for escort at Chatelherault a hundred horse; but; these seeming to be either too many or too few for the purpose; I took with me only ten picked men with Colet their captain; five servants heavily armed; and of my gentlemen Boisrueil and La Font。  Parabere; to whom I opened my mind; consented to be my companion。  I gave out that I was going to spend three days at Preuilly; to examine an estate there which I thought of buying; that I might have a residence in my government; and; having amused the curious with this statement; I got away at daybreak; and by an hour before noon was at Touron; where I stayed for dinner。  That night we lay at a village; and the next day dined at St。 Marcel。  The second afternoon we reached Crozant。

Here I began to observe those signs of neglect and disorder which; at the close of the war; had been common in all parts of France; but in the more favoured districts had been erased by a decade of peace。  Briars and thorns choked the roads; which ran through morasses; between fields which the husbandman had resigned to tares and undergrowth。  Ruined hamlets were common; and everywhere wolves and foxes and all kinds of game abounded。 But that which roused my ire to the hottest was the state of the bridges; which in this country; where the fords are in winter impassable; had been allowed to fall into utter decay。  On all sides I found the peasants oppressed; disheartened; and primed with tales of the King's severity; which those who had just cause to dread him had instilled into them。  Bands of robbers committed daily excesses; and; in a word; no one thing was wanting to give the lie to the rose…coloured reports with which Bareilles; the Governor of Gueret; had amused the Council。

I confess that; at sight and thought of these thingsof this country so devoured; the King's authority so contemned; all evils laid at his door; all his profits divertedmy anger burned within me; and I said more to Parabere than was perhaps prudent; telling him; in particular; what I designed against Bareilles; of whose double…dealing I needed no further proof; by what means I proposed to lull his suspicions for the moment; since we must lie at Gueret; and how I would afterwards; on the first occasion; have him seized and punished。

I forgot; while I avowed these things; that one
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