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from the memoirs of a minister of france-第27部分

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〃Fifteen hundred crowns; sire。〃

The King cast an indescribable look at me; wherein amusement; scorn; and astonishment were all blended。  〃St。 Gris!  man!〃  he said; shrugging his shoulders and drawing in his breath sharply; 〃you think God is as easily duped as the King!  I wish I could think so。〃

He did not speak again until we were half…way back to the Louvre; when he opened his mouth to announce his intention of rewarding me with a tithe of the money recovered。  It was duly paid to me; and I bought with it part of the outlying lands of Villebon those; I mean; which extend towards Chartres。  The rest of the money; notwithstanding all my efforts; was wasted here and there; Pimentel winning thirty crowns of the King that year。  But the discovery led to others of a similar character; and eventually set me on the track of a greater offender; M。 l'Argentier; whom I brought to justice a few months later。


In accordance with my custom I gave an entertainment on the last day of this year to the King and Queen; who came to the Arsenal with a numerous train; and found the diversions I had provided so much to their taste that they did not leave until I was half dead with fatigue; and like to be killed with complaisance。  Though this was not the most splendid entertainment I gave that year; it had the good fortune to please; and in a different and less agreeable fashion is recalled to my memory by a peculiar chain of events; whereof the first link came under my eyes during its progress。

I have mentioned in an earlier part of these memoirs; a Portuguese adventurer who; about this time; gained large sums from the Court at play; and more than once compelled the King to have recourse to me。  I had the worst opinion of this man; and did not scruple to express it on several occasions; and this the more; as his presumption fell little short of his knavery; while he treated those whom he robbed with as much arrogance as if to play with him were an honour。  Holding this view of him; I was far from pleased when I discovered that the King had brought him to my house; but the feeling; though sufficiently strong; sank to nothing beside the indignation and disgust which I experienced when; the company having fallen to cards after supper; I found that the Queen had sat down with him to primero。

It did not lessen my annoyance; that I had; after my usual fashion; furnished the Queen with a purse for her sport; and in this way found myself reduced to stand by and see my good money pass into the clutches of this knave。  Under the circumstances; and in my own house; I could do nothing; nevertheless; the table at which they sat possessed so strong a fascination for me that I several times caught myself staring at it more closely than was polite; and as to disgust at the unseemliness of such companionship was added vexation at my own loss; I might have gone farther towards betraying my feelings if a casual glance aside had not disclosed to me the fact that I did not stand alone in my dissatisfaction; but that; frivolous as the majority of the courtiers were; there was one at least among those present who viewed this particular game with distaste。

This person stood near the door; and fancying himself secured from observation; either by his position or his insignificance; was glowering on the pair in a manner that at another time must have cost him a rebuke。  As it was; I found something friendly; as well as curious; in his fixed frown; and ignorant of his name; though I knew him by sight; wondered both who he was and what was the cause of his preoccupation。

On the one point I had no difficulty in satisfying myself。 Boisrueil; who presently passed; told me that his name was Vallon; that he belonged to a poor but old family in the Cotentin; and that he had been only three months at court。

〃Making his fortune; I suppose?〃  I said grimly。  〃He games?〃

〃No; your excellency。〃

〃Is in debt?〃

〃Not to my knowledge。〃

〃To whom does he pay his court; then?〃

〃To the King。〃

〃And the Queen?〃

〃Not particularlyas far as I know; at least。  But if you wish to know more; M。 le Duc;〃 Boisrueil continued; 〃I will〃

〃No; no;〃 I said peevishly。  The Queen had just handed her last rouleau across the table; and was still playing。  〃Go; man; about your business; I don't want to spend the evening gossiping with you。〃

He went; and I dismissed the young fellow from my mind; only to find him five minutes later at my elbow。  To youth and good looks he added a modest bearing that did not fail to enhance them and commend him to me; the majority of the young sparks of the day being wiser than their fathers。  But I confess that I was not prepared for the stammering embarrassment with which he addressed menor; indeed; to be addressed by him at all。

〃M。 de Sully;〃 he said; in a tone of emotion; 〃I beg you to pardon me。  I am in great trouble; and I think that perhaps; stranger as I am; you may condescend to do me a service。〃

So many men appeal to a minister with some such formula on their lips; and at times with a calculated timidity; that at the first blush of his request I was inclined to bid him come to me at the proper time; and to remove to another part of the room。  But curiosity; playing the part of his advocate; found so much that was candid in his manner that I hesitated。  〃What is it?〃  I said stiffly。

〃A very slight; if a very unusual; one;〃 he muttered。  〃M。 le Duc; I only want you to〃

〃To?〃  for he stopped and seemed unable to go on。

〃To supplement the present you have given to the Queen with this;〃 he blurted out; his face pale with emotion; and he stealthily held out to me a green silk purse; through the meshes of which I saw the glint of gold。  〃M。 de Sully;〃 he continued; observing my hasty movement; 〃do not be offended!  I know that you have done all that hospitality required。  But I see that the Queen has already lost your gift; and that〃

She is playing on credit?〃

〃Yes; Monsieur。〃

He said it simply; and as he spoke; he again pressed on me the purse。  I took and weighed it; and calculated at a guess that it held fifty crowns。  The sum astonished me。  〃Why; man;〃 I said; 〃you are not mad enough to be in love with her Majesty?〃

〃No!〃  he cried; vehemently; yet with a gleam of humour in his eye。  〃I swear that it is not so。  If you will do me this favour 〃

It was a mad impulse that took me; but I nodded; and resolving to make good the money out of my own pocket should the case; when all was clear; seem to demand it; I went straight from him; and; crossing the floor; laid the purse near her Majesty's hand; with a polite word of regret that fortune had used her so ill; and a hope that this might be the means of recruiting her forces。

It would not have surprised me had she shown some signs of consciousness; and perhaps betrayed that she recognised the purse。  But she contented herself with thanking me prettily; and almost before I had done speaking had her slender fingers among the coins。  Turning; I found that Vallon had disappeared; so that all came to a sudden stop; and with the one and the other; I retired completely puzzled; and less able than before to make even a guess at the secret of the young man's generosity。

However; the King summoning me to him; there; for the time; was an end of the matter:  and between fatigue and the duties of my position; I did not give a second thought to it that evening。 Next morning; too; I was taken up with the gifts which it was my privilege as Master of the Mint to present to the King on New Year's Day; and which consisted this year of medals of gold; silver; and copper; bearing inscriptions of my own composition; together with small bags of new coins for the King; the Queen; and their attendants。

These I always made it a point to offer before the King rose; nor was this year an exception; for I found his Majesty still in bed; the Queen occupying a couch in the same chamber。  But whereas it generally fell to me to arouse them from sleep; and be the first to offer those compliments which befitted the day; I found them on this occasion fully roused; the King lazily toying with his watch; the Queen talking fast and angrily; and at the edge of the carpet beside her bed Mademoiselle D'Oyley in deep disgrace。  The Queen; indeed; was so taken up with scolding her that she had forgotten what day it was; and even after my entrance; continued to rate the poor girl so fiercely that I thought her present violence little less unseemly than her condescension of the night before。

Perhaps some trace of this feeling appeared in my countenance; for; presently; the King; who seldom failed to read my thoughts; tried to check her in a good…natured fashion。  〃Come; my dear;〃 he said; 〃let that trembling mouse go。  And do you hear what our good friend Sully has brought you?  I'll be bound〃

〃How your Majesty talks!〃  the Queen answered; pettishly。  〃As if a few paltry coins could make up for my jar!  I'll be bound; for my part; that this idle wench was romping and playing with〃

〃Come; come; you have made her cry enough!〃  the King interruptedand; indeed; the girl was sobbing so passionately that a man could not listen without pain。  〃Let her go; I say; and do you attend to Sully。  You have forgotten that it is New Year's Day〃

〃A jar of majolica;〃 the Queen cried; Utterly disregarding him; 〃worth your body and soul; you little slut!〃

〃Pooh!  pooh!〃  the King said。

〃Do you think that I brought it from Florence; all the way in my own〃

〃Nightcap;〃 the King muttered。  〃There; there; sweetheart;〃 he continued; aloud; 〃let the girl go!〃

〃Of course!  She is a girl;〃 the Queen cried; with a sneer。 〃That is enough for you!〃

〃Well; madam; she is not the only one in the room;〃 I ventured。

〃Oh; of course?; you are the King's echo!〃

〃Run away; little one;〃 Henry said; winking to me to be silent。

〃And consider yourself lucky;〃 the Queen cried; venomously。  〃You ought to be whipped; and if I had you in my country; I would have you whipped for all your airs!  San Giacomo; if you cross me; I will see to it!〃

This was a parting thrust; for the girl; catching at the King's permission; had turned and was hurrying in a passion of tears to the door。  
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