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from the memoirs of a minister of france-第28部分

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rs to the door。  Still; the Queen had not done。  Mademoiselle had broken a jar; and there were other misdemeanours which her Majesty continued to expound。  But in the end I had my say; and presented the medals; which were accepted by the King with his usual kindness; and by the Queen; when her feelings had found expression; with sufficient complaisance。  Both were good enough to compliment me on my entertainment; but observing that the Queen quickly buried herself again in her pillows and was inclined to be peevish; I cut short my attendance on the plea of fatigue; and left them at liberty to receive the very numerous company who on this day pay their court。

Of these; the greater number came on afterwards; to wait on me; so that for some hours the large hall at the Arsenal was thronged with my friends; or those who called themselves by that name。 But towards noon the stream began to fail; and when I sat down to dinner at that hour; I had reason to suppose that I should be left at peace。  I had not more than begun my meal; however; when I was called from table by a messenger from the Queen。

〃What is it?〃  I said; when I had gone to him。  Had he come from the King; I could have understood it more easily。

〃Her Majesty desires to know; your excellency; whether you have seen anything of Mademoiselle D'Oyley。〃


〃Yes; M。 le Duc。〃

〃No; certainly not。  How should I?〃  I replied。

〃And she is not here?〃  the man persisted。

〃No!〃  I answered; angrily。  〃God bless the Queen; I know nothing of her。  I am sitting at meat; and〃

The man interrupted me with protestations of regret; and; hastening to express himself thoroughly satisfied; retired with a crestfallen air。  I wondered what the message meant; and what had come over the Queen; and whither the girl had gone。  But as I made it a rule throughout my term of office to avoid; as far as possible; all participation in bed…chamber intrigues; I wasted little time on the matter; but returning to my dinner; took up the conversation where I had left it。  Before I rose; however; La Trape came to me and again interrupted me。  He announced that a messenger from his Majesty was waiting in the hall。

I went out; thinking it very probable that Henry had sent me a present; though it was his more usual custom on this day to honour me with a visit; and declare his generous intentions by word of mouth; when we had both retired to my library and the door was closed。  Still; on one or two occasions he had sent me a horse from his stables; a brace of Indian fowl; a melon or the like; as a foretaste; and this I supposed to be the errand on which the man had come。

His first words disabused me。  〃May it please your excellency;〃 he said; very civilly; 〃the King desires to be remembered to you as usual; and would 'earn whether you know anything of Mademoiselle D'Oyley。〃

〃Of whom?〃  I cried; astonished。

〃Of Mademoiselle D'Oyley; her Majesty's maid of honour。〃

〃Not I; i'faith!〃  I said; drily。  〃I am no squire of dames; to say nothing of maids!〃

〃But his Majesty〃

〃If he has sent that message;〃 I replied; 〃has yet something to learnthat I do not interest myself in maids of honour or such frailties。〃

The man smiled。  〃I do not think;〃 he began; 〃that it was his Majesty〃

〃Sent the message?〃  I said。  〃No; but the Queen; I suppose。〃

On this he gave me to understand; in the sly; secretive manner such men affect; that it was so。  I asked him then what all this ferment was about。  〃Has Mademoiselle D'Oyley disappeared?〃  I said; peevishly。

〃Yes; your excellency。  She was with the Queen at eight o'clock。 At noon her Majesty desired her services; and she was not to be found。〃

〃What?〃  I exclaimed。  〃A maid of honour is missing for three hours in the morning; and there is all this travelling!  Why; in my young days; three nights might have〃

But discerning that he was little more than a youth; and could not; restrain a smile; I broke off discreetly; and contented myself with asking if there was reason to suppose that there was more than appeared in the girl's absence。

〃Her Majesty thinks so;〃 he answered。

〃Well; in any case; I know nothing about it;〃 I replied。  〃I am not hiding her。  You may tell his Majesty that; with my service。 Or I will write it。〃

He answered me; eagerly; that that was not necessary; and that the King had desired merely a word from me; and with that and many other expressions of regret; he went away and left me at leisure to go to the riding…school; where at this time of the year it was my wont to see the young men practise those manly arts; which; so far as I can judge; are at a lower ebb in these modern days of quips and quodlibets than in the stirring times of my youth。  Then; thank God; it was held more necessary for a page to know his seven points of horsemanship than how to tie a ribbon; or prank a gown; or read a primer。

But the first day of this year was destined to be a day of vexation。  I had scarcely entered the school; when M。 de Varennes was announced。  Instead of going to meet him I bade them bring him to me; and; on seeing him; bade him welcome to the sports。 〃Though;〃 I said; politely overlooking his past history and his origin; 〃we did better in our times; yet the young fellows should be encouraged。〃

〃Very true;〃 he answered; suavely。  〃And I wish I could stay with you。  But it was not for pleasure I came。  The King sent me。  He desires to know〃

〃What?〃  I said。

〃If you know anything of Mademoiselle D'Oyley。  Between ourselves; M。 le Duc〃

I looked at him in amazement。  〃Why;〃 I said; 〃what on earth has the girl done now?〃

〃Disappeared;〃 he answered。

〃But she had done that before。〃

〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃and the King had your message。 But〃

〃But what?〃  I said sternly。

〃He thought that you might wish to supplement it for his private use。〃

〃To supplement it?〃

〃Yes。  The truth is;〃 Varennes continued; looking at me doubtfully; 〃the King has information which leads him to suppose that she may be here。〃

〃She may be anywhere;〃 I answered in a tone that closed his mouth; 〃but she is not here。  And you may tell the King so from me!〃

Though he had begun life as a cook; few could be more arrogant than Varennes on occasion; but he possessed the valuable knack of knowing with whom he could presume; and never attempted to impose on me。  Apologising with the easy grace of a man who had risen in life by pleasing; he sat with me awhile; recalling old days and feats; and then left; giving me to understand that I might depend on him to disabuse the King's mind。

As a fact; Henry visited me that evening without raising the subject; nor had I any reason to complain of his generosity; albeit he took care to exact from the Superintendent of the Finances more than he gave his servant; and for one gift to Peter got two Pauls satisfied。  To obtain the money he needed in the most commodious manner; I spent the greater part of two days in accounts; and had not yet settled the warrants to my liking; when La Trape coming in with candles on the second evening disturbed my secretaries。  The men yawned discreetly; and reflecting that we had had a long day I dismissed them; and stayed myself only for the purpose of securing one or two papers of a private nature。  Then I bade La Trape light me to my closet。

Instead; he stood and craved leave to speak to me。  〃About what; sirrah?〃  I said。

〃I have received an offer; your excellency;〃 he answered with a crafty look。

〃What!  To leave my service?〃  I exclaimed; in surprise。

〃No; your excellency;〃 he answered。  〃To do a service for anotherM。 Pimentel。  The Portuguese gentleman stopped me in the street to…day; and offered me fifty crowns。〃

〃To do what?〃  I asked。

〃To tell him where the young lady with Madame lies; and lend him the key of the garden gate to…night。〃

I stared at the fellow。  〃The young lady with Madame?〃  I said。

He returned my look with a stupidity which I knew was assumed。 〃Yes; your excellency。  The young lady who came this morning;〃 he said。

Then I knew that I had been betrayed; and had given my enemies such a handle as they would not be slow to seize; and I stood in the middle of the room in the utmost grief and consternation。  At last; 〃Stay here;〃 I said to the man; as soon as I could speak。 〃no not move from the spot where you stand until I come back!〃

It was my almost invariable custom to be announced when I visited my wife's closet; but I had no mind now for such formalities; and swiftly passing two or three scared servants on the stairs; I made straight for her room; tapped and entered。  Abrupt as were my movements; however; someone had contrived to warn her; for though two of her women sat working on stools near her; I heard a hasty foot flying; and caught the last flutter of a skirt as it disappeared through a second door。  My wife rose from her seat; and looked at me guiltily。

〃Madame;〃 I said; 〃send these women away。  Now;〃 I continued when they had gone; 〃who was that with you?〃  She looked away dumbly。

〃You do well not to try to deceive me; Madame;〃 I continued severely。  〃It was Mademoiselle D'Oyley。〃

She muttered; not daring to meet my eye; that it was。

〃Who has absented herself from the Queen's service;〃 I answered bitterly; 〃and chosen to hide herself here of all places! Madame;〃 I continued; with a severity which the sense of my false position amply justified; 〃are you aware that you have made me dishonour myself?  That you have made me lie; not once; but three times?  That you have made me deceive my master?〃

She cried out at that; being frightened; that 〃she had meant no harm; that the girl coming to her in great grief and trouble〃

〃Because the Queen had scolded her for breaking a china jar!〃  I said; contemptuously。

〃No; Monsieur; her trouble was of quite another kind;〃 my wife answered with more spirit than I had expected。

〃Pshaw!  〃I exclaimed。

〃It is plain that you do not yet understand the case;〃 Madame persisted; facing me with trembling hardihood。  〃Mademoiselle D'Oyley has been persecuted for some time by the suit of a man for whom I know you; Monsieur; have no respect:  a man whom no Frenchwoman of family should be forced to marry。〃

〃Who is it?〃  I said curtly。

〃M。 Pimentel
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