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from the memoirs of a minister of france-第36部分

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asked after a pause。

〃More than half a pint;〃 I answered。

〃And what besides?〃

〃A quantity of the King's posset; and a little lemonade。〃

〃And for supper?  What did you have?〃  the leech continued; addressing himself to his patient。

〃I had some wine;〃 he answered feebly。  〃And a little Frontignac with the butler; and some honey…mead that the gipsy…wench gave me。

〃The gipsy…wench?〃

〃The butler's girl; of whom I spoke。〃

M。 Du Laurens rose slowly to his feet; and; to my amazement; dealt the prostrate man a hearty kick; bidding him at the same time to rise。  〃Get up; fool!  Get up;〃 he continued harshly; yet with a ring of triumph in his voice; 〃all you have got is the colic; and it is no more than you deserve。  Get up; I say; and beg his Majesty's pardon!〃

〃But;〃 the King remonstrated in a tone of anger; 〃the man is dying!〃

〃He is no more dying than you are; sire;〃 the other answered。 〃Or; if he is; it is of fright。  There; he can stand as well as you or I!〃

And to be sure; as he spoke; La Trape scrambled to his feet; and with a mien between shame and doubt stood staring at us; the very picture of a simpleton。  It was no wonder that his jaw fell and his impudent face burned; for the room shook with such a roar of laughter; at first low; and then as the King joined in it; swelling louder and louder; as few of us had ever heard; Though I was not a little mortified by the way in which we had deceived ourselves; I could not help joining in the laugh; particularly as the more closely we reviewed the scene in which we had taken part; the more absurd seemed the jest。  It was long before silence could be obtained; but at length Henry; quite exhausted by the violence of his mirth held up his hand。  I seized the opportunity。

〃Why; you rascal!〃 I said; addressing La Trape; who did not know which way to look; 〃where are the ten crowns of which you defrauded the scullion?〃

〃To be sure;〃 the King said; going off into another roar。  〃And the third puppy?〃

〃Yes;〃 I said; 〃you scoundrel; and the third puppy?〃

〃Ay; and the gipsy girl?〃  the King continued。  〃The butler's wench; what of her?  And of your evil living?  Begone; begone; rascal!〃 he continued; falling into a fresh paroxysm; 〃or you will kill US in earnest。  Would nothing else do for you but to die in my chamber?  Begone!〃

I took this as a hint to clear the room; not only of La Trape himself but of all; and presently only I and Du Laurens remained with the King。  It then appeared that there was still a mystery; and one which it behoved us to clear up; inasmuch as Du Laurens took the cat's death very seriously; insisting that it had died of poison administered in a most sinister fashion; and one that could not fail to recall to our minds the Borgian popes。  It needed no more than this to direct my suspicions to the Florentines who swarmed about the Queen; and against whom the King had let drop so many threats。  But the indisposition which excitement had for a time kept at bay began to return upon me; and I was presently glad to drop the subject; and retire to my own apartments; leaving the King to dress。

Consequently; I was not with him when the strange discovery which followed was made。  In the ordinary course of dressing; one of the servants going to the fire…place to throw away a piece of waste linen; thought that he heard a rat stir among the boughs。 He moved them; and in a moment a small snake crawled out; hissing and darting out its tongue。  It was killed; and then it at once occurred to the King that he had the secret of the cat's death。 He came to me hot…foot with the news; and found me with Du Laurens who was in the act of ordering me to bed。

I confess that I heard the story almost with apathy; so ill was I。  Not so the physician。  After examining the snake; which by the King's orders had been brought for my inspection; he pronounced that it was not of French origin。  〃It has escaped from some snake…charmer;〃 he said。

The King seemed to be incredulous。

〃I assure you that I speak the truth; sire;〃 Du Laurens persisted。

〃But how then did it come in my room?〃

〃That is what I should like to know; sire;〃 the physician answered severely; 〃and yet I think that I can guess。  It was put there; I fancy; by the person who sent up the milk to your chamber。〃

〃Why do you say so?〃  Henry asked

〃Because; sire; all snakes are inordinately fond of milk。〃

〃Ah!〃 the King said slowly; with a change of countenance and a shudder which he could not repress; 〃and there was milk on the floor in the morning。〃

〃Yes; sire; on the floor; and beside the head of your bed。〃

But at this stage I was attacked by a fit of illness so severe that I had to break in on the discussion; and beg the King to withdraw。  The sickness increased on me during the day; and by noon I was prostrate; neither taking interest in anything; nor allowing others; who began to fear for my life; to divert their attention。  After twenty…four hours I began to mend; but still several days elapsed before I was able to devote myself to business; and then I found that; the master…mind being absent; and the King; as always; lukewarm in the pursuit; nothing had been done to detect and punish the criminal。

I could not rest easy; however; with so abominable a suspicion attaching to my house; and as soon as I could bend my mind to the matter I began an inquiry。  At the first stage; however; I came to an IMPASSE; the butler; who had been long in my service; cleared himself without difficulty; but a few questions discovered the fact that a person who had been in his department on the evening in question was now to seek; having indeed disappeared from that time。  This was the gipsy…girl; whom La Trape had mentioned; and whose presence in my household seemed to need the more elucidation the farther I pushed the inquiry。  In the end I had the butler punished; but though my agents sought the girl through Paris; and even traced her to Meaux; she was never discovered。

The affair; at the King's instance; was not made public; nevertheless; it gave him so strong a distaste for the Arsenal that he did not again visit me; nor use the rooms I had prepared。 That later; when the first impression wore off; he would have done so; is probable; but; alas; within a few months the malice of his enemies prevailed over my utmost precautions; and robbed me of the best of masters; strangely enough; as all the world now knows; at the corner of that very Rue de la Feronnerie which he had seen in his dream。


The passion which Henry still felt for Madame de Conde; and which her flight from the country was far from assuaging; had a great share in putting him upon the immediate execution of the designs we had so long prepared。  Looking to find in the stir and bustle of a German campaign that relief of mind which the Court could no longer afford him; he discovered in the unhoped…for wealth of his treasury an additional incitement; and now waited only for the opening of spring and the Queen's coronation to remove the last obstacles that kept him from the field。

Nevertheless; relying on my assurances that all things were ready; and persuaded that the more easy he showed himself the less prepared would he find the enemy; he made no change in his habits; but in March; 1610; went; as usual; to Fontainebleau; where he diverted himself with hunting。  It was during this visit that the Court credited him with seeingI think; on the Friday before the Feast of the Virginthe Great Huntsman; and even went so far as to specify the part of the forest in which he came upon it; and the formthat of a gigantic black horseman; surrounded by houndswhich it assumed The spectre had not been seen since the year 1598; nevertheless; the story spread widely; those who whispered it citing in its support not only the remarkable agitation into which the Queen fell publicly on the evening of that day; but also some strange particulars that attended the King's return from the forest; and; being taken up and repeated; and confirmed; as many thought; by the unhappy sequence of his death; the fable found a little later almost universal credence; so that it may now be found even in books。

As it happened; however; I was that day at Fontainebleau; and hunted with the King; and; favoured both by chance and the confidence with which my master never failed to honour me; am able not only to refute this story; but to narrate the actual facts from which it took its rise。  And though there are some; I know; who boast that they had the tale from the King's own mouth; I undertake to prove either that they are romancers who seek to add an inch to their stature; or dull fellows who placed their own interpretation on the hasty words he vouchsafed such chatterers。

As a fact; the King; on that day wishing to discuss with me the preparations for the Queen's entry; bade me keep close to him; since he had more inclination for my company than the chase。  But the crowd that attended him was so large; the day being fine and warmand comprised; besides; so many ladies; whose badinage and gaiety he could never foregothat I found him insensibly drawn from me。  Far from being displeased; I was glad to see him forget the moodiness which had of late oppressed him; and beyond keeping within sight of him; gave up; for the time; all thought of affairs; and found in the beauty of the spectacle sufficient compensation。  The bright dresses and waving feathers of the party showed to the greatest advantage; as the long cavalcade wound through the heather and rocks of the valley below the Apremonts; and whether I looked to front or rearon the huntsmen; with their great horns; or the hounds straining in the leashesI was equally charmed with a sight at once joyous and gallant; and one to which the calls of duty had of late made me a stranger。

On a sudden a quarry was started; and the company; galloping off pell…mell; with a merry burst of music; were in a moment dispersed; some taking this track; and others that; through the rocks and DEBRIS that make that part of the forest difficult。 Singling out the King; I kept as near him as possible until the chase led us into the Apremont coverts; where; the trees growing thickly; and the rides cut through 
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