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a footnote to history-第32部分

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coquetted with the thought of patronising him; but the project had 

no sequel; and it stands alone。  In every other juncture of history 

the German attitude has been the same。  Choose whom you will to be 

king; when he has failed; choose whom you please to succeed him; 

when the second fails also; replace the first:  upon the one 

condition; that Mataafa be excluded。  〃POURVU QU'IL SACHE SIGNER!〃 

… an official is said to have thus summed up the qualifications 

necessary in a Samoan king。  And it was perhaps feared that Mataafa 

could do no more and might not always do so much。  But this 

original diffidence was heightened by late events to something 

verging upon animosity。  Fangalii was unavenged:  the arms of 

Mataafa were


Still soiled with the unexpiated blood

of German sailors; and though the chief was not present in the 

field; nor could have heard of the affair till it was over; he had 

reaped from it credit with his countrymen and dislike from the 


I may not say that trouble was hoped。  I must say … if it were not 

feared; the practice of diplomacy must teach a very hopeful view of 

human nature。  Mataafa and Laupepa; by the sudden repatriation of 

the last; found themselves face to face in conditions of 

exasperating rivalry。  The one returned from the dead of exile to 

find himself replaced and excelled。  The other; at the end of a 

long; anxious; and successful struggle; beheld his only possible 

competitor resuscitated from the grave。  The qualities of both; in 

this difficult moment; shone out nobly。  I feel I seem always less 

than partial to the lovable Laupepa; his virtues are perhaps not 

those which chiefly please me; and are certainly not royal; but he 

found on his return an opportunity to display the admirable 

sweetness of his nature。  The two entered into a competition of 

generosity; for which I can recall no parallel in history; each 

waiving the throne for himself; each pressing it upon his rival; 

and they embraced at last a compromise the terms of which seem to 

have been always obscure and are now disputed。  Laupepa at least 

resumed his style of King of Samoa; Mataafa retained much of the 

conduct of affairs; and continued to receive much of the attendance 

and respect befitting royalty; and the two Malietoas; with so many 

causes of disunion; dwelt and met together in the same town like 

kinsmen。  It was so; that I first saw them; so; in a house set 

about with sentries … for there was still a haunting fear of 

Germany; … that I heard them relate their various experience in the 

past; heard Laupepa tell with touching candour of the sorrows of 

his exile; and Mataafa with mirthful simplicity of his resources 

and anxieties in the war。  The relation was perhaps too beautiful 

to last; it was perhaps impossible but the titular king should grow 

at last uneasily conscious of the MAIRE DE PALAIS at his side; or 

the king…maker be at last offended by some shadow of distrust or 

assumption in his creature。  I repeat the words king…maker and 

creature; it is so that Mataafa himself conceives of their 

relation:  surely not without justice; for; had he not contended 

and prevailed; and been helped by the folly of consuls and the fury 

of the storm; Laupepa must have died in exile。

Foreigners in these islands know little of the course of native 

intrigue。  Partly the Samoans cannot explain; partly they will not 

tell。  Ask how much a master can follow of the puerile politics in 

any school; so much and no more we may understand of the events 

which surround and menace us with their results。  The missions may 

perhaps have been to blame。  Missionaries are perhaps apt to meddle 

overmuch outside their discipline; it is a fault which should be 

judged with mercy; the problem is sometimes so insidiously 

presented that even a moderate and able man is betrayed beyond his 

own intention; and the missionary in such a land as Samoa is 

something else besides a minister of mere religion; he represents 

civilisation; he is condemned to be an organ of reform; he could 

scarce evade (even if he desired) a certain influence in political 

affairs。  And it is believed; besides; by those who fancy they 

know; that the effective force of division between Mataafa and 

Laupepa came from the natives rather than from whites。  Before the 

end of 1890; at least; it began to be rumoured that there was 

dispeace between the two Malietoas; and doubtless this had an 

unsettling influence throughout the islands。  But there was another 

ingredient of anxiety。  The Berlin convention had long closed its 

sittings; the text of the Act had been long in our hands; 

commissioners were announced to right the wrongs of the land 

question; and two high officials; a chief justice and a president; 

to guide policy and administer law in Samoa。  Their coming was 

expected with an impatience; with a childishness of trust; that can 

hardly be exaggerated。  Months passed; these angel…deliverers still 

delayed to arrive; and the impatience of the natives became changed 

to an ominous irritation。  They have had much experience of being 

deceived; and they began to think they were deceived again。  A 

sudden crop of superstitious stories buzzed about the islands。  

Rivers had come down red; unknown fishes had been taken on the reef 

and found to be marked with menacing runes; a headless lizard 

crawled among chiefs in council; the gods of Upolu and Savaii made 

war by night; they swam the straits to battle; and; defaced by 

dreadful wounds; they had besieged the house of a medical 

missionary。  Readers will remember the portents in mediaeval 

chronicles; or those in JULIUS CAESAR when

〃Fierce fiery warriors fought upon the clouds

In ranks and squadrons。〃

And doubtless such fabrications are; in simple societies; a natural 

expression of discontent; and those who forge; and even those who 

spread them; work towards a conscious purpose。

Early in January 1891 this period of expectancy was brought to an 

end by the arrival of Conrad Cedarcrantz; chief justice of Samoa。  

The event was hailed with acclamation; and there was much about the 

new official to increase the hopes already entertained。  He was 

seen to be a man of culture and ability; in public; of an excellent 

presence … in private; of a most engaging cordiality。  But there 

was one point; I scarce know whether to say of his character or 

policy; which immediately and disastrously affected public feeling 

in the islands。  He had an aversion; part judicial; part perhaps 

constitutional; to haste; and he announced that; until he should 

have well satisfied his own mind; he should do nothing; that he 

would rather delay all than do aught amiss。  It was impossible to 

hear this without academical approval; impossible to hear it 

without practical alarm。  The natives desired to see activity; they 

desired to see many fair speeches taken on a body of deeds and 

works of benefit。  Fired by the event of the war; filled with 

impossible hopes; they might have welcomed in that hour a ruler of 

the stamp of Brandeis; breathing hurry; perhaps dealing blows。  And 

the chief justice; unconscious of the fleeting opportunity; ripened 

his opinions deliberately in Mulinuu; and had been already the 

better part of half a year in the islands before he went through 

the form of opening his court。  The curtain had risen; there was no 

play。  A reaction; a chill sense of disappointment; passed about 

the island; and intrigue; one moment suspended; was resumed。

In the Berlin Act; the three Powers recognise; on the threshold; 

〃the independence of the Samoan government; and the free right of 

the natives to elect their chief or king and choose their form of 

government。〃  True; the text continues that; 〃in view of the 

difficulties that surround an election in the present disordered 

condition of the government;〃 Malietoa Laupepa shall be recognised 

as king; 〃unless the three Powers shall by common accord otherwise 

declare。〃  But perhaps few natives have followed it so far; and 

even those who have; were possibly all cast abroad again by the 

next clause: 〃and his successor shall be duly elected according to 

the laws and customs of Samoa。〃  The right to elect; freely given 

in one sentence; was suspended in the next; and a line or so 

further on appeared to be reconveyed by a side…wind。  The reason 

offered for suspension was ludicrously false; in May 1889; when Sir 

Edward Malet moved the matter in the conference; the election of 

Mataafa was not only certain to have been peaceful; it could not 

have been opposed; and behind the English puppet it was easy to 

suspect the hand of Germany。  No one is more swift to smell 

trickery than a Samoan; and the thought; that; under the long; 

bland; benevolent sentences of the Berlin Act; some trickery lay 

lurking; filled him with the breath of opposition。  Laupepa seems 

never to have been a popular king。  Mataafa; on the other hand; 

holds an unrivalled position in the eyes of his fellow…countrymen; 

he was the hero of the war; he had lain with them in the bush; he 

had borne the heat and burthen of the day; they began to claim that 

he should enjoy more largely the fruits of victory; his exclusion 

was believed to be a stroke of German vengeance; his elevation to 

the kingship was looked for as the fitting crown and copestone of 

the Samoan triumph; and but a little after the coming of the chief 

justice; an ominous cry for Mataafa began to arise in the islands。  

It is difficult to see what that official could have done but what 

he did。  He was loyal; as in duty bound; to the treaty and to 

Laupepa; and when the orators of the important and unruly islet of 

Manono demanded to his face a change of kings; he had no choice but 

to refuse them; and (h
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